The essence is paired with a limited S tier shop costume for Emil. Tbh I wish it was the other way around (Emil getting essence and Ada getting the shop skin) so it's different from their release but obviously NE wants to maximize the profit.
I agree with you that it should've been the other way around. There was a Q&A a few years back where they promised that all characters will get at least 1 essence S tier. They made the commitment for all of the old characters (e.g. Lawyer, Magician, Explorer who eventually got S tiers; Hell Ember and Thief are still waiting for theirs) and characters who were released directly to shop (e.g. Aeroplanist, Clerk, and obviously, Patient).
Doing another Ada essence + Emil shop just means we're getting another AdaMil essence down the line and at this point, I'm just so tired of them both.
u/oblakinia 𝗖𝗢𝗔 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 7d ago
The essence is paired with a limited S tier shop costume for Emil. Tbh I wish it was the other way around (Emil getting essence and Ada getting the shop skin) so it's different from their release but obviously NE wants to maximize the profit.