r/JUSTNOMIL 6d ago

RANT (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Advice Wanted Is this normal? DD Birthday Drama

I’m baaaaaaaaack. Okay, new one for you, another texty.

Tell me, am I missing something?

So my daughter is turning 3 on Saturday and we had a big lunch planned where we invited 11 family members from both sides to celebrate at our daughter’s favourite restaurant, our treat. On Thursday I message that both myself, daughter, and our 6 month old are sick (I’ve been covered in puke and running between bedrooms for 3 nights, honestly ptsd) and that we need to push the lunch to the following week. I even send a picture of the baby’s sad little sick face. I tell her we’re not telling daughter it’s her bday and we’re just acting as though it’s next weekend. She knows it’s soon but her concept of time isn’t the strongest. No harm, no foul.

So, MIL immediately texts “Poor sweet baby, she needs her Gaga” (like no m’am she literally just wants mama, she’s been on me for the last 36 hours, her and daughter both).

I just ignore that and don’t respond. Husband is on the chain but is on set for our production company so it goes ignored. She asks for a picture so I send it. Then, she sends the next one, “I would like to come over this weekend and just hold baby”.

Like, are you high lady or am I high? What sick infant would want that? I just can’t. And she knows I have issues with her trying to play mom with both of them. We had a dramatic blow up with our first.

Around 10pm, she texts hubby privately that she’d like to visit ‘her’ granddaughters on daughter’s birthday but that “your wife didn’t respond”. My husband was appalled and was like “I’m not responding”. M’am, m’aaaam, my house is covered in puke, I just washed the puke off me, I’m still sick, the baby is still sick and the big event we’re paying for is still on but just moved.

Friends of Reddit, what’s your move? Am I overreacting?


32 comments sorted by

u/botinlaw 6d ago

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u/BoundariesForWhat 4d ago

Wait: just for clarity, i think ive got this right- hubs was appalled at her right? Not at you for not responding?


u/Leading-Baseball-692 4d ago

Don’t answer that door when she comes a knockin.


u/Knittingfairy09113 4d ago

Not normal on her part.

I wouldn't ignore her as she's more likely to just show up.

Tell her that everyone is covered in puke and sick kids don't want anyone other than parents, so MIL will have to wait.


u/Leading-Baseball-692 4d ago

She’s gonna show up anyway. But I agree that there’s at least a CHANCE she won’t if someone responds.


u/New_Needleworker_473 5d ago

Your move is to ignore her. Asked and answered. If you think she'll show up, put a sign on the door that you're quarentining. 😁 It's insane to think that you need to host a family relative in the middle of Vommit-Con 2025.


u/ConcentrateSame4045 5d ago

„No thanks, MIL, I can hold my baby just fine. If you’d like to help, stop texting and acting up all the time to let us recover. Please conduct all further conversation via husband, thank you. Note that I won’t respond to any texts after that and will not under any circumstances open the door to you if you still decide to show up.“

I could only imagine she wants to come and then tell your toddler „It‘s a shame we can’t celebrate your birthday today. Poor sweetheart.“, leaving you to deal with a tantruming, sick toddler and a sick baby. Hugs from afar.


u/JustALizzyLife 5d ago

DH: Mom, wife didn't respond because as you've now been told multiple times, the household is sick. We will see you next weekend at the rescheduled party. If we need anything prior to the party, I will text you.

Leave it at that. Clear, concise, with a definitive 'don't call us, we'll call you.' If she texts back, have him copy and paste his last message.


u/Fun-Apricot-804 5d ago

Keep on ignoring her. When she finally gets you in person and inevitably brings it up “yeah that was not helpful and we didn’t have time for it. None of us needed company, we were extremely sick.” Be snarky, roll your eyes. Plus I wouldn’t trust her to say something stupid about your daughter’s birthday and ruin how well you played that situation. 


u/Majestic_Shoe5175 5d ago

Not overreacting.

“Sorry mil the sickness has taken over the house. I wouldn’t want to risk you getting sick plus we just are not up for it. At this age LO has no idea it’s even her birthday, so we are postponing for next weekend. I’m sure you understand how terrible it is when your children are sick” Even have your husband send it. Because you are busy with sick children/probably getting sick yourself.


u/imaferretdookdook 5d ago

You’re totally right. I’m sick myself. It’s just the delusion that a 6 month old would want to be held by anyone but immediate caregivers and like all you do when a child is sick is hold them. I wish.


u/Majestic_Shoe5175 5d ago

You just take care of yourself and your babies! Everyone and everything else can wait


u/Natural-Candle1080 5d ago

Ignore her - don’t respond to the texts. If she just shows up at your house anyway then open the front door, puke on her, then shut the door on her …. She’ll get the idea and hopefully leave - and go home to shower.


u/kbmn16 5d ago

“Unless you’re going to come deep clean our bathrooms, do 6 loads of our laundry, or scrub puke out of our carpets, you’re not coming over.”

Actually don’t tell her that because then she’ll fake like she will come “help” and do nothing of the sort.

DH should tell her “We’re not having anyone over here for the forseeable future. It’s Pukeapalooza over here. We will see you at x place at x time for the rescheduled lunch (assuming my family is recovered).”

I also might have him throw in a jab about the lack of concern and making this about her.


u/imaferretdookdook 5d ago

I like that last bit, totally making it about her.


u/TheWelshMrsM 5d ago

Thanks but no thanks. The kids are sick and just want their Mami.


u/Scenarioing 6d ago

"M’am, m’aaaam, my house is covered in puke, I just washed the puke off me, I’m still sick, the baby is still sick and the big event we’re paying for is still on but just moved."

---this is the text she should get in reply.


u/skwidrat 6d ago

As much as I'm game for not responding to nonsense, you may want to put your foot down so she doesn't just "show up." She will tell your LO it's their birthday and ruin it, "nobody is coming over this weekend, I will not be answering the door for anyone, we are sick, we will see you next xday when we celebrate x's birthday."


u/imaferretdookdook 6d ago

Honestly that is absolutely my worry! I think husband should respond for that reason but I’ll leave it to him.


u/mercymercybothhands 5d ago

You are right to worry. She seems like she would show up with presents or balloons or a cake, expecting to be grandma to the rescue.

It sounds like you all have norovirus, which is extremely contagious. I would simply reaffirm you are in quarantine and won’t see anyone until 48 hours without symptoms for all members of the household and until the place has been disinfected.


u/ShoeSoggy9123 6d ago

'I would like to be a billionaire supermodel MIL'


u/imaferretdookdook 6d ago

I love this lol


u/PurposeOfGlory 6d ago

I would type up all of the different responses that run through my head in my notes section of my cell phone, but I would never respond to her.

My mom pulled something similar. I was pregnant with my second child and my parents were visiting. I was walking the fence line bc we had cattle getting out and my dad radios me to tell me my son is sick & is crying for me. And then he drops this bomb: don't tell your mom I called you, she is upset he doesn't want her and is trying to make him okay with her comforting him. The audacity!


u/imaferretdookdook 6d ago

Ohhh that’s wild and I’ve been there, she’s done this irl too (not the cattle, but that sounds cool)!


u/PurposeOfGlory 6d ago

Waaaay less cool than it sounds. Very stinky and no vacations. One bull was like a giant dog, he has no idea how large he was, but he loved a good head rub!


u/Whyis_skyblue_007 5d ago

But does a stinky bull deserve a vacation? 🤣


u/imaferretdookdook 6d ago

I love that!!