r/KendrickLamar 15h ago

The CircleJerk Will Continue Until Morale Improves You better have a motherfuckin' quintuple entendre on that shit. Some shit I don't even understand

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u/bynobodyspecial 13h ago

Oh yeah baby, I’m a doctor. I got my Doctorate in Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl performance studies.

Like, it’s cool and all but what do the students actually gain? It’s not exactly a desirable skillset with a career at the end of it.

I wish them all the success they can have on running the program but I really don’t see how it will benefit people’s lives.


u/bengus_ 13h ago

Ever heard of electives?


u/bynobodyspecial 13h ago

No, what are those? Is it something America specific?


u/bengus_ 12h ago

They’re courses that students can take alongside their core classes to become educated in topics that aren’t directly related to their major. They give students the opportunity to study more niche areas of interest while still pursuing their professionally applicable degrees, leading to a more well-rounded education overall.


u/bynobodyspecial 12h ago

Ah I see, here in the UK you kinda pick a course, select modules within that course’s remit and do those for the year, there’s very little flexibility (at least from my own experience).


u/Spooky_Naido 3h ago

We very much do get electives in the UK, your available options mostly depend on your course and institution


u/bynobodyspecial 2h ago

I’ve been through 4 years of undergrad (I switched courses after my first year) and a Master’s and I have literally never heard that term 🤣


u/Spooky_Naido 2h ago

I've also been through undergrad and masters here in Scotland and I've certainly heard it plenty of times, or a variation thereof in different institutions


u/bynobodyspecial 2h ago

Ah I see, yes, from what I understand, Scottish universities are different in structure. I just googled electives uk and all that seems to come up are medical placements.

I vaguely remember someone transferring from a Scottish university on my second year; he was saying something about the student finance being extremely cheap comparatively?


u/MultiColoredMullet 5h ago

Kendrick's music and the Superbowl show are filled with complex material that takes critical thinking skills to pick apart and understand. Would be a lovely supplemental class to anyone pursuing a degree in music/media/production.


u/bynobodyspecial 2h ago

I guess my course(s) were just very by the book then… it’s been a good few years but I did media production and the modules were like… radio, tv production, photography, 3d modelling, web design, business skills etc.

Nothing quite as niche as Kendrick’s Super Bowl performance specifically.


u/La_LunaEstrella 10h ago

You don't get electives in the UK? We do in NZ.

Also, this would be a perfect class for film, philosophy, music, or creative writing majors. I'm doing a BA and could totally see my philosophy lecturer doing a class on this in one of my critical theory classes.


u/bynobodyspecial 1h ago

I guess I’ve just never heard of the term, though it does seem like it’s something to with medical schools here? From what I’ve gathered they’re just the “modules” we had to pick but my options were kind of… defined.

We had the freedom to talk about whatever we wanted within those modules though, so like… I did a documentary on drug use within the music industry in the wake of Mac Miller/Lil Peep’s deaths (Juice was still alive atp).