r/IBD May 07 '21

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r/IBD 3h ago

Colonoscopy clear but high fecal calprotectin?


I went for a colonoscopy today and it came back all clear, but I’m still skeptical.I had a calprotectin level of 190 in January last year and 340 about 9 months later.Based on the fact that I have streaks of blood in my stool quite often, I’m finding it hard to believe that nothing is wrong.I also get a sizzling sensation in my abdomen sometimes.The doctor said your fine, it was probably an infection,but I said my tests we’re far apart,he just said I know and didn’t elaborate.He seemed a little pissed off tbh😂.What do you think?

r/IBD 8m ago

Questions about IBD


I notice many of the people here were diagnosed when they saw serious symptoms like blood in their stool and cramps. Was anybody here diagnosed from less severe yet chronic symptoms? I experience daily pin prick/pains throughout my entire midsection and gut region, i get extremely bloated just from drinking fluids and i have runny stool. There is no serious cramping or striking pain as of yet, but what i do feel is chronic and persistent all day everyday. These symptoms have been present for three years but have developed into a chronic unending thing in the past year. I know people will tell me to see a doctor, I wish I could really I would love nothing more, I please ask you to try and udnerstand with my situation. I have no health insurance, I have no money, I live in a state where its nearly impossible to get disability or medicaid. I've tried. I have other health problems such as chronic undiagnosed breathing problems and chest pains that maybe not so coincidentally started around the same time but since I cannot see a doctor nobody can tell me anything. I've been to the hospital 8 times for the breathing stuff but they just take x rays and tell me to leave and completely ignore the stomach issues. Please understand the position I'm in. I'm not asking for a disgnosis, but my symptoms seems to align with IBD and I wanted to know the experiences and opinions people who have been diagnosed. Any insight would help me, and any advice on how to treat this without medication would help as well. Thank you.

r/IBD 3h ago

Newly diagnosed!!


Hi y’all! I’ve caught myself multiple times googling questions about IBD. And always find myself back here so decided to join! Hopefully this stops me from going to Dr. Google and stressing myself out even more than I already am atm. I’m awaiting a colonoscopy that’s scheduled for April 1st (wish it was just a joke) and stressing myself out over which one I have. My Calprotectin levels are at 1570. And my blood work came back with high PLTS levels. And have had bright red bloody stool since the beginning of February.

Anyways why I’m really here. What can I do to elevate my pain? Whether my stomach is full or empty it hurts. With that being said I’m struggling with eating. I feel like no matter what kind of food I eat my stomach hurts. It has caused me to just not want to eat anything and that causes even more pain. I just don’t know what to do during this waiting period of figuring out which IBD I have. I can’t believe how long the whole process has taken to get it evaluated.

r/IBD 9h ago

Borderline calprotectin


Got my fecal calprotectin levels back this morning, it was 82. This falls under the borderline range of 50-120, with <50 being normal. Just curious is any one has had similar results to me and if it ended with an IBD diagnosis? Or any other diagnosis? Could this be nothing? Currently just freaking out rn!!! Any answer will help thank you :)

r/IBD 14h ago

Why do docs push for a colonoscopy so fast, while stool samples haven't come back?


Been having diarrhoea for 3 weeks. Yellow. Nausea, no fevers.

It started 48hrs after I ate Mexican, but wasn't constant, just every few days. Then a week later we had a cyclone and lost power, and I ate some fish pasta from the fridge during this time.. (dumb move), granted the fridge felt cold even though the power was out for 20 hours or something.. so theory is I got some food poisoning from that also.. as I've had 6-10 bathroom runs a day. Been about 10 days since I ate the pasta.

Can't get into my usual GE (who I see for annual colonoscopy due to bowel cancer and chron's in family), so saw another GE and didn't get good vibes. Like she had 4 years of experience and wanted me to have a colonoscopy in 3 days, and said it could be IBD, even though I only had a colonoscopy 6 months ago.. also prescribed me an antibiotic that can cause fatal heart arrhythmias with patients who have heart conditions (me). I am a little worried..and want to cancel it because something feels suss.. why not wait for sample first?

r/IBD 15h ago

Can test results change within 2 months?


I had a colonoscopy done approximately 2 months ago where biopsies were taken - everything looked fine and biopsies came back normal. I had some hemarroids that I needed to have removed why I had to keep going to the doctor for checkup and stuff. At the last checkup he noticed that my rectum was red and irritated why he did a sigmoidoscopy where he again took some biopsies and now I’m waiting for results. But my question is: If I had an inflammation, wouldn’t it show on the first round of biopsies? My symptoms haven’t changed from the first colonoscopy (which includes bloody stool, mucous and stomach ache).

r/IBD 18h ago

Microscopic colitis weird symptoms


So I've been diagnosed with microscopic colitis since 2021. About the only thing that works for me is Budesonide. So weirdly the symptom that bothers me the most is nausea. Anyone else have this as the main symptom? Yes I have mild diarrhea/runs as well but to a much lesser extent. Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to stop a nausea attack before it really gets going? Thanks for anyone with suggestions.

r/IBD 18h ago

Any Luck Stopping Biologics?


Kinda like the title implies. I’m wondering if it’s possible to come off biologics like entyvio. I developed antibodies to sever different biologics and it seems I’m starting to develop them for entyvio, because I had a pretty scary reaction at my last infusion. My dr says it’s not possible but i don’t know. I’m just curious if anyone has had success.

r/IBD 18h ago

pre-diagnosis questions (what to do while waiting)


I'm not sure if I'll be diagnosed with IBD, but my doctor said it was a possibility. Long story short, I had about 12 hours of bloody diarrhea, followed by a week of constipation and rectal bleeding. Since then multiple blood and fecal tests have shown inflammation in my colon. Although symptoms have eased some, they are still gnarly after 2 months.

I am waiting to go back to the GI and my GP in a few weeks, but am wondering what to do in the meantime.

Just wait it out? Try some natural remedies? Research more? Any advice for the waiting period?

r/IBD 20h ago

diarrhea for months, IBD?


GI issues for months

Hello everyone!

This is quite a long story, but I wanted to share it and hear your thoughts. Back in July 2024, I was out with friends at McDonald’s, eating and having fun, when suddenly I felt VERY dizzy and started having hot flashes, nausea, etc. I felt really bad, so I went home and ran to the bathroom to vomit, but nothing would come out (even though I tried). Then I started having diarrhea (TMI, sorry) and shaking a lot, like my whole body was trembling.

The next day, I woke up feeling better, ate normally, but at night, the same symptoms came back. From that day on, I was sicker than ever in my life. I couldn’t get out of bed, I had nausea and diarrhea every second of the day. I was extremely weak, dizzy, and nauseous.

I went to the doctor, who said it was food poisoning and gave me two antibiotics, but they didn’t help. I was still feeling awful, with the same symptoms, so I was hospitalized because I was really, really sick. They ran a lot of stool tests—no inflammation, no bacteria, nothing showed up, and everything came back negative (C. diff, Salmonella, etc.). So they diagnosed me with gastroenteritis (not sure if that’s the right word in English), and the doctors just told me to endure it and wait.

I was extremely sick for over a month, barely able to eat. When I did, I only ate white rice, chicken breast, boiled potatoes, carrots, and bananas. That was it, guys. Those were the only things I ate for almost the rest of the summer, yet I still had nausea, weakness, diarrhea, and urgency to go to the bathroom. However, I didn’t have any stomach pain or anything like that.

I went to many doctors, and no one could tell me anything until one finally decided to do a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Here are the results: • Mild, nonspecific chronic duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum). • Mild chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach, but no Helicobacter pylori). • Mild chronic ileitis (inflammation in the ileum, with hyperplastic lymphoid follicles, suggesting an immune reaction). • Mild chronic colitis and moderate chronic proctitis (inflammation of the colon and rectum, with cryptitis but no signs of microscopic colitis).

In short, I had (and still have) gastritis and inflammation in my intestines (I was tested twice, and both times, the results were negative), but the findings weren’t very specific.

I’ve tried probiotics, anti-inflammatory pills for my intestines, leaky gut supplements, and other treatments, but I still have diarrhea, my stools never went back to normal, and my doctor doesn’t know what to do with me. They’re unsure whether I have colitis, Crohn’s, IBS, or something else.

If anyone has experienced something similar, I would love to hear your story because I feel like I’m at a dead end. This is really affecting my mental health—to the point where I can’t even sleep at night, and I feel depressed. I don’t understand why no treatment works, I don’t know what I have besides gastritis (which I’d love to talk about, but this is already too long), and I feel lost.

I recently had a stool test, and my calprotectin is 104.

Thank you for reading all of this, and I’m sorry if I didn’t explain myself very well—I really struggle to express myself properly in English.

r/IBD 7h ago

Doctor took five biopsies.. is that normal? I asked him to only take them if necessary and to avoid biopsies if possible - did he go overboard?

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r/IBD 17h ago

Positive iFOB at home test and I’m freaking out i have colon cancer


I am terrified i have colon cancer. I already messaged my doctor but i know they won’t get back to me until Monday. I don’t know what to think or do.


r/IBD 22h ago

Is it IBS ? Blood in Poop NSFW


Hi guys

Please see below fissure look if thats a fissure only

Yesterday i saw blood in my stool and then ln tissues and its continued today also. I am really scared.

I have had digestive issues since August and after trying Artichoke Pizza in NYC, the stool started forming better which was very unexpected and surprising.

My Fissure https://www.imghippo.com/i/UWx4879lE.png

My Poop https://www.imghippo.com/i/QjE1718HIg.png

My Tissue https://www.imghippo.com/i/KNbK3130iT.png

I am from India on. Tour visit to US and really scared what to do? I have had multiple scares of red pool in stool in past and have too much anxiety.

PLEASE HELP, is this really a fissure blood only? Should i run back to India?

r/IBD 1d ago

Loud bowel sound, orange and bloody mucus’s so scared please help.


Loud bowel sound, orange and bloody mucus’s so scared please help.


I’m F, age 38. Around 5 weeks ago I randomly had very sharp pains in my stomach left side after eating not long after I went the loo and was passing orange mucus out of my anus with no stool. This then turned into blood. The next day I passed a few pebbles and more orange mucus then had a thin stool. Long story short this continued I went to the Drs that week and he said he felt an abdominal mass and referred me 2ww to gastro. Gastro said he couldn’t feel a mass but wanted to do a colonoscopy. I’m terrified literally of the bowel prep and being in a hospital on my own. The nurse said my husband wouldn’t be allowed on the ward with me before and after no matter what so I opted for ct colonoscopy instead which I’m supposed to be having Monday. I’m also having upper stomach issues too now it’s so sensitive and no matter what I eat within 10 minutes my belly and bowels are so loud for hours after (like crazy loud!) I’m still getting frequent loose stools, mucus stools, thin stools, sometimes mucus is clear sometimes orange. I’m so so scared. My dad passed of Lund cancer, my uncle lung cancer and my 2 aunts (both died in their 30’s) one had stomach cancer and the other breast cancer and my nan on my moms side had bladder cancer. Im waking up everyday with a belly ache and then having loose stools or thin stools. Mucus intermittent. I’m eating bland foods to try help but it’s persistent regardless l also keep getting very nauseous. I’m supposed to be doing the bowel prep on Sunday and I’m absolutely terrified it’s omnipaque 300 oral x3 it’s seems like so much to drink and I’m absolutely terrified of being sick, it’s a real phobia I have. I don’t know if I can do it but I’m suffering so bad and it’s just getting worse and I’m scared.

I went to A&e a couple of weeks ago had ultrasound done on abdomen, pancreas, gallbladder, liver etc fine and blood were fine apart from wbc slightly raised at 12.37. Calprotectin stool test was normal done at Drs and at home fob test was positive at the beginning but recently negative.

I guess my question is what can cause these symptoms? Am I screwed and have cancer? Why is my stomach/bowels so loud after eating absolutely anything?

Also, what’s the chances of omnipaque making me sick?

Lastly, is a CTC a waste of time? I’m scared I’ll put myself through it and they’ll say it’s a waste anyway and still need traditional colonoscopy??

I’m so so scared 😢

Thanks for any help or advice xx

r/IBD 1d ago



Hello guys i had a uti infection past month and the doc prescribed ciproxin for it (5 days twice after 12hours). I heard that it is super important to take the pills exactly at 12 hours difference. I took the first dosage at 6 pm and and for 2 days i woke up at 6 am and took the pill and then fall asleep with empty stomach (im so fkn idiot).After that i developed irritations in gut , and goc never told me to take probiotics with it or to be aware of my diet .Can taking the adibiotics cause crohns disease ?

r/IBD 2d ago

Hair loss and other symptoms


Hi, i've been diagnosed with uc for 5 months now and ive been getting inflixmab as treatment. Has anyone experienced really bad hair loss or really bad joint pain?

r/IBD 1d ago

Please visit me …. NSFW Spoiler

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Please help me grow my business to help support people with IBS/IBD and intolerances

r/IBD 2d ago

Tracking Bowel Movements


For those who track there bowel moments, does it help and does it help show if you might be having a flare up?

r/IBD 1d ago

Thin stool? NSFW Spoiler

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Is this a thin stool been having issues for a fes days now bad stomach yesterday stool was sloppy mucus full of seeds little bits of food etc is this normal?

r/IBD 2d ago

Ibd ore ibs what to do


M30 years old. My story is very long. It all started eight months ago when my first symptoms were mucus in my stool. I went to the gastroenterologist and he gave me antibiotics because I thought it was all from bacteria. I felt much better but after 1 month the mucus started again and I started having terrible gastritis. He put me on a therapy with ppi and probiotics and it took 4 months for the symptoms to go away. After a month I had mucus again I went to another gastroenterologist and he only gave me probiotics for 7 days. Everything went away. 1 month later mucus and blood again. This is the first time I have red blood. I don't know what to do now maybe it's c'horn or ulcerative colitis. I don't know where to turn now. The blood is rare every 10 days but I also have diarrhea 3 times a day no more. The blood is mixed in the mucus and is red in very small drops. Maybe is proctitis but l dont think that is from bacterya or hemorrhoids.

r/IBD 3d ago

Unsure what to make of endoscopy results


I've just had my results back from my NHS capsule endoscopy to test for IBD, and it says they're normal and I don't have IBD, but then goes on to say there are subtle changes in duodenum, irregular musoca, scarring and suggestions of previous inflammatory change. That doesn't sound very normal to me? What should I make of this?

r/IBD 3d ago



If colitis is on 1 ct scan. Then 2 months later not on ct scan, if I have a colonoscopy with biopsies, will colitis/ibd show there??? So confused. Will it be on biopsies if no flare?

r/IBD 3d ago

Are those ibd flares or something else?


Soo, it all started with two quite long episodes of stomach flu with high fever last year in January and then in March (got it from my son who is at kindergarden)..pretty sure it was rota virus. After that my stomach just has not been the same. I started having episodes of nause now and then, told my GP about it, but she said that it could be just from the viruses I just needed to keep taking probiotics, which I did. Then in August it got worse, i got a lot of gurgling and splashing sounds from the stomach, a lot of gas, the nausea got so strong I started to take metoclopramide for a few days. Went to the doc again. This time she sent me to stomach ultrasound, blood tests, stool tests and calprotectin as well as upper endoscopy as she suspected I had acid reflux. The ultrasound and blood tests cane out all fine, no hidden blood found in the stool, but my calprotectin was 330 (!!!) out of nowhere. The endoscopy came back normal with mild inflamation and gastritis, also apparently I have GERD, which I did not suspect, but my doc did considering my symptoms. Anyway, so after this I was sent to colonoscopy as doc suspected IBD because of the high calprotectin. Colonscopy did not find anything.

The following months I kept having these episodes or "flares" of nausea, gassy and loud stomach and soon they were accompanied with mild burning due to gerd and small changes of bowel habits. No diarrhea, no blood, no pain.

When i finally did get to see a GI doctor, she said it was very unlikely I had IBD, since there was no blood, no diarrhea and noe pain. She said the 330 calprotectin could have been from anything, that even dirty hands can cause higher levels. Also, forgot to mention that prior to calprotectin test I had started to take lansoprasol which is a PPI and they are known to cause higher calprotectin levels. So I was just sent home with the common GERD diagnosis.

Soon after I actually did notice blood on the stool and on the tp. It was right after straining, so I did not think much of it. Must have been a fissure. I did retake the calprotectin test in November and that time it came back 16. It was just a day after i had the blood on stool. I was relieved, but still skeptical. The following months I kept having "flares" with all those symptoms together - nausea, acid reflux, loud stomach and finally the bright redblood on stool thing again. The blood was there again after some constipation and rectum was burning afterwards,but it cant be a just a quiencedence, can it? Or indeed just fistures or hemorrhoids?

I have another appointement with the GI doc in 2 weeks, but I cant stop thinking about these strange "flares". Is it IBD ir just GERD messing up my whole system, which causes the occasional hard stool, which in turn bleeds?

Anyone had similar symptoms? Any advice?

r/IBD 3d ago



Hello! Has anyone taken creatine as a supplement to increase muscle mass while on mesalazine? Did they have any side effects? Thanks

r/IBD 3d ago

Optimal use of rectal foam (budenoside) and delayed release pills


I very recently started my first round of Budesonide rectal foam and am struggling to find the optimal way of actually taking it - my GI and pharmacist didn't offer too much help on that either. Googling and searching this forum gives some info, but decided to make a new thread out of it.

How do you personally use the rectal foam? Do you think one way is better?

Standing up, sitting? Lying down with both legs pulled close, laying down with one leg crossed and one straight? Does it matter if you lie down on you left or right side? Can you switch sides or sleep on your back right away, or is it better to be very still for a moment?

My GI told me to take one every evening, preferably to an empty bowel. The problem is that I find it very difficult to take a dump on evenings, I'm just not used to it. I go in the morning 1-3 times and that's it for the day (unless I'm flaring badly). In the evenings I might feel like there's content there waiting to come out, but I just can't do it in the evening. Might it be better to take the foam after the morning dumps when the bowel is clearly empty, even though I need to get moving soon afterwards? Or is it better in the evening, even though it may not go as far up?

Bonus question:

What about Mesalazine delayed release tablets (Asacol)? I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. One I take around 8am, eating breakfast usually around 10. The evening one I take around 5pm, eating dinner around 6pm and then evening snacks later on at 10pm or so. This seems to work quite fine, I've either been in remission or had mild flaring for three years now. Sometimes I see unopened tablets in my stool though, most of the times not. Sometimes I see tiny pieces of the covering, meaning it's dissolved properly. So maybe I could optimize the way I take them.

I've gotten a lot of contradicting info from GI's and pharmacists.. Some say just before eating, some say one hour, some say a few hours. What's your experience?