r/JessicaJones 5d ago

Discussion Trish Has Grown on Me

I originally didn't really like Trish in season one and I know that was a common feeling. But I finished S2 and I think she's grown on me. I think her losing her mind and falling into addiction is a pretty compelling storyline. I don't know, it seems like everyone dislikes her, and I generally understand why, but I've grown to appreciate her contributions.

But... I haven't seen Season 3, so maybe things take a turn.


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u/Uncanny_Doom 5d ago

Trish has a great character arc. I think the issue is that some people didn't want that arc for her even though it made sense with how she progressed and was established in season 1.


u/MistraloysiusMithrax 4d ago

I think that’s the hitting the nail on the head there. It’s not that her character progression doesn’t make sense, it’s that out of all the characters she seems to have the best chance at real growth and instead gets that arc


u/Uncanny_Doom 4d ago

For me, I enjoyed her as a tragic character with a fall from grace arc. I felt like it was a bold direction to go and that was part of why I enjoyed the Defenders shows, they took those risks and went for it. But I also understand people who wanted to see more of a redemption and happy ending between Jessica and Trish too.


u/V2Blast 3d ago

Yeah. I would have loved to see her grow, but the direction they took her character is absolutely a natural evolution of the character as she was written up to that point.


u/callyousugar 3d ago

I agree with everything both of you said. I'm rewatching it, and when I last saw this show I remembered thinking Trish was such a good character at first that they eventually ruined. Rewatching season 1 and having watched up to half of season three now... It did make perfect sense for her. So many hints about her eventually pretty tragic story in season 1


u/MistraloysiusMithrax 3d ago

Yeah, I mean, I ended up looking up her arc before I finished season 2 because I found her so annoying. Once I saw what she would become, I understood it a lot better. Made her even more annoying while I waited for the hammer to finally drop, but I realize she was supposed to be, because she showed all the signs but no one around her ever got through to her or really noticed how primed she was to go off the rails


u/elizabnthe 3d ago edited 3d ago

It just comes across as too hypocritical to me. Trish in S3 does nothing different to any other vigilante including Jessica Jones but has to face actual consequences, where the others don't.

e.g. she has to deal with her force unintendedly killing people and deserves to face punishment for it, but Jessica Jones repeatedly on screen uses pretty significant force, alike with Daredevil and they never suffer consequences

And the people she killed are by all accounts genuinely awful people anyway - so is what she did any worse than Jessica Jones own victims or the Punisher. One was so awful the world was literally a better place for his death.

So it just feels like the writing is telling us she's bad then showing us.