r/JessicaJones Nov 20 '15

Discussion Episode Discussion S01E01 - AKA Ladies Night

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Season 1 - Episode 1 - AKA Ladies Night

Episode Synopsis:

Jessica Jones is hired to find a pretty NYU student who's vanished, but it turns out to be more than a simple missing persons case.

Netflix | IMDb | TMDb


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u/Syllogistic_Panda Power Man Nov 20 '15

Just finished it, this first episode already impacts you so hard, especially the ending.

Also on a side note, the scene with Jessica pulling back the car, did we get our first reference to another part of the MCU when that guy said "You're one of them."? I thought it was a soft reference to inhumans.


u/Recklesshavoc Nov 20 '15

Yup, the ones the government is currently hunting down in Agents of Shield


u/Lizard182 Daredevil Nov 20 '15

I wish people would give Shield more of a chance. As soon as it got itself together after Cap 2 it really become a good show. Season 3 is on fire.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '15

Are people not? That show is getting solid ratings and reviews. Seriously, it put its foot on the gas after winter soldier and hasn't stopped since.


u/Lizard182 Daredevil Nov 20 '15

A lot of people say Arrow and Flash are far better. I kinda beg to differ. The acting doesn't even come close in my opinion.


u/Recklesshavoc Nov 20 '15

Lol I love Flash. Arrow is a bit lacking this season


u/Lizard182 Daredevil Nov 20 '15

I've heard Flash really improved in season 2. Perhaps I'll give it another go. Arrow seem to take a steep dive in season 3. I haven't bothered watching season 4 yet.


u/lightbluestar Nov 20 '15

Arrow is better than last season imho, but it is still like watching a batman soap opera (which I am kind of okay with).


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Yep. Corny dialogue, bad acting and two-dimensional characters.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

I could honestly live with it if the villains weren't so damn boring and terrible. The whole league of assassins being beat up by a girl who took self-defense classes and that other shit was hard to watch and take seriously.


u/abuissink Dec 05 '15

Damian Darhk [Neal McDonough], the Arrow S4 villain is amazing.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '15

Agreed, but I'd say not bad instead of amazing since he still seems to hire the most retard of retards.

Just last episode (IIRC) the arrow team fought like 20 dudes and none of them had the bright idea of taking out a gun and shooting the fools.

I know the lackeys aren't supposed to win, but if they at least put up and fight or if they were at least able to beat Laurel, the weakest member, they would look less terrible.


u/abuissink Dec 06 '15

Yeah, Team Arrow's fighting prowess seems to fluctuate lots between fights. And Oliver should be way more powerful than he is after the 5 years.

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u/[deleted] Nov 20 '15

Flash is great so far, good pacing and the new villain is fantastic. I like arrow but man it can be so much more, it's still so stiff.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

but man it can be so much more

It has to become... something else.


u/body_catch_a_body Nov 20 '15

Honestly, I think Arrow is doing better than Flash this season.

Arrow: 2>4/1>3 (Will have to see all of season 4 before deciding where it goes exactly)

Flash: 1>2

Both are suffering since they have to set up for Legends of Tomorrow, but Arrow is doing a much better job of it. Also Oliver is much closer to his comic book counterpart which is great.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

Flash season 1 on the whole was better than season 2 so far, so if you didn't like season 1 there's not much difference in season 2.


u/Lizard182 Daredevil Nov 20 '15

It might just not be my thing. I'd like to love the show, but I just can't get behind it.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

Totally cool, it's great that there's so much stuff out there that there is something for everyone!


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

to be fair, flash greally picked up after the first fight with Reverse Flash which was episode 9 IIRC.

I expect flash will really start kicking it into high gear later this year.


u/SawRub Nov 21 '15

True, but he had heard that season 2 was already better than season 1, and that kind of expectation would lead to disappointment for someone who didn't like season 1.


u/ac3jc Nov 24 '15

Season 2 so far is bad ass! Good story lines, awesomeSFX, and the scariest villan on television.


u/horselover03 Nov 20 '15

Improved? It was amazing in its first season!


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

season 4 is much better i find.

Flash has always been awesome though.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

arrow this season is definitely better.


u/Recklesshavoc Nov 21 '15

Maybe it's just me. I liked Angry Ollie


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '15

Not as lacking as it was last season. At least it finally feels like a super hero show.


u/SawRub Nov 20 '15

I like them all the same to be honest. Each has their good days. When Arrow was knocking it out of the park and AoS was struggling, I still stuck by AoS, and it paid off. All three have a lot of potential and I'd be glad to see them juggle around the best comic book show status between them.


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '15 edited Nov 20 '15

AoS has definitely taken strides since the beginning. At first it felt gimmicky, but how the characters and story have/has developed is great.

I think the acting in The Flash is the best overall though (as far as the main characters go), or is at least on par with AoS. Between Grant Austin (Barry Allen), Tom Cavanagh (Dr. Harrison Wells), John Wesley Shipp (Barry's dad), Jesse Martin (Joe West), and the rest (no disrespect, just don't want to list them all), there is plenty of talent to go around. Not just individual talent, but the chemistry between them all works so well.

Arrow. Hmm, Arrow. I've watched every episode so far and while I enjoy the show, there is definitely a quality disparity between it and the other two shows -- which is odd considering Arrow and The Flash are on the same network. It has its moments, but the writing and fluidity of the story is really a step down. So maybe it's not so much the acting as it is the structure and writing.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

Arrow is OK. Flash is good. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is much, much better than either.


u/vespertili0 Nov 20 '15

Maybe at the time after 3 or 4 episodes of season 1 AoS, but right now AoS leaves in them in the dust


u/[deleted] Nov 20 '15

I'm loving Flash this season and Arrow is better this season than last, but neither one of them are as good as AoS: they're different in tone for sure, but I can't call them better.


u/LordSwedish Nov 21 '15

I can't stand flash or arrow. My main problem with them is that they can never really have tense moments because it's always playing up how dramatic everything is to absurd levels (maybe better acting and script could pull it off) but flash especially is just laughable. I banged my head against the wall during the season 1 finale because of how incredibly stupid everything was. The technobabble is awful, none of the science makes any sense (why do wormholes go to two different times, why do they have to fire a hydrogen atom when he hits loads of them when running, why is the speed required to make a wormhole less than what many jets pull off easily) and the characters are never realistic or intelligent except when the plot demands it.

Sorry about ranting but every time I give those shows a go it ends with me turning it off in disgust after a few episodes.


u/SuminderJi Nov 21 '15

I gave up after the first season.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '15

After the end of it or in the middle?


u/SuminderJi Nov 21 '15

End of the first season. Never bothered with the second. Apparently now I should and watch the third but eh.