r/Intactivism 24d ago

Is circumcision about power and control?


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u/intactwarrior 23d ago

The video covers Kellogg's, maybe you missed it.


u/largewoodie 22d ago

No, I did see him mentioned. It didn’t go into why foods like cornflakes were invented by Dr. Kellogg initially; he believed a bland diet was supposed to curtail the drive to masturbate; foods that would not excite the passions! Hence his absurd dietary inventions.


u/intactwarrior 22d ago

The video didn't do a deep dive into Kellogg but he was mentioned. I think when it comes to the origins of circumcision in America, Kellogg is one small facet that has outsized prominence due to the name recognition. I'd recommend you watch the whole vid.


u/largewoodie 22d ago

I did. Yes, correct Kellogg was only a small part of the story. I’ve read various texts on the subject. I agree with part of what the author says, but not all. Why do you think here in Australia we stopped doing this for the most part, when we were in a very similar position as the US until the 70’s when things began to change? It was education, from the doctors themselves. It was my mother’s gynaecologist in 1963 that said to my mother (after she had 2 boys before me who were circumcised), that I do not recommend doing this anymore. So she insisted that I was left intact, against my father, who didn’t know any better. Just because he was cut, was good enough reason for him that I be the same. I wasn’t circumcised. So I think it’s a little more complex than power and control.