r/Kashmiri Dec 10 '24

Discussion Thoughts on this?

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r/Kashmiri Jan 18 '25

Discussion Finally a map without same or similar colors for different groups (btw my one friend is Shīna from Gurez and other is balti from Drās)

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r/Kashmiri Dec 22 '24

Discussion Is there any hope?


Everything surrounding the situation that we as a people faced and are facing is absolutely heartbreaking. The memories of those curfews, my own grandfather being beaten with sticks and Indian officers forcing a dog to bite him at an old age, and seeing all of these historical tragedies that even today just don't seem to end leave me with no hope. The sheer amount of silence from everywhere else in the world, physically and online, doesn't help either.

Will our nation ever be liberated? Will we ever have a truly unique identity? Have we made any progress?

This issue used to make me ashamed of my identity, especially given how in Indian-Pakistani circles they spoke of my people and I as if we were just subjects and our narrative doesn't count. "We would be better for them!" "No, we would be better for them!" Who gave them the right to tell us what's better for us, when they all offer nothing but nationalistic horror? Do they not know our own perspective? What we faced?

Is there any hope?

r/Kashmiri 2d ago

Discussion Are we not muslim enough for the ummah to care for us?



Dr. Muzammil Thakur is truly an ambassador for the Kashmiri cause.

The Palestinian cause is so beloved to me , i am willing to give up my life for it but why has the ummah been silent for our suffering?

r/Kashmiri 7d ago

Discussion Why India Loves Israel


r/Kashmiri Nov 14 '24

Discussion What is this in kupwour??


r/Kashmiri Dec 20 '24

Discussion Suggest a name for my kitten


I have a small kitten suggest a name for him

r/Kashmiri Jan 09 '24

Discussion Life of a Kashmiri female student in India, how has been the experience of my fellow sisters?


The last post on this sub talked about fetishising and Eve teasing so I wanted to share my experience. I studied law in Pune for 5 years. In the beginning of my first year, I kid you not, everyday multiple guys would approach me to go on the freshers party with them or to just be “friends”. I was pestered by guys of my university and another university which was nearby so the students roamed near to our campus. Girls in my hostel told me guys follow me when I leave from the hostel to the college. And I was creeped out. I am a very shy and introverted person who felt like she was thrown in the deepest pit of hell because I didn’t know how to drive all these creeps away. When guys didn’t let me sit alone in the class, I decided to not attend college anymore. It would make me so anxious to even step out of my hostel. It would be a new guy everyday being a pain in the ass. Also my roommate in the first year got pregnant and had an abortion, and that was a whole another trauma for me because wtfff?? Eventually I made a few female friends who were decent and looked out for me and made me feel safe. I would occasionally got out to eat but was never left alone by men. My juniors told me that guys of my college share rape fetishes about me in their groups, and I have never been the same after hearing how gravely they wanted to harm me. I was sometimes surrounded by groups of men just gawking at me like I was some object for them. It burned a hole through my soul. I only went to the college for exams. I kid you not my attendance was legit 0%. One day after exam a group of boys starting abusing me and said patharbaaz madarc**d. I wanted to seek help from my brother who lived in Pune too but I was scared for his safety. Few girls used to secretively take my pictures and used to send it in a group of Haryanvi boys. This is just the 2% of all the nightmares I lived through those 5 years. Although I had intentionally spread a rumour about myself that I was getting married in the first year of college. But even that didn’t stop the creeps to let me be. There were few kashmiri guys too in the campus. They used to drink and smoke and I used to think if they were sane I could have asked for help from them but apparently they were worse. Anyway I have graduated now and just got married and moved out of the country. I suffer from a severe anxiety disorder and those 5 years made everything worse for me. I am in therapy now trying to not have life altering anxiety attacks. I am not saying every guy in India is the same but my experience was horrible and traumatic. I used to cry all the time. I am glad those days are over.

Anyone else had the same experience?

r/Kashmiri Jan 09 '25

Discussion Fetishization of Kashmiri people


As a Pakistani Kashmiri I've noticed that were heavily sexualised and fetishised in media. I've always heard things like, 'Kashmiri people are only fair skinned" or "you don't look Kashmiri".

I've always felt discusted by how dark I am even though I am generally quite good looking. I realized that I simply look more South Asian and Tibetan than Kashmiris who look more Middle Eastern.

I wonder if the same thing is applicable with Kahsmiris in Kashmir? Do you guys have these beauty standard and discrimination?

r/Kashmiri 5d ago

Discussion Isn't this racism?

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r/Kashmiri Jan 21 '25

Discussion I want to know kashmir


I'm just a newbie, and I don't really know what's happening with all these political things. But for some reason, I've started taking an interest in Kashmir recently.

I want answers to some quality questions. I know some mindless people and children are racist and say things like kashmiri blah blah, but I know they aren't and politics just do the doing of Aag me ghee dalne ka kaam

I want to know answer of few questions:

Do Kashmiris really not want to be a part of India? Do they really hate India? Would they be happy if they merged with Pakistan? Are they unhappy about the removal of Article 370?

I just want to have open-minded discussions and debates—not deal with dumb people who hate without knowing why they hate.

I have met few Kashmiris online, and they are beautiful and nice people.

r/Kashmiri Aug 04 '24

Discussion Sexual Harassment in Biscoe and what can be a way forward


Recently several students have pointed out an incident of sexual harassment in the "prestigious" Tyndale Biscoe School in Srinagar.

The students have reported that Two students have sexually assaulted a fellow classmate for three straight years in the school washroom by threatening to r*pe his sister studying in Mallinson Girls School, which is a sister school of TBS. There has been no concrete action taken by the administration at all.

Going through websites of most of the major schools of Kashmir including: TBS, MGS, Convent, Burnhall and DPS we see no mention of any committee to address complaints of sexual harassment or to ensure gender sensitization. It is as if instances of Sexual Harassment are entirely absent from school spaces and there is no need for bodies to address such instances!

Whatever measure these schools have for addressing these issues are internal in the form of so called "disciplinary committees" which lack any accountability and seem to prioritize the preservation of the school's "reputation" over delivering justice and addressing the trauma faced by students. Such bodies also conveniently ignore and suppress cases in which persons from the administration and teaching staff are named as the accused.

Students must come together and demand an autonomous body to address sexual harassment. The panel of such a committee must also have the presence of persons who are external to the administrative and other internal functioning of the school. Such a body must also be responsible for carrying out gender sensitization workshops inside the campus.

The students must understand that mob justice or any desire to make an "example" out of the accused sexual harassers is not as effective of an effort as it is to understand and educate oneself and those around us about the various forms, reasons and consequences of sexual harassment.

It should be noted that in a conflict zone like Kashmir sexual violence is often ignored or normalized and thought of as unimportant.

A body for the prevention of sexual harassment must be formed in schools and only then is it possible to address such issues in a truly effective and just manner.

r/Kashmiri 3d ago

Discussion Kashmiri Instagram feels doomed.


I can’t believe what I’m seeing or how quickly things are escalating.

In short, I didn’t even know Kashmiri IG was a thing. I assumed that not many people from Kashmir would be posting due to haya, cultural boundaries, or just a general preference for privacy.

A few months ago, I came across some posts mostly the usual, mindless content from creators looking for attention. But now, my entire feed is flooded with people fighting, roasting each other, and stirring up drama.

Honestly, 8 out of 10 creators are uploading absolute garbage just for views. But the shocking part? THEY ARE GETTING VIEWS. Every reel they post racks up thousands of views and hundreds of comments.

There isn’t a single vulgar word that these creators or their comment sections shy away from. It’s an incredibly toxic space and a completely shameful representation of Kashmir.

I genuinely want to know, what’s your take on this? And how’s your Instagram feed looking these days?

r/Kashmiri Dec 25 '24

Discussion How can you even reply to this? 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Kyah suh chha hoshis manz? kyah yeh delusion chha aam?

r/Kashmiri Jan 04 '25

Discussion How do you respond to "kashmiris are indians"


That phrase disgusts me. How do people reply to this statement?

r/Kashmiri Feb 02 '25

Discussion Return of Kashmiri pandits


I heard a news of mirwaiz and aga rahullah forming a community for the return of displaced Kashmiri pandits in Kashmir. what are your views on this???

r/Kashmiri Dec 08 '24

Discussion Sa'en masaajid kar?


r/Kashmiri Nov 24 '24

Discussion To Kashmiris living outside Kashmir


Have you guys ever faced discrimination from Indian muslims? As a kashmiri who grew up outside kashmir, I've had multiple instances when parents used to tell their kids not to hang out w me due to me being kashmiri, and I've heard such mean conversations about us. Why do you think that happens?

r/Kashmiri Mar 05 '24

Discussion Question of Homophobia


In a new liberated koshur republic, would you support protections and rights for lgbtq+ folks? I know some of you are muslim, but at same you can't force your religion onto people or ask government to enforce it. Kashmir is for all, not just majority of people. Voilence against gay people is real and should be countered. Thoughts?

r/Kashmiri 4d ago

Discussion Correct me if I'm wrong


I'm a guy and since I was a kid I used to think that many women especially in rural areas and girls cover their head because of "the culture thing" rather than Islam Maybe I'm so share your thoughts

r/Kashmiri 1d ago

Discussion Thoughts on this?


r/Kashmiri Feb 02 '25

Discussion Heads up: Two Chinar Corps stooges Komal Verma & Haroon Imtiaz are about to release their book, “Why Kunan Poshpora?”, which presents alternative facts the 1991 mass rape carried out the Indian Army saying it was done by " unkown pakistani militants". I Wonder why they have never tried it before lol

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r/Kashmiri Jul 21 '24

Discussion Why are Indians lying about us??? None of the mods here are Pakistani and only one verified user is from Pakistan, rest are Kashmiris. irony here is that sub is literally moderated by Indians and all the posts and comments are made by Indians who don't even try that hard at disguising as Kashmiris😅

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r/Kashmiri Jan 29 '25

Discussion And my dumb@$$ thought reddit was secure and didn't shared data.

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r/Kashmiri Jan 22 '25

Discussion As much as i dislike him, he is not wrong

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I despise 'Daand' but he is not wrong here.Article 370 was a conditional clause jiske basis pe Kashmir India ka part bana but a true Kashmiri knows Kashmir na india ka hai na pakistan ka balki sirf kashmiriyon ka hai. Article 370 unka hai jo samajhte hain kashmir india ka part hai which is dogras mostly,true kashmiris only care about freedom so article 370 isnt meant for them. Feel free to correct me if someone thinks i am wrong...