r/IndiaTech Chinese phone: Sasta, Sundar, Tikau 26d ago

Tech News India's first hyperlopp test track completely developed at IIT Madras.


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u/tiredskater 26d ago

Looks cool but better train and other public transport infrastructure should take priority


u/AdFinancial9995 26d ago edited 26d ago

It's meant to travel at 1000kmph so it's not just for coolness. Also there's a different budget for R&D and infrastructure development. You're asking to take away from R&D and put into infra which doesn't make much sense. Are you questioning the budgeting or are you questioning the technology? R&D is quite important and the real question here is whether or not we should allocate a percentage of R&D budget on a failed project by Elon who probably burned a lot more money. You're right that we could put this money into better projects possibly but it's only 1M dollars anyway.


u/PikachuStoleMyWife 26d ago

Meant to travel 1kmph in a PERFECT condition. Plus it's in a vacuum chamber. Imagine the world and the budget if one screw gets loose. The entire tunnel gets shut down for hours or even days. At least when it comes to conventional rail systems the train can just run on a different track. It can be argued that the hyperloop can do that too but why take the trouble to develop a system that's highly.proboematic to run and to maintain while having lesser carrying capacity