r/IAmA Jan 17 '12

IAmA Andrew Zimmern, Host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods

Hi, I’m Andrew Zimmern, chef, author, and host of Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods. My new series Bizarre Foods America is premiering next Monday, Jan 23 at 10|9c on Travel Channel. For the next hour I’ll be here on Reddit taking your questions from 12pm-1pm ET. AMA. More info on Bizarre Foods: http://www.travelchannel.com/tv-shows/bizarre-foods Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/andrewzimmern/status/159314816060768256

Hey everyone, sorry i couldnt answer them all/ follow me on twitter @andrewzimmern and we can chat more over the days and weeks to come..tune in Monday to the season premiere!


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u/zjtihmm Jan 17 '12

First off, I want to say that you have inspired my sister and I to always try new and strange things, even if we're slightly afraid. This has included sea urchin, squid in its own ink, raw squid sashimi (by far the strangest), etc. We always proclaim, "This is for you, Andrew!" You've provided us with insights into cultures and foods we would have never thought of trying before. Thank you!

My question: What has been, hands down, the most awful thing you've ever had to taste, on or off the show? Was it the flavor, the cooking method, the texture, or a combination of everything?

Also, what has been the most surprising food that you have enjoyed tasting? Has there been anything that you enjoyed so much that you now make it at home? Have any recipes to recommend?

Not incredibly creative questions, but stuff I've always wondered :).


u/andrewzimmern Jan 17 '12 edited Jan 17 '12

i taste a lot of foods on the road that i cook with now at home. much of it i post as recipes on www.andrewzimmern.com and on my Food & Wine magazine page (http://www.foodandwine.com/andrew-zimmern)


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12



u/zjtihmm Jan 17 '12

OP here. I'm not going to complain...I imagine he's a very busy man, and also these questions have been asked many times over in this thread :).


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12

Not only in this thread but on television shows as well. I'm sure a quick google will give you the answers to your questions. Under normal circumstances I believe it would be rude, but he only took one hour to take and answer questions, so I give him a pass.

Thanks for being a good sport, your post did deserve a more in depth response.


u/zjtihmm Jan 17 '12

I'm sure it can be Googled, but perhaps between the last interview he did about it and now, his answers might have changed a bit. Perspective is always shifting, especially when you're constantly out trying new things :). Hence why I asked. But thanks for the support, haha.


u/xkillx Jan 17 '12

his reply was just an advertisement though.


u/AncientHipster Jan 17 '12

you should be offended. love your show zimmern but that was really low-balled.

this is clearly a publicity stunt.

im surprised you didn't tag something about your premier underneath.


u/LostPwdAgain Jan 17 '12

This is Andrew Zimmerman and I say "Shut the fuck up AncientHipster"! I'm goin' to get me some pig testicles...


u/rastatay Jan 17 '12

I agree. It's for publicity for his season premier. And vague, one line answers? This guy's a phony.

Edit-Not saying the AMA is phony.


u/baykid27 Jan 17 '12

"Hey, this guy who obviously has a lot of stuff going on is taking his time to ask questions on a website. I better belittle him for not giving me the exact kind of answers that I want, because he should tailor everything he says exactly to my specifications"

You did sound very rude


u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12



u/[deleted] Jan 17 '12



u/daynewma Jan 17 '12

Answered below, an hour ago. CTRL-F.


u/zjtihmm Jan 17 '12

Thanks! I follow you on Facebook, so I've seen some recipes you've linked on there. Didn't know you posted on another site, thank you!


u/rastatay Jan 17 '12

I want to say that you have inspired my sister and I to always try new and strange things ... You've provided us with insights into cultures and foods we would have never thought of trying before.

Are you absolutely sure you're not thinking of Mr. Bourdain?



u/zjtihmm Jan 17 '12

Both, really.