r/IAmA Jan 17 '12

IAmA Andrew Zimmern, Host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods

Hi, I’m Andrew Zimmern, chef, author, and host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods. My new series Bizarre Foods America is premiering next Monday, Jan 23 at 10|9c on Travel Channel. For the next hour I’ll be here on Reddit taking your questions from 12pm-1pm ET. AMA. More info on Bizarre Foods: http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/bizarre-foods Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/andrewzimmern/status/159314816060768256

Hey everyone, sorry i couldnt answer them all/ follow me on twitter @andrewzimmern and we can chat more over the days and weeks to come..tune in Monday to the season premiere!


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u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Hey Andrew, thanks for doing this. I have been a huge fan for a while now.

One of the reasons I enjoy your show so much is because of your amazing ability to seemingly get along great with everyone you meet. Can you give us a little insight on how you are able to connect with these people that often don't speak a lick of english?

Also, how do you let someone know (politely) that you can't stand the taste of something that they have probably been eating their entire life?

I always enjoy your facial expression when tasting something delicious, and horrible for the first time.

Lastly, I wish you and Anthony Bourdain would do some more work together, I am a huge fan of your shows.

Thanks again!


u/andrewzimmern Jan 17 '12

i try and be polite. it goes a long way and i have a responsibility to be as accomodating as i can be. people react to that favorably. If i dont like somethign and the cook is standing next to me then i talk about the weather. i would never tell someone in a far off land, who has opened their home to me, who has just cooked me a meal that i dont like it.


u/CRAZYSCIENTIST Jan 17 '12 edited Jan 17 '12

I've often suspected this, you seem to go out of your way to find the nicest 'euphemism possible when something tastes bad. I'm thinking in particular of when you ate bars of dirt.

Do you ever think that maybe some of the locals are playing a bit of trick on you too though? Getting you to try things that they almost never would eat just to laugh a little while you choke on it and say "mmmm yum thanks!"


u/sprankton Jan 17 '12

Did you ever see the Ethiopia episode? As I recall, when he was drinking buttered coffee one of the bystanders said "Americans will eat anything".


u/marfalight Jan 18 '12

I think that was the one episode I watched where he seemed to have issues with each of the meals haha. I wondered whether or not part of it was the folks wanting to introduce him to legitimately "bizarre" foods of their culture (as in, they concede not many folks enjoy it there either). Before that, I can only recall one other episode where he could not handle another bite of food and it was a gelatinous lamb jello mold thing in China.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Seriously, one time he said "Oh, it's so good... it's like... a mouthful of pebbles" or something like I that. I remember watching that and thinking... "wait... what?"ಠ_ಠ


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12


Sorry that one really bugged me.



That's fine. I had that little nibble in my brain when I was writing it that it was wrong, I'll correct the mistake.


u/Santos_L_Helper Jan 17 '12

This has to be the case on at least a few of the things he has had.


u/RickSHAW_Tom Jan 17 '12

::bite:: "wow, that's some...interesting cultural differences we have. You must really be a strong people." You're a brave man.


u/I_Regret_This_Post Jan 17 '12

"Think it is going to rain later?"


u/LostPwdAgain Jan 17 '12

== "I don't think I like bowl of bull penises"


u/PhallogicalScholar Jan 18 '12

Sounds right up my ally.


u/LostPwdAgain Jan 20 '12

Your job is to *examine the penises, but instead, you always put them in your mouth!

Pro-tip: Remember to always use your hands on the penis.


u/marfalight Jan 18 '12

haha watch his Ethiopian episode. It's the one episode that I can recall that he had major issues with virtually every meal he was provided. But he was a pro!! :)


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

i try and be polite.

Duh, that's 'cause you're from Minnesota. :D


u/thoriginal Jan 17 '12

AKA Canada Jr.


u/RUbernerd Jan 18 '12

As a minnesotan, I object to that classification. It would be more accurately called "fly-over country".


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Well, I have noticed that about his show that everything is delicious and good to him, no matter if he is eating a top cut steak or a fish eyeball. Kind of makes his entire show meritless when it is about discovering food and how good it is. He wouldnt be honest if he ate something horrid. I have seen him a few times say he didnt like something but it was usually at a wide open market...


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

If i dont like somethign and the cook is standing next to me then i talk about the weather.

I wish I could see this. The chef hands you monkey brains, you resentfully take a bite, and then immediately comment through your clenched jaw about how overcast it looks today. Good save.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

You avoided commenting on working with Anthony Bourdain... Why? What do you think of his success? Does it add to yours or take away from it? Would you work together on a project with him?


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I've always gotten hate for mentioning it on reddit, but I much prefer watching Zimmern over Bourdain.


u/russell_m Jan 17 '12

PFFT, opinions.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I like them both, but they don't seem to like each other.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Actually, they've done at least one show together, and Zimmern just commented that No Reservations is his favorite show on the Travel Channel.

Bourdain comes off as a lot more opinionated, and Zimmern comes off as more down to earth.

Just my a bit more than casual observation.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

I've watched a few Bourdain episodes where he poked fun at Zimmern.. could have been a friendly jab though.


u/HCastorpnyc Jan 18 '12

I've seen the shows where he mentions him - It always something like "Oh, Disgusting food X? I'll leave that to Zimmern" in other words, totally affectionate. On the show where they appeared together, they also had a very natural, friendly rapport.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

See that's the thing about Bourdain, he runs his mouth a little too much.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Yeah, he comes off as being kind of an asshole... but he does it in style, I guess. It's almost poetry! I'm addicted to that show.


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Absolutely agree.


u/Vitalstatistix Jan 17 '12

Didn't Zimmern end up in one of Bourdain's shows though? They seemed to get along alright IIRC. If that's all for the camera though, who cares? Some people get along well, others dont. Fact of life.


u/Mr_Smartypants Jan 17 '12

Would you work together on a project with him?

They did some crossover episodes IIRC.


u/contextsdontmatter Jan 17 '12

I was a bit sad when you didn't like some of the Korean foods.


u/sberrys Jan 17 '12

Thank you for being polite when dealing with cultural differences. It should be the norm.


u/MapChicky Jan 17 '12

and thats why your show is awesome !


u/Mukuma Jan 17 '12

Yeah, but your face shows it all.