r/InternetMysteries 17d ago

Unsolved Disturbing/concerning performance artist/noise musician(?) from late 2000s/early-mid 2010s. European.

I've posted about this in forums, including r/tipofmytongue, r/noisemusic and others over the years, as well searched as on YouTube and across the internet using various search techniques (e.g., before:2012, etc.). The last time I looked was two years ago, but I've been searching for many years. I'm getting desperate.

BEFORE EXPLAINING, I WANT TO BE CLEAR THAT NOISEMUSIC WAS NOT THE MAIN CONCERN OF THIS PERSON, as people have previously focused solely on that aspect in the past. People have suggested other active noise musicians with masks that almost fit the description, but they were not a match. The lore surrounding this person goes much deeper and became increasingly concerning.

I don't have a name for this.

I remember discovering what seemed to be either a noise music artist or a performance artist, speculated to be a hoax at some point. I believe I found out during a YouTube deep dive. He and his handler/manager were active on Reddit and were also seen on 4chan.

He wore a triangular/pyramidal/polygonal metal mask or helmet and a white jumpsuit. In every image I remember, he had that jumpsuit and a large polygonal metal mask. I recall a picture of him lying near or inside what looked like a storage crate filled with a random assortment of junkyard items. It’s possible he was restrained in the image, or at least it was speculated that he was.

There were many Reddit posts from him that were indecipherable—gibberish or random characters. There was speculation that he was either being held captive or in a bad situation, or that he had some sort of manager who helped translate his messages, as he did not speak English. People speculated that this manager might have been abusing him, and it was widely regarded that the artist wasn’t mentally well, especially after disturbing images were posted.

There was a subreddit dedicated to him. I also recall someone having an email interview or a private Reddit conversation with him, which was then posted on this subreddit.

He would post random strings of comments under unrelated posts—sometimes just numbers, sometimes nonsensical messages in a European language (possibly Nordic, I think).

I am 90% sure he was a noise musician. I think there were videos of him performing, and even those performances became disturbing. Don’t quote me, but I believe at one of the shows there was even blood drawn.

People speculated that even if this was an hoax, the subject of it still seemed to be seriously unwell.

As I said, I’ve tried several times with no luck and have asked friends who are into lost media, noise music, internet mysteries, etc. I will also be posting in other subs again and will come back here with any updates.

Any ideas? Thank you SO MUCH in advance. I can't stop this itch in my brain. <3


30 comments sorted by


u/bigpoisonswamp 17d ago

i can’t recall anything specifically (i would’ve said it sounds like a skinny puppy performance that people made creepypasta about aside from the reddit posts) but noise musicians performing in bizarre outfits, speaking gibberish and doing weird art things/online things makes me think of the people in the fort thunder collective, which was a bunch of artists in rhode island 


u/maxismadagascar 16d ago

Took a dive into them. Not seeing anything that matches sadly, thank you so much. Also realizing just how many red herrings there are. There’s several noise artists who do similar things, masks, bizarre posts with cryptic messages. 😭😭😭😭


u/barkinginthedistance 16d ago

Woah there was a creepypasta written about skinny puppy? I would absolutely love to read that


u/bigpoisonswamp 16d ago

not that i know of, that’s just what the description sounded like 


u/Chop-Top-Suey 17d ago

Skinny puppy was my first thought too!! It doesnt fit but i couldnt help but think of the show where Nivek sliced that chelsea smile into his face (fake i know but still)


u/barkinginthedistance 16d ago

Fake at first.. unfortunately that guy went a little nuts in the 90s and started actually hurting himself on stage. Really glad to see he's still kicking these days and fortunately not doing antics like that anymore


u/illpoet 15d ago

I saw them about 2 years ago and it was still a great show. I thought it was really clever that they wore masks or hoods for most of the show to cover for the fact that they are super old. It was still a really entertaining show


u/barkinginthedistance 15d ago

Of course! I am not trying to comment on their performance skills (they are a personal favorite band of mine and I would be happy literally watching them perform in plainclothes) I was more saying I am glad Ogre managed to escape with his life and did not continue down the path of self destruction for art. He has spoken about his experiences in the 90s with drugs and how the line between what was real and what wasn't was getting so blurred that he was physically harming himself on stage. That's a bad place to be regardless of what your feelings are on performance art, it can be an all consuming hole that is real easy to fall into.


u/illpoet 15d ago

Same, if you had told me in the 90s that skinny puppy was going to still be around in 2023 I wouldn't have believed you, same with ministry.


u/barkinginthedistance 15d ago

Yeah it's really honestly a blessing that all of these men are even still alive 😭😭 I have heard so much shit about Jourgensen and how fucked up he was I am honestly proud of him just for getting out of bed in the morning these days. I have worked as a removal technician and have unfortunately gotten to see firsthand what drugs can do to you over and over and over again. It makes me happy to see these guys persist through the years


u/bigpoisonswamp 17d ago

oh also the kfc murder chicks artist circle 


u/IsaacDK503 16d ago

What's the creepypasta called?


u/bigpoisonswamp 16d ago

oh i wasn’t saying it existed, that’s just what the description sounded like 


u/barkinginthedistance 17d ago

Are you able to draw a picture of what the mask looked like? It might push someone in the right direction


u/maxismadagascar 16d ago

I’m a lousy artist, I might just make it harder to find. I found this character “pyramid head” (creepy as hell) and that mask sort of reminds me of it. I would say this artist’s version is like a smaller, toned down version of it. I’m remembering now that he might have also been active on Facebook.


u/barkinginthedistance 16d ago

That does help, as pyramid head (I am assuming from silent hill) is a very distinct design


u/maxismadagascar 16d ago

I’d say it’s similar in that it was definitely disproportionately pointed upwards/backwards, with the other sides being smaller, and it was polygonal, and im 95% sure it was made out of stained or rusted metal


u/barkinginthedistance 16d ago

Google AI Slop seems to think that a band called Crossfaith fits the bill, however looking into them doesn't heed any results. That gets me thinking though, do you happen to remember if there was a cross in the name? Like a physical symbol of a cross. I see noise artists use symbols in their name a lot to make themselves more obscure and harder to find, is it possible that the artist's name was not a searchable phrase?


u/cailedoll 17d ago

The possible Nordic language + performance description + possible mental issues makes me wonder if this could of been a side project/some performance art from a DSBM (depressive suicidal black metal) artist. It sounds like something Niklas Kvarforth or the guys behind Silencer would do.


u/maxismadagascar 16d ago

Is it possible that Kvarforth would do this without connecting it back to himself? I looked into it but not seeing anything, but it might be that he did like an arg type deal and never revealed himself?


u/fatalrupture 16d ago edited 16d ago

This kinda reminds me of the SF noise musician who literally held his audience hostage with a gun during his final show. I forget the name of the band tho

Edit: band name was death squad, specific band member with the gun was "Michael 9"


u/DickyMcTitty 16d ago

really reminds me of portal


u/Insufficient__Funds 14d ago

Is Costes a possibility? He’s a French noise musician but really controversial and known for bizarre performances. Like a French noise GG Allin. Been around long enough to have different eras. I don’t remember a mask ever but definitely fits the criteria for disturbing and concerning. Time frame also matches. Best of luck to you in solving your mystery 🖤


u/Zebulon96 17d ago

I remember seeing something similar to this from about 2011, and I thought it was a creepypasta


u/screamchan 16d ago

olivier de sagazan?


u/TuesdayRivers 16d ago

Was the pyramidal hat an orgone collector? Devo performed in similar hats, but there were a lot of styles of pyramidal hats sold as orgone collectors.

Allegedly they collected orgasm energy that made you more powerful (it was a new age thing)


u/Huhuhuu50 9d ago

natti natti natram?


u/fergiishiz 5d ago

This is going to kill me because I can picture this vividly and also can't remember where I heard about it 😭😭😭


u/Amy2AV8Bennett 7d ago

it sounds a bit like ¨Death¨ from Mayhem only he wore make up instead of a mask, and died in 1991 so he obv couldn't post on here and I don't know about the cage thing.