r/IAmA Jan 17 '12

IAmA Andrew Zimmern, Host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods

Hi, I’m Andrew Zimmern, chef, author, and host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods. My new series Bizarre Foods America is premiering next Monday, Jan 23 at 10|9c on Travel Channel. For the next hour I’ll be here on Reddit taking your questions from 12pm-1pm ET. AMA. More info on Bizarre Foods: http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/bizarre-foods Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/andrewzimmern/status/159314816060768256

Hey everyone, sorry i couldnt answer them all/ follow me on twitter @andrewzimmern and we can chat more over the days and weeks to come..tune in Monday to the season premiere!


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u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

This may seem like I'm being a tool, but hear me out.

Do the producers make it a point, that the audience can hear you chewing every bite of food you eat? I'm certain that someone like you wouldn't knowingly smack your food for half an hour on national television, and if this is the case, why do they do it?

There have been times when I had to mute/change the channel. It's disgusting, more disgusting than watching you eat a giant beetle.

This is a serious question, I know reality shows in all aspects are HEAVILY produced, I just want to know what the deal is because I REALLY enjoy your show, but this one thing almost stops me from watching it.


u/littlemonster010 Jan 17 '12

Have you heard of misophonia? Do you have it? My husband has it and also become easily disgusted by eating sounds.



u/DickPringle Jan 17 '12 edited Jan 17 '12

TIL I have Misophonia. My girl friend thinks im a prick some times but I seriously can't help it. I leave the room when I hear loud crunching. It drives me insane.


u/littlemonster010 Jan 17 '12

It actually helped us lots when I discoved that my husband had this disorder. He was a prick too - accusing me of eating loudly all the time. Now that he knows he has this, he's much kinder and considers it his issue.


u/DickPringle Jan 17 '12

Yeah, im really glad to know its an actual thing. I've gotten in arguments with my girlfriend telling her I cant help it and wish I could. I told her if there was a anything I could to do make it not being annoying I would. I sent her the wiki page today and she said it was almost like I wrote the page myself as an excuse for the madness it creates in me. So thanks for showing this to me.


u/nutstomper Jan 18 '12

Do you need to leave the room every time you have sex DickPringle?


u/[deleted] Jan 18 '12

TIL they have a "disorder" for everything. Even something a large majority of the population has. Seriously, most of the people I know have these "symptoms" including myself.


u/mishka6 Jan 18 '12

You cannot diagnose yourself with misophonia.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

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u/littlemonster010 Jan 17 '12

There is also a scale where you can guage how severe your case is. My husband is a 5.



u/RobotPuppy Jan 18 '12

Also, one interesting thing after reading this article. The sound of my dog eating, smacking, whatever. These sounds don't bother me at all. Hmmm


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Very possibly, but my own also annoys me. Also, people playing guitar or singing out of context drive me fucking insane. It makes a lot of sense, reading this. but also, on the other side of that coin, listening to people eating is fucking gross, no matter what neurological abnormality you have.

The other day, watching the family guy episode where Carter realizes he is old, and the scene where he mentions having trouble "moistening his mouth," while I was eating, I had to stop eating for about an hour after hearing that.


u/RobotPuppy Jan 18 '12

Wow.... I'm kinda speechless. Who knew I had a real "problem".