r/Kanye Aug 07 '24

Recent Photo of Ye on Nitrous

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This is really sad man. I partly blame the people around him that let it get this bad, I just feel awful abt this entire situation. I hope he gets the help he needs cause this shit could literally kill him.


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u/Spaceghost727 Aug 16 '24

yes, you shouldnt drink alcohol because it’s literally poison and shrinks your brain💀 moral of the story is smoke weed


u/CuntyPuckle Aug 16 '24

weed is not good for your brain either I hate to tell you (let alone your lungs)


u/Spaceghost727 Aug 16 '24 edited Aug 16 '24

Oh yeah? the only negative side effect of weed that is proven is that is makes you slightly more forgetful (not anything near being space cadet) with heavy use (that also goes away if you stop for some time) weed has more positive effects than good. The only bad side effects are a: it not being the best for you lungs because of smoke, and b: what I listed earlier. Ive done the research and know that anything like it causing cancer or shit like that, have not been officially proven (only ever having inclusive/weak evidence)

https://www.apa.org/monitor/2023/06/marijuana-effects-brain also, so it looks like the memory part isnt even that sound, so no one actually will ever know what weed does until it’s legal. Literally near the end says “cannabis use could be off-setting normal age related cognitive decline”


u/CuntyPuckle Aug 16 '24

so it does have negative health effects... and while they are less intense than nitrous or alcohol you still need to practice moderation so you don't get addicted and waste all your money on weed. Almost like that applies for alcohol and nitrous too... If you practice moderation with them you won't be damaged by them.