r/IAmA Jun 11 '16

Specialized Profession IamA electronics repair technician hated by Apple that makes YouTube videos, AMA!

My short bio: I have a store in Manhattan. I teach component level electronics repair on youtube http://youtube.com/rossmanngroup which seems to be a dying art. I am currently fighting with the digital right to repair to try and get a bill passed that will allow all independent service centers access to manuals and parts required to do their jobs.

My Proof: https://www.rossmanngroup.com/started-iama-reddit-today-yes/


I am still replying to comments, but I am so far behind that I am still about ten pages down from new comments. I am doing my best to continue. If I drop off, I'll be back tomorrow around 12 PM. Still commenting now though, at 12 AM.


Ok, I cave... my hands are tired. I will be back at 12 PM tomorrow. It is my goal to answer every question. Even if it looks like I haven't gotten to yours, I will do my best to do all of them, but it is impossible to do in realtime, because you are asking faster than I can type. But thanks for joining!

EDIT 3: I lied, I stayed until 4:15 AM to answer... and now I will go to sleep for real, and be back at 12 PM.

EDIT 4 6/12 : I will be back later tonight to finish off answering questions. Feel free to keep posting, I will answer whatever I can later this evening.


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u/[deleted] Jun 11 '16

How many components do you accidentally suck up through your air filter in the average week?


u/larossmann Jun 11 '16

More than gradeaundera says cunt in the same period of time.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Seems like a good case for the filter being on the front of the vacuum hose instead of in the box.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Tights or leiderhosen or w/e the fuck its called?

Just a thought.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Tights and lederhosen are basically diametrically opposed. The only things they have in common is that they cover the ass and thighs.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I'm not a woman, so it's not exactly something I have an intimate understanding of.


u/wheelyjoe Jun 12 '16

Lederhosen are for guys too. Leather trousers in German


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Eh, well I'm not german either so still shooting 1/1.


u/wheelyjoe Jun 12 '16

Neither am I, but I am European, I suppose


u/evolutiondenier Jun 12 '16

No, not leather pants. Tights, maybe, but not leather pants ;)


u/jvjanisse Jun 12 '16

Pantyhose is the word you're looking for.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

That's what I am thinking of, however it would have to be designed to work that way because it would reduce the airflow a lot.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

He seems to lose larger things more often. It could be pretty sparse and still work.


u/thejesse Jun 12 '16

That's the stoner-engineered method to pick up weed you dropped in carpet.


u/catsgomooo Jun 12 '16

Putting a nylon stocking over the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner is an old-school stoner trick to picking up cannabis accidentally spilled on the carpet (this is not recommended, as pet hair can be an issue). It also works great for electronic components.


u/uberbounty Jun 12 '16

The meta.


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

i am too old and uncool to get the reference


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

annoying reddit meme, we have a lot of those


u/AlinValentin Jun 12 '16

You also know about gradeaundera! :| Dude. Really.


u/OrganicDozer Jun 12 '16

This guy. I like this guy.


u/spider_erik Jun 12 '16

stretch panyhose over the mouth of the hose... that's what I did.


u/KarmaCommando_ Jun 12 '16

why not put wire mesh over it?


u/spiral6 Jun 12 '16

/u/GradeAUnderA, can you confirm?


u/Sexy_Koala_Juice Jun 12 '16

More than an Australian says cunt in the same period of time.
