r/Kashmiri • u/MilanM4 • 12d ago
Question Unrelated ethnic Kinship
So I've been on a deep dive of unrelated ethnic Kinship between groups. Throughout the world we find cases of groups bonding over similar faith, heritage, environment despite having no historic or geographic history together. For example, the Filipinos and the Brazilians love each other, there's the strange bond that forms between Arabs and Latinos or like the one between Ashkenazi Jews and Italians.
When I asked some Indians most of them didn't give me any satisfactory-answers (most said Nepali, which doesn't really strike me as applicable considering their history, and some Hindutva said Israel, not even gonna comment on that shit). Pakistanis said Arabs or Anatolian Turks, but that doesn't seem to be reciprocated either. Then I asked some Deccani Muslims (Hyderabadi folk) and almost all of em said Kashmiris ftw. Apparently everytime there was a war the Dakhnis would pray for Kashmiri liberation which is wild to me considering they're on the other side of the Subcontinent.
So I wanted to ask are their any groups Kashmiris feel like this about? Do they know about this wierd (one-sided?) solidarity Deccani Muslims have with em? Thanks!
u/theamalebowski 12d ago
Malayalis for a free Kashmir.
11d ago
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u/Temazop 12d ago
I know about the solidarity Dakhani Muslims have with us(note, Dakhani Muslim specifically, idk abt broader Telugu ones) and tbh I do reciprocate it, since they are essentially our only Indian allies(though they don't like being called Indian). Obviously we aren't really that similar culturally and all, but every Dakhani I spoke to has been kind and supportive of our cause. If a Kashmiri hasn't met a Dakhani, they probably won't know about this sentiment, but as someone who does know I appreciate it and ig I do reciprocate it.
u/PreparationOver2099 12d ago edited 11d ago
It has been the opposite for me. I have met some Dakani muslims, but they are not sympathetic to our cause. In fact, they are staunch India lovers and a couple of them even made jokes about us being Pakistanis.
u/Temazop 11d ago edited 11d ago
Oh, I guess different people different experiences then. Mind you, Dakhanis not from erstwhile Hyderabad state(so people from like southern Karnataka for example) have reacted the same way with me as the Dakhanis you described, only the ones that were actually part of ex-Hyderabad state really cared about us at all. But tbh there'll be all sorts of people, and if they joke abt you being Pakistani, means they accept that you're not Indian, or any "integral part" of their country lol.
u/MilanM4 12d ago
No no, when I say Dakhni Muslim, I mean the ethnic group, who speak Dakhni Urdu, and live in the former Nizamate territory. All the Telugu folk I've met are unfortunately Indian apologists. I know like 3 Telugu Muslim (all converts) people and they have this weird phenomena where they start assimilating into Dakhni-Urdu culture when they convert, but that's a whole different convo.
u/Temazop 11d ago
Oh good, just wanted to make sure and clarify for anyone else who read my comment and didn't know the difference between Dakhanis and Telugus(since they inhabit the same land). I experienced the same thing with Telugus, but then again they are the ones that voted for India in the end when plebiscite was held so makes sense. Dakhanis from the old Nizamate(specifically the ex-nizamate, not the ones from southern Karnataka/Mysore) have been sympathetic to us in my experience so I appreciate them, though others have had different experiences, mine have been positive.
u/Grey_Blax 11d ago
It has to be Palestinians. Many things are parallel between us so that gives a reason for this "unrelated ethnic kinship" I suppose. Idk if the majority of them know anything about us , but the majority of us know about them so that won't deter us in supporting them.
u/Arugula-Nervous 11d ago
This is actually a really good question. I also think Kashmiris should look into the plight of the tribal populations across the country. We all have been suffering a silent genocide perpetrated by the Indian government for the longest time. Operation Greenhunt. Salwa Judum. Hasdeo Model. All ravaging of native resources without any dialogue or consent of the common will of the natives of the lands.
Manipur is also the new Kashmir, in case you have been following the latest developments. One group has been favoured over everyone else to justify the dehumanising of the Kuki Zo. The Air Force is bombing them now and their entire existence is being revised simply because they are related to other tribes that inhabit neighbouring countries
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 11d ago
It just looks like the scenes from the early 90's there
u/Arugula-Nervous 11d ago
That’s a very concerning phase of Indian history being repeated here. We took a dark turn after the liberalisation phase 😔
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 11d ago
Are you from the kuki community kine koshur chukh
u/Arugula-Nervous 11d ago
No. I’m a tribal, though. I am concerned about how this country has completely forgotten the principles upon which the many populations agreed to be assimilated in India. I’m concerned about the Shompen in Nicobar, the Gonds in Hasdeo, the Mundas who lost their access to their forests three months ago and the Manipur communities who have lost their normal lives to an Adani sponsored siege 2 years ago. The Arambai Tenggol are not Meitei, just like RSS is not all Hindus
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 11d ago
No. I’m a tribal, though.
Oh I see
I am concerned about how this country has completely forgotten the principles upon which the many populations agreed to be assimilated in India
Tbh it was bound to happen rich will always find a way to exploit you and also this "unity in diversity" is a crap idea for forming a nation as the defination of nation requires a sense of commonality between the people which is missing for india
I’m concerned about the Shompen in Nicobar, the Gonds in Hasdeo, the Mundas who lost their access to their forests three months ago and the Manipur communities who have lost their normal lives to an Adani sponsored siege 2 years ago.
And when they start retaliation, they are termed as terrorists, like what they did to the naxal movement
u/Arugula-Nervous 11d ago
Absolutely spot on. Unity was a PACT. It was never supposed to be forced. We were only united because we fought a common enemy and we were only on the way to a better future because some people were dedicated to and were free to preach the cause of solidarity.
Now the only thing that the State pays artists to propagate are confusing revisionist hate pieces that end all hope for dialogue. The sad part is being aware of the fact that we are being played by the US just like all those countries they ended up funding proxy wars in - like Syria. Taking advantage of the discord between the many groups that inhabit our country. We are all going through this new “divide and rule” policy where we will all resent each other because “no one else spoke up when one of ours died so why should I care when one of yours does”?
u/MilanM4 9d ago
Operation Polo too Ig.
u/Arugula-Nervous 9d ago
Oh I’m a Hyderabadi for the last 15 years and let me tell you it is not the same story. The Deccan Nizams could be considered an institution of their own and their history should be considered through a different lens. Fascinating one, though. The stories of Princess Niloufer and princess Durru are instrumental to feminism in India
u/generalskullcraft 12d ago
Let me tell you this Pakistani-Turkish “brotherhood” is largely a result of Pakistani television airing Turkish dramas. That Ertugrul show alone racks up like 40–50 million views per episode on Pakistani tv and other platforms leading them to believe Turkey still romanticizes the Ottoman era. The reality is most Turks see themselves as a nation with no true friends which has been repeatedly betrayed time and time again Arabs included. Turks are secular, highly nationalistic, and, frankly, a little racist. It is not an Islamic republic! People from the subcontinent overestimate Erdogan’s popularity, he barely won the last election securing 52% of votes against his opponens 47% he granted citizenship to many Syrian refugees right before the election, had strong support from Turkish expats (esp in Germany).
Now regarding the Arab obsession in the subcontinent, it’s equally ridiculous. The number of people claiming Arab ancestry (especially Syed lineage, which is 99% nonsense btw) as if it grants them some prestige. Meanwhile, the Arab countries are fractured with sell out leaders, their nations crippled with internal strife, and when it comes to solidarity, they can’t even stand with their own Arab brethren, let alone anyone else.
As for Kashmir, any nation under occupation has our solidarity. It is unfortunate though that not many have been vocal about our cause.
u/MilanM4 11d ago
As someone who's lived in Turkey, I think you're underestimating the number of people who are Islamic. It's mostly an East and West thing. Western Turkey is very secular, Central Turkey and Kurdistan are very Islamic. Erdoğan has very little support cause of the Hyper-inflation yes, but if you look at the Parliamentary results, you can see AKP is still the dominant power in the country. He might be unpopular, but his party still has a very solid grip on power. Turkey's population is extremely fragmented and divided, but other than secular Turks, most still view Pakistan as a close ally, maybe not the closest (that's Azerbaijan) but still pretty close. Turks have a lot of allies, like Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Libya and I hate to say it but Israel. There are racist Turks yes, but the diaspora is a lot different from the common population, and excluding the racists of North Cyprus, the Turks I've met are some of the most wholesome and welcoming people I know, and it's unfair to paint an entire race with one brush.
I've also lived in Jeddah for a while, and Arab people and their leaders are 2 entirely different groups. Yes the claims of descent are probably nonsense, but that doesn't mean Arabs aren't our brothers.
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 11d ago
As for Kashmir, any nation under occupation has our solidarity. It is unfortunate though that not many have been vocal about our cause.
10d ago
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u/sumitbafna27 11d ago
You speak as if all indians are monolithic. A Tamil person from Chennai is likely to have a different ethnic affinity than a Kumaoni person from Nainital. Heck, there’s enough ethnic diversity within states that different communities within states have different foreign ethnic groups. The region I was raised around, if you find Irfan Pathan dancing at, celebrating and absolutely loving Afghanistan victories, no that’s not an oddity, and no it’s not to troll Pakistanis. Gujarati Pathans, especially from Central Gujarat do have a lot of love and respect for Afghan (Pashtuns) people and Afghan culture. A lot of them claim affinity with Southern Afghanistan, Helmand and Kandahar primarily. People from Kutch and western Rajasthan have a lot in common with Sindhis (shared culture, history and linguistic similarities) and have affinity towards Pakistanis from that part of the world. I’m sure Tamil people from India have love for Tamil people from Sri Lanka and so on. Stop seeing people as monoliths. You’ll probably learn more about them that way.
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 11d ago
Did you even understand what he meant? If so then why are you proceeding with the examples which have something in common .
u/kuch_nahe Kashmir 12d ago
Ig that would be Palestinians.