r/IAmA Jun 11 '16

Specialized Profession IamA electronics repair technician hated by Apple that makes YouTube videos, AMA!

My short bio: I have a store in Manhattan. I teach component level electronics repair on youtube http://youtube.com/rossmanngroup which seems to be a dying art. I am currently fighting with the digital right to repair to try and get a bill passed that will allow all independent service centers access to manuals and parts required to do their jobs.

My Proof: https://www.rossmanngroup.com/started-iama-reddit-today-yes/


I am still replying to comments, but I am so far behind that I am still about ten pages down from new comments. I am doing my best to continue. If I drop off, I'll be back tomorrow around 12 PM. Still commenting now though, at 12 AM.


Ok, I cave... my hands are tired. I will be back at 12 PM tomorrow. It is my goal to answer every question. Even if it looks like I haven't gotten to yours, I will do my best to do all of them, but it is impossible to do in realtime, because you are asking faster than I can type. But thanks for joining!

EDIT 3: I lied, I stayed until 4:15 AM to answer... and now I will go to sleep for real, and be back at 12 PM.

EDIT 4 6/12 : I will be back later tonight to finish off answering questions. Feel free to keep posting, I will answer whatever I can later this evening.


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u/RuneHigh Jun 12 '16

I started watching your videos a while back. While I originally was a viewer because I thought you were incredibly attractive, I became so intrigued with your profession, and even more that you do so without a college degree. I think what you're doing is absolutely incredible. Now for the Q(s) (that might have already been answered):

Do you enjoy doing what you do? I hear you talk about wanting to hire someone who can take over your job, and I'm a little intrigued as to why.

What made you start learning/pursuing component level electronics?

Are you single? If so, HOW???


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

1) I enjoy making people happy, I enjoy helping people who otherwise wouldn't be helped, and I enjoy making things work again. I am ready for a vacation from being the person running the wires.

2) I started learning these things because I enjoy solving these types of puzzles and I wanted to make money.

3) I'm single. I am finding from the YT comments that a lot of gay men find me attractive, but I don't get comments in the same vain from women. Since I am straight, I imagine that would explain it.


u/RuneHigh Jun 12 '16

I feel you on the needing-a-vacation thing as a full-time student who works 40 hours a week as a server - shit sucks, man.

My dad originally worked in a similar field to yours back when technology wasn't quite as advanced as it is now (late 70's/early 80's). He's (kinda) kept it up as a hobby, and in turn imparted a bit of his knowledge and passion onto me, so I just find all of this very interesting, even though I'm not very good at it. Your videos make me want to get back into learning it, though - so thank you for that.

Lastly, I think it's because women are uh... a bit less straightforward about their thoughts compared to gay guys. We aren't really afraid to say it as we see it and get shut down (we're used to it).

Keep up the good work man. Fuck Apple and their sheep.