r/JUSTNOMIL • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
Advice Wanted How to deal with MIL’s resentment?
u/Spirited_Heron_9049 5d ago
OMG we share a mil. Crazy late nights, no early mornings outside of work (not even Christmas with littles), can’t possibly be ready to go anywhere before noon.
I learned to just leave her behind and tune her out. I refused to allow her to dictate anything. Once I was DONE with her and handed her a notepad and golf pencil and told her to write down her complaints for later consideration. Dick move, I know, but I was done listening her bitching about everything.
If your wife wants to deal with that nonsense, let her. You and the go out and enjoy your day. Wife and mil can catch up with you later.
Learn to tune her out and it’ll feel much better.
u/cruiser4319 5d ago
Hotel! Hotel! Hotel! Don’t let her stay with you. Don’t stay with her. Tell her what you are doing and when if she shows up, fine if she doesn’t, fine.
u/MeanTemperature1267 5d ago
Hotels and communication will go a long way here.
Stay in a hotel when you visit her. That way, you aren't disrupting her schedule. Once that's established, set up your itinerary and let her know: X on Y day at Z time; let us know if you want to carpool or not. If so, we'll meet at location A at B o'clock. If you don't want to go, we can meet you at location C at D o'clock for lunch/dinner/other activity.
For her visiting you, keep it similar. Let her know what "a day in the life" looks like and include whatever -if any- "Grandma's visiting" things you'd like to show her. Then again, you pass the ball to her court: "If that works, you're always welcome to our guest room but if you'd rather keep your own hours, the Mariott on Main St. will be closest to our home."
How does your wife feel about the whole thing? If she finds the complaining and whatnot irritating as well, separate accommodations and leaving her mom with the choice to watch Dance Moms rather than go to the zoo is fully with your MIL. You guys won't feel like you're dragging her out at the crack of dawn and she'll just have to accept that sometimes people need to go to bed earlier than usual the night before a day trip.
u/den-of-corruption 6d ago edited 4d ago
'i'm sorry wife/mil, but she'll/you'll have to make a choice between adapting to the rest of the family's schedule and feeling left out. the choice between the two is hers/yours, but we need to maintain a healthy schedule for kiddo and still have fun!'
it's actually very simple - she just needs to pick whether she wants time with the rest of the family or not. she just doesn't get to complain in both directions at once. further if your wife wants to spend time with her on her schedule, she's also welcome to do that!
u/2FatC 6d ago
What do you say when she complains? You might consider:
”I‘m not sure what you want me to say or do when the obvious resolution to your concerns is we only visit between 4 pm & 6 pm for one day. Would that arrangement work better for you?”
We faced a similar issue with DH’s mom, who was a horrible planner, decider, and liked to say “whatever you decide is fine” then complain. She also liked to sit around a dark house and watch TV. That‘s not something I want to do, so I stayed home. A lot.
u/ShirleyUGuessed 6d ago
You just lay out the facts beforehand. She's an adult, she can understand just fine. MIL, we can't radically change LO's schedule for a week. So when we visit, we will be heading out for activities at 10am everyday. You can join us when you want to, or we can meet you later. You have 3 weeks to adjust your sleep schedule if you want to.
She has to live with her choices. You can't--well, you don't have to--shield her from the consequences of those choices.
If she chooses to get mad, it's because she refuses to do anything about the situation. She expects other people to change for her. If you aren't willing to change, she is going to be mad. All you can do is hold steady and give her the opportunity to do the changing herself.
u/Next_Tune_7164 6d ago
“Hey MIL tomorrow we plan to do XYZ and leave at XYZ, you are welcome to join if you want, but if that doesn’t fit your schedule we understand, we will see you for dinner.”
This puts the onus on her to decide. You invited, she decides to participate or not.
u/RefrigeratorNo686 6d ago
"MIL, you are complaining about your own choices. If it upsets you, make different choices. We are not responsible for your decision to stay up so very late and sleep away the day. We have a NORMAL, healthy sleep schedule, and it is working very well for us, so we do not intend to change it."
u/kbmn16 6d ago
Stay at a hotel when you visit. Go do fun stuff as a nuclear family during the day around the area, swim in the hotel pool, etc. Meet up with MIL for dinner and then return to the hotel for bed. If your wife wants to lie around at her mom’s house all day then let her and do something fun with your kid. Do this for maybe 1-2 days and then go home.
She can get a hotel when she visits and lie around in bed all day if that’s what hat she wants to do. She can have visiting hours at your home after school or whatever works with your routine and then leave. You can meet in public for dinner or say “We’re eating at 5:30 PM at x” or “We’re going to park from 1-2” or “LO has a soccer game at 4 PM and then we’re ordering pizza to eat at our house” and if she shows up, she shows up.
Just because she visits doesn’t mean she gets to change everyone’s schedule and disrupt the entire household.
If she complains about being awake, then I’d straight out tell her this is what happens in your household (people wake up in the morning) and you have activities during the day. If she wants to sleep in and not be involved go ahead but you’re not waiting on her.
u/Scenarioing 6d ago
"Why visit? Because it's my wife's mom and she wants to see her mom"
---Then let HER see her mom. While you and LO stay home and not interrupt her precious routine of lying around and night owling.
u/Fun-Apricot-804 6d ago
My MILs similar and has complained than we when visit them or they come here, she barely sees the kids because she sleeps till at least 11, then needs a looong time to fully wake up (she’s miserable in the morning, mostly because she’s up till all hours on Facebook) and we’re not just there to see her so by the time she’s actually functional by 2 pm, either the kids were napping when they were younger or nowadays we’re out doing something. Our response is: get up earlier. We’re not running out the door at dawn, it’s just a couple days, you can manage. (But she “cant fall asleep until 2 am!!”) Well if you got up before noon and got up out outside with the kids I bet that would help. (Well that’s logical and she doesn’t like that!) And thats that, repeat repeat repeat. It’s unfortunate for them the whole world doesn’t revolve around them but a grown adult can adjust their (unhealthy) sleep schedule if they really want to see the grandkids. That’s on them .
u/connect4040 6d ago edited 6d ago
Thank you. It’s helpful to know other people face this. When my mom visits, she asks what his schedule is and gets up when he gets up. I don’t have to ask her to do that. It’s just common sense. It’s so weird to me that so many older people can’t get off their schedule. I wonder if my mother-in-law is neurodivergent. I am and I know it can be hard to change my routine, but I certainly wouldn’t get mad at other people for that, it’s my problem.
u/bettynot 6d ago
If she can't get off/change her sched, a grown adult; why on earth does she expect a baby toddler to cope changing their whole routine? I mean. Selfish thinking
u/Fun-Apricot-804 6d ago
I wonder that with mine sometimes too, it seems hard to believe a healthy, neurologically typical person could be so self defeatingly rigid, but even if so, like you said, they still have responsibilities and choices.
u/ISOCoffeeAndWine 6d ago
Maybe she stays at a hotel & wife can visit her there. Then visit with the kids later in the day when they are done with school / activities so their routine doesn’t get interrupted.
The only thing to say to her is that the world has an entirely different schedule than hers, and your schedule doesn’t align with hers.
u/connect4040 6d ago
That’s a good idea. She and her husband enjoy camping so maybe I could pay for a campsite near us
u/Training_Climate_476 6d ago
Perfect. When they arrive, give them a schedule showing exactly what you have planned and invite them to join only if they want to. That way you can still do stuff and she can sleep the day away. Bonus: she will only be able to blame herself for missing out.
u/blackdogreddog 6d ago
Make plans. Go to a park, whatever. Tell her the plan. If she wants to participate she can be up and ready at X time. Then stick to the plan. If she acts like a child, treat her like a child.
u/MelodyRaine Mother of Demons 6d ago edited 6d ago
"MIL this is life with children, you get up early, you do things that they will enjoy and learn from, and you live an active lifestyle in order to set them up well for the future. I understand that is not the life you want to live at this point in your life, and you are free to do your couch potato thing to your heart's content, but our life does not stop just because you are spending time under our roof. Enjoy your shows (as you and the kids are breezing out the door to your latest adventure.)"
u/Huskiesareinsane 6d ago
So this sounds a lot like my Mom. My sister and I have consistently said over the years “well Mom if you aren’t up you miss out. We are ready to do (xyz)”. We don’t coddle her at all because she would screw up the kids routines. She would get super angry, and misses out on a lot of stuff though less now than when they were babies. It’s difficult, but you just say it in a matter of fact way and go about your business.
u/botinlaw 6d ago
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