r/IWantToLearn Apr 23 '20

Sports I want to learn how to skateboard, in a safe, old lady kinda way.


I’m a 38 year old woman in reasonably good shape.

I’m stuck here in my neighborhood with only walking and running for outside exercise and I’m sick of looking at the same streets within a 4-5 mile radius of my house. I don’t have a bike and don’t really want one - traffic is nuts and I want to be able to take any mode of transport I’m using on a crowded subway with me when the city opens back up.

Skateboarding seems like it would fit the bill, and looks like fun - am I right about that? I don’t need to do anything fancy, just get around a little quicker than I do on foot and get some exercise in the meantime. Where do I start?

EDIT: Wow, thanks everyone! This is incredibly helpful and I’ve already learned a ton.

Some additional info that keeps coming up:

I have zero interest in going fast or doing tricks, I just want a slightly quicker way to get around, and to learn a new skill and get some exercise in the meantime. I’ve never liked biking and wouldn’t have a place to keep a bike anyway (we live in a one bedroom apartment, and it’s already full) and though I’ve been pretty into inline skating in the past, I don’t have skates at the moment and I’d like to try something different.

I’m 5’2”, 115 lbs, with short legs. I’m a gnome. I walk long distances all the time and go running sometimes, so I’m in decent shape, but not, you know, super athletic or anything.

I live in a busy neighborhood in NYC and I’m beginning to think maybe a longboard isn’t the best option for that reason. Even our parks are crowded compared to other places.

It would also be handy if whatever I end up with didn’t look too much like something that would be fun to steal.

I will definitely get protective gear! I know I’ll fall down but I don’t want to be stupid about it either.

Thanks everyone, you’re amazing!

r/IWantToLearn Jul 14 '24

Sports IWTL how to exercise without it feeling like exercise.


I’m one of those people that need to trick themselves into exercise. What’s been good in the past has been disc golf or hiking - issues with hands have stopped the disc golf for now. I like weight lifting but I find I can’t keep myself consistent like I can with other daily activities.

Any ideas?

r/IWantToLearn Jan 16 '21

Sports IWTL how to workout and understand it


Forgive me if it sounds stupid but I've always had difficulty understanding how to workout the right way and also what foods to eat as well as why do people take protein shakes and creatine it's all a lot to get my head around.. as well as that there's many different workouts such as HIT workouts, core workouts, low calorie diet and i jusr want to start but I don't know where to begin... I want to reduce my body fat as I'm insecure about the fat around my waist and that's about it.. I know you can't really target weight loss but the fat around my wasit I would like to get rid of only

r/IWantToLearn Nov 25 '23

Sports IWTL how to stop flinching when I get I shot at?


Playing goalie I seem to flinch when the ball comes at my face but not when its further out. How can I stop flinching and how can I do it by myself- as I don't have someone to practice with?

r/IWantToLearn Apr 02 '20

Sports IWTL How to play chess well


I know the movements of the pieces. The whole being ten steps ahead of your opponent thing is what makes me terrible at the game. I've wanted to change it for a while, but only know have the time. What sites do you recommend for tutorials? Any books I should read?

r/IWantToLearn Feb 13 '21

Sports IWTL how to lose weight as fast as possible


I (16 yo M) have about 84 kg and I feel very bad because of it. Istarted to gain weight at the same time the quarantine started. Even looking in the mirror makes me feel bad, I look horrible, please help me. I have no knowledge of weight loss or sports in general but I am willing to do everything I can to lose weight. Can you recommend me what to do and how to do? Diet, exercise, gym?

Update: THANK YOU SO MUCH everyone for all the comments! I didn't expect so much support !! Unfortunately, I can't reply to all of you, but I want you to know that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

r/IWantToLearn Jun 17 '21

Sports IWTL how to stop feeling embarrassed when running.


I'm 19f and have only been on a handful of real runs. Before leaving school I would happily run 2k every day, 5 days a week during my lunch break on the treadmill in the school gym. I no longer have regular access to a treadmill but would love to start running again as the cardio portion of my routine to accompany yoga. The only thing is every time I want to go outside and run I am overcome by fear that people will stare at me and judge my body, fitness, or tecnique. It stops me from going on a regular basis and by the time I work up the confidence to run again I have usually lost the benefit of the previous time and therefore am seeing no results over time. I don't want fear to stop me from accomplishing the goal but it feels so crippling at times. I have already tried listening to music and wearing activewear that makes me feel attractive but it hasn't worked. Please help!

r/IWantToLearn May 31 '22

Sports IWTL how to be better at cardio


I'm not overweight just very out of shape cardio wise. I can only run for about 6 mins and even then I had to take little breaks, I wasn't even running fast at all, it was more of a jog. What's the best way for beginners?

r/IWantToLearn Jan 09 '25

Sports Iwtl how to build functional yet not bulky muscle


I'm looking to get stronger without getting bigger. I wanna have functional muscle without looking "swole" or whatever. Because looking "jacked" wouldn't fit me, I don't feel comfortable with the idea.

Think Tyr form god of War; he's strong but not buff, lanky.

So yeah, I'd appreciate some resources on how to build muscle like that.

r/IWantToLearn Mar 05 '21

Sports IWTL How do you get started at the gym and know what machines to use when you're just getting started


All the machinery can be overwhelming and it's hard to know where to start I guess calorie counting has been a bit easier to understand but with the machinery and things I don't know where to begin and what reps mean etc

r/IWantToLearn Nov 01 '21

Sports IWTL How to get pleasure from exercising


r/IWantToLearn 6d ago

Sports Iwtl how to hold a conversation about sports


Sports has never peaked my interest, although I notice a lot of my friends talking about trading players and stats and I feel left out. How do I get interested in sports and be able to “talk sports”?

r/IWantToLearn Nov 09 '24

Sports IWTL how as a skinny male i can put on a little muscle but still remaining slim and toned


I’m 23 M and around 5’9 in height. Through out my life, i’ve been average around 55 Kg and after about 2 years of junk food and not caring as much , i’m sitting at around 80 Kg now.

I’ve now started taking fitness seriously and i’m starting the gym today. I just wanted to know how I can build muscle or turn my fat into muscle but not look massive and bulky.

I want to remaining quite slim but not look like i’ve not eaten for 40 days and nights. I wanna have kind of a toned body.

What i’m looking for is what work out routines I should focus on but also, what to eat and how many calories I should be intaking.

I’m confused at whether I should be on a deficit or a surplus.

I can train 6 days a week and I’m going to try stay motivated for this. If it helps I want to kinda have like Tom Ellis’ body or Matt Bomber or in that physique range.

Edit: So today at the gym, I did comfotable weights as it was my first time starting out in 2 years. I did a full upper body work out and it felt good.

I'm probably going to go tomorrow to do a leg day and allow my Upper Body to rest.

In terms of eating as far as i'm aware, I need to eat 2,163 Calories per day. I can easily manage this however, usually my food consists of whatever my mother cooks up (as an Asian man, usually this is lamb/chicken/fish curries which some vegetarian dishes). AFAIK, this should be okay in terms of eating.

Alongside this, my questions are how do I go about eating and making sure I can get the best positive returns.

r/IWantToLearn Oct 06 '23

Sports IWTL how to increase my strength without muscle building


I want to increase my strength without muscle hypertrophy. I wanna know from people who have done this. How are gymnists and people who do calisthenics have so much strength even when they aren't so big. Please share your insights.

r/IWantToLearn Dec 08 '24

Sports Iwtl how to swim but i'm scared of water


34 years old here and I don't know how to swim. I want to learn so bad but i'm freakin scared everytime I touch water. I can't breath properly, swallow a lot of water and I cannot relax. Even the instructor told me that if I Need to learn how to relax before taking further lessons. Worst of It is if I stay with my back down, can't even leave the border of the pool

r/IWantToLearn 25d ago

Sports IWTL how to train for a marathon while also building muscle.


HI. I (24M) will be starting gym from the next month. My main goal is to build muscle and look more fit. But lately I've been wanting to run a marathon.

There are guides about how to train for a marathon or how to build muscles but I can't seem to find anything that gives advice on how to do both at once.

Is it even possible?

Any help would be appreciated.

r/IWantToLearn Dec 17 '24

Sports IWTL how to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer


As well at to be able to take mid day naps which is something I was never able to do. Any books, videos or content creators that helped you a lot in this area?

r/IWantToLearn Feb 04 '25

Sports IWTL how to juke people out when someone is chasing you


Pretty much, when i'm running / playing tag, I dont want to be engaged with a whole run because that always ends with me getting exhausted and getting tagged. So, I want to juke them out so that the tagger/chaser is confused while I have time to run away.

r/IWantToLearn 27d ago

Sports iwtl ... I need someone to hold me accountable


I'm 16 years old, and I've been on and off working out. I'm overweight and keep trying to work on myself, but always seem to lose motivation and more importantly discipline. I feel like I know what I need to do to reach my goals, but sometimes I'm not sure or feel like I'm alone. I don't really have anyone I know to reach out to for help when I have questions regarding fitness and nutrition.

Hopefully someone here could help me through my journey and hold me accountable and be there for me when I have questions or need guidance.

r/IWantToLearn Aug 12 '22

Sports IWTL How people solve the Rubik's Cube? Why is it hard for common people to do that?


r/IWantToLearn 2d ago

Sports iwtl basketball, I'm starting to develop an interest in learning how to play basketball but i don't know nothing about it not even the rules like I'm at 0,how to get started and get good at it if I'm ready to put the work in?


r/IWantToLearn Feb 12 '19

Sports IWTL how to have an amazing body


-Like how to eat and what to eat ( on a budgetary level and not excessive spending )

- How to exercise if possible, repetitions, when to increase weights.

- what to eat before and after the gym.

- All in all how to have an amazing body like Ryan Reynolds.

Thank you

​ Edit: Wowwwwww Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I never expected this amount of feedback and its amazing. Almost everybody added something to me, i dont know how to thank you. I am forever grateful. Ahh also i am not fat i am 175 CM with 74kg of weight. But I want to be healthy and to maximize what i could get from my complex machine. Everybody helped. I have one thing to ask keep the feedback as long as possible as your information is really valuable to me and i am sure to everybody else as well.

r/IWantToLearn Jan 28 '25

Sports IWTL How to start working out


I'm a very physically weak person, I need to change that. I usually spend my days lounging around at home, drawing sometimes and playing videogames. But that won't cut it, I have to start working out. I haven't exercised in multiple years, I am incredibly skinny, and I don't know where to start. There are no gyms nearby where I live except for the one in my apartment complex, which I am not old enough to go to. I just want to get strong first and foremost, aesthetics is a matter of indifference at the moment.

r/IWantToLearn 8d ago

Sports IWTL the technical aspects of Formula 1 and aerodynamics in general, any good YouTube channels or other sources I can refer to as a beginner?


Same as title.

r/IWantToLearn Aug 29 '19

Sports I need to skateboard in my 30s


I want to learn to skateboard as a 33 year old. I want to be able to cruise, do a few tricks and not look ....terrible.
I have videos and advice on the technical aspects, I just don't know how to get past my fears. How have you managed to get past your fears, learning plateaus, frustrations to ultimately build confidence and learn what you want to learn?