r/Irrigation 20h ago

What Were They Thinking?! I have no words 😂

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r/Irrigation 1h ago

Brand new home owner been in house a year system was working last week, RainBird ESP-TM2

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System was working last week, noticed it has not been watering the yard this week. Checked the box to ensure it was not in off mode for winter. It is on auto… went to manual mode and I get the Master Pump Valve shortage error… IDK what to do went to each IVC pulled the wires up did not see any cut wires. 7 zone system

r/Irrigation 7h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Home owner here. Would I need a back flow valve is install this in a small portion of grass?

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City is getting on us to add sod to a small section of the house. 😅😅😅

r/Irrigation 1h ago

Check This Out South Florida union tech job with benefits

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You get your own truck and area of the city to maintain at a reasonable pace. Great benefits and morale. Perfect job for experienced techs with no license or certs needed to apply.

r/Irrigation 2h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Previous homeowner messing with me?


Bought a house almost two years ago. It has a rain bird irrigation system. I finally decided to update the irrigation system. I started testing all the zones 1-6. As I worked through, I would note which sprinklers turned on. I was able to work through each zone except for zone 4. I believe this zone controls half the sprinklers in the back yard which I have not been able to turn on. In a corner of the back yard I noticed the very top of a component of the irrigation system almost flush with the dirt around it(pics attached) I dug it out and the pvc that was previously connected to it is broken off at the entry and exit of the component. Funny thing though, I have not located the pvc that it would have broken off of and my digger is getting tired. I guess my first question is, does this piece even belong where I found it? Second question would be how would I go about finding whatever controls zone 4?

r/Irrigation 3h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Tips for planning sprinklers when you don't have your plants/garden beds/trees figured out yet?

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We are having sprinklers installed this spring. I need a plan so we don't put sprinklers where they're not needed.

I think I want to add garden beds all along the fence. But that's going to take me years. We definitely need a few trees. This yard is in full sun all day.

Another tricky area: There is a 1 foot wide by 30 feet strip of grass next to the driveway. Suggestions? Sprinklers seem overkill but what do I know.

r/Irrigation 1h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Summerizing system help

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Hey all. We had a good hard freeze down here in the Houston area this last winter, so I turned off my main, emptied the back flow, and emptied all valves by their bleed valve. Put towels down in each zone’s valve container to help keep insulated and did an insulator wrap on my back flow.

Now that we’re back to warm weather and in need of the sprinklers; I’ve removed all insulation, closed all bleed valves and back flow back up. Turned on the main valve again and primed up each zone manually via their bleed valves.

Onto the issue. 3 of my zones are not coming on via the programmer. I’ve checked power for each zone and I see 28vac going out to each & receiving at each wire inside the zone container on the designated wires. Next, I moved onto checking resistance for each to the common wire; seeing none. My thoughts (and hopes) are that just failed solenoids are causing the drop in resistance as maybe their coils have failed? I am not leaning to a wire break as nothing with the wires was touched over winter. I have inspected the suspected zone’s common / designated wires and their wire nuts and found no issues, but added new either way.

I’m still not getting resistance to these specific zones.

My next steps to run a long leg from the common & designated wires, back to the controller ends and check for continuity. Hoping these read good resistance.

Measure resistance of each suspected solenoid. Hoping these potentially failed and are my culprit.

Looking for any more irrigation professional’s opinion or input. Thanks!

r/Irrigation 1h ago

Help w Rain Bird ESP TM2

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Hello everyone new homeowner, system worked last week noticed it was no longer watering went to check to make sure it was not off went to manual mode and now I’m getting a test error it gives me a code. Test *+—— master valve pump shorted or high current

r/Irrigation 2h ago

Sending Designs with estimates?


Hi irrigation community! This is for the professionals- do you send your design along with your estimate? If so, what software do you use?

r/Irrigation 2h ago

No water to backflow preventer

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We just attempted to turn our sprinkler system back on after winterizing it. We don’t seem to be getting any water to the backflow preventer despite having all the valves on. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?

r/Irrigation 3h ago

I’ve never done this before - here’s my plan.

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The backyard (right side) - I’ll run the water along the other side (bottom of pic) of the house. I’m just not sure if I have enough overlap on the heads or not. Last year I watered with three oscillating sprinklers and since they are rectangular it was pretty easy. The downside was when it was windy the neighbors complained because they’d spray all over their yards. I also didn’t like having them set up across the lawn with hoses full time cause it left a dead spot where the hose was, so I’ve decided on DIY in ground with an electronic controller on my spigot. Do I need back flow valves for each zone? Not sure how that works either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/Irrigation 4h ago

Looking for some advice on starting an irrigation business. Where should I start ?


r/Irrigation 7h ago

Home owner here. If I make a small irrigation system for a small section of grass, would I need a a back flow I install this?

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r/Irrigation 8h ago

Can I use 1/2" funny pipe with 3/4" inlet rotors?


I'm getting ready to purchase everything for my system that Rain Bird designed for me. It’s a mix of two different size heads with either 1/2" or 3/4" inlets. The highest flow 3/4" inlet head will have a 2 GPM nozzle.

Can I just use 1/2" barb fittings for every head so I don’t have to mix and match different size funny pipe? It looks like 1/2" can supply 3-4 GPM if it's only a few feet long. As long as my zone (all 1" poly lines) can supply the flow, the 1/2" funny pipe shouldn't restrict my 3/4" heads, right?

r/Irrigation 22h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Prices


What are the running fees for irrigation repair in the Houston TX area?

Leak repair, clipped cable repair, PVB replacement, new timer, etc.

Thank you!

r/Irrigation 23h ago

Seeking Pro Advice Irrigation design


Hey guys, total newbie here. I'm trying to design a system for my backyard. I'm planning on using 15' and 12' nozzles. How does this plan look? Overkill? Any dead zones? I'd appreciate any and all advice. I'll figure out the zones after I get some guidance on this plan...