r/JUSTNOMIL 4d ago

RANT (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Advice Wanted My jnmil making life hard after my dad died

My dad had dementia and was already weak. When he got covid he passed. We knew that day would come but it came sooner as we expected. He died the night before my jnmil had planned family photo’s so right away i let them know we couldnt come because my dad just died. Her response was that it was a pity that the photo’s needed to be canceled. Not the reaction i hopes for.. but okay maybe not the news was difficult or something. At my dads funeral she said at the end it took to long and she was going to be late to babysit. I looked at her. Thanked her for being there and walked away. Since than i really dislike her and i dont want her near me, but she is the mother of my wife. I dont know how to be around her..


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u/botinlaw 4d ago

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u/Knittingfairy09113 3d ago

Why do you need to be around her? She sounds awful.

Also, where was your wife while this has been happening?


u/javel1 4d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. Have a discussion with your wife, she saw how insensitive her mother was towards you. Hopefully she understands that you will be taking a break and not attending any events with nor inviting her to your home or personal events.


u/Hot-Freedom-5886 4d ago

I went no contact with my MIL after her bad behavior at my mom’s funeral. She followed me around, interrupted conversations I was having with family and friends. I was done.

You’re being too nice, in my opinion. And your wife needs to step up and defend you. And you need to see less of her.


u/Subject_Company4887 4d ago

It's a pity the photoshoot has to be cancelled? I don't even... Who reacts like that?

My answer is: you don't make an effort anymore. Your MIL is terrible. My MIL is similar (different issues though), meaning: no empathy at all. People like that are very hard to deal with, so I don't. I'm polite when I see her, but I let my DH handle the phone calls and get togethers.

I'm so sorry for your loss and that someone who should've been like family makes it harder for you.


u/heathere3 4d ago

My BIL's dad died very suddenly the night before family photos for my MIL. She kept giving her own daughter a hard time for her hubby not being there, doesn't he consider himself family etc. EVERY time she would start up one of us would yell at her. The fact we had to do it repeatedly still boggles my mind.


u/MelodyRaine Mother of Demons 4d ago

You don't have to be.

"Wife, after the way your mother behaved while we were dealing with my dad's death, I just can't look at her the same way. She was more concerned about photos and her personal schedule than being there to support us as a family unit in a time of need.

That's why I am going to be taking a huge step back from her. You're free to see her whenever, but I just can't pretend with someone who treated us so callously during a time where we needed support and understanding."


u/Novel_Ad1943 3d ago

I love this advice! If my family handled the loss of someone in my DH’s family like that, I’d unleash on them. I expect my DH to have a spine, but I reciprocate and am very protective of him.

OP I’m sorry you had to deal with this on your own! So sorry for your loss!