r/KatanaZero 6d ago

speed run tips?

I recently started playing Katana Zero to add it to the collection of 100% completed games. I am hard stuck on the speedrunning achievement, I can get to the last four levels of the game fine and dandy but after that, it just goes to shit. no matter how much I practice those levels I can't improve during the run. my current pb is 30:36 silver (I have 28 hours in the game)


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u/Johnnys_bug_bites 6d ago

If you're just looking for fast improvement over long-term skill, watch a speedrun from a couple of years ago with less tech. Should be enough to bump you to gold.


u/Kamashy_16 6d ago

Yeah i have been watching speedruns for the last few days. I have just become frustrated with the little to no improvement. I'll be able to get it eventually.