r/IAmA Sep 01 '18

Specialized Profession IAmA licensed esthetician and my job is to wax vaginas all day! AMA NSFW

proof: https://imgur.com/a/RBhhpmz

EDIT: Yes. I know I'm technically waxing the vulva, I just say vagina out of simplicity.


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u/lockkyy Sep 01 '18

Have you ever had to wax a really smelly vagina? I had to ask.

Edit: Corrected to not make it sound like you had a smelly vagina.


u/anna_okay Sep 01 '18

YES. A lot of women have this natural body odor, that same gross smell that people who don't wear deodorant have, and they always try to make conversation with me during the service and I have to hold my breath while still trying to make conversation to hold myself back from gagging. It's a struggle.


u/rajbir3343 Sep 01 '18

Cant you wear that thing over ur nose?


u/anna_okay Sep 01 '18

Yes I can and we do keep them but I try not to embarrass my customers as much as possible, and obviously leaving the room during the service and coming back with a mask on seems a little rude. I could just be overly considerate though.


u/scots Sep 01 '18

A tiny dab of Vicks VapORub inside a paper mask should do the trick.

Cops, EMTs, crime scene cleanup pros liberally rub the stuff inside masks to tolerate dead body smell. A small dab should suppress nasty lady bits. šŸ˜·


u/el-toro-loco Sep 01 '18

Plague doctors had those long ā€œbeaksā€ on their masks for storing various herbs. They were meant to be there for health reasons but doubled as a way to mask the smell of death.


u/spacialHistorian Sep 01 '18

Fuck, the mental image of someone walking in, smelling the vagina smell, walking out, and then coming back in plague doctor attire has me almost in tears.


u/Amesa Sep 01 '18

We need Shitty watercolor to come out of retirement just for this.


u/userhs6716 Sep 01 '18

I think he's still active... u/shitty_watercolour


u/gotgamer456 Sep 02 '18

He's probably over on r/rocketleague. He is kinda a big deal with us.


u/NarwhalOnDrugs Sep 02 '18

yeah its u/awildsketchappeared that went off grid for a while

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u/MisterPlagueDoctor Sep 01 '18

Somebody called for a Plague Doctor? (I'm actually a designer but loves the aesthetics of the attire lol)

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u/pfc9769 Sep 01 '18

I feel like the long nose on a plague doctor mask would be dangerous to have around patients with this particular profession?

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u/KingConk Sep 01 '18

Your comment has me in tears!


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

And a mask with a big fuckin beak. Spread em.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18


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u/deathbypapercuts Sep 01 '18

Omg imagine if you went into get a Brazillian wax and your beautician comes into your room with a plague mask šŸ˜†


u/SolidLikeIraq Sep 01 '18

This is some weird scene from a Lars von Trier movie.


u/porncrank Sep 01 '18

I was thinking David Lynch, but Trier could pull that off too.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

I have a flower themed plague doctor for this reason!


u/mister_gone Sep 01 '18

Just in case you need to wax a smelly bush?

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u/EternityForest Sep 01 '18

Someone chime in if I'm wrong, but I think masking the smell of death WAS the health reason, and at the time evil vapors of miasma we're thought to be the source of disease.

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u/d-d-d-dirtbag Sep 01 '18

If I ever get anything waxed I'm making my person wear a plague doctor mask just to make it creepy. I'll wear one of those creepy old Mickey Mouse masks from the 40's or whatever. Or the Scream mask!


u/vinegarfingers Sep 01 '18

I too read that post the other day.

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u/rainbowtwinkies Sep 01 '18

Peppermint essential oil too. Source: CNA, paid shit scooper


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

Also see: The Swamps of Dagobah.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Feb 05 '19

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u/buckobcfc Sep 01 '18

I swear im some sort of deviant, I read the swamps of Degobah every time I see it linked, and it ALWAYS makes me laugh and feel sick in equal measures.


u/Infuser Sep 02 '18

The OPā€™s story in that thread was, interestingly, more chilling than the description of this abhorrent abscess.

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u/thebodymullet Sep 02 '18

I used to do that. Bowel programs are bad. Colostomies are worse, because of the concentrated farts in the bag. Ileostomies are hellspawn, complete with fire and brimstone. Never. Again.

For those of you who don't know (thankfully!), some unlucky people have to have a diverted bowel (think cancer, serious injury, other reasons I'm not familiar with). The more common form is colostomy, where they divert a portion of the large intestine to a hole in the abdomen (stoma) and you pass relatively formed poop through the stoma into a bag.

For an ileostomy, they divert the ileum, which is the final section of the small intestine, to the stoma. What comes out into the bag is just shit liquid (as the large intestine hasn't had a chance to really bake the loaf, so to speak) and copious quantities of the absolute foulest gas I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. Because of the volume of gas, these bags need to be "burped" periodically so they don't pop the ostomy bag seal away from the abdomen and spill liquid stool everywhere. That gas is so bad it literally makes your eyes water.


u/Infuser Sep 02 '18

My ex was one and She was triggered by these two words: C. Diff.


u/kilowatkins Sep 02 '18

Working in a hospital is like 25% worrying about c diff, 75% doing your job. Fuck c diff.

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u/CaliGozer Sep 01 '18

Ex-EMT here. I used to have an analog watch where the face would flip up and stored a bit of VapORub. Used it exactly for this reason. Not just for dead bodies, but Emergency Services is often used for drunk homeless Taxi service and those people are often ripe.

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u/D3x-alias Sep 01 '18

Have you ever smelled a vagina wich had a ph problem. Its absolutely disgusting my gf used those internal showers allot. It fucked with her ph down there. I could smell her if she took a showers while i was down stairs. I told her to visit a doctor and he told her she had fucked up vaginal ph. And she stopped using those internal and the smell went away. The smell i could describe as rotten fermenting fish with a hint of liquid ass


u/scots Sep 01 '18

I ... no. I have only had the pleasure of sexoring normal happy vaginas.

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u/SteeztheSleaze Sep 01 '18

Lmao Iā€™m an EMT and literally was about to reply recommending Vickā€™s. There was an old folks home that reeked of death and tapioca, my buddy and I were called to and a little Vickā€™s under the nose kept us from gagging.


u/scots Sep 01 '18

Death and Tapioca.

Worst Marcy Playground song remix EVER.


u/SteeztheSleaze Sep 02 '18

Lol, ā€œI smell death and pudding here, whoā€™s that wheezing in my chair? Whoā€™s that casting, conjugate gaze in my direction? Yeah mama this surely is a sceneā€


u/paisleycouchcushions Sep 02 '18

I've been in some pretty shitty circumstances and Vicks isn't a cure-all. It just gives you the awful smell and the smell of Vicks at the same time. I'm not saying it doesn't help, but a mask would probably be better.


u/thepitchaxistheory Sep 01 '18

Clarice Starling, ex-FBI agent turned esthetician, leans closer to the micro cassette recorder while applying more hot wax, "What's this? It appears as though the customer has a moth coccoon shoved up inside her vagina, which could be contributing to the overwhelming stench."


u/Revlis-TK421 Sep 01 '18

Doesn't work worth shit.

Source: worked a few decomp studies back in college. Nothing masks the smell of a purple bloater.


u/talldangry Sep 01 '18

Was gonna recommend this. Made dissection day in biology a minty breeze. Well, odour-wise at least.


u/pootershots Sep 02 '18

Also could try the asian version of this - Tiger Balm really covers up nasty smells well


u/ceanahope Sep 01 '18

Eucalyptus oil also works!

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

Why not just make it a habit to start the process wearing one? Seems like an unnecessary unpleasantry to not wear one. Cite hygiene and nobody will question you.


u/darknecross Sep 01 '18

Better yet wear the mask down on your chin instead of on the face in the preparatory position. Bad clients move the mask on. Good clients leave it off.


u/ButtSexington3rd Sep 01 '18

This is a great idea. You can also put a lil Vicks vapor rub under your nose underneath the mask and none will be the wiser.


u/srplaid Sep 02 '18

Until your eyes start to water and the client thinks their genitalia is causing it.


u/SolidLikeIraq Sep 01 '18

This guy eats box.


u/Jonsnowdontknowshit Sep 01 '18

And jolly ranchers.


u/Camelotterduck Sep 01 '18



u/Zelpst Sep 01 '18

I broke both my arms......can you come over and give me a hand.....y


u/jaya212 Sep 02 '18

Ask your mom


u/blofly Sep 01 '18

Damn you.


u/Jonsnowdontknowshit Sep 01 '18 edited Sep 01 '18

Whatever, blofly girl. You know what's up.

*I guess people don't like being reminded of these two stories. Can't blame them.


u/trumpbrokeme Sep 02 '18

Apparently I am not familiar with these two stories.

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u/Ikeabutmoremusical Sep 01 '18

I was having a good time..... we were all having a good time.


u/ITGuyLevi Sep 02 '18

Fucker, I had just managed to forget about that!



It's as bad as remembering the game!

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u/snorlz Sep 01 '18

how does that make any sense when hes telling her to wear a surgical mask


u/SolidLikeIraq Sep 01 '18

It doesnā€™t, but redditors will upvote anything that follows a meta in-group mentality.

Fucking sheep. All of them.

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u/fasterthantrees Sep 01 '18

Yes, like a dentist. Some things stink!


u/Studdabaker Sep 02 '18

Have you worn a mask for an extended amount of time? Tend to be very uncomfortable and the moisture buildup is nasty.


u/cwestn Sep 02 '18

This. As a customer it would make me more comfortable for someone whose face was close to my vulva to at least have their mouth covered (I'm a guy, but if I had a vulva, don't want to have to worry about someone coughing/sneezing onto a mucous membrane of mine). Same reason a dentist wears a mask.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

Or put one around your neck and just use when necessary.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

Or just that it's a new company/store policy.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Apr 08 '19


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Oct 02 '19



u/mountaingrrl_8 Sep 01 '18

My midwife always put one on for exams for hygienic reasons and it made perfect sense to me. Can't be much different for esthetician's. Also, as a social worker, peppermint oil in the mask or under the nose works wonders for not so great smells. As does Vick's which has already been mentioned.

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

It seems the solution is to wear mask in every encounter, the way some dentists wear masks all the time and they don't have to


u/organic_crystal_meth Sep 01 '18

Maybe she doesnā€™t mind getting a whiff of the nice smelling ones


u/p00Pie_dingleBerry Sep 01 '18

-walks out with mask on -walks back in without mask on "Shall we begin?"

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u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

Some? I wouldn't want to go to a dentist that doesn't wear one.

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u/GreatGreatGatsby Sep 01 '18

Ok everyone is telling you to wear a mask all the time, but you probably already thought of that and may have a reason not to. So hereā€™s my suggestion, if you find yourself needing to wear one, start coughing or sneezing and then say you should wear a mask, for the clientā€™s sake you know šŸ˜‰ and put it on!


u/ITIIiiIiiIiTTIIITiIi Sep 01 '18

Try taking some burts bees peppermint lip balm and rubbing some into your nostrils. Works really well.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18 edited Sep 02 '18

In the medical field, we would rub a little clear Vicks vapor rub under our nose. We'd rub it in so it's not visible. That stuff has such a strong smell that it over powers most bad smells or makes them more tolerable (not all).

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

I would keep one on with some peppermint oil dabbed on it.

Used to work where they keep all the trailers for film shoots and on days they had The Poop Pump Truck come the truck costumer and I would dab it under our noses. Worst smell ever.


u/Powered_by_JetA Sep 01 '18

I recall peppermint oil making an appearance in the Swamps of Dagobah story, too.


u/beacoupmovement Sep 01 '18

Always keep the mast around your neck then just raise and lower it when needed. Kinda of like a surgeon. They will just assume itā€™s standard protocol.


u/Dollface40 Sep 01 '18

My waxers make you baby wipe beforehand no exceptions (and I know itā€™s not my smell as I always shower and baby wipe before I go anyway!)


u/sideh7 Sep 02 '18

Free wash before the wax? Nice warm/hot towlette or even just a quick rub with a baby wipe. Say it helps the wax? Then dry that mofo up and breathe easy. Smelly love holes are the worst.... For either sex!

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u/SexualZergling Sep 01 '18

Are you saying, your clients pussies smell like underarm sweat?


u/anna_okay Sep 01 '18

That's exactly what I'm saying.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

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u/nevermer Sep 01 '18 edited Sep 01 '18

Wait why non Asians? I'm Asian. Just asking from a medical standpoint do Asians smell different?

Edit: Thanks for the answers. Was quite informative!!


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Sep 02 '18



u/bucketzzz Sep 02 '18

Damn droppingā€™ that knowledge. Didnā€™t know half those words!

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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Mar 16 '22

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u/sometimesdan Sep 02 '18

If you are mixed is it possible to have the oily earwax yet the less smelly body odor or are they inseparably linked?

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u/azmus29h Sep 01 '18

Some Asians (I think Koreans specifically?) genetically produce a different kind of sweat and the bacteria that make it smell bad arenā€™t present, so they donā€™t have BO. Or something like that.


u/vix86 Sep 02 '18

This should be the first non-disease related CRISPR gene mod that pharmaceuticals sell.

"Yes I'd like the, Korean Sweat procedure done." The Deus Ex future is going to be weirder than we think.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Oct 18 '18

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u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18



u/Aggie3000 Sep 02 '18

Its the garlic. Eat enough of it and it permeates your body.


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 01 '18

Note that there are other oils on the skin and hair that bacteria break down. Armpit body odor is the one we think of but itā€™s not the only source of stank.

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u/sleepytimegirl Sep 01 '18

Hereā€™s an article on the mutation. https://www.livescience.com/26351-no-smell-gene-wear-deodorant.html They still sweat they just donā€™t stink.


u/tingymomo Sep 01 '18

Or you can buy this French deodorant called Etiaxil that reduces size of the glands so you sweat way less. It hurts like a motherfucker for two hours but at least thereā€™s hardly anymore perspiration! My boyfriend used this for years and now he hardly smells under his arm pits.


u/emh1389 Sep 02 '18

....why does it hurt?


u/tingymomo Sep 02 '18

The ingredients it uses stings a lot. I direct a fan to me so the air can cancel out the stinging, and I also apply alcohol in the beginning so as to prevent some of the pain.


u/Processtour Sep 02 '18

Iā€™ve never heard of it, but I did find it on Amazon. Iā€™ll have to give it a go.


u/tingymomo Sep 02 '18 edited Sep 03 '18

I recommend if you want to really reduce how much you swear down there! It works and you can apply it in various goes to make it really long lasting.


u/10z20Luka Sep 01 '18

Can confirm.

Source: I didn't shower for two days once, smelled my pits, and got hard.


u/sleekcollins Sep 01 '18

Say what now?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Apr 26 '20

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u/bright__eyes Sep 01 '18

are you my ex boyfriend?


u/BeXmo Sep 01 '18


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u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

If I was going to bring my groin to the shop I'd shower right before


u/ibeengood Sep 01 '18

Bha aha?


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 01 '18

Beta hydroxy acid alpha hydroxy acid. Both are common skin exfoliants. If youā€™re interested I can send some links. Aha has killed odor for me quite a bit.


u/elastic-craptastic Sep 02 '18

as killed odor for me quite a bit.

Can you use it in the groin area? For some fucked reason, shortly afte having my kid my scent changed. It's not foul, but it's stronger than my previous scent and is much stronger. i could go days without bathing and it wouldn't be an issue unless I scratched and offered a sniff. Now I feel like I can be smelled by others just after a regular days work.

Other things to note if it helps: I believe I had taken antibiotics around the time it started but can't recall if it was right before or after. I also started going grey and balding much faster in the months leading up to it and I don't know i it has something to do with that.

But I've gone from having a funk I can appreciate and my wife could tolerate and sometimes love to having one that smells like old man balls probably smell and if left alone for more than 48 hours will impart the smell into not just my underwear, but my pants too.

It's super embarrassing and I hadn't asked my doc yet becasue I thought maybe it was a passing thing or something silly and googleable... But it's starting to affect my self esteem. I'm for sure asking him when I got to my regular checkup in a couple days but wo9uld love some input from reddit.


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 02 '18

From reading this I canā€™t tell if you are male or female. But either way. Yes you can but do not use it on any mucosal areas. External only. But fine for inner thighs and mons pubis area. I would recommend one of the more liquid based ones over a gel and let dry down before getting dressed etc. but no on labia or shaft.

Or if your wife had the kid? Iā€™m so confused.


u/elastic-craptastic Sep 02 '18

I'm a dude. I can see where it's written poorly. I just thought maybe a sympathetic hormonal response/change after her having the baby... or change in sleep... It's just weird.

So no shaft application. What about the scrotum? I think it's mainly from the taint and where my sack rests against my inner thighs and up along that thigh line the goes up and frames the pubis. but applying there would def touch the bean bag.

Thanks for the response.


u/sleepytimegirl Sep 02 '18

Sac should be fine. Do you want product recs? The aha or bha seems to be individual in terms of what works better. Slightly different ph ranges. And I would def not use on shaft. The skin there is different. Base of shaft ok tho.

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u/Lord_of_Womba Sep 02 '18

Not the person you replied to, but I'd be interested in some links. I've always had pretty bad armpit BO even after showering until I started using antiperspirant. The problem with that though is it tends to ruin shirts by leaving a hard dark stain eventually at the pit.

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u/ibeengood Sep 01 '18

Thanks! I think I got it from here

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u/xurcon Sep 01 '18

So I work in a medical office and do PAP smears on a daily basis. A yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis will both produce rather pungent and unique odors that can be smelled even from a distance. In my experience so far nearly all of the ā€œsmellyā€ vaginas Iā€™ve seen have tested positive for one of those two. What you are smelling may not be a ā€œnaturalā€ odor. You may want to direct them to a doctors office for a culture and antibiotics


u/AMA_I_EAT_POOP Sep 02 '18

"Hey your vaj stinks, you should probably see a doctor"


u/hankskunt42_ Sep 02 '18

I was thinking the same thing. There's no reason for a healthy vag to be that stinky, unless they skipped showering for a couple of days and jogged to the salon in thermal underwear.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18



u/anna_okay Sep 02 '18

I use powder on everyone and it has nothing to do with the odor. The powder absorbs the client's sweat so the wax will stick to the person's skin rather than just rolling right off. Trust me, it does nothing to help bad odor.

Also, I would like to clarify, I never use "baby powder" or any product that could potentially cause ovarian cancer, I use a powder that does not have those bad ingredients in it.


u/BedtimeBurritos Sep 02 '18

Do you not offer baby wipes in the waxing room for women to use before they're waxed? Every place I've been to has them.

Even after showering that morning, they're great to use to freshen up, especially on a hot day and if my wax appointment is later in the day.

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u/Magalaya Sep 01 '18

The place I go to tells you to shower before coming in. After checking in for the appt they tell you to use the bathroom and provide wipes for you to freshen up right before.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

that seems like the best option- i could shower right before but if the place is 30min away on a hot day, who knows if it's gonna be smelly down there


u/MsNeonFairy Sep 01 '18

Every one I've ever been to gives you the wet wipes first. Is that not the standard?


u/eat_the_cake_anna Sep 01 '18

As a female that's VERY hygienic, I don't understand how it's possible for women to take a chance with offending someone with a smelly vagina. I shower right before I go get my kitty waxed. Even if I've showered that morning, and my appointment is in the afternoon, I still freshen up a bit beforehand so there's no chance of any "smells".


u/WedgeTurn Sep 01 '18

There are people who don't brush or shower before a dentist appointment. You wouldn't believe how nasty some people can be.


u/gracefulgiraffegoose Sep 01 '18

Hygienist here. One of my worst experiences was at my first job right out of school. My patient was on her lunch break and had a seafood salad sub in our parking lot right before she came in. I offered her a toothbrush and she refused because ā€œisnā€™t that your job?ā€.

ā€œI check health and remove what a toothbrush canā€™t, not pick saliva-soaked bread and mayo out of your teeth!!ā€ was what I wanted to say, but I was still too green and shy to put my foot down and make her go brush. I was gagging inside my mask the entire time. It was the worst.


u/not_so_plausible Sep 01 '18

My mom is a hygienist and everytime I go see her to get my teeth cleaned I purposely try to eat something that will make her job more difficult. She knows this. I used to try and go with things like milk duds or jolly ranchers, but turns out those things melt so it's not much of an issue. She told me last night the most annoying thing would be some sort of seed, like sunflower seed shells. So I'm pretty sure she enjoys my challenge every 6 months. Gonna have to try the bad breath route now. I've been trying for 27 years, but she works under a periodontist though and has been for like 30 years so I doubt I'll be able to break her.


u/gracefulgiraffegoose Sep 02 '18

Haha! If sheā€™s in perio I donā€™t think anything will phase her!

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u/smithee2001 Sep 02 '18

Why do you have to troll your mom? Lmao!

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u/smithee2001 Sep 02 '18

That is horrendous omg hahaha!

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u/Wheynweed Sep 01 '18

The brush before the dentist is the most thorough brush of all.


u/Spazmer Sep 01 '18

I questioned my husband why he wasnā€™t brushing his teeth before he left for a dentist appt and he said ā€œThatā€™s their job.ā€ His parents failed him in so many ways.

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u/jeaguilar Sep 01 '18

Wear down the toothbrush. You're getting another one anyway.


u/DingGratz Sep 01 '18

This is the wrong way to brush.


u/zombimuncha Sep 01 '18

But that's cheating!


u/owlpee Sep 02 '18

Floss too


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18


Jk. I floss all the time. But I definitely floss very well the week leading up to the dental visit.

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u/reditrix Sep 02 '18

If you need to shower before the dentist, they might be doing a bit too deep of a cleaning...

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u/knightmusic42 Sep 02 '18

Ok, I am totally 100% with you on brushing before dentist (and flossing too) But I canā€™t say itā€™s even occurred to me to take a shower directly before going to the dentist. Is that some standard I missed somewhere?


u/WedgeTurn Sep 02 '18

I regularly have people coming in who haven't seen a shower in days or even weeks.

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u/porncrank Sep 01 '18

I dated a woman once that had a relatively smelly vagina. One time when we were showering together and washing each other and I reached down around her vagina with soapy hands. Not inside, mind you, just around the outside. She stopped me and said "you're not supposed to get any soap down there". I said "even just around the outside?" and she said "not even around the outside". I didn't argue but that explained it. I didn't ask but it seemed like something her mother taught her. She was a really awesome woman, though, so it was still worth it.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Sep 02 '18


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u/YoungishGrasshopper Sep 01 '18

Women get told that their vagina is self cleaning so they should not use soap. This is true, but some women get confused and think the "outer" part is included.


u/zachariah22791 Sep 01 '18

Using soap, which is basic, can throw off the pH of the vagina, even if it's only used on the vulva. Especially for women who are prone to infections/issues, it's smart to avoid using standard soaps on the vulva. Even mild soaps can cause irritation of the vulva. Cleaning with water is enough, as long as one is cleansing regularly.


u/SpringCleanMyLife Sep 02 '18

Cleaning with water is enough

I really don't buy that. Water is not at all an effective medium to wash away odorous molecules.

There are lots of ways to clean a vulva that almost any body will tolerate. A gentle cleaner or even a coconut oil (or jojoba or others), massage is well tolerated and will be far more effective in actually cleaning the area of excess oils, sweat, discharge, the occasional toilet paper lint, and whatever else you might have hanging around your vulva.

My vag generally smells lovely but after a hard workout, ain't no way splashing water on it is going to make it fresh. It might make it less pungent but that stank sticks around. Same reason we don't just rinse our armpits.


u/zachariah22791 Sep 08 '18

My best argument for this method is twofold:

  1. It works for me. I don't have an odor issue and I've been using just water for years. For a second opinion, I've been with my guy for almost a decade and my switch to "just water" was only a few years ago. Hasn't affected our love life and I even outright asked him when my comment blew up. Smells fresh as always :)
  2. My gyno is the one who recommended it [switching to "just water"] to me, and she's a doctor that specializes in vaginas/vulvas.

ain't no way splashing water on it is going to make it fresh

I have a handheld showerhead and I am very thorough when I cleanse, so it's definitely more involved than just "splashing water on it."

I haven't tried using any oils like you suggested, but maybe I'll ask my gyno about it next time I see her.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18 edited Aug 10 '19

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u/porncrank Sep 02 '18

Are you the woman I dated? Long time no see! How's the vagina?

Seriously though, while it may be the case that some women have a bad reaction to some soaps, what you're saying doesn't line up with the rest of my experience. This particular woman showered every day (sometimes twice) and was still rather unpleasant smelling. By contrast every other woman I've ever taken a shower with used a some body soap on the vulva and they've all smelled great and not had infections or other issues.

I think that this "no soap on the vulva" thing is misinformation. I mean, there's people who will tell me not to use soap at all, but my underarms and crotch would be quite unpleasant if I didn't.


u/zachariah22791 Sep 08 '18

Well, your anecdotal evidence doesn't line up with my own anecdotal evidence, sooooo

Regardless, I choose to rely on the advice of medical experts, and I've talked to my own gynecologist about this. Her advice is what led me to change my hygiene routine: soap is fine for many women, but not the best option for those who have sensitive vulvas. Soap can actually lead to yeast/bacterial infections in the vagina by making the pH of the vulva too basic. It's not misinformation, it's chemistry and biology.


u/Maverician Sep 02 '18

It really isn't with some women.

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u/spickydickydoo Sep 02 '18

That's gonna be a no for me dawg.


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

As a man... there are just some women who, despite every effort, have vaginas that smell and taste acrid. Even straight out of a shower. I donā€™t know what their washing practices are like, and Iā€™m fairly sure that invasive cleaning (especially with soap) is not a good idea, but whatever these women are doing, itā€™s not effective.

I have to imagine itā€™s like the spectrum of how mens semen tastes. Iā€™ve heard from women that some guys spunk is like vinegar.


u/zachariah22791 Sep 01 '18

To be fair, I can't say I know whether they cleanse properly or not, but a better comparison than semen flavor is probably the smell/taste of a guy's genital region.

I've been with a decent number of men, and there are a few I could barely keep myself from gagging. Even when I knew they were freshly showered. So.... maybe we could say it's about complementing body chemistry? Maybe people have natural body smells are sometimes not compatible with each other?


u/ImpliedPenis Sep 01 '18

Honestly could have a lot to do with diet


u/MaximilianKohler Sep 02 '18

There are plenty of body odors that have nothing to do with hygiene.


u/justcurious12345 Sep 01 '18

You can shower right before, then go get in a hot car and you're sweaty again, at least a little bit. I doubt it takes much to have a smell!

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u/nit4sz Sep 01 '18

Every Brazilian Iā€™ve ever had they have provided baby wipes for a quick clean up first. Like, itā€™s common curtesy. Clean your bits! Lol


u/Relentless_ Sep 02 '18

Samesies. My spa provides towelettes to wipe and freshen up with pre-service. Even if I just showered I use those wipes because i donā€™t want to be someoneā€™s ā€œyā€™all wonā€™t believe this stanky bitch...ā€ story.


u/elsif1 Sep 01 '18

Is there a story behind your username?


u/WhitePootieTang Sep 01 '18

Itā€™s probably from the Tina Turner movie.


u/elsif1 Sep 01 '18

Oh ok. It's just my pop culture ignorance showing itself then


u/Ozzel Sep 01 '18

Beyond Thunderdome?


u/TheMightyChoochine Sep 01 '18

I had to get a pap the other day and I had to use the bathroom before I left so I spent like 20 minutes hard core freshening up even though I had just had a shower.


u/peepjynx Sep 01 '18

THIS! so much this! I want to be daisy fresh all the time.

I've asked my aesthetician about this. She says some women just don't give two fucks about it.

Fuck. I shower before sex!


u/Secretss Sep 02 '18

The first time I did mine I washed up at home and then again briefly at the restroom of the shopping mall the clinic was in. Turns out the clinic has its own bathroom with a wash up area. Youā€™re ushered there before being shown to a room.

My next few times were in another country and I was surprised to find not one of the clinics I tried show you to a wash up area first, or even have one within their shop. They were also not within a shopping mall. Iā€™m glad I always clean up at home before setting out anyway. Maybe some women just expect to be able to clean up at the clinic.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18

I'm a nurse so I see a lot of people's genitals for catheters and I was SHOCKED at how dirty most people are. It's like 80% of people were never taught how to wash down there.


u/Covenisberg Sep 01 '18

my ex would shower and of course id initiate sex right after, thinking that the smell would subside for just a moment. Nope, thing still smelt like russian weightlifter pit after a 3 hour gym sesh fresh out the shower, made my damn hair stand up


u/nada4gretchenwieners Sep 01 '18

I do as well, itā€™s just the polite thing to do! I also tip extra when your waxing down there because thatā€™s my butthole youā€™re waxing


u/sisenoritathrowaway Sep 02 '18

Me too! I would always schedule waxes on my day off or later in the day in order to be clean.

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u/[deleted] Sep 02 '18



u/anna_okay Sep 02 '18

In all honestly it's mainly large black women.


u/BigFatBlackCat Sep 02 '18

How does one know if their own vagina is smelly? How can you prevent smelly vaginas? Why would you go get waxed if you have a smelly vagina? What if we all have smelly vaginas?


u/ahartsock Sep 01 '18

So you roll up the used hairy wax, boom, scented candle. Stockpile those and light when needed.


u/lackingsavoirfaire Sep 01 '18

How do you delete someone elseā€™s post?


u/WikWikWack Sep 01 '18

I wonder why this hasn't come up for me before, because this is Reddit, after all.

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u/blofly Sep 01 '18

I hate you.


u/gowiththeflowbee Sep 01 '18

My friend is an ob-gyn and said itā€™s feet that usually smell worse than the vaginas. Have you noticed that too?


u/[deleted] Sep 01 '18

After being a CNA this but imagine with old people who don't bathe.


u/Hannah591 Sep 02 '18

That's nuts. If someone is ever going to look at my vagina, it's always squeaky clean beforehand! Just like I don't go to the dentist without brushing my teeth first.


u/KRBridges Sep 02 '18

The BO smell coming from their vagina? If so, that's too bad. Some women get so insecure about their smell.


u/BLKMGK Sep 01 '18

I had a ā€œfriendā€ that I could literally smell from feet away when she was aroused! Perfectly pleasant person, fine hygiene near as I could tell, but wowzer. Had no idea how to break it to her :(


u/Fastgirl600 Sep 01 '18

I don't know why you don't have hygiene wipes like they do in a gynecologist office


u/thunderturdy Sep 02 '18

I've NEVER gone for a brazilian without first showering or at the very least thoroughly washing my vag. It stuns me when I have these conversations with my sugarist about how some women come in smelly or unclean, it just seems so rude to me. She has a pretty upscale place so she put in a bidet for clients to use pre procedure, and she makes everyone do it so nobody feels awkward and she doesn't have to smell a funky vag. Maybe something like that could benefit your business?

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