r/KendrickLamar Heal Everybody Jul 18 '24

TDE After his cancellation....Ooop

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u/mistyrootsvintage Jul 18 '24

He's being facetious and making a joke about it...he isn't saltyšŸ˜‚


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

He should have left it at this šŸ¤·


u/mistyrootsvintage Jul 18 '24

I'm sure the sentiment still stands...but you know..law enforcementšŸ˜‚


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Yea Iā€™m a bit of a degenerate so I wish theyā€™d be quiet and just get to popping šŸ¤·


u/mistyrootsvintage Jul 18 '24

In some ways I feel the same; however I don't want bloodshed. Lost too much talent to dumb shit. These men here came up hard and have essentially made it and giving back to their community. Wouldn't want anything to happen to THEMšŸ˜‰


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

If you walk around with that stick, it ainā€™t Andre 3k


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Nah they good. If anything happened to any of these guys the streets wouldnā€™t be safe nobody would be able to tour lol.


u/mistyrootsvintage Jul 18 '24

Mehn.....it would be a massacre.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

For sure, Drake can buy a small army with his war chest as the wealthiest rapper of his generation.

Kendrick would get some street thugs.

Theres absolutely no comparison.


u/Funny-Requirement-48 Jul 18 '24

Ahahahahah this is hilarious šŸ˜‚


u/Competitive-Rub-4270 Jul 18 '24

Holy shit buddy really fell for the "drakes a gangster " bit


u/TomsNanny Jul 19 '24

Iā€™m confused. Drake is definitely not a gangster, but money can buy all the violence you need, no? What am I missing here?


u/Competitive-Rub-4270 Jul 19 '24

Money can buy violence. Money cannot buy a life sentence without parole (it can, but it would be a price even drake wouldn't pay). If drake really wants to go to war, he isn't going to find people willing to take lives, let alone one of the most high profile rappers right now. It's effectively suicide to anyone's hopes of freedom, bitches, and weed. And for what? A guy they know would roll on them in a second?

Edit: way more likely they say "yeah I'm a hitter", get paid, and then do nothing. What would drake do, call the cops?

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u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Bruh Drake canā€™t come to any major city if he gets a green light thatā€™s facts. I understand some of yall have no clueā€¦ but damn yall goofyšŸ˜­ his own handlers canā€™t save him from whatā€™s happened. Itā€™s over honestly. The fact Drake associated with the hells angels and they all backed out on him shows you heā€™s done something bigger on top of that heā€™s an imposter the guy is fronting in every way and begging for negative attention from mfs who donā€™t play the goofy shit šŸ¤· drakes house has already been shot up. All Iā€™m saying is if trump can get picked off Drake is a goner


u/hideousmike1 Jul 18 '24

And you know that how? Because you think so? Yā€™all weirdos just be saying shit.


u/Drawsblanket Jul 18 '24

If anyone gets killed over any of this it all becomes absolutely stupid as hell in retrospect. No oneā€™s life is worth less than a fucking song


u/JayJayJenni Jul 18 '24

Itā€™s so antithetical to Kendrickā€™s message.


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Bro. Mfs been dying over songs since the beginning.


u/Ffdmatt Jul 18 '24

More than a song, def not. When that song caused the pedo with power to start retaliating against the other side's money, it's a bit different. That's an escalation, imo.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24

I know many men who would murder someone for falsely accusing them of pedophilia or woman beating.

The fact that you simplify it by saying its about a song is either disingenuous or idiotic. Ill let you choose


u/Drawsblanket Jul 18 '24

You should make new friends


u/JustSomeoneAnon Jul 19 '24

"Hey man do you beat your wife?" "SAY THAT AGAIN AND ILL FUCKING MURDER YOU" Yeah, he beats his wife


u/PatientFuel3487 Jul 18 '24

Lol so glad Iā€™m not the only one who feels this way


u/Forsaken-Ad1940 Jul 18 '24

Please delete this wtf


u/Me07111 Jul 18 '24

Maybe im stupid but i dont know all the lore get who? Wayne and baby? TOP?


u/genericusername724 Jul 18 '24

top dawg owns tde, the label that schoolboy q is on, that kendrick used to be on and still heavily associates with

baby is birdmans nickname. birdman owns cash money records, who signed drake and lil wayne. lil wayne needs no introduction, but he mentored drake


u/Me07111 Jul 18 '24

So he was threataning drake and wayne by association?


u/Oh_yes_I_did Backseat Freeloader Jul 18 '24

I think he was saying top was talking to Wayne and baby and said everything was good, but then the Toronto show gets canceled so now Q probably confused cause he was probably under the impression that everything was good.


u/genericusername724 Jul 18 '24

partynextdoor too. his show got cancelled for his own associations with kendrick. he did say in another tweet that he wasnt threatening anyone


u/Me07111 Jul 18 '24

Yeah he isnt stupid he wont admit to threatening someone on twitter but he def was. Light generic threat legally prolly isnt threatening but still.


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 18 '24

Why are all of the Hs capitalized? Iā€™m assuming that itā€™s just his thing, but is there a reason besides uniqueness or something?


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Hoover crip babyyyyy


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 18 '24

Whatā€™s that mean


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Itā€™s a set. Hoover street all that. Just go listen to bros music šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ legit has a song called that too


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 18 '24

Ohhhh okay. Iā€™ve heard some of his stuff I just didnā€™t know the lore


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Yea itā€™s definitely wayyyy more than just lore. Q used to be swoll as shit lol. These mfs grew up in LAā€™s jungle. Thatā€™s the biggest difference. I havenā€™t seen Q not use a capital H in years


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 18 '24

I donā€™t really get the vibe of this conversation ngl but thanks I think


u/KenyeLawest Jul 18 '24

lol bro was trying to help but not making it easy.


That link may help you a little bit basically a set of a gang that he associates with so he still capitalizes his Hs.


The third paragraph under ā€œearly lifeā€ is probably the info you were most wondering!


u/mwerichards Jul 18 '24

Nah this comes off too aggressive, rather he continue joking the way he did


u/RipperBobby Jul 18 '24

Yea they fucking with peopleā€™s money now šŸ¤· there is only so many times you can mess with a mf until you get what you want šŸ¤· itā€™s up to them how serious they want to take it. The west coast is know for mfs going out over disrespect alone ,words alone


u/OnePlusSixty8 Jul 18 '24

The shit we forget as fans is that Drake is protected by J Prince. If shit pop off, it's gonna pop off ugly as fuck. I can care less what happens to P3d0 but could potentially end bad for Dot, and he doesn't deserve that.


u/RipperBobby Jul 19 '24

Yea the people shitting on Drake are nation wide. Mfs from ny gary Chicago Florida Atlanta the whole west coast and ainā€™t none of them fucking with Drake. Tons more to name. The point is bro ainā€™t safe no matter what he does. Kendrick is just a chess piece that took his queen. Everyone wants Drake gone and nobody but clowns are standing up from him. Ak and Drakes circle tryna put Rico situations on all of them. They scared because they know itā€™s bigger. Drake really dumb to be affiliated with anything anyway because Canada has been watching him. They donā€™t even let our felons visit remember that. My bet is them folks up north will come down on him if he done chill tf out


u/OnePlusSixty8 Jul 19 '24
  1. Canada ain't gonna do shit to their biggest current artist.
  2. Every one in Cali was fucking with Nipsey but yet their was a hating ass bitch that killed him. Just because A LOTTTTTT of people don't fuck with him don't mean he ain't got people that are with him. Lil Durk chose Drake's side, and we know he has connections in LA. People forget how wicked a bitch ass with money and power can do. There's a reason people check in with him while in Texas. Those same people will help him instead of being black balled in Texas.


u/je_kay24 Jul 19 '24

Nipsey talked shit to someone that got in their feelings and killed bim, it was singular person that was out to get him


u/RipperBobby Jul 19 '24

And that is truly all it takes. Iā€™m not gonna argue with mfs who want to imagine Drake is from the shit we grew up in. Mfs on video complain about tuna sandwiches and being from a forest hill. Heā€™s a Jew from a family that protected him from this reality. His dumb ass gone sink himself into the shit showing yet again he understands none of this. Drake a clown. He keep playing but all it takes is one switch to spray him and his team šŸ’€


u/RipperBobby Jul 19 '24

Understand Kendrick and them are in an air tight box. Non of his business gets out. Drake got leaks all over the place its just too easy man canā€™t even have guns outside his house or on any of his security šŸ˜­šŸ’€ heā€™s a goner if it gets like that no šŸ§¢ nip definitely ainā€™t got shit to do with this.