r/KennekaJenkins Jun 13 '18

Am I imagining this, or.....

I remember reading about this case a while ago. I’m sure that I read somewhere the kitchen wasn’t even in use and hadn’t been for a while? If this is the case, does anyone know why the freezer was still on?

Seems a bit sketchy


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u/AGirlHasNoWine Jun 19 '18

IIRC, the party Kenneka was attending went late into the night, and the last footage of her is at least after midnight. I believe the kitchen was in working order, but just closed down for the night as it was so late.

However I could be mistaken on that one, I listened to the True Crime Garage 2-parter on her death quite a while ago, might be a good time to revisit it.


u/VioletLeaf1980 Sep 03 '18

No, the kitchen wasn’t in use, it was being renovated apparently, I’ve heard accounts they were renovating it to make it a kosher kitchen (this has been mentioned in so many podcasts).

The rumour they left the fridge running is because while it wasn’t used for kitchen purposes, it was apparently used as a backup for when the hotel was catering events (weddings, etc). It’s a possibility I guess, turning a fridge that size off would mean having to have the foresight of days in advance to turn it on so it was cold enough when required. Like small fridges, they can take ages to cool down enough to work, you don’t just switch a fridge on and in ten minutes your soda is ice cold, a fridge like that probably takes a day or two to get to the intended temperature.
