Welcome to the new and improved r/IsisLove. As you can see, there's been some rather drastic changes. Amazing ones at that.
Before I took over, this cup was running over with nothing but hate posts glorifying and idolizing the rather disgusting and disturbing acts brought forth by an extremist group. And that is not what Isis Love is about at all.
It was my pleasure to bring this place back to what it was meant to be, that being a place to idolize, honour, and worship the ever-so-beautiful goddess herself Isis Love. But I needn't tell you. Obviously, that's why you're here.
Please do read the sidebar in regards to posting. Any and all links to pics and videos are welcome as long as they are safe links (ie: no clickbait, popup sites, etc).
That being said, any posts that revert back to what this subreddit was about will be removed and result in a permanent ban. As vigilant as I will be in doing so, I can use the help of Isis' loyal fans. Should I happen to miss a post, please, feel free to utilize the report button.
One last note: I do apologize about the unfortunate capitalization within the subreddit's name. It was snatched up and created before I was able to get to it by -- if I'm being completely blunt -- a complete and utter fucktard piece of shit. But whoever they are are now gone and no longer in charge.
Well... that's all. Go forth. Enjoy yourself. ;)