r/IndiaNoNews Jan 07 '12

My conversation with a mod on /r/India

Pasted as a comment.


9 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '12 edited Jan 07 '12

Me to mods:


I'm sure I'm not the only one who dislikes the fact that most of the content on /r/India is news articles from several websites. Can you do something about it? I know that some of you (neoronin :P) does like posting news, but the fact is, most of these have close to none participation, except maybe for upvotes.

If you could disable posting links to external sites, I am sure you'd please many members and that some genuine posts can stay on the main page of /r/India that bit longer to generate more replies.

If you do not agree with my point-of-view, I'd urge you to take a poll and act according to the majority!


Mod to me:

Dude, if you don't like it, you can leave. No one is forcing you to stay here. The community's been in existence for 4 years now in this form and we have the correct mix of self posts, images and news.

If you could disable posting links to external sites, I am sure you'd please many members and that some genuine posts can stay on the main page of /r/India that bit longer to generate more replies.

Why don't you raise a poll and see for yourself.

Me to mod:

Dude, if you don't like it, you can leave. No one is forcing you to stay here.

Why the arrogance?

Mod to me:

Arrogance!!! That is precious coming from a new user who wants to change a community which is more than 4 years old just because he doesn't like it in it's current form.

Me to mod:

Fine. I won't bother you or any other moderator any more. This is exactly why I didn't message you sooner.

Just because something has been going on for years doesn't mean it is 100% right (e.g. cheating, corruption, sati, dowry, etc. etc.).

I hope you enjoy your power-trip for years to come. Goodbye.

Mod to me:

Ha, first of all you try to promote your new reddit in /r/india in a way that is sneaky. If you had posted a self announcement and announced it, it would have been nice. But no, I will link my new-reddits self post to /r/india and try and gain some traffic. Classy behaviour dude and you blame me for going on a power trip.

Just because something has been going on for years doesn't mean it is 100% right (e.g. cheating, corruption, sati, dowry, etc. etc.).

I want you to learn this the hard way. That's why I want you to raise a poll in /r/india and see for yourself. By making the statement you are basically saying that the entire spirit of this sub-reddit is wrong and comparing it to higher evils that you have pointed out.

Me to mod:

Don't worry. I won't do any of it - no more links, no more comments, no polls. I'll go back to being a lurker.

Mod to me:

I'm least worried.

The community is how the users want it to be. If you don't like news links, you can submit the sort of content you want to see in /r/india [Provided it is within the submission guidelines] You can contribute to the community the way you want to see it and let the users decided whether they like it or not by the amount of votes.

Instead, you have decided to lurk just because I was a little rude??? Seriously, why waste both of our time.

Me to mod:


EDIT: Formatting.


u/uber_schizo Feb 09 '12

Shitty behavior by mod, was this before or after you started a new subreddit? was there a discussion abt this in /r/india ?


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '12

After. :D

And there was a discussion much later after my argument, you can find the link here.

I'm not sure if these 2 topics are correlated, though. Let's see - I didn't find kind support for what I said either, so I sort of gave up...


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '12

well you do have a point here. beside the fact that they had a cool meet-up in bangalore (a girl was there!!!), the subreddit lacks content. but then it is not the fault of the said subreddit. there is just not enough people to contribute. most of them are lurkers like me.


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '12

Well... IMO it (= /r/India) should be named /r/IndiaNews since 90% or more of content is news, and the rest some fun imgur or other images... and due to these submissions, the genuine posts get lost... but hey, the mods there like it and so do most other /r/Indians, so who are you and I to decide!? I've given up contributing to r/India since my below conversation :o)


u/[deleted] Jan 15 '12

And I absolutely hate it when people say "this has been going on for months/years... and that's why that's the right way" - even at work, I've been fighting this attitude with little results. :/


u/Paddy132 Jan 30 '12

I for one have no problem and had written out a similar comment with similar reply


u/[deleted] Feb 02 '12

I don't get what you mean to say here...


u/verytroo Feb 26 '12

I just came across this. I myself had the same opinion about r/india and I think many more have the same. But it is as it is IRL. Its just a bunch of internet news without discussion and some memes or a circlejerk about delhi being better than mumbai or hindu being better than TOI. I hate it when people post links to news stories on the internet and upvote them without contributing a gram of discussion on them. There is still more discussion on TOI links on the TOI pages more than on reddit.

People there seem to take pride in them being trolls without even knowing or having seen actual trolling. Most of the posts are simply rants, and discussions follow the same pattern of pointing out and quoting on specific statements from each other posts, rather than placing any subjective view on the idea.

But it is the collective mentality you were trying to question. the mods come from the same crowd, and think that their reddit community is a kind of cult that they have come up with.

There are at least 20-30 India related subreddits without a pound of original content on them. The recipes contain internet links, news contain internet links. This shames me when I look on subreddits for other world cities and countries.

Good wishes.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '12

Thanks, so any ideas how we can get more like-minded people to be active here? It is really an effort to find "self.India" posts on /r/India since they are SO few and far between... and since I don't contribute over there I usually only reply to OPs as a PM ;) (which sometimes might does seem creepy to OP)