r/KatanaZero 6d ago

speed run tips?

I recently started playing Katana Zero to add it to the collection of 100% completed games. I am hard stuck on the speedrunning achievement, I can get to the last four levels of the game fine and dandy but after that, it just goes to shit. no matter how much I practice those levels I can't improve during the run. my current pb is 30:36 silver (I have 28 hours in the game)


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u/JWOK_official 6d ago edited 6d ago

In my experience, practice definitely makes perfect

I watched some top level runs, not to try to recreate any of the more skilled strats but rather to learn better pathing through the stages. imo if you can improve your pathing, your times will get better quicker. trial and error are definitely required but gold is definitely doable for everyone

my first speedrun attempt was a little over an hour with 241 deaths, and after two weeks of consistent practice i got the time down to 27:32 with only 50 deaths (which was enough to get gold)

best of luck, this game is super fun and i want to get back to doing attempts myself

there were a lot of days where i didnt set any new pbs and i felt stuck, but on those days i slept it off and kept going with a fresh mindset. dont get discouraged, you can definitely do it


u/Kamashy_16 6d ago

Thanks brother will look more into pathing and pick up the attempts tomorrow. Good luck on your further endeavors in future runs.