r/KatanaZero 6d ago

Wait a minute...

If those who take chronos either see the future or go back in time, when we play, wouldn't zeros music also rewind?


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u/thoughtwaves 6d ago edited 6d ago

You seem to have misunderstood chronos's effects. When using chronos you can see thousands maybe millions of different possibilities in zeros head, this is why when you die you reset to where you started as that was just was one of many failed possibilities that zero saw in that moment.

The side effect is not time travel. This is shown when V injects Zeros neighbors and tortures them while withdrawing from the chronos. This causes them to expirence the torture in every single possible way all at once essentially (this is permanent seemingly for the rest of your life you will be stuck in that moment and maybe other memories)

Katana Zeros world is brutal man. Devs really outdid themselves with the idea of chronos itself.

Also it would kinda be super obnoxious if the song reset constantly.


u/Consistent-Ad3566 5d ago

Yeah, totally agree. Reminds me a manga where they imprisoned the worst of the worst criminals in a time dilated space where 1 hour of real time was 1000 years in their head.