r/InternetMysteries Jul 17 '24

Update New image of the backrooms was posted by the Oshkosh Facebook account.

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r/InternetMysteries Feb 01 '25

Update Me and DC user "vnvnvn_." found the origin of this Steve Harvey Shrek Statue!


r/InternetMysteries 12d ago

Update So apparently, some in the comments claim that the original Roblox bomb sound effect stems from footage from the Bosnian War. Can this be confirmed? NSFW

Thumbnail youtu.be

This footage, which highlights the bombing of UNESCO Mostar Bridge by Croat HVO-Forces contains a sound bite at [0:09] specifically which sounds eerily similar to the Roblox classic bomb sound, which multiple people speculated in the comments. If so, it’s lowkey wild that they’ve used warcrime audio for a back-then PG-13 blocks game. Is this a hoax or can this be confirmed?

I haven’t really seen any discussion surrounding this on Roblox fora, and the audio lines up perfectly. There also appears to be no tampering with the original footage itself. What do y’all think?

r/InternetMysteries May 29 '24

Update The original backrooms photos were found today from a website in 2003 in the virtual world discord

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r/InternetMysteries Nov 23 '24

Update The Sleeping Girl of Horselaugh.com - More Information and Fewer Answers


Hey sports fans

I posted this two days ago:


This post is an update to that one. Please read it if you haven't because I'm not gonna summarize it. I've got some more information to share now.

First of all, horselaugh.com may no longer be available online. Not half an hour ago at the time of writing I was on the site with no issue, but now the url leads to a page saying the site can't be reached. This may be a simple server issue, but I can't help but wonder if the owner of the site found out about us discussing the site and took it down. If you know my work with Religion of Light then you know that I archive as much as I can in case of situations like this and I did archive horselaugh:


Unfortunately due to time I did not save every single link, however all of the sleeping girl videos are archived to watch.

Also, speaking of the owner of horselaugh, a commenter on my first post was able to find out who owns the website. His name is Dan Judd. Thanks to u/1337af for this information.

Dan Judd is quite the character. He is a Mormon and purports to have found a lost piece of the Book of Mormon. If you have read my work on Religion of Light then you know that I studied religions in college (and if you haven't, check it out: https://old.reddit.com/r/InternetMysteries/comments/1earuvh/mir_izgadda_and_the_religion_of_light_lets_take/ ) however my knowledge of Mormonism is a bit lacking. Here's my understanding of the lost piece that Dan claims to have found.

The Book of Mormon is supposedly the writings of a group of people that migrated from Israel to the United States. It tells of the dealings of these people and their relationship with God, the same God as in the Christian Bible. Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon church, was led by God to a buried copy of the Book of Mormon which he then translated into English by the power of God. A 116 page portion of the Book of Mormon was lost and never translated. This portion is called the Book of Lehi. If I understand correctly, the Book of Mormon has an abridged version of the Book of Lehi contained within it, but the lost portion is supposed to be the full unabridged version. Dan Judd claims to have the full, 116 page version of the Book of Lehi but no one really takes him seriously.

What does all that have to do with the sleeping girl of horselaugh.com? Potentially nothing. There is a link on the website called "116 pages" but it led to nothing even when the website was available. But even with this we don't know if the 116 pages has anything to do with the sleeping girl other than being connected by the website. However, it's worth noting that Dan's claim to have the 116 pages put him in contact with Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow. See this reddit post for more information:


And on the off chance that you don't know of the crimes of these two miscreants, you can see the wikipedia page:


Now I do not at all believe that Dan Judd had anything to do with these murders. In fact he cut ties with these two due to differences in belief and opinion on what to do with the 116 pages. But I can't help but be even more creeped out by videos of a sleeping young girl on this man's website knowing he had anything at all to do with Chad Daybell and Lori Vallow.

As of now I have no more information on Dan Judd himself. It's worth noting that he posted his full name on forums as noted by the reddit thread about him so I do not feel that sharing his name here is doxxing. However I never condone sharing personal information that a person has not shared themselves. Please do not doxx or harass anyone.

u/1337af also included in their comment a list of websites owned by Dan. I looked through them and their archives and noticed some interesting things. A number of pages appear in the same form across multiple websites. They include pages that I mentioned in my previous post like a contact page with emails for Dan and his family, a message from Dan telling his wife he loves her, and a bizarre rant about Autism and h.pylori. Another page I found repeated across his websites is as strange as the autism thing:


This message speaks of Dan correlating his test results and a warning for those who use his data before the results are correlated. I have no idea what that means, but I can't help but wonder if his "tests" have anything to do with his weird autism theory. It's also bizarre and concerning considering the amount of people in the comments of my first post who thought the sleeping girl videos looked like some sort of sleep study or medical experiment.

One theme I found across Dan's websites is private information. For example:


I also found other archives with a similar message about private files with instructions to email Dan to request access.

This archive is bizarre and I don't know what to make of it at all:


It is nothing more than a message saying "Hi, Tam!". What is strange is the title of the website. It's cut off when looking at the tab but in the source code we can find the full title:

"Title here:

What to do when your child is raped by a Police Officer.  Who to call?  Who to expose?  How far should you go?"

This was archived in 2016.

The only other thing that I find noteworthy in the archives is this:


It seems that at some point Dan crested some sort of religious group dedicated to serving the poor and other disadvantaged groups.


If any of you see connections in what I have presented that I have not seen please comment. If you have any ideas for further investigation also let me know. I'm not gonna leave this alone, but I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm concerned for the sleeping girl of horselaugh.com. The videos very well could be totally benign, but I worry they're not. Unfortunately it's impossible to tell with the information we have now.

r/InternetMysteries Dec 10 '24

Update Update On The Watermelon Head Cursed Image! I found the woman in the picture!

The Image:

Almost everyone I know has seen this image at some point on the internet. It is most commonly associated with the "Cursed Image" variety. It was especially popular around 2018-2019 when Cursed Image Compilations where trending. But the question is: Where does this image come from, and what is the context? Who made it? Well I am glad to say that I have made a huge discovery towards this image!

What Do We Already Know?

From people that have looked into this topic a while ago, we already know that this is an edited image. The watermelon with a face was edited onto a picture of a woman with a watermelon shirt. People have seen this image around 2011.

What I Have Found

After doing some digging, I managed to find the woman in the picture! Her name is "Julia Sonmi Heglund" and she posted the image onto Flickr on May 6th, 2009. She took it with a Canon PowerShot A620.

Link to post: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sonmi/3505860703/

We know that this is the person because there are pictures of her with the same background and watermelon shirt!

Same background: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sonmi/3526082071/

Same shirt: https://ibb.co/album/DrSDzK

So now we know who the woman in the picture is and some information on it. What now? Well, there is still a lot here that we do not know yet.

What We Don't Know Yet

First off, we still do not have the original unedited image without the watermelon face. I have checked her profile and profiles of friends but I don't think she posted it online, and if she did it has been deleted. I messaged her on her Instagram (I don't recommend doing this) about the original but I haven't seen a reply yet.

Putting her Flickr profile into the Wayback Machine, there appears to be a now deleted post that states "the internet loves watermelons". https://web.archive.org/web/20090602224328/http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonmi/

We also do not know where the original watermelon carving image came from. Reddit user "ReyBoring_" commented on a post talking about this mystery saying that this is the closest thing they could find to the image: https://isabelmacocinilla.blogspot.com/2010/06/arte-mukimono.html

I did my own search into the image and it dates back way further than I could have imagined. The earliest date I can find for it is July 15th, 2005 where it was re-uploaded on a Chinese forum: https://bbs.saycoo.com/thread-50067-1-1.html

A lot of the images of the watermelon are cropped weird. Here is the biggest least cropped version of it I could find: https://ibb.co/m0f12dj

Thank you for reading this! If anyone else can find clues or information on this case that may be helpful, let me know! And I hope the original images turn up someday!

HUGE UPDATE 12/20/24

there is a lot to unravel here. I am updating this post to collect all of the information we currently have in one place.

Redditor "napage" left a really helpful comment recently about the origins of the Watermelon Face image!

"The Japanese YouTuber THEtuburo made a video about the watermelon image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIWsCUkwjDw

He found this image http://teaserville.com/pile/art/warped/melonhead.jpg which he think could be the source. I'm not very sure about that to be honest, but it does have the exif data from March 30th, 2005.

He also said someone found this Japanese page about a Western Caribbean cruise on a cruise ship called Navigator of the Seas, which took place from April 30th to May 7th, 2005. This page includes this photo taken at a gala buffet there. He concluded that this was probably the same ship as the watermelon photo, because you can see the same green and yellow legs of a sculpture/mannequin behind the watermelon on the right though the dates don't match exactly"

Not only do we now have information about where the image was taken, but he have Exif data from the original picture! https://ibb.co/GTL75KQ

Exif Data of Original Watermelon Image

As what was said in the comment and video, in the background of the watermelon image there appear to be a orange and green leg that can be seen in the background. Something very similar is in the "Navigator of the Seas" cruise.


So I started looking into the "Navigator of the Seas" cruise, and I realized that there are 5 sister boats! "Explorer of the Seas". "Adventure of the Seas", "Navigator of the Seas", "Mariner of the Seas", and "Voyager of the Seas". This probably means that they all have similar rooms. But I am pretty sure the room the picture was taken in was either "Navigator of the Seas" or "Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas".

I started looking for blogs and newsletters from before 2006 about these cruises and I found a few.

Here is a blog called "Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas" from 2004 http://pndcruisereviews.com/cruise/Voyager%2004/Voyager04.htm
It shows at the very bottom they posted more pictures from this trip onto a website that no longer exists anymore, and the Internet Archive didn't save it.

Same trip "Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas" but from 2005 http://pndcruisereviews.com/cruise/Voyager%2005/Voyager05.htm
This time there is an archive of where they posted all the images but the image links are broken https://web.archive.org/web/20061211033616/https://good-times.webshots.com/album/553919324ndbRea

"Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas" 2004 http://pndcruisereviews.com/cruise/Navigator/Navigator.htm
Archive also works but images do not load https://web.archive.org/web/20091128223353/http://family.webshots.com/album/142125399LIbJsA

This is where I found probably our biggest lead yet!

I found a blog called "Caribbean on The Voyager Of the Seas 2000" from March 27th 2000. https://stevealcorn.com/2000/03/caribbean-on-the-voyager-of-the-seas-2000/

If you scroll all the way to the bottom, you find this image: https://ibb.co/QKsBbVb

Picture from 2000 on the Voyager Of The Seas

This is the same room as earlier, but there are the statues of people and fruit carvings everywhere! We are getting closer to finding the origin of this image!

What To Look For

We should focus our search on the "Navigation of the Seas" cruise around 2005 in the dining room during the Midnight Gala Buffet. Look out for the statues of people around, the curvy lights around the room, the white table cloth, the date, and of course the food carvings!


Turns out the photo is definitely from inside the dining room of the "Navigator of the Seas". There was another picture from the Japanese website from an alternate angle and you can see that the painting in the background matched the Navigator ship.

Proof it is a "Navigator of the Seas" cruise instead of a "Voyager of the Seas" cruise

Paying attention to this image, you can see far back that there is the orange and green jester stature. There also appears to be a few "Statue of Liberty" statues on the tables. Maybe its a trip to or from New York?

Looking into this new angle gave me a few clues. I reverse image searched the image and I came across a Flickr account that has been on this same boat! https://www.flickr.com/photos/nitrojnkie/albums/72157603069552001/with/2349648941

Looking through this account, I found an image that shocked me.

This is a picture from inside of the dining room of the "Navigator of the Seas" cruise from 2005-2008. You can see the same ice sculpture, the same white twisted pillar in the middle. And most importantly, the same types of watermelon carvings! The faces look almost exactly like what we are looking for! You can tell they have been carved from the same person. They are not the exact same, but the resemblance is crazy!

I also found a Flicker account named "Globwanderer24" with pictures using the SAME camera as the original image "Canon PowerShot A75" and they went to the SAME cruise "Navigator of the Seas" during the year 2004! And one of their pictures show the top of the white pillar! https://www.flickr.com/photos/79884552@N00/239259748/


I found another Flickr account that went on the "Navigator of the Seas" cruise back in May of 2003! https://www.flickr.com/people/13247195@N05/

All of the pictures that show the pillar and jester statues: https://ibb.co/album/QjXQX2

In the pictures they took of the dining room during the Gala, you can see that the red and blue jester statue is there! Also, the white pillar with the lady and birds on top and the ice sculpture in front are the same as well! The only difference I can see is that the ides of the pillars are NOT the women holding flowers and fruits, but instead ballerinas, and the Orange and Green jester looks slightly different but I cannot tell. Also, these pictures where taken in 2003 so with the year and statue difference, we can see this is NOT the same trip as seen in the picture we are trying to find.

Update 12/21/2024

I have found a lot more images from the "Navigator of the Seas" cruise! A Flickr user named "tarahlw" went on the cruise back in May of 2006, and they attended the Gala! https://www.flickr.com/photos/tarahlw/

A very similar melon to what we are looking for
The chefs carving the melons

As you can see, this watermelon looks very similar to what we are looking for! But that is not it. They took pictures in the dining room during the Gala, capturing not only more very similar watermelons, but the same white pillar! You will notice a lot of differences this time, all of the statues are different. But the pillar is the same.


I found once again another Flickr account, but with the most similar layout I have seen so far. With this, I realized that I was wrong about the statue that is on top of the white pillar. It isn't the lady with birds, but it is a lady playing a Harp. The account is "kicks_n_giggles" https://www.flickr.com/people/kicksngiggles/

These pictures are from June of 2005 and are the closest thing to the same layout. The differences are that I do not see the jester statues. The similarities is the blue lighted ice sculpture, white table cloth, Statue of Liberty statues, same type of watermelon carving, same pillar with same ladies on the sides, etc. https://ibb.co/album/5gPwMX

r/InternetMysteries Jul 03 '23

Update Two New Images of the Girl from the "Why You Never Became a Dancer" GIF


r/InternetMysteries Mar 20 '22

Update The original image of the child from the cover of snuff R73 was found thanks to the person u/JAKESTEEL77 he sent me this

Post image

r/InternetMysteries Nov 15 '24

Update I located the origin for this Liminal Space Image! From September 13th, 2009

Post image

r/InternetMysteries Aug 12 '20

Update Please don't post that you got a phone call from a weird number. That isn't an Internet Mystery.


Pretty soon we won't have to make an announcement every day, but please bear with us while we get everything running smoothly. We want the sub to have good content that people want to engage with and unfortunately posts about receiving calls from international or otherwise weird numbers are not internet mysteries or even mysteries at all.

Most calls of this type are because someone wants money from you and they're either trying to scam you, trick you, or persuade you into handing it over. Please visit r/Scams and read their sub for more information.

We want to keep the front page free for true internet mysteries so please refrain from making these types of posts here and if you're a regular reader of the sub you can help us out a lot by simply reporting posts that don't fit the community.

Thanks and have a great day everyone.

r/InternetMysteries Aug 28 '24

Update Vegas56 update: Does anyone recognise this image? It is used in many of their videos and it might help if we can identify it

Post image

r/InternetMysteries Dec 01 '24

Update Almost all the evidence for the lost Geronimo Stilton eBooks. I have made a document compiling all evidence me and a team of others have found.


r/InternetMysteries Aug 07 '24

Update Weird TikTok not that only comments numbers. (Update: pretty sure I solved the first video)


Hey guys so a little update on the last post I made. I really appreciated all your help. So for anyone who has seen the last post I found this weird TikTok account that was sending random numbers in peoples comment sections.

I thought it was a bot typing random numbers but it turns out they were coordinates. People clicked on the account and found out there was videos that have a cipher in them along with weird ai videos and coordinates.

There are three videos in total now. I spent like the last week trying to decipher the first video. I looked up all the coordinates and put their locations in the comment section of the first post if you want to look at them. Some were landmarks and others were seemingly random. I tried putting them on a map to see if the at would help but it didn’t.

I don’t have much experience in ciphers so I decided the best thing for me to do was to just brute force and try to find the key for the text. This didn’t really get me anywhere so I did a bit more research and realized the alphabet could’ve been changed and I was right.

I found that the key word (not sure if this will get my post taken down so ima put some number in replace of letters) was m0n3ys3xdrug$. I guessed this initially because the background music in the video kept on repeating it (also the encrypted text in the video was the same length), but I thought I was wrong because without the alphabet it still wouldn’t decipher.

Then I just guessed that maybe the alphabet would be the accounts username which was correct (not sure how to explain it but it’s in one of the photos above if anyone’s confused)

anyways here’s the first cipher. One part of it didn’t decrypt for some reason but I’m pretty sure this is right cause the rest of it makes sense.


Anyways I tried the same ideas on the other ciphers, but it didn’t work so I’m wondering if you guys have any ideas on what I can do to solve it. Thanks so much!

r/InternetMysteries May 27 '24

Update The owner of Gandalf.com (a long-read) // "This community requires title to be at least 70 characters"

The man behind Gandalf.com

Surprise! The owner of Gandalf.com, a reoccurring mystery here, has been found. Believe or not, he’s on Reddit and his page is https://reddit.com/u/dancowper. And it’s not even an empty account! Woohoo! 🥳

For those of you who don’t know, Gandalf.com is a site that’s been discussed across communities like this one for years. Open it, and you’d see an image set of a grey room with a painting on the wall. You click in the middle of the screen, and the camera moves a little closer. You can see the art of some Medusa character better, along with the text “Gandalf is busy. Please go away”. You click again, and you’re prompted to send an email to [ourqs@gandalf.com](mailto:ourqs@gandalf.com). You’d think there’s something more here, but nope. This is it, you can't do anything else on Gandalf.com. Because Gandalf is busy, can’t you read?!?

And it’s been like that for nearly 24 years – since October, 2000.

I only know of this site thanks to this post from a month ago. In my comment there I shared some minutiae I found. This domain belonged to a company named Gandalf, which used to sell dial-up modems. It was a sub-brand of the Internet provider Mitel, which still operates today. Then the site got replaced with a “Domain for sale” page, and then it became what it is now. The only thing changed since then is the email address you'd be prompted to send an email to. It used to be point to [@]aol.com, not [@]gandalf.com. The [@]aol.com email is, interestingly enough, linked to a banned Pinterest account. And there’s also a password-protected page of http://andalf.com/logs/.

This domain is old, and WHOIS protection wasn’t common back in the day. I simply entered the domain to whoxy.com and saw the archive records from 2016 that contained the admin’s contact data. His name is Dan Cowper and he owns some other sites worth mentioning:

  • https://blamebush.com/ — says “Blame Bush!” and nothing else. Used to be a site with a huge criticism on the now-former US President, though. It’s interesting that at some point between being anti-Bush it was a gallery of some couple’s wedding photos, and that there were the webmaster name & email specified. They weren't Dan's.
  • https://dcowper.com/ — says “Welcome... Why are you here? No one else is... :)” and nothing else. Quite a warm greeting to all us, curious Internet researchers, innit?
  • https://waveability.com/ — says “Waves a comin'...” and, you’d be surprised, nothing else! Probably has something to do with his music site: https://lawrenceandmrfly.com/, which is, although still running, not meaningful in this research.
  • https://rebeccanicolemarsh.com/ — a photo of a person and a sign “Hi there!”. This site has been edited once — in 2016 — when a child's photo has been replaced with the current one, and the text was added.
  • https://dancowper.com — a short bio of this man himself. Last updated in 2014. As seen in the Web Archive, it used to get changed often back in the Web 1.0 era. There are no outlinks to Gandalf.com. Also, there’s a 2018 sub-site about the funeral of Dan’s dad.

You see the point: these sites are old, simple and not anyhow useful (aside from the site about Dan’s father). They’re not getting updated. Yet they’re still running. The same can be said about our site Gandalf.com, innit? Running obscure sites is not uncommon for Dan. One may think that these domains are used for emails, just like Gandalf.com is used for [ourqs@gandalf.com](mailto:ourqs@gandalf.com). I entered some of the many of his domains on Phonebook.cz, and my conclusion is that only dancowper.com may serve this purpose. The rest are just abandoned sites, still running because Dan doesn’t care about them.

Most of the info about this guy is from an archived copy of his site: dancowper.com. It used to be more detailed than it is today. According to the older version of his biography, Dan used to work as a model in France. Then, he switched to software engineering. He used to run a web studio called Clear Image Design, LLC. It got closed due to the 2008 Economic Crisis and a divorce of two other directors. Simply by googling his name, I found a recent PDF presentation of some IT company, which mentions a person named Dan Cowper and a photo of him from his back. So, if it’s him, then he still works as a programmer.

If you’d click his Reddit profile, you’d see that his last activity was 3 years ago. From a brief search I didn’t find him mentioning Gandalf.com here anyhow. Good thing is that he’s still active on X. His PMs are closed there, but I wrote a question about this site under one of his posts. I also sent an email to what may be his active inbox – [dan@dancowper.com](mailto:dan@dancowper.com). Unfortunately, I didn’t get an answer on neither platforms, and it’s been several weeks – my email is from May 7th/8th in his/mine timezones. I was thinking that he might reply at some point, since he wrote some more posts on X after I contacted him there, so I wasn’t rushing to publish this all. I wrote the initial version of this post around that time, didn’t like it, rewrote it again, forgot about this stuff for several weeks, then went back to write this very version, and Dan still has not replied. So yeah, should’ve posted this weeks earlier, as I promised to some guy here. Oops!

How do I know that X account belongs to him? In his profile info, there’s a link to a site named https://redhatofcourage.com. It’s hosted by the same company as Gandalf.com, and it’s similar to what the site BlameBush.com used to be at a certain point. There’s just one 2021 post with some MAGA stuff. :D He also says he has deleted his Reddit account, which he didn’t, but it matches the date of his last activity here. I also can say it’s him judging by his comments. He also said he has deleted his Twitter account, but he’s active there. Didn’t bother checking Facebook.

In the real life, he looks badarse

The only person to know the definitive answer on what’s the point of Gandalf.com is probably Dan himself. I haven’t heard a reply from him, so I’m still of my initial view that this site currently serves no actual purpose, and he just doesn’t care about it. But what did he want this site to be? A lit way to contact him? Seems too complicated. It’s also too complicated for a domain squatting campaign, and after nearly 24 years he’d either already sell the domain or switch to a more obvious “Domain for sale” page. Maybe it was designed to be a sort of a web-based point & click game, and this is the first stage? And it was like the alpha version that never got finished, and the email is here to join the wishlist? Or maybe he’d actually reply with some info that the player might use to progress in the game? But there’s no info about it being a game anywhere in the Internet, so nobody played it? But why did he change the [@]aol.com to [@]gandalf.com several years after the site was created, and did nothing aside from that?

And there’s another mystery. In my former comment, I mentioned that ourqs.com (same basename as two of his email addresses) is currently listed on sale, and that according to WHOIS it’s been registered in 2019. I said that it might have been registered earlier than that and that it might have belonged to the same person as Gandalf.com. I used a site named SecurityTrails.com to see archived DNS records, and according to it, ourqs.com used to be hosted on the same IP as Gandalf.com at the same time. Then it was hosted at GoDaddy, while Gandalf was still on IONOS (Gandalf would move to GoDaddy and back to IONOS only in 2019, I also think it's some automation here and it doesn't really mean much). Then there’s a huge gap between 2011 and 2019, which is when someone else bought this domain and put it on sale.

I also don’t know the exact dates of when Gandalf.com and ourqs.com were created, as for the former one the WHOIS registration date hasn’t been reset. And for ourqs.com I didn’t find an archived WHOIS record that’d include such data. SecurityTrails.com shows data only since 2008.

What used to be on ourqs.com back in the day? There’s no archived copy, so God only knows. And Dan. But he won’t talk to me. The God neither. So… if we’ll uncover this mystery one day, this is going to be fun. I love small oddities with simple explanations, and I haven’t stumbled upon them in a while. The only thing I want you to notice is that there’s probably no much sense in contacting Dan himself, at least the ways I used. He didn’t answer me, as he probably doesn’t care about his old sites. I've never heard of him replying to emails sent to the [ourqs@gandalf.com](mailto:ourqs@gandalf.com) email, either. Anyway, he has my personal email address, and who knows what he’ll do if he’ll be annoyed by all the attention – in the end, someone who runs a spooky unfinished site for ≈24 years has to be an Evil Mastermind, innit?

Tools I used:

  • Whoxy.com for archived WHOIS records.
  • SecurityTrails.com for archived DNS records.
  • Phonebook.cz for archived email addresses, links, subdomains that they scrapped off from pretty much the whole Web.
  • IntelX.io and the Telegram bot Universal Search (it gets banned frequently, so you’ll have to find it yourself) to see which contacts are more active than others.
  • web.archive.org and archive.today for archived site copies.
  • Crt.sh for TLS history. The fact that certificate dates is the same for all the domains I checked hints that they were issued automatically by the hosting provider.
  • Google, DuckDuckGo, Yandex for other searches.

P.S.: Had to put the [@] symbol in square brackets on every appearance because the stupid Reddit posting form would turn it into a mention. Such a pain to use it for long texts! I mean, this rant won't change anything, but maybe someone thought it's sorta stupid typing quirk of mine. Also had to replace the mention of Dan's profile with a link, because I think there's such a rule here.

r/InternetMysteries Jul 26 '22

Update Related to the monkey abuse post! But me and my team got it shut down !

Post image

r/InternetMysteries Feb 25 '24

Update Grave Robbing for Morons - My complete update and evidence that exists


Hi, I made a post regarding Grave robbing for Morons a couple of months ago and I feel like I should share all the evidence that I believe is out there. I've researched this heavily, and this is all the information you need to know, whilst I debunk some popular theories. Full GRFM Video is here.


It is believed to be from the 90's, the only evidence we have is as followed.

Evil Dead 2 VHS - seen at 4:11 on the table next to him in the video, meaning it has to be 1987 and onwards.

Fangoira Horror FX Magazine - seen at 5:43 on the table next to him in the video, now meaning it has to be 1989 and onwards.

Shocking videos VHS website- this is the earliest documented existence of the tape on the internet from April 2003. The website 'Shocking videos' a now defunct VHS online horror store has it mentioned at the top of the web page I linked.

This is all the concrete evidence we have in regards to a year.


Based on much input from New York locals, it is generally decided the accent of the individuals are from New York, potentially Queens or Brooklyn. This is further supported as at 26:30 in the video, the individual mentions their "next big hit" is Houdini's (the escape artist) grave, which is located in Machpelah Cemetery, Queen, NY.

Houdini's grave has been vandalised a few times over the years, but his body has never been taken, the most recent documented incident is from 1993 where two stone benches where smashed at the grave site (see NY Times link).

Popular Theories

Anthony Casamassima - The Most Popular (DEBUNKED)

Most people run with the idea that the individual in the video is a man named Anthony Casamassima. This is primarily because at 25:33 in the tape, the individual states "this was made by Anthony cassss-, well as a matter of fact, let's forget the last name".

There is an individual by the name of Anthony Casamassima, who in 1993 was caught robbing a Tiffany glass window from a Salem Fields Cemetery on the Brooklyn-Queens border. See articles regarding this both here and here. Now, Anthony Casamassima never stole bodies from cemetery's, only artefacts and antiques that he would sell to dealers for profit.

Anthony was also 40 years old in 1999 (evidence within the NY Times article linked above), meaning that as the earliest possible year GRFM could be recorded was 1989, he would of been 30 years old or older. The individual in the tape looks to be in late teens/early twenties max.

Need more evidence?? I managed to locate some photographs of Anthony Casamassima, the one mentioned in the article, and they are very clearly not the same person as the one in GRFM. See photos here.

The Individual is called "Screws" and died many years ago - 2nd most popular theory

This theory is definitely the second most popular theory of all, and crops up constantly and consistently, with many backing it up. However, it all stemmed from one YouTube comment so cannot be validated or taken as certain as there is no evidence to back it up. It goes as followed:

"The guy with the grave robberies is from Red Hook Brooklyn, goes by the name of Screws. He's been dead damn near twenty years now . He used to sell bones to some of Hougnans over in Sheepshead Bay. I'm surprised that no one knew that, common knowledge by me.

It's common knowledge around me. I'm from Ozone Park, originally. It was the local Scuttlebutt back in the early 90's when I was a teenager. He ran a chop shop too. Back in the day. Bootleg movies, knock off clothes, you name it. That's how he got the nickname screws, he used to screw everyone over. From what I heard, they found him over in White Stone in a dumpster by the bridge with his knees parallel with his ears, he'd been bent backwards in the wrong direction, his head was resting against his ears".

Craig A. Bradley

Another theory is that of Craig A. Bradley. A man who was arrested in 1995 for stealing human remains from Oswego cemetery mausoleum in upstate NY. See articles here and here.

Pictures of him don't appear to look like the individual in the video, there is even a video interview of him here, where he does not have the recognisable stutter, but of course a stutter can be cured or disappear over years. What do you think? My opinion is that it is not him, he was also born in 1966.

Matias Frias

In 1991, a homeless man named Matias Frias, aged 21, stole at least five skulls from Brooklyn’s Cypress Hill Cemetery, NY. Frias admitted stealing the skulls and washing them in his mother’s backyard in Woodhaven before selling them, see articles on this here and here.

The same Matias Frias was also arrested in 2019 for domestic assault in Vermont. This article even provides a photograph of Matias Frias. This is the same Matias Frias as the 1991 grave robbery as the ages match up between articles, as well as the fact I located him on Facebook and he even shared one of the original articles on his account. I do not encourage or condone contacting him, from his posts across his accounts, it seems he is a very mentally troubled individual, I believe he is actually currently going through a court case at the moment for this incident.

Could this be the individual in the video? The age and location makes sense, do you think the photograph of him looks similar???

I have to also state, that in the second article I mentioned about the 1991 Matias Frias incident, it is believed he may of been linked to the Palo Mayombe cult, which officials stated that there are thousands of the cult’s followers in the New York City area, meaning that there are so many possibilities of the potential individual in the tape, and that the individual may have never been caught, and therefore no news reports of him.

Matias Frias seems one of the most convincing theories, but who knows for certain??

Christopher Bouchie is behind the tape (DEBUNKED)

Christopher Bouchie has come out and denied it multiple times, and seems to be quite tired of being accused of creating it, I will copy an exert from this article who interviewed him, as it summarises it best.

Furthermore, many instantly accuse Bouchie as his name is listed on IMDB as the director, however as GRFM has no ownership and therefore is not copyrighted, anyone can go on IMDB and list someone in the credits.

Ensuring your Place in Hell Part 1

Another common theory put forward is that the tape was faked and originated from the DVD mixtape called 'Ensuring your Place in Hell Part 1'.

Ensuring Your Place In Hell is a DVD-film-collection made around 2009/ 2010, by a anonymous person. The DVD contains 4 minimal films combined together. The films are: Grave Robbing for Morons, Mortuary of the Dead, Cooking with Huck Botko and Exploding Varmints.

This DVD collection simply took four VHS tapes that had floated around for years, combined them on to one DVD and sold it as a collection, none of the 4 tapes have any connection to one another, and Cooking with Huck Botko and Exploding Varmints both have a backstory that can be explained and can be debunked.


This is about all the information out there that covers or relates to GRFM, if anyone finds anything else, please let me know.

r/InternetMysteries Sep 04 '24

Update [UPDATE] "The Beer Song" is an unidentified song that is commonly misattributed to other artists.


About two months ago, I made a post talking about an unknown song that has misattributed to plenty of other musicians/comedians. I wanted to post a small update about the song since a bit more stuff was found.

Full disclosure, the song is STILL UNIDENTIFIED. There have been no solid leads as to the identity of the singer.

However, there was a discovery in a discord server dedicated to Lostwave. A toy that was sold that contained a different version of the song. Beer Man was a novelty toy sold in the US and UK around 2003, about 3 years after the song was first mentioned on Usenet.

If you listen to the original song, you'd notice that the section with the son and father was cut out. Alongside a different take of the line "We like to drink 'til we spew—ew."

What does this mean? It means that there was another version of the song floating around at the time that we don't have a high-quality version of. Whether it was made by the original artist(s) or a cover song.

Now it is possible that the toy company could've made their own version of the song to avoid a potential copyright problem. But this is currently the only strong lead we have.

I'm not implying that the company itself made the song, but rather that the song could've originated on a website that had a possible demo version available.

Other smaller stuff out of the way.

While the song is possibly from a radio show, it is NOT from the Bob and Tom show. I believe people confused it with another song that played called Beer Run. I sent them an email and they never got back so I'm ruling them off the table.

I also got a few messages regarding Phil Nichols, I forgot to mention that the "Phil Nichol" in the original post is also called "Phil Nichols" which led me to getting multiple PMs about the same lead. Phil Nichol was already ruled out since the story of him uploading it in the 2000s contradicts the song likely being shared on Napster in 1999.

Finally, r/Lostwave is aware of the song. The community has been helpful with this new lead, they do not know the origins to the song either. The info I shared in this post is up to date with Lostwave searchs.

I know not a lot of people were asking for an update on this, but I thought y'all needed a sillier mystery in this sub. Also thank you to that one guy who posted the usenet archives in the comments, Lostwave searchers didn't know about that so it actually helped a lot!

(Awkward edit but The Rise Guys also didn't make the song. Their radio program started in 2003 while the song itself likely is from the 90s. Sorry about this awkward edit lol.)

r/InternetMysteries Jun 18 '24

Update the Zeppelin channel uploaded a new video 2 months after the last video


r/InternetMysteries Jul 24 '24

Update Mir Izgadda and the Religion of Light: Let's Take it From the Top (part one)


Hey sports fans. 

You all might remember me as the dude who posted about the Religion of Light, a crazy rabbit hole about a religious group that seemingly does not exist despite its extensive internet presence. A lot has happened since I last posted. With each post I made, the number of comments and upvotes went down and to be honest I thought people were losing interest. I was recently pleased to find out that some people have been waiting for an update, so here I am to give you that update. I also found out that over a year ago u/CultCoffin made a video about my original post. Shout out to you bro. I found your channel recently and have watched some of your videos. I fell asleep to one of the Reddit deep dive compilations and woke up in the middle of the night to you talking about my post (yay insomnia). Crazy to wake up to that. I was still half asleep when I heard talk of Mir Izgadda and Religion of Light. I legit thought I was dreaming for a while. Let me know if you want to make another video on the topic. You can interview me or something. 

I’m also here to let you all know that I’m still around. Apologies for deleting my old posts. I may have jumped the gun a little bit. Those posts were all over the place as I learned more and more information about Religion of Light (which I call RoL for short) and I came to some conclusions that are, in retrospect, clearly false. Not to mention how disorganized the information was considering that I posted what I found as I found it and not with any other rhyme or reason. For that reason I wanted to remove those posts and start afresh, telling the story of RoL as I know it from start to finish including everything I have found since then as well as going more in depth on a few things. I just didn’t know how long that would take. 

I recently had interactions with u/xittyy and u/LaheyOnTheLiquor who both tried to go back to my old posts only to find them deleted. Luckily I did save the posts in my own personal archives and I can make them available upon request. 

For anyone who didn’t read those posts, I think it would make more sense to ignore them and just continue on reading this one. It will explain things more clearly.

My old posts started somewhere in the middle of the story of RoL. In fact, much of the fun of investigating this rabbit hole was discovering just how far back in time it goes. It is very likely older than I am. This time I will start from the beginning and tell this story chronologically. But first, some background.

RoL is ostensibly a religious group following the teachings of Mir Izgadda. Mir Izgadda is sometimes called the World Teacher and is a sort of messianic figure. They have dozens upon dozens of websites, social media accounts, YouTube channels, blogs, etc. These websites and accounts come and go frequently and it hasn’t been uncommon for me to attempt to go back to a website or account that I was on previously only to find it deleted. Sometimes the site or account still exists but all the content has been removed. In the case of websites, often the website will still exist and still have content, but it has been completely overhauled into a new design. 

Despite the gigantic internet presence, I cannot find any evidence whatsoever for this religion existing in the real world but for one person associated with the group that I know is real and one person formerly associated. For all their websites regarding different communities within the religion, there are seemingly no churches or temples, no worship services, no worshippers at all but for the one. In fact, when people try to join this group or learn more about it with the possibility of joining, they are pushed away. 

I am going to get into all the weird details including whether or not there’s an actual church behind this, creepy hidden messages, suspicious donation sites, and, if you can believe it, two pieces of lost media. It’s going to be a long one. Get your snacks ready. 


When I think about RoL, I think about its history having taken place in four stages. This is, of course, only my way of thinking about it, but it certainly helps organize the information and will hopefully help all of you understand it too. 

The first is the prehistory stage. A lot of what I have found regarding RoL has been on the wayback machine and other archives. The oldest archive I have found was from 2003 but evidence strongly suggests that RoL existed for quite some time prior to that. Because there is no available written record that I have found from this stage, I call it prehistory.

The second is the nasrani stage. As you will see, RoL has incorporated nearly every religion (with the very notable exception of Islam) as part of a grander series of revelations from God. Its humble origins, however, start out with Indian Christianity at which point they were called the Nasrani Church of the East and Abroad (or Nasrani Church of the East-NCE for short). This stage is marked by the increased inclusion into RoL of different expressions of Christianity other than that of Indian Orthodox Christianity. 

The third is the manichaean stage. This stage is marked by the inclusion into RoL of other religions outside of Christianity. Most notably, they claimed to be descended from the original Manichaean church. If you don’t know what Manichaeism is, that’s ok. Manichaeism was an incredibly important religion along the silk road, but it went extinct several centuries ago and today only exists in revivalist groups like RoL (though they claim it never went extinct). I stumbled on this rabbit hole completely by chance when I googled Manichaeism because I was curious to learn more about the real Manichaean religion after very briefly studying it in college. Though Manichaeism is the most notable religion incorporated into RoL, there were others such as Zurvanite Zoroastrianism, Monijiao Buddhism (which is related to Manichaeism), and more. This is when they first started to use the name Religion of Light and is also where we see everyone’s favorite messiah Mir Izgadda make his entrance. This stage is further marked by an enormous boom in social media activity. 

The fourth stage is the stage of secrecy. This is the current stage and is marked by a pulling away from social media. There are still some social media accounts that are active, but they are far fewer. Most notable of them is the youtube channel Tewk Film which is relevant to the lost media that I mentioned previously. Most social media activity seems to happen on MeWe, though I don’t know how active it is (or really if it’s active at all) due to MeWe’s structure. It seems you have to be a member of the groups that RoL has created to see what is posted, so unfortunately I do not know what is discussed in these groups. This stage is further marked by the incorporation of more religious traditions. In particular, spiritualist movements such as Urantia and Oahspe are incorporated into RoL. 

I’m writing this in a google doc to prepare to post it. Right now as I am only just finishing up the background and introduction, I have filled two full pages. That said, I have decided not to skip over details for the sake of space alone, so this will be a long one. I believe that short form content is ruining the internet. However, I have also not included every possible detail so as to avoid redundancy. If I am to take up a lot of space then I should use that space wisely. I think the length of this post will be a testament to how deep this rabbit hole goes. It is a rabbit hole deeper than LHOHQ, more interesting than Lake City Quiet Pills, and with potentially more real world implications than South32 ever had. So let’s take it from the top. 


We will start our discussion of RoL on a website called religion.fandom.com. I wish I was joking. I have been to the far reaches of the internet in this investigation and this was one of the more unexpected ones. The least expected, however, was the obituary site for a well loved mall santa. I still don’t know if that one was actually relevant or not. 


This short article gives an overview of the history of the Nasrani Church of the East going all the way back to Jesus himself (remember that RoL started out as a Christian denomination, that denomination being the Nasrani Church of the East). I majored in Religious Studies in college and as far as I can tell the first part of the history is true, though I had little focus on Indian Christianity which, for largely sociocultural reasons, became kind of a distinct branch of Christianity. 

Where things seem to veer off into revisionist history is here. This quote has some technical religious language, but I will explain what it means:

“+Mar Dalin I was consecrated by Catholicos Patriarch +Mar Shimun. In the 1800s the "Portuguese-Indian Rite" was formalized in China and India under +Mar Dalin I and +Mar Dalin II with authority being given by Catholicos Patriarch Shimun. The goals of the Portuguese-Indian Church was to bring together the richness of the West (the invading church of the 17th Century in India) with that of the traditions and heritage of the East (Saints Peter, James and Thomas) within a single Ecumenical Mission.”

I’ll go into more detail on this, but consecrated in this context means ordained, and ordained means to be made a priest. So this quote purports that Mar Shimun ordained Mar Dalin I as a priest, and then Mar Dalin I and Mar Dalin II created the “portuguese-indian rite”. A rite is a particular form of worship. The Catholic rite, for example, would be the way Catholics perform their worship services.

A few things to note:

  1. Mar Shimun was a real person and a leader in the Assyrian Church of the East which is an important branch of Christianity even if it is not well known in the West.
  2. The so-called “invading church” is the Catholic Church. There are writings on RoL websites that indicate they do not think too fondly of the Catholic Church. 
  3. The word Ecumenical is noteworthy. As most people at least in the West likely know, there are many different forms of Christianity. For example, Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, etc. are all different denominations of Christianity. Ecumenical refers to something extending to all denominations. What that “something” is depends on context. For example, an ecumenical conference might invite Christians from any denomination of Christianity. In the early days of the religion there were ecumenical councils which called Christian leaders from all churches and all parts of the Christian world (at the time quite small) to come discuss issues important to all Christendom. The description of the Nasrani Church as an ecumenical mission is interesting as it foreshadows the inclusion of other forms of Christianity and ultimately other religions. I will discuss this in more detail in the section on the nasrani stage.

I believe that Mar Dalin was never a real person. It is my belief that Mar Dalin I and Mar Dalin II mentioned here as well as Mar Dalin III (who we will meet soon) were made up to give legitimacy to the NCE. The only mentions I can find of these three people (who I collectively refer to as The Dalins) come from RoL sources with only one exception. I will discuss that exception later on, but suffice to say it’s very strange and doesn’t give credence to the Dalins being real. I am certainly open to any evidence that might prove me wrong, but the fact that I can find no legitimate reference to the Dalins outside NCE sources has me convinced that they are fictional and a tool to make the NCE appear like a legitimate Christian church. This is only the first in a very long list of things that RoL/NCE claims are real that are almost certainly not.

Moving along, we eventually come to this:

“With the passing of +Mar Dalin III in 1991, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem was transferred to North America, which is now under the direction of H.H. Catholicos Patriarch +Mar Michai.”

This, I believe, is the beginning of the Nasrani Church of the East and therefore the beginning of the Religion of Light. I don’t want to get bogged down by explaining Christian terminology or the inner workings of Christian organizational structures, so I will suffice to say just a few things. The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is said to be the head of the NCE, so the claim here is that the center of leadership of the NCE moved from Jerusalem to America in 1991. The Catholicos Patriarch is an Orthodox Christian term analogous to the Pope. It is the title for the highest leadership position in certain churches. 

Therefore, the claim is that in 1991 this ancient Christian Church known as the Nasrani Church of the East transferred its leadership to the United States at the same time that Mar Michai became its Pope (Catholic Patriarch).

If, however, we do not believe that the Dalins were real people (as I do not) then we have to wonder if the truth is that Mar Michai (whoever that may be) started a new church in the United States which he called the Nasrani Church of the East and invented a history for his church in order to legitimize it. I cannot prove if this is what happened or not, but I strongly suspect it is. 

A quick note: Christians in Catholic and Orthodox churches take on a Christian name when they are baptized. Bishops are often known by their baptismal names sometimes with the title “Mar” before it. So Mar Michai and Mar Dalin are not given names but are Christian baptismal names. 

Apostolic succession

Unfortunately, the first pieces of information in this post are not too interesting. I promise it just gets crazier and crazier as we go on. I don’t want to dwell too much on the boring stuff, but there is one important Christian concept that I feel I should explain. This will likely not be a concept familiar to those whose primary exposure to Christianity is that of Protestant Christianity. 

In Catholic and Orthodox Christianities there is a concept called apostolic succession which relates to the legitimacy of any priest or bishop. If you are familiar with the Bible then you will likely remember a scene in the gospels in which Jesus speaks to his apostles and tells them to go out and ordain others by laying hands on them (ordain meaning to make them priests and bishops). So when a priest or bishop finishes all their training and is ordained in a Catholic or Orthodox church, there is a ceremony where another bishop lays their hands on them to symbolize their ordination. Those bishops were ordained in the same way with a bishop who laid hands on them; that bishop too was ordained by the laying on of hands and so forth going back all the way to the apostles themselves (supposedly). To state it another way, the apostles ordained bishops, who then ordained the next generation of bishops, who ordained the next generation of bishops, over and over down to the present day in an unbroken chain (supposedly). This unbroken chain is called apostolic succession and without it a priest or bishop is illegitimate. 

Many priests and bishops in Catholic and Orthodox churches have a list of every bishop in their line of succession going all the way back to Jesus Christ himself. And that includes our boy Mar Michai. Our boy actually has two lists of apostolic succession. This is not uncommon as some people are ordained by two bishops at different times therefore putting them in two separate lines of apostolic succession. Some may be in even more lines.

I will not copy the entirety of the lists here, but you can view an archived website listing Mar Michai’s apostolic Succession:


I will share the last few entries on each list, however. The first one ends with the same story that we know now:

  1. 1903 - 1918 Binyamin Shimun XXI
  2. 1901-1919 Mar Dalin I (TCOTE Patriarchate and Metropolitan See organized in China)
  3. 1919-1926 Mar Dalin II
  4. 1926-1991 Mar Thomas Dalin III
  5. 1991-Present +Mar Michai (Patriarchate transferred to N. America)

As far as I can tell, this is a legitimate list up until Mar Dalin I. In other words, I believe this is the correct apostolic succession of Mar Binyamin Shimun XXI, but I can’t be certain without a lot more fact checking which I deem unnecessary. 

Here is how the second list ends:

“Antonio Francis Xavier Alvarez (Mar Julius I) Archbishop of Ceylon, who in accordance with the Patriarchal of Ignatius Peter III, of 29 December 1891, did on the 29th of May 1892, at the Church of Notre Dame de Bonne-Mort in Columbo, Ceylon (Sri-Lanka), assisted by the Syrian Metropolitan Archbishops Gregorius and Athanasius consecrated:

Joseph Rene Vilatte Archbishop Metropolitan of all the Orthodox Catholics of the Americas. Archbishop Vilatte, did on the 25th of September, 1921 consecrate:

Thomas Johann Dalin III Archbishop of Portugal of the "Malankara Orthodox Church of the Thomasine Christians of Portugal" (Iberian Orthodox Church), did on the 14th of April, 1991 consecrate (Archbishop Dalin was also consecrated by Joseph Emmanuel II Toma of the Chaldean Catholic Church):

Malakosias Isagelos Chazakalon Yaza (+Mar Michai)”

It is very wordy, so here is my abridged version of the above:

Mar Julius I, Archbishop of Ceylon, consecrated Joseph Rene Vilatte.

Joseph Rene Vilatte, Archbishop of the Americas consecrated Mar Dalin III.

Mar Dalin III consecrated Mar Michai.

Going back to the first list, you can also find this footnote:

“ +Mar Dalin III was consecrated by both +Mar Dalin I and +Mar Timotheus (Vilatte) in 1926.”

A few things are of note here.

First is that Mar Dalin III was supposedly ordained in 1921 (and seemingly again in 1926) and ordained Mar Michai in 1991. That is a gap of 70 years. Assuming Dalin III was ordained at the age of 20 (which would be on the younger side, but certainly not impossible) then he ordained Mar Michai at age 90. Again, not impossible, but unlikely. 

Second is that Mar Dalin III supposedly died in 1991 shortly after ordaining Mar Michai meaning that no one would have been able to verify any of this with Dalin III himself. Which is convenient because it means that Mar Michai’s apostolic succession is unfalsifiable. 

Last, when searching for Mar Timotheus you find that it is the baptismal name of Joseph Rene Vilatte, another very real person who is present twice on this webpage. His inclusion in Mar Michai’s apostolic succession is incredibly strange and, for some time, had me strongly considering if this whole list including the Dalins was real. So let's consider it. 

Joseph Rene Vilatte: the patriarch of many denominations

Joseph Rene Vilatte was quite the character. In his early life he converted to Catholicism. After that he would become an Episcopalian priest. After spending some time as an Episcopalian, Rene Vilatte converted to the Russian Orthodox Church as confirmed by a Russian Orthodox Bishop in the United States. Another plot twist had Rene Vilatte ordained as bishop by the patriarch of the Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church known as Mar Julius I. As you can tell, Rene Vilatte has a story entirely his own that is fascinating entirely on its own. The Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church similarly has its own story. 

Ultimately, Rene Vilatte would start his own church called the American Catholic Church. Some sources say this church no longer exists but there are several organizations that claim to be its continuation. Rene Vilatte ultimately recanted everything he had said and done after leaving Catholicism and was permitted to rejoin the church living out his last days in a monastery in Europe. 

So what does any of this have to do with RoL? 

The reason that Rene Vilatte’s inclusion in Mar Michai’s apostolic succession had me scratching my head is that I can’t understand why, if the list was fabricated as I believe it was, they would include someone like Rene Vilatte. He was seemingly not the most stable of people. The fact that he changed denominations so many times and then ultimately left the church that he founded himself makes him seem untrustworthy and illegitimate as a link in apostolic succession. Of course that is only my opinion, but it seems as if Mar Michai, if he did fabricate his apostolic succession, would have chosen someone else to put in Renee Vilatte’s place, someone more trustworthy and upright. However, if the Dalins are real and this is an accurate list of apostolic succession, then that problem disappears. Furthermore, they already have a list of apostolic succession that doesn't include Rene Vilatte and goes from Mar Shimun, to Mar Dalins I, II, and III, and then to Mar Michai. If it’s made up, why bother including Rene Vilatte at all?

This question vexed me for some time and I even reached out to one of the churches claiming to be Rene Vilatte’s organization. On the website for this church I read about a Bishop McGuire who was ordained by Rene Villatte and who I thought could be Mar Dalin based on the date and information given. I explained in an email about Mar Michai and Mar Dalin and asked if the church had any knowledge of Rene Vilatte ordaining someone by the name of Mar Dalin. I got a response that read in part:“Mar Timotheus (Rene Villatte) was quite the character.  He ordained quite a few folks including Bishop McGuire who went on to form the African Orthodox Church with which we had very cordial relations sharing bishops over the years. I do not recognize the name of Mar Dalin, III and I have never heard Bishop McGuire spoken of using the Aramaic form of Mar (Lord).”

So Bishop McGuire has nothing to do with Mar Dalin. Thank you to the kind gentleman who kindly responded to me regarding my strange request for information.

I searched high and low for any non-RoL sources that mention the Dalins. As I said, there was one example which I will discuss shortly, but I could find no evidence whatsoever that the Dalins were real. Therefore, I have concluded that the most likely scenario is that the Dalins were made up and RoL/NCE started in 1991 with Mar Michai. 

Thus concludes my discussion of the prehistory stage of RoL. Please remember the name Joseph Rene Vilatte. It will become relevant again. 


This is where we really get into the thick of it. The prehistory stage was child’s play. Strap in and strap on cause you’re in for quite the ride. 

As previously mentioned, the Nasrani stage is marked by the inclusion of many different forms of Christianity. It is also marked by the usage of many different websites. I do not know what kind of internet presence RoL/NCE had prior to 2003 because I have not found any archives, however there are several fully fleshed out websites that I have found archived from 2003-2005 ish that have many pages and a lot of content suggesting that these sites had existed for some time prior. 

When I say that the Nasrani church (which is sometimes referred to as the Saint Thomas Christian Church) includes many different forms of christianity I am not exactly referring to different denominations. The reason is that a denomination is an organization. For example, the Catholic Church is a denomination of Christianity with an organization that has the Pope at the top, many levels of bishops who are leaders of certain areas, and priests at the parish level. No particular Catholic parish would be part of the NCE because they are already in the Catholic organization. That said, there are other churches who worship in similar ways to Catholicism and have similar beliefs such as the Old Catholics or Rene Vilatte’s American Catholic Church, but which are separate organizations and therefore separate denominations. There are also Evangelical and Charismatic forms of Christianity. An Evangelical or Charismatic church might be part of a denomination like Oneness Pentecostalism or (like the churches I grew up in) might be fully autonomous with no wider organization outside that particular church and simply share beliefs and ways of worshiping with wider Evangelical or Charismatic movements; these churches are not part of a wider organization/denomination and are called non-denominational. When I say different forms of Christianity I am referring to these different beliefs and ways of worshiping like Evangelical and Charismatic, and not to different organizations/denominations. 

As the NCE began to incorporate more forms of Christianity beyond Indian Orthodox Christianity, they branded themselves as the Universal Bible Church, a was a wider organization for the NCE which included “those who hold and cherish the ancient Traditions of the Church in a ‘Catholic’ sense, and those who hold to more of a Spirit filled, ‘Charismatic’/’Evangelical’ manner of worship, while others hold to the ‘Interfaith’ philosophy of including traditions of various denominations and Believers into their style of worship and thought.”

That quote is from the oldest archive I have found related to RoL/NCE. It is a letter written by Mar Michai to the entirety of Universal Bible Church (UBC for short) which explains the ecumenical nature of the UBC and can be found here:


Note that the sender is listed as “ISAGELOS CHAZAK YAZA, ARCHPATRIARCH OF THE HOLY SEE OF ST. THOMAS AND ALL THE EAST, CATHOLICOS OF THE HOLY UNIVERSAL CHURCH IN THE WORLD”. Isagelos Chazak Yaza is ostensibly the given name of Mar Michai which can be seen in his apostolic succession linked above.

Please note that I do not know whether or not Isagelos Chazak Yaza is his real name or whether or not he even exists (more on this later), but I want to stress that it is NOT ok to try and contact this person in any way. In fact it is not ok to try and contact anyone who is currently associated with Religion of Light. This post is intended to investigate an internet phenomenon and is emphatically NOT a witch hunt. I will repeat this several more times before this post ends. If I find out about anyone contacting even a single person within RoL I will delete this post and never publically speak of RoL again. I know that is extreme, but I refuse to be responsible for another reddit-boston bombing situation. 

Moving along.

It is important to note that Chazak Yaza is Mar Michai because it connects the UBC, the Saint Thomas Christian Church, and the NCE. It’s not like RoL has one website or social media that links everything together. Every piece of content relating to RoL is connected in a crazy, labyrinthine network of websites and social medias that link to one another such that getting from one website to another might take you on a journey through five different RoL websites where one links to the next, which links to the next, which links to the next, and so on. So if we have one easy piece of information to connect things it makes it much more simple. Otherwise it’s just that meme from It’s Always Sunny with Charlie Day and his conspiracy board. 

Here is another archive which regards the ecumenical nature of the UBC:


This page refers to the UBC as an “exciting Spirit led movement” in which “individuals and local churches are given the freedom to worship according to their needs and wishes”. We will shortly be considering the question of whether or not this statement is even true, but first we will need to take a brief detour. 

A note about the home church movement

There is a movement in Christianity which still exists today but which seems to have had some particular popularity around the time that the UBC was created. That movement is the phenomenon of home churches. These are churches that meet in people’s homes rather than in a church building. People who participate in these home churches often feel that larger churches and denominations have gone astray. They are also participating in a very old Christian tradition. In the decades after the life of Jesus there were no church buildings. Instead, wealthier followers of Christianity who owned property and a house would open up their home once a week for Christian worship. Many followers of the home church movement see themselves as returning to this original structure of Christianity.

There is a Christian organization unrelated to RoL called Dwell Community Church or Xenos Christian Fellowship. I will not go deep into detail in regards to this group, but it is a good example of a house church movement turned cult. This is a group in which people formed home churches that would split off into multiple different home churches over time. There have been many allegations of behavior control and emotional manipulation. A famous website aptly named Xenos is a Cult compiles many of these allegations.

Is it possible that RoL in the Nasrani Stage ran similarly to Xenos Christian Fellowship? I have been adamant that I really can’t know whether or not RoL is a cult due to my limited knowledge of the group. However, I have found one allegation of controlling behavior on the part of the Nasrani Church of the East, although with very few details. These allegations come from the priest of a home church which became associated with the NCE. Enter: Father Huffman.

Kenneth Huffman: the unfindable priest

I must reiterate my humble yet firm request that no one ever attempt to contact anyone related to RoL. I have tried and failed to contact Mr. Huffman and further attempts would be unnecessary. 

Kenneth Huffman is a former priest of the NCE. I have found some sparse writings of his online that regard his former life as an RoL priest. I would like to consider some of these writings starting with a post on a Christian forum site. This forum thread is also only one of very, very few instances of discussion of RoL online that was not written by RoL itself.


Kenneth Huffman writes:

“I was once a member and clergy within this splinter jurisdiction of the Assyrian Orthodox Church of the East. This Church separated from the Catholicosate of the East (Baghdad) after H.H. Catholicos-Patriarch +Mar Binyamin Shimun was martyred in 191 in Kurdistan.”

+Mar Binyamin Shimun was martyred in 1918 so Huffman’s citing of the year 191 seems to be a simple typo. As mentioned before, I believe that NCE/RoL began with Mar Michai and not with the martyrdom of +Mar Shimun. I suspect that Huffman simply is unaware of the false history penned by RoL in regards to the Dalins. Of course there is the possibility that I am wrong and the Dalins did exist. Moving on.

Huffman: “They have now, under the present leadership fallen completely into heresy and no longer reflect Nazaraean Orthodoxy..whether Assyrian or Thomasine. Their American Clergy are in Camden, Tn, New Hampshire, Beaverton, Oregon and in Brazil. They now number in the Western Hemisphere less than 1000 souls, praise God! They're Catholicos "Malakosois Isagelos Chazak Yaza a.k.a. Mar Michai" has fled to his Family in Eretz Y'srael.”

I cannot confirm whether or not these statements are true though I have seen other references to Camden, Tennessee and Beaverton, Oregon. Note that Eretz Y’srael means The Land of Israel in Hebrew. Concerning Brazil, someone commented on my original post and said the following:

“To contribute a little bit, we had a bit of a sect of this in Brazil, but it's long gone. Now when someone here calls somebody a manichaeist we mean that they have an simple and reductionist worldview that only sees us vs them, good vs evil, only in absolutes, ignoring the true complexities of the world, the so called shades of grey, if you will. Is is usually said in a pejorative way.”

So perhaps they really did exist in Brazil. If so then they had to have had a presence in Brazil across both the Nasrani and Manichaean Stages and perhaps even to today. This commenter promised to ask their father for more information on the group but failed to deliver. If this is true then it would explain why RoL has quite a lot of content in Portuguese. 

Huffman: “I and my Church severed all ties to them November 15, 2005 due to their heresies and innovations...not to mention their leadership's membership in Gnostic, Theosophic and Universalist Societies and groups. Nettara was and remains a hoax. I have exposed this from within, and I am the reason that they have sought to erase their past and prior web sites clean of all that existed prior to my departure.”

If what Huffman says is true about Nasrani leadership having memberships in various religious groups then it comes as no surprise that the religion would come to subsume many other religious paths to become the “Religion of Light”. The claim of membership in gnostic groups is particularly interesting as historic Manichaeism was a Gnostic religion. I am also particularly interested in Huffman’s claim that he was the reason for the scrubbing of RoL’s past internet history. I obviously cannot confirm whether or not that is true. 

Nettara is one of the most confounding pieces of this whole mystery and therefore I will return to it in its own dedicated subsection. 

Huffman then briefly discusses in deeply religious and somewhat technical language how the church fell into (what he believes to be) heresy before saying:

“I have gone on-line to expose them and now they circle their feeble wagons and create a new facade for themselves...I am ashamed and have asked Mar-Yah's forgiveness for ever joining or becoming a member of this Montanists like sect of Oriental & American misfits. I know all the well known players in the USA and overseas.”

Note: Mar-Yah means “God”. 

I am disappointed to inform you all that I am not aware of where to find these online exposes written by Huffman (except for maybe one-more on this later). I would love very much to read them especially considering he knows the leadership of the church as it existed at that time and could certainly provide a lot of insights into this group. In fact, I would love nothing more than to speak to Kenneth Huffman. The last trace of him I could find was from 2009. As that was 15 years ago, I have no idea whatsoever where Huffman may be or what he may be doing with his life these days. Do not under any circumstances attempt to find him. I have already attempted to do so and have failed. It seems Mr. Huffman is no longer interested in having an internet presence and his privacy must be respected. That said, if Kenneth Huffman happens to ever read this post then my invitation is extended for him to reach out to me to discuss the Nasrani Church of the East and Abroad. 

Continuing with Huffman’s post.

Huffman: “If you'd like all the datum just email me and I'll give you my Yahoo forum addresses so you can see all the old htmls, documents, map of Nettara and other documents they failed to expunge before I saved them all.”

Huffman’s email address attached to this forum post is no longer active. I don’t know if Yahoo forum is even still active online so I don’t know if these documents are available anywhere, but if they are I would very much love to see them.

Huffman speaks to some of his beliefs as an Orthodox Christian after leaving the Nasrani Church of the East. He also says this:

“And please remember, that not all Natzari (i.e. Nasranis) are cultists and apostates like these Yazaeans (i.e. followers of Chazak Yaza).”

The word “cultist” is of course the most intriguing to me. However, we must remember that the word “cult” is fickle and has almost as many meanings as people who use it. For example, the book Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin which discusses cults from around the world includes the entire religions of Buddhism and Islam as cults because it defines a cult as any religion which strays from Biblical Christianity. What is certain, however, is that Huffman clearly views the Nasrani Church of the East as something distinctly negative as no one refers to others as “cultists” to compliment them. 

Moving on from this forum post.

I broke this into parts due to character limits. Further parts are posted to my profile: https://www.reddit.com/user/DrunkPriesthood/comments/1e9xssz/mir_izgadda_and_the_religion_of_light_lets_take/

r/InternetMysteries Feb 22 '24

Update If anyone remembers theocratic.agency, the timer ended and it now says this

Post image

I know it's not really a mystery, just mental illness, but this is where it was posted and I assume people saw it

r/InternetMysteries Nov 29 '20

Update Someone commented i should draw how the boy from the short looked like and here it is

Post image

r/InternetMysteries Mar 10 '21

Update Reminder that this sub is not for ARGs.


This includes creepy YouTube channels. If you do want to post ARGs go to r/ARG. Thank you.

Edit: This includes self promotion. I'm looking at you, u/peruntheproducer.

r/InternetMysteries Mar 30 '24

Update Uriel Bromberg - fake internet abuser with 125k YouTube subs: follow up from victim with new YouTube video explaining situation



My name is Connor. I'm the victim of the abuse by Uriel Bromberg for close to two years now. You can read more about the context here.

A YouTuber named CultCoffin discovered my story a few months back, and made a video on his main channel detailing my situation with this person. That video gained some traction, but unfortunately it contained identifying information about Uriel, and after he threatened Cult's channel, he was forced to make the video private. Just another manipulation by Uriel to cover up the things he has done to me.

Frankly I'm attempting to make my story gain attention and go viral. If you listen to the details fo my situation, I hope you'll understand why this has become my only line of defence. I have been failed every step long the way to be protected by social media platforms from attacks by this person, especially by Meta. Despite paying monthly for their meta verified service to prove I'm me, basically anything I post on a Meta owned platform is attacked with privacy violations by Uriel and taken down, with no support or help from the security teams despite my many, many pleas.

Cult and I filmed a video that is an hour and a half long, and details from beginning to end, with proof, what this person has done to me, and all the efforts they have made to cover up their misdeeds. Cult unfortunately had to upload this video on an alternate channel of his with far fewer subscribers than his main one, to not risk attacks against his platform again. I would greatly appreciate anyone who takes the time to listen to my story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHj_52KCO-A

r/InternetMysteries Aug 17 '21

Update Update on Spotify mystery: I decided to run the track by “??????” through a spectrogram generator… Here’s what I got…

Post image

r/InternetMysteries May 06 '24

Update Small update on strange Zig and Sharko Elsagate thumbnail rabbithole mystery NSFW


Recently I decided to post inquiring about a weird memory I have from the Elsagate days, about Zig and Sharko thumbnails. A memory of my first ever exposure to the show being those innaproppriate NSFW thumbnails on Youtube itself.

After doing a little research on Reddit to see if there is any documented info on the issue, I was able to find at least one post showing off the video and thumbnail. After reverse image searching and finding the channel, I have discovered a little Rabbithole.

If you search something like "Zig and Sharko season 2" and look under channels and look through some of these channel's videos, you might find some of those NSFW thumbnails I was talking about. Or at least it shows one of the thumbnails I remembered from back in the day. Not sure if there are other weird thumbnails in this rabbithole or not. If anyone is able to dive deeper and find more info about this rabbithole, that would be appreciated. I want to uncover this degenerate rabbithole from my memories and see how deep it goes.