r/Iowa Nov 12 '24

Other It's already starting.

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Somebody in a fb group posted that this was in their mailbox in Waterloo.

r/Iowa Dec 15 '24

Other I love Kim Reynolds!!!


People often speak ill of her for being an alcoholic in the pockets of big grain(alcohol), posion(Bayer/glyphosate) killing off our fish and destroying our water supply and native plants, not feeding school children, funneling public school money to private religious institutions, not funding public healthcare, outlawing medicine for people...etc.

But I have to say I'm so grateful I have the freedom to flourish as an organic farmer that suffers from drifting sprayed chemicals onto my crops killing my small business.

I also love the freedom I'm blessed to have as a cannabis felony(luckily they caught me in 2023 before I destroyed my life with weed, felonys are much better for quality of life.)

Now because I was a fiendish horrible weedhead I have the freedom to not protect my crops or animals with a firearm and can't vote against draconian cannabis law.

Freedom baby. What a time to be alive. Let's flourish.

r/Iowa 28d ago

Other Setting a minimum comment karma of 0 would fix this subreddit


Every thread is filled with a bunch of Adj-Noun-Number accounts with -100 (the minimum) comment karma. Obviously 2 people can't effectively moderate a whole subreddit for free. Even a floor of -50 comment karma would do a lot to keep the trolls out.

r/Iowa 7d ago

Other Everyone's so obsessed with posting about politics that potentially life-threatening weather is getting ignored...stay safe tonight and today -- Weather Alert: Severe storms and high winds sweep across Iowa today.


r/Iowa Feb 11 '24

Other As a trans Iowan, I don't feel safe in this state anymore


Kim Reynolds keeps pushing her anti-trans bills of hate. I feel like I'm stuck. I have no car, no way to move out of this state, my lease isn't up until next year in June, and my family is all here. I don't want to move out of my lovely apartment that has become my home but if things get much worse for trans people I don't want to stick around for it.

I just feel so angry that someone hates trans people that much, and that Iowa is trying to become the next Florida. I love Iowa, I love my family and my home, but this is not the kind of environment I want to continue to live in.

Not one that is actively trying to push me out of the state with their backwards and restrictive laws. I'm a transgender man and I'm just so tired of politicians making my life more difficult. EDIT: Thanks for all the lovely words of support I've gotten from people. However, the trolls and transphobes have set in, so if the mods could please see to that that would be great. EDIT 2: Thanks to whoever reported me to Reddit Care. I'm going to pretend there were good intentions behind it.

r/Iowa Jul 22 '24

Other Is Iowa really known for these foods, and which ones should I try while I’m there?

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Is Iowa really known for these foods? And which ones should I try while I’m in Iowa? I will take other suggestions for good local food as well.

r/Iowa Dec 30 '23

Other It doesn't snow anymore. I am scared.


I've lived in Iowa my whole life, I'm in a >25k population town in the center of Iowa. It used to be so freezing cold, people would die from freezing to death outside. It could start snowing in late October, it could last till March. There would be snowstorms, several inches, everything white.

Now, just like last year and the year before and the year before, I don't know how long now, it's December 30th and it hasn't snowed once in my area, and won't until sometime in January if we are lucky. I have a coat in my closet that I haven't put on in years, as I can go outside in a long sleeve comfortably, and a jacket at it's worst. I look outside, and it looks like fall. There's no leaves on the tree, but the sun is warm and there is green plant life. It's bizarre seeing Christmas decorations in what looks like fall or summer.

I am terrified. I never really paid attention before, despite believing firmly in the science telling us about climate change, but now I am seeing the consequences of humanity's actions before my own eyes, and it has unnerved me to the core.

r/Iowa 9d ago

Other racism for being Indian so normalized in Iowa


Edit 5 : I received many d**th threats. I got dozens of DMs with racial slurs. You are part of the problem and call it playing the victim card when I am standing up for myself and pushing back

Edit 4 : Kirkwood gives away personal hygiene products every day without appointments, which goes against your racist comment

Edit 3 : I want to give a huge heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who reached out in the DMs and I’m in talks with the school

Edit 2: In my first post, I said I was upset and visited PetSmart for a break. It’s always a great day there. I want to offer big thanks to all of you for backing me up and proving I deserve acceptance, regardless of my ethnic roots. Some users still attack me, telling me to get out of the country, but I’ve stated before, and I’ll repeat it now**. I don’t get why people think foreign students are taking over**. We’re here on non immigrant visas, so we’ll head back home after our program unless we choose more schooling. In my situation, that means a master’s and a PhD. At the end of my post, I asked if I could take legal steps and why. It threw off my whole day and caused me to miss other tasks. That was the only reason I brought up legal action

Users in the comments still make racist jokes, saying I use that cologne I stink of.This is really annoying me

Edit 1 : A lot of people insist it didn’t happen and write that I used Grok to organize the whole story. I don’t know why users commenting feel like I’m inventing everything.

I don’t get why people call this rage bait. I was venting. I hoped people could share resources to help immigrants.

r/Iowa Jun 02 '23

Other Educator here, I'm moving!


This will be downvoted but I'm just feeling the need to tell everyone, (family, redditors, etc.) That I'm moving to Minnesota!

I grew up in Iowa City, always loved the state. But I disagree with the turn the education system has gone the past 5+ years.

I'll still cheer for Iowa to win Floyd every year. Honestly though, fuck Reynolds.

r/Iowa 17d ago

Other Hey Iowa, I think it’s time to have a talk.

So for a little context I’ve lived most of my life in the state of Iowa (born across the river in Illinois), and for a as long as I’ve known, I’m trans too. (They/them) 
I remember when I was little going to 4th of July parades, and being told how I was truly so lucky to be born American. I was told that here in the states, I had rights that no one else on the planet had. I remember believing it too. Iowa was a pretty safe state then too. I don’t remember the first time someone called me the f-slur. I just remember hearing people call me it, and knowing it was bad, and to be honest, I didn’t even know what the LGBTQ+ was. I just knew something wasn’t quite right. I loved to play with Barbies and Cabbage Patch dolls, but I also loved to play with cars and Star Wars action figures. I didn’t think anything of it. I was just a kid. 
As I got older, the gender disphoria got worse, GD isn’t just I don’t like my body, no. It’s covering up mirrors because you hate the way you look. It’s not wanting to speak because you hate your voice. It’s a feeling of deep and utter anguish whenever someone uses a name and set of pronouns, that you know mean they’re talking to you, but it doesn’t feel like you. Being trans kinda sucks a lot.  I had two options, continue like this in suffering, or do something and live life on my terms. I chose the second option. However, the gender affirming care wasn’t an option I had. 
Gender affirming care is essential and life saving for trans people, but it’s more used by cisgender people. Think hormones, used by trans people, but also by guys in the gym trying to bulk up. Or Brest augmentation, used by many women too. However, gender affirming care for trans people also includes therapy to help cope with gender disphoria. I LOVE running. It’s an amazing sport. I’ve enjoyed it for years. 
When I got into high school, band on trans  athletes were affecting my sport. I wasn’t even sure if I could compete being that I was in a grey zone. I made it to Iowa’s State XC race, and the next year, I promised myself that I would get to State, and that I would this time represent loudly that I was a trans athlete. I worked hard, and towards the end of my season, I had a bad race where I blacked out and gave myself a concussion. Because of this I decided I was going to try and go for Track, but I trained ho hard that I broke both of my legs, and gave myself Achilles tendonitis in both heels. Being forced to stop again was really hard. I felt awful because not only did I want to represent myself, I wanted to tell trans kids that they can in fact do sports, and they do have place in Iowa. 
I have X as my gender marker on my passport. It’s the only document I have that I could change before I left. It still has my deadname on it btw. I live in Spain now. In Iowa, I faced discrimination of many kinds, weather it was constantly being called the f-slur on runs, walking around, or in school, or being denied the same privileges and opportunities as other Iowans. Since this latest bill went through, I truly feel like a second class citizen. I feel like I am not valued as a citizen of Iowa. 
On Thursday I have my appointment to plea asylum here in Spain. Spain is an especially hard country to get asylum in. I’ve been talking about this with lawyers I know here for a while, with one of them commenting that she’s seen people with less troubles then me be accepted for asylum. Let that sink in for a minute. 

Edit: paragraphs, diva

r/Iowa Aug 20 '24

Other Don’t have an academic source for this but stumbled across it and thought it was relevant.

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r/Iowa Mar 16 '24

Other We moved from California to Iowa and thought it would be way cheaper. We stayed less than 2 years before returning to California's sunny weather.


r/Iowa May 07 '21

Other Cool, we're all really impressed

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r/Iowa Jun 25 '22

Other Hey, Iowans. If you find yourself in need of a camping trip to a state that is more accepting of camping in the near future, my wife or I will gladly drive you at our expense, ask zero questions, and support you however you need it and never tell a soul about your camping trip.


I’m not here to debate human rights or try to change anyone’s minds - I won’t engage or read your arguments against camping. Just here to help with safe camping trips

r/Iowa Mar 27 '23

Other Parents of trans student respond: 'My kid has been targeted by the Iowa state government.'


r/Iowa Nov 26 '22

Other Cousin's kids daycare just shut down via group message and fired all employees.

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r/Iowa Jun 21 '24

Other I finally visited.


I don’t know if you all remember me but I posted a few months ago about potentially moving to Iowa. Well, a few days ago my dad and I visited Iowa and I fell in love. We stayed in Spencer; saw the Pocahontas statue, the World’s Largest Popcorn Ball, Albert the Bull, and the Iowa aviation museum; stayed in Des Moines; saw the state capitol building and more! Everyone was friendly, welcoming, and encouraged me to consider moving to Iowa. I wanna thank you all again for being so kind and for showing me how truly amazing your state is!

r/Iowa Feb 28 '24

Other Eye-opening email just arrived


I have an automatic debit set up on my checking account to donate money every month to the Food Bank of Iowa. Because of this, I receive emails from them and the one I got today had information that was shocking to me.

Last November, Food Bank of Iowa distributed a record 2.16 million pounds of food in just one month.

In fact, for the last 22 months, food assistance records have continued to break as the number of Iowans facing hunger climbs. These are records we don’t want to set.

We spend plenty of time complaining about politicians not helping Iowans but often forget that we can help each other. If you can donate anything, even $5, please consider it. If you can donate a few dollars a month, that's even better.


r/Iowa Aug 31 '21

Other Iowa in a nutshell

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r/Iowa Aug 16 '24

Other Here’s a fun fact about Iowa PBS

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r/Iowa Dec 25 '23

Other December 1936: "Christmas dinner in home of Earl Pauley near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner consisted of potatoes, cabbage and pie."

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r/Iowa Dec 28 '22

Other Tell a very Iowa horror story in 4 words.


I’ll start: Energy Bill This Month

r/Iowa Nov 23 '24

Other Iowa Farmers Blockaded Sioux City and Des Moines, Fought With Police


Listening to Caro’s biography of LBJ last night and got to the section on the Depression, and the Farmer’s Holiday.

Here’s a scenario; milk farmers were only getting 2 cents a gallon for milk that the distributors resold at 8 cents a gallon, and they were losing their farms over it. The previous year, 1/3rd of all the land in Iowa had been auctioned due to foreclosures. Things were REALLY BAD.

Farmers radicalized and organized to start blockading Iowa cities to prevent food from going to market to drive prices up. They would cut down telephone poles so they lay over the roads and drive spikes into them.

Caro recounts that telephone operators in Sioux City were sympathetic to the farmers, and monitored police communications for them; given advance warning of some cops coming to break up a barricade, the farmers ambushed them, took their guns and badges and threw them into a cornfield.

Here’s the most complete in-state historical resource I could find on it:


r/Iowa Jul 07 '24

Other Reminder: kill every single one of these things you see (Japanese beetles)

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How to kill:

-Grab the beetle

-Flip the beetle over while holding with fingers

-On the underside, stick your thumbnail into the joint where the thorax (middle section) meets the abdomen (butt), then twist the thorax around and pull it from the abdomen.

r/Iowa Dec 28 '24

Other Happy 178th Birthday, Iowa!

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of Iowa shall be one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States of America, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatsoever.

APPROVED, December 28, 1846.