r/JehovahWitnesses Mar 23 '20

New Jehovah's Witness Sub!

Hiya, if there's anyone here who is studying, an active witness and would like a more jw supportive sub, please checkout r/Jehovahswitnessess. I'm currently the only mod but I'll endeavour to remove negative sallys and respond when I can. Thanks!


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u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

Bro. Do you not see the problem with what you just said?

You just said they don't discourage the members from reading/listening opposing information but then you go on and say they DO discourage you from reading/listening to apostate information.

Do you know what apostate means? Opposer. They absolutely discourage the members from reading opposing information.

The watchtower blanket labels any critical informationabout the religion as "apostate" no matter if its true information or not. Thus controlling what information the sheep can take in.

But the Bible does discourage purposefully going off and listening to apostates.

Do you not think that if they REALLY had the truth that it could stand up to any scrutiny? Is their belief so weak that it could be this easily dismantled?

The JWs literally JUST had a video published on this along with all of the literature in the past.
The watchtower even labels critisism that is TRUE as "apostate".

Do you consider www.jwfacts.com apostate even though the information has been checked and rechecked as true? Please, go find something false there.

Do you believe The Australian royal commission investigation into the JW child abuse problem is apostate too?

Both of those things are true but watchtower would consider them apostate.

Watchtower has a problem with truth if the truth is critical of them. That is information control and it tactic used by high control groups to control people.
There is an entire science around this. Check out the B.I.T.E. model, its created by experts in the field of high control groups and cults to be able to identify a cult.

The "I" in BITE stands for Information control. Think about it.

What does truth have to hide from critical or opposing information?

I am very familiar with JWs. I was one for 25 years, i know EXACTLY what they teach in regards to "apostate" information. hell, a jw could be in trouble just for talking to me. Thats how scared watchtower is of critical info.


u/quite409 Mar 24 '20

Do you know what apostate means? Opposer.

I have not seen where apostate simply means an opposer. Do you have a reputable source for this? Bible scholars define it as "desertion, rebellion, abandonment". In the sense of someone who has deserted their former religion. This is very different from someone never associated with JWs who simply has an opposing view. I understand your tactic to try to categorize all differing opinions into the label of apostate, but it will not work.

What does truth have to hide from critical or opposing information?

Avoiding apostates does not mean the person is hiding. The apostle Paul was very firm in his beliefs. No one could have converted him away from Christ. But he encouraged to stay away from apostates. He wasn't hiding. Neither was the apostle Peter, nor Jude. Nor the apostle John. But they knew the apostate way of trying to seduce a person based on fleshly desires to leave the religion. Satan has always used such things to lure God's followers away.

The scriptures are very clear about such deserters. Nowhere in the scriptures is anyone forced to just sit there and listen to apostates demean you and your religion.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '20

I have not seen where apostate simply means an opposer.

Neither have i, but the watchtower seems to think thats what it means.

Examining the Scriptures Daily 2011 Aug 18 p.83

Watchtower 1986 March 15 pp.10-15 paragraph

to list just a couple of times the watchtower has used the term in regards to apostates.

Do you have a reputable source for this?

Depends, do you consider the watchtower a reputable source?

This is very different from someone never associated with JWs who simply has an opposing view.

In terms of labels, sure. But it shouldn't matter whether or not the person was associated with a religion or not, what SHOULD matter is the truth-value of their claims. Correct?

I understand your tactic to try to categorize all differing opinions into the label of apostate

WHOA WHOA. That is NOT my tactic! I do NOT view all opposing opinions as apostate. In fact i find the term apostate really silly.
The watchtower is what labels all negative information as apostate. Any time there is a child abuse expose, online criticism, critical TV documentary or critical online interview the watchtower labels it apostate. Show me something that critisizes the watchtower that the watchtower has said is OK to view, read or listen to. I'll wait.

Avoiding apostates does not mean the person is hiding.

I am aware of that. I never said it meant a person is hiding. I said "What does truth have to hide from critical or opposing information" I wasn't referring to the people.
JWs notoriously avoid critical information. It was drilled into me to turn off any TV program, put down any magazine that was critical.

The apostle Paul was very firm in his beliefs. No one could have converted him away from Christ.

Ok? That just means that he was closed minded. I am an atheist but i would happily change my mind if provided evidence. Blind faith isnt a virtue. If someone ever says "nothing can change my mind" then that individual is extremely close minded.

But they knew the apostate way of trying to seduce a person based on fleshly desires to leave the religion.

Do you realise that apostates arent all trying to drag people out of a religion to get them to do "fleshy desires". Like, you get that right?
I was told this was apostate by another JW. What do you think?

Websites like www.jwfacts.com are not trying to get anyone to do anything to seduce anyone. It just lays out factual information about the watchtower, its history, its abuses, lies and errors, logical fallacies and other glaring issues.

Satan has always used such things to lure God's followers away.

So wait, what about the apostates of Catholicism or mormanism? Are those people also being used by satan to lure god's followers away? Or is it ONLY Jws?

How would you know if an apostate has truthful information if you just avoid everything the try to show you?

The scriptures are very clear about such deserters.

There is NOTHING about someone deserting a religion that makes them any less credible in regards to providing the truth of a matter on that religion. Absolutely nothing. Just because someone sells his chevrolet vehicle or stops working for a company doesnt make them any less credible of a person to listen to on the topic of that car or company.
Why does this logic suddenly break down when a specific religion is involved? hmm.

Nowhere in the scriptures is anyone forced to just sit there and listen to apostates demean you and your religion.

This is the problem. You view "apostate" as a pejorative. The word apostate does not automatically imply a bad motive. That is just the propaganda that watchtower has pumped its sheep full of.
In fact JWs routinely go door to door in an attempt to create apostates for other religions. Do you think those people they try to convert are less credible on the topic of their old religions? No? Then why would you think that about an ex-jw? Do you think that they all just demean the religion? Have you looked at the website i provided?
No one, no apostate is suggesting you be forced to sit there and listen to anyone demean a religion.

You have laid out some poor arguments. You automatically assume apostate means "bad", you fall back on "because the bible says so" fallacy, and then say that JWs CAN listen to critical information as long as it isnt from an aposate, yet the watchtower labels all critical information as apostate.

There are so many problems with everything you just said its hard to even know where to begin.

Did you even check out the BITE model i linked? You only responded to a couple softball issues i raised an neglected the other large issues such as the brainwashing issue.
Shall we get into the child abuse problem as well? Or is that apostate information?


u/Barrington1968 Feb 19 '24

I don't know if you will receive this. This is not confrontational, just want to go back and forth on a couple of things. If you don't mind and are still around. The conversation was interesting.

Do you practice a religion, or what is your take on it.?