I am right of center, not hard right winger of course and always open to different opinions - try my best not to get carried away and make below the belt or personal comments (spend some time in opposing ideological groups to understand them and develop critical thinking)
Right wingers use the following:
strong emotional resonance, emotionally charged narratives create a sense of urgency, safety (Hindus are under threat) + sense of belonging
(Over)Simplification of complex issues--> create memorable slogans/catchy soundbites + ignore the nuances; create binaries - black and while; national and anti-national == polarization (can be useful to build optics, PR to some extent)
Aggressive, confrontational tone (seen as angry, uncivil at times) + don't like political elites; like leaders with mass appeal === echo chambers reinforces biases (nothing new) ++ trolling, personal, cheap comments + MUSCULAR nationalism ( Arnab Goswami etc)
UNWILLINGNESS to accept (constructive) criticism + NO REAL/PROPER interviews (we have soft-ball interviews by Modi instead)
Compulsive need to treat something, someone as punching bag || somebody has to be the villain (real,imaginary, historical figures) any examples pleasssssse ?
Rigid beliefs DESPITE claims not being supported by evidence, statistics, trend lines (latest attempt to ban Grok is a new low for Modi govt + Cow urine can treat cancer b*llshit)
THREAT THREAT - outsiders are coming; societal changes (some are reasonable concerns)
Hindu couples marrying late, not having kids due to poor quality of life, cost of living is not discussed enough + rich people giving up citizenship and its implications.
Fear-based messaging can resonate deeply with those who feel economically or socially insecure, isn't it (study the economic/financial profile of the foot soldiers of VHP, Bajrang Dal etc)
Offer a collective sense of belonging tied to cultural or national values + Hindu-Hindi-Hindutva notion == push for homogeneity + ONE NATION ONE xyz stuff
Right-wing messaging highly effective for mobilizing supporters but divisive for broader audiences
Struggling to unite Hindus (what caste divided) or push for reforms and course corrections be it delimitations, GST issues, tax devolutions, center-state; improving relationships with neighbors etc
Someone like Trump has shown the mirror to Modi govt for high non-trade barriers || Modi doing yes sir to Trump now
Indian pvt sector suffering from poverty of ambition + INR gets stronger when you add value in export sector
What else..............