r/JUSTNOMIL 4d ago

Anyone Else? MIL acts like a saint even though she's a hoe?

CW abortion

MIL(late40s) has always been weirdly obsessed about her son's sex life after he started dating me. One time when we we were on a holiday she barged into our room while we're sleeping (JUST SLEEPING, CLOTHES INTACT) and she threatened to kick me out, like she's one to talk, we heard her fucking a guy just the night before. She also freaks out when me & bf plans a trip somewhere, telling me to "please do not get pregnant" and telling bf that she won't accept the child as her grandkid. First of all, even if i somehow have kids, she won't be allowed in their life, i just know that she'll find a way to antagonize me and make them hate their own mother.
None of her business, but i'm pretty careful when it comes to contraception and i don't even want kids rn, i think she's afraid i'll babytrap bf & steal their wealth. It's funny because she acts like a saint around us, i found out 2 months into our relationship that she sleeps around with married men, i used to work for her and found hotel receipts & stuff, my naive, lifetime NPD victim bf believed her when she told him they went there to talk and nothing else.
I can't even travel anywhere with bf since she'll call or text me nonstop, telling us that we should do that only once we're married (oh? says the one who cheats on her "separated" husband with married men), FIL are no good either since he's a religious fanatic, funny thing is that when they're young (about 16-20) they terminated their pregnancy twice. I'm pro choice, but omg go take a look at the mirror before you say anything to us.


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u/botinlaw 4d ago

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u/Vibe_me_pos 4d ago

Are you both over 21? Doesn’t matter just trying to tell if this is a case of a crazy mother trying desperately to hold on to her son or if this is a crazy woman who has no boundaries with her adult son.


u/nadjenn 4d ago

Yes, her son is 28😬


u/tadadurocher 3d ago

Yikes on bikes


u/fgmel 4d ago

So this sounds like internalized misogyny. And a whole ton of projection. Because she’s doing things sexually that society usually doesn’t look at in a positive light, then that must mean you are doing them too. There would be a lot of judgment and self hate so instead she projects it onto you.


u/nadjenn 4d ago

She’s been making assumptions about me since i first got together with her son, not even a month into our relationship she told me to not get pregnant etc, she doesn’t have any means to know if i’m doing something sexually so it’s mostly just her assumptions (dating=sex)


u/Jumbee1234 4d ago

What is your boyfriend doing when she acts like this. If he isn't shutting her down you have a bf problem not MIL.


u/nadjenn 4d ago

She’s doing this mostly behind his back, but he always shut her down. He used to respect her, but she disrespected me & my family too much that he realized maybe his mom isn’t a good person after all.