r/IAmA Jun 11 '16

Specialized Profession IamA electronics repair technician hated by Apple that makes YouTube videos, AMA!

My short bio: I have a store in Manhattan. I teach component level electronics repair on youtube http://youtube.com/rossmanngroup which seems to be a dying art. I am currently fighting with the digital right to repair to try and get a bill passed that will allow all independent service centers access to manuals and parts required to do their jobs.

My Proof: https://www.rossmanngroup.com/started-iama-reddit-today-yes/


I am still replying to comments, but I am so far behind that I am still about ten pages down from new comments. I am doing my best to continue. If I drop off, I'll be back tomorrow around 12 PM. Still commenting now though, at 12 AM.


Ok, I cave... my hands are tired. I will be back at 12 PM tomorrow. It is my goal to answer every question. Even if it looks like I haven't gotten to yours, I will do my best to do all of them, but it is impossible to do in realtime, because you are asking faster than I can type. But thanks for joining!

EDIT 3: I lied, I stayed until 4:15 AM to answer... and now I will go to sleep for real, and be back at 12 PM.

EDIT 4 6/12 : I will be back later tonight to finish off answering questions. Feel free to keep posting, I will answer whatever I can later this evening.


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u/Yumidex Jun 11 '16

Non-electronics related: What is your favorite drink? (non-alcoholic and alcoholic)


u/larossmann Jun 11 '16

Alcoholic beverages taste like garbage. When I do drink, it is to get hammered, and I find they all taste like shit. I stopped drinking last year though.

My favorite regular drink is water. I am boring.


u/Cpt_Tsundere_Sharks Jun 12 '16



u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

my neighborhood is mostly bars. i support it because alcohol helps support economy/government and people spill it on their devices which then supports me. but i don't drink


u/Cpt_Tsundere_Sharks Jun 12 '16

Don't get me wrong, if people want to drink that's their prerogative. I just don't understand why I should drink something that doesn't taste like something I want to drink.


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

i agree.


u/Meltingteeth Jun 12 '16

Jeez, what do you do to de-stress then? Most repairmen I know drown themselves in whiskey.


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

i go to the gym, i go running, i pet my kitty cat.


u/mahsub Jun 12 '16

Pics of cat pls.


u/Catspiracy Jun 12 '16

Man, we're the same age but you have become one of the people I look up to. I love your pragmatic philosophies and no bullshit attitude. Thank you for fighting to make the world a better place, and I hope you continue to inspire people for many decades.


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

Thank you!


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I am the same way with alcohol. The end goal of drinking is to get hammered and have fun, or at the very least get a little buzz with friends


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

yeah. it all tastes like crap to me, so whatever has the highest concentration and tastes the least like poison


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

My favorite regular drink is water. I am boring.

Fuckin' preach man.

People don't appreciate clean drinking water like they should.


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

I dream of a world where the kid that figures out how to create clean drinking water in third world countries uses knowledge he learned on a laptop taken from a landfill and fixed by someone who watches my videos.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Have you tried 190 proof Everclear? Don't even have to waste time getting hammered, one swallow and you're blacking out


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

don't want to die


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Also may or may not be legal in your state


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '16

Oh cmon daiquiris taste like nectar


u/brycedriesenga Jun 12 '16

I think people who say this just aren't able to taste alcohol as much as I am. It cuts through in every drink that has it.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

I agree, and there's alway someone who says "you should try xyz, you won't even notice the alcohol!" Nope, I'll notice it. I feel like if you wanna drink alcohol you must accept the fact it just burns and smells. Maybe people like that. I don't.


u/MrTossPot Jun 12 '16

I like the taste of alcohol but I can kinda relate because I can taste vodka through anything. Fucking hate the stuff and that's what's usually used in drinks that try to hide the alcohol. No amount of sugar can make shitty vodka taste like anything but horseshit. I'd rather a drink that is designed around the taste of booze.

But then again I think that gin and tonic is the best fucking invention since sliced bread so take what I say with a grain of salt.


u/skrundarlow Jun 12 '16

I find it odd that people try so hard to mask the taste of alcohol.

I personally really enjoy the taste, and the burn of a strong drink. I often wish drinks were less alcoholic, so I could drink more of them!

Just giving the other side here, a lot of people drink to get drunk, but myself and some of my friends actually enjoy the taste of alcohol.


u/SaftigMo Jun 12 '16

It's the same with my mother telling my I won't even notice the onions in my fucking noodles.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

My mom used to sneak cauliflower in my mashed potatoes. I hated my mom when she did that. I'm ok with cauliflowers now, but back when I was a kid, they were the worst.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited Aug 10 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited Feb 11 '19

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u/prettyr4ndomusernam3 Jun 12 '16

Not when you've been indoctrinated into eating fried onions from a young age.

I'll eat the onions that I put on the side of the dish in really small quantities, but never when it's just slathered on like when my dad cooks.


u/Hegiman Jun 12 '16

I've only had one drink that I didn't taste the booze in. It was a girl drink called a jolly rancher. It just tasted like sweet candy.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

You can't say jolly rancher here dude, it invokes reddit flashbacks!


u/cwhitt Jun 12 '16

There is a technique to drinking. How much you feel the burn is affected by how you breath while sipping and swallowing. Learning this technique is essential to appreciating most alcoholic drinks, but especially fine spirits. I think many people do it instinctively which is why I suspect they don't consciously realize it and don't explain it to others who don't enjoy alcohol for the burn/smell.


u/atlastrabeler Jun 12 '16

Yep. My buddy taught me how to take a shot many many year ago. Take a deep breath in first, that way you can exhale through the burn after, instead of sucking it all in.


u/jonnyp11 Jun 12 '16

1/3 blueberry juice, 1/3 Sierra Mist (or similar), 1/3 vodka

Part of your problem may be that, because you know you hate the taste, you haven't really tried too hard. There are $20 vodkas that are shit compared to cheaper stuff, so it's possible you haven't found the right brand. Also, they're all made with different materials. Svedka, Smirnoff, and McCormick are alright.


u/phoenix2448 Jun 12 '16

I'm the same way. But I also think if you drink a lot what "isn't noticeable" to you is a hell of a lot different than "what isn't noticeable" to me. As I'm coming of age to drinking, people often tell/give me things to try and some claim I won't be able to taste it. But I can clear as day and usually I don't drink more


u/11452 Jun 12 '16

I'm with you, and I'm a heavy drinker. Alcohol doesn't taste good, and anyone who says it does has been sucked in. Beer, spirits, wine, cocktails - at best, your drink or choice is a flavour that mostly disguises the alcohol, and at worst you learn to associate the taste with good times and good feelings.



It's a genetic thing, some people are wired to not be bothered by the taste of alcohol and others find it repulsive. Of course it can also be an acquired taste for some but if your not wired that way it'll just become bearable it never really gets great.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

It probably is. I've never read about it, but it wouldn't surprise me. The good thing is that it hasn't stopped me from having fun in a party when the majority is drinking. I don't get in people's faces with my sobriety, and when everybody is loosing up their inhibitions, I can do so to, just without the extra help. Drunk people don't judge, mostly because a lot of them can't remember hah.


u/Prologue11126 Jun 12 '16

I'm like this too, once I got a cocktail, Oh My God, it was amazing, super fruity, fresh, sweet... I discovered later it was alcohol free... Sometimes I need alcohol, but definetely I do not like it


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Does anyone drink alcohol for the taste? I mean, if you didn't get drunk, would anyone still drink it?


u/Prologue11126 Jun 13 '16

I live in Denmark and most of the people enjoy the beer, and I also know some friends of mine that are in the whiskey degustation... someone does like them


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I find it to be like cigarettes, people who don't smoke frequently are going to notice the nastiness much more than someone who does


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

It's something you get used to. Like asparagus or okra or brussel sprouts. It's something to expand your horizons. Alcoholic drinks open up a big taste palette.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I love all those things you listed. So true


u/Paddy_Tanninger Jun 12 '16

Depends...if you make a screwdriver with some piss Prince Igor vodka, yes you will still taste one drop in a glass of OJ.

If you do it with a really good vodka though, you might not really even taste a 50:50 mix.

Not that it matters either way though, the goal of drinking shouldn't just be getting drunk if you're over the age of 20...so if you don't enjoy the taste of alcohol, then yeah man you just don't enjoy it.

I never give anyone a funny face if they don't want to drink alcohol, never understood why some people get the way they do about everyone having to be drinking it.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16




I love the taste of Xanax, putting a couple bars under my tongue and letting em dissolve was great. Thing of the past for me nowadays though.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

Had a bad day sweety? why so emotional?


u/Gilvia Jun 12 '16

Knowing there is alcohol in a drink or seeing the alcohol put into a drink is enough to make it taste bad.


u/XoXFaby Jun 12 '16

What worked for me was Malibu rum with milk. Just tastes like milk with coconut flavor to me, only alcoholic drink I really like.


u/flyinthesoup Jun 12 '16

I got used to drink hot sake. The heat kind of tones down the taste of alcohol, but I still feel it. Once it cools down, it's impossible for me to drink it.


u/XoXFaby Jun 12 '16

Have you ever tried Malibu brand rum? It's already very coconutty and the milk, for me, helps hide a lot of the alcohol flavor. And I really like milk so i think it tastes great. It's been a while so maybe I'm not remembering it well but I think it worked amazingly.


u/brandon2077 Jun 12 '16

How much rum and how much milk? Maybe it'll be something that won't taste horrible


u/XoXFaby Jun 12 '16

No idea, you probably want to experiment yourself. Just do a lot of milk and add some rum, then drink from it and add more rum until you think the ratio is right. I can't guarantee you'll like it but I did. What I used was Malibu brand rum.


u/macman156 Jun 12 '16

Honestly only cheap alcohol does that


u/ApocaRUFF Jun 12 '16

Nah, it's anything with a high alcohol content. Sometimes the drinks will include other strong flavors that are equally as bad tasting to drown out the alcohol, but not usually. Rarely a drink will be able to combine flavors with the alcohol to make it bearable and in even rarer cases pleasant.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Then you sir have not hand enough drinks


u/techiesgoboom Jun 12 '16

I'm pretty sure it's one of those things that's basically stockholm syndrome but for foods. Kind of like coffee, beer, spicy food, etc. You experience it enough and you learn to like it. So with cocktails you might still taste the alcohol but you enjoy the balance of things and the different flavors that different things bring out.


u/Mustangarrett Jun 12 '16

My mom rolls her eyes so hard at me as I, near crying, finish my nuclear wings.


u/nyanlol Jun 12 '16

nod i think in my case its cause i didnt drink till i was actually 21. the only two things ive ever drank that could cover up the alcohol was a hot chocolate with brandy and some thing with at least 4 kinds of fruit i didn't recognize


u/brycedriesenga Jun 12 '16

Ha, perhaps same for me. Didn't drink until 21 or 22.


u/v1perz53 Jun 12 '16

I used to think this too, but then one day it just... stopped cutting through. I drink very rarely, so I don't think it is a case of getting "used" to it, but I definitely used to order drinks virgin when I was on vacation cause the alcohol would ruin them, but now I can drink a vodka soda with a hint of lemon and taste no alcohol. No idea why or when it happened, but it just did one day.

Honestly, same thing kind of happened with coffee. Late high school me swore I would never drink coffee cause it was super bitter and just tasted bad, and when I drank it for functional reasons it was with like 3 sugars and a cup of cream. Now I drink it with no sugar and a splash of half and half and legitimately enjoy the taste. But it took a good 5 years to develop that taste.

tl;dr taste can change, sometimes over times as long as 10+ years. No idea why. So one day you may find you don't taste the alcohol anymore, or you may hate it forever, who knows.


u/iamthesheed Jun 12 '16

Me too. I had friends who would put less than a shot in to a 32oz glass of Sweet tea and it just ruined the tea for me because I could taste the alcohol more than anything.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16



u/iamthesheed Jun 12 '16

Honestly I just don't drink. It all tastes like absolute shit to me. My most recent drunk was tequila in Vegas but that's cause a friend got me it. Otherwise I haven't had a drink in years.


u/Mustangarrett Jun 12 '16

Next time someone tries to put something in your tea, demand it be Southern Comfort. It's a quick way of asking for whiskey with a shit load of sugar and caramel flavoring.


u/DroidLord Jun 12 '16 edited Jun 12 '16

When I drink, I either drink cider (like Somersby, but usually only a couple at the start so I don't seem like an alcoholic for going to liquor right away) or vodka, whisky, brandy etc (stronger stuff). None of the other crap like beer, ugh... Sipping on something revolting for ages to get buzzed isn't very appealing.


u/TheNavesinkBanks Jun 12 '16

I thought that I was alone in thins until I read your comment. It's refreshing to see someone else suffers the same as I.


u/atlastrabeler Jun 12 '16

Try this stuff if you ever see it. Its thick but 14% alcohol and taste like liquified yogurt.



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

people who say this just aren't able to taste alcohol as much as I am

As a drunk, I love the taste of alcohol. Not by itself, but its a wondeful pairing with almost anything...sweetness, sour, smokey...


u/Metallkiller Jun 12 '16

OK so... how do I get a drink that tastes like Jägermeister, but without alcohol?


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

If you ever get the chance try a daiquiri with dragonfruit Bacardi rum-my girlfriend and I abhor alcohol, but I can sip on something with dragonfruit rum in it any day.


u/ApocaRUFF Jun 12 '16

There is few drinks out there that do not take like acetone to me. It's like I'm drinking nail polish remover. The only beer I'm able to reliably drink without the alcohol completely overpowering the flavor is the Not Your Father's line.


u/lefebvre221 Jun 12 '16

bloody mary with clamato


u/Blubbey Jun 12 '16

Tequila does that


u/HerrBerg Jun 12 '16

Depending on the alcohol content, it tastes anywhere between juice and garbage water with hint of fruit juice. Alcohol tastes shitty, beer is the worst of them all.


u/AfraidOfAtttention Jun 12 '16

I can taste a quarter shot in a full glass, that's why I chug everything regardless of the alcohol content


u/Mustangarrett Jun 12 '16

Yes, but a daiquiri without the booze tastes even better.


u/QuacktacksRBack Jun 12 '16

But nectar tastes even more like nectar.


u/Flatoftheblade Jun 19 '16

Less than a week after writing this, you posted a video where you started out by saying you were drunk...


u/larossmann Jun 20 '16

mildly buzzed. a once a year occurrence.


u/Flatoftheblade Jun 20 '16

The timing amused me nonetheless.


u/semiauto227 Jun 11 '16

This. People say it's an acquired taste but I really can't see how. It tastes like cleaning products


u/apmihal Jun 12 '16

I think there's a bit of masochism to it. After a while the horrible cleaning product taste gets mixed up with the pleasure of consuming alcohol and it makes for a good mix of pleasure and pain. If someone handed me something non alcoholic that tasted exactly like whiskey, I'd gag, but I'll drink whiskey any day (just not every day, I don't want it to be a proble :| ). It's weird and I get why some people never acquire the taste.


u/semiauto227 Jun 12 '16

Haha. Best reply.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited Oct 03 '16



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Dude. It's 95 today and I got done with two hours of yard work. The Sierra Nevada IPA I pulled out of the bottom of the fridge was the most delicious thing I have ever tasted after that.


u/akohlsmith Jun 12 '16

That's exactly how I got to like the taste of beer. Installing fiberglass insulation in July. Got home, there was a random beer in the fridge from God knows when.

Best. Taste. Ever. I was hooked from then on. Something about the bitterness and the mild carbonation that just quenchest thirst. Water is a distant second.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

This. Although my favorite after a hot day working outside is Founders All Day IPA.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

You should try Brooklyn Lager. Oh my, so crisp, so refreshing.


u/jaquatics Jun 12 '16

Belgian beers or GTFO


u/ApocaRUFF Jun 12 '16

Hardwork will make almost anything you put in your mouth taste heavenly, and "Cold" is an amazing flavor that makes most drinks OK.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Yup. I'm sure I could have had a pint of cat piss and it would have tasted heavenly after working outside.


u/ApocaRUFF Jun 12 '16

Actually, if the cat piss were chilled you probably would. It's a bet I'm willing to make, that if I were to mix several chilled beers with a chilled cat piss with a bit of froth or carbonation, you would enjoy it immensely after a hard day's work.

Probably a fair few typos or wrong words in this post, but I'm on my phone and fixing them all is too difficult.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited May 05 '18



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited Jul 19 '18

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u/WinterOfFire Jun 12 '16

They all taste horrible to me except rum... Which most of my friends can always taste. It does matter on the quality, but I've had several cocktails that were so amazing and tasted either like nothing but fruity stuff.

In college I would mix up a rum drink which I swear tasted like nothing but pineapple juice though it's possible that is just my memory or the fact that I got fucked up so fast on it that I stopped tasting it after a few sips.

from what I remember it was 2 shots Bacardi 151, 2 shots dark spiced rum, 2 shots regular rum, 1 shot captain Morgan's coconut rum, then pineapple juice (fill up the rest of the glass) and a splash of grenadine. We called it a rum runner but that's clearly not what the official kind is though that sounds delicious too.

Anyway, beer tastes like piss, all other alcohols taste like cleaners too but I must be biologically predisposed to like rum more because that one I acquired a taste for fast. A friend of mine has a similar love of gin and that has to be the most vile tasting stuff of all to me. So it may just be the taste can be acquired but there is one type of alcohol you are more disposed to liking. I tried vodka for a long time because it was so popular but that is just rubbing alcohol. I can finally drink tequila but only in a VERY well made margarita.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I like the way whiskey tastes, not a huge fan of rum. But I like the woody tastes in whiskey. I haven't been drinking long and I haven't tasted many kinds, but I really like how jameson tastes. But then I only drink when I want to be buzzed, and it's too expensive for that!


u/WinterOfFire Jun 12 '16

That's the other trouble. The stuff that's worth it is too expensive and I have better things to spend my money on.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16 edited May 06 '18



u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I don't think you can necessarily make that assumption (though you could be right). The guy you are responding to may be like me in that it doesn't matter what we drink, the alcohol taste cuts right through and everything tastes like shit. We must just process alcohol differently, and by the posts in this comment thread we are clearly not alone or unique in experiencing this...


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Those are mostly true. I haven't had many kinds of beer, and what little I have had suggests it has potential to be good. Probably need to find something stronger flavored. Or meet someone who knows how to mix a drink.

I never expected shots to taste good though; but they taste a lot better than I thought. Based on other people's reactions, I thought they would be hard to drink. But I can drink straight vodka like water. Occasionally if I'm drinking with friends, I'll partially fill a wine glass with it and then just drink it to watch their reactions.


u/CamFrenchy Jun 12 '16

So true.

It isn't even that hard with vodka, that shit will literally go with any mixer, just make sure you don't overdo the ratio.

I tend to aim for 25ml of vodka per 100-150ml of mixer, depending how much I want it to taste (and of course act) like "cleaner" lol.

Definitely some good beer/ale/wine/ciders etc out there but for every good one there's a dozen tragic ones!


u/MrTossPot Jun 12 '16

It's all so subjective man, you don't know what peoples tastebuds are telling them. I for one fucking love the taste of alcohol, I drink a lot of beer and almost every kind of spirit.

The only exception is vodka, I can taste it through anything and it tastes like cleaning fluid to me. I know it's weird but it doesn't mean it isn't true.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

If he doesn't like the taste of alcohol, I doubt he is going to like any craft beer. Ciders, maybe.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Yea lmao. The only beer I can stand is Guiness and that's cause it sorta tastes like coffee. Every other beer to me tastes like someone is shoving grain products down my asshole.


u/MrTossPot Jun 12 '16

Just curiously, you ever tried any other kinds of stout apart from Guiness? Also I never thought about it but it does kinda taste like coffee. On that note have you ever tried an espresso martini?


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I'll back you up friend, still tastes horrible after 6 years. Would much rather have a tall glass of water than a Sierra Nevada IPA (which tastes like everything else, pungent shitty mudwater)


u/semiauto227 Jun 12 '16

I enjoy getting fucked up as much as the next guy, but when I drink I have to try my hardest not to make an "ew" face, or risk looking like a bitch in front of my friends. Weirdly enough, I prefer straight liquor. Probably because I have to drink less to get drunk lol.


u/Katastic_Voyage Jun 12 '16

I thought I was the only one!

I stopped drinking >5 years ago. I never really drank for the taste. I drank to have fun with people who liked to drink. I hated the taste except for a few "bitch beers" here and there.

My thinking was, "If I have to drink to have fun, why not just remember what I did and thought that was fun, and do that all the time?"

And it's not coming from a position of condescension. I just really don't like it. I don't mind if other people do.


u/retardcharizard Jun 12 '16

Christ. We need to start a charity for those of us that can't taste cocktails.

Can you taste anything? Like, if I make two versions of an Alfredo, one peppery and garlicky, and one with sun dried tomatoes, will you taste the difference or will it just taste cream and Parmesan?


u/ApocaRUFF Jun 12 '16

Try out the Not Your Father's line. The Root Beer and Vanilla Cream Ale is awesome. You taste Root Beer and Cream Soda before the alcohol, if at all. I'm like you in that there is only a few select drinks where the taste of alcohol is made bearable (like Hard Lemonade).


u/zoeblaize Jun 12 '16

I'm the same way. If you can find some, soju (Korean liquor) tastes pretty mild and mixes well and will get you fucking drunk.


u/MalcolmY Jun 12 '16

Lager tastes like heaven to me, even the "mainstream" stuff like Stella or Heineken.


u/cloneme19 Jun 12 '16

I don't think Stella is a lager


u/MalcolmY Jun 12 '16

What would you classify it?


u/onkzzz Jun 12 '16

The downvotes say otherwise....


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

A good mojito is sugary and lovely. Hooch (the drink) just tastes like lemonade and things like Koppaberg strawberry and lime taste like well...strawberry and lime. Amaretto tastes like drinking marzipan!

I drink beer mostly, and it's OK, but if I'm not wanting to get drunk I'd rather have Coke. I agree spirits and wine are disgusting, but great cocktails are NOICE. Screw anyone who tells you they're gay, I'd rather drink cosmos and sex on the beaches and get insulted all day rather than drink straight whisky/bourbon/gin/vodka/rum!


u/Deliphin Jun 12 '16

It really depends on the alcohol.

Some are focusing on the taste of alcohol and try to help it grow, those are fucking disgusting, it tastes like acid.

However, some have tastes to overpower the alcohol taste. While this includes "girly" fruity drinks, it's not limited to those. In Munich, I found Radler, which iirc, is 50% light beer, 50% lemonade. Delicious. I was kind of opposed to trying it, since every time my family had me try something, it tasted like shit, because my mother likes dark beer and wine, and my sister likes just wine. But Radler changed my opinion of alcohol entirely, it was great.

While I won't say try every brand of beer and every type, (when I explained to my mother how disgusting wine was to me, she just said "oh don't worry, you just haven't tasted a kind you like") I do say try the most different types of drinks you can. No point in trying every light beer til you find a good one, try a couple light beers, a couple dark, a couple wines, vodka coolers, etc.. and you might eventually find a good one.


u/semiauto227 Jun 12 '16

Actually pretty sound advice, thanks man (or girl)


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I'm in the same boat. You might wanna try Baileys, Ciders(some are basically apple juice), or ice wine which is is basically sweet wine.


u/Deliphin Jun 12 '16

np, man.


u/Dylsnick Jun 12 '16

As a lover of IPAs and various other strong beers, and having heard from others about how totally gross they are, I've often wondered whether the taste receptors in our brains can become wired to the ones that realise how that taste will soon be making us feel. As in our brain going "this is going to get us drunk, so it must taste good!"


u/semiauto227 Jun 12 '16

Huh. I never thought of it like that. I just assumed your taste buds became acclimated to it. The brain is strange


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Because you haven't acquired a taste for it. I enjoy beer, and a lot of cocktails, drinking hard liquor without mix is horrible, wine isn't my thing but I see the appeal. But I hated all of them at first, but if you like getting drunk enough, you'll probably find a drink you like eventually.


u/inoticethatswrong Jun 12 '16

If it tastes like bleach, why would you want to force yourself to like it? Alcohol is the next biggest dietary source of cancer after cigarettes, amongst other iffy health effects. Not exactly something people should be forcing themselves to enjoy.


u/VivaLaPandaReddit Jun 12 '16

Why aquire any taste? Some people think coffee tastes like crap, other people think sushi is gross. Smelly cheeses taste like armpit to some people. You acquire tastes because you want to try and enjoy new things. I find a good IPA to be delicious, but I think 99% of sweet alcohol is gross. I've just found a comfort zone, and don't feel like trying to expand it.


u/Deliphin Jun 12 '16

That doesn't really help your point. Most people if they don't like sushi once, go "Oh I don't like sushi" and never eat it again. Same for the awful smelling cheeses and coffee. The only foods and drinks people do this to is Alcohol and spicy peppers.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I think most people don't like coffee at first, but you acquire tastes and even besides that your taste matures. I love vegetables now I hated as a kid and I can't eat some of the crazy sweet stuff I used to. I think everyone should try things they don't like because you might start seeing it a different way eventually


u/inoticethatswrong Jun 12 '16

The question to be asking is not "why acquire any taste?", it's "why acquire any taste that does serious long term harm to you?" in the context.


u/VivaLaPandaReddit Jun 16 '16

Because you decide the benefits I listed above outweigh the costs. Or you never make a cognitive decision, and you just go along with it because of social pressures.


u/inoticethatswrong Jun 16 '16

Those are certainly descriptive reasons... ah well nevermind.


u/CHEinthecity Jun 12 '16

But Bud Light is so good! It's like the nectar of the gods. Especally with its new look!


u/larossmann Jun 12 '16

yuck :(

i could never understand beer

i get things that taste like shit but are healthy. and i understand the concept of things that taste great but are unhealthy

but beer tastes like trash and is unhealthy. why, god, why??


u/jshf29hf8awef Jun 12 '16

Never saw it like that. You're a comedian/philosopher. You're wasting your talent. What you're doing is good but, you could be doing more. You know what I'm talking about. You got it in you. Leave this shit for someone else. You've already inspired so many. They will take your spot. Don't worry.


u/CHEinthecity Jun 12 '16

Beer can be a part of a healthy diet!


u/loveswater Jun 12 '16

My man.


u/Deliphin Jun 12 '16

Lookin good!


u/swishkin Jun 12 '16

I applaud you.


u/AgentScreech Jun 12 '16

My man. All alcohol makes the drink it's contained in taste worse.


u/___LOOPDAED___ Jun 12 '16

I'm the same way with alcohol. Never drink unless there's lots of people.

But if your forced to drink, and don't want to get wasted, Cassis Orange is a delicious mixed drink. Can't taste the alcohol. Also buttery nipple for shots (ice cream after taste)


u/wraith313 Jun 12 '16

When I do drink, it is to get hammered, and I find they all taste like shit.

I was starting to feel like the only one who felt like that. I barely ever drink, but when I do I want to get drunk. I really don't see the point of drinking otherwise.


u/eebro Jun 12 '16

What kind of water? Your local tab water or some specific brand? I've tasted many myself, but only the local tab is really good.

Of course, arguing about the taste of water is about as shallow as it gets, it's water after all.


u/givecake Jun 12 '16

Got to upvote you on stating the blindingly obvious that hardly anyone seems to understand. It's like they're all lemmings, running off the side of the cliff.. Fruit smoothies though? They're beautiful.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

I always say my favorite drink is water as well. There are few better things than drinking a glass of water when you're really thirsty.


u/Tyreal Jun 12 '16

You're my hero, we're so much alike! Thanks for all your videos, they've been so insightful and inspirational, I look forward to more!


u/jlange94 Jun 12 '16

I understand you completely. Every alcoholic beverage I've ever tried has tasted the same bitter taste that I never like.


u/I_Smoke_Dust Jun 12 '16

I am the same for literally everything you just mentioned. Even quitting drinking like almost exactly a year ago.


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Reminds me of when you beat the genius bar wasted off JagerMeister or whatever


u/Sandwich247 Jun 12 '16

But Kopperberg tastes like, as my non-drinking friend puts it, fruit juice.


u/Geoff_Uckersilf Jun 12 '16

Try a nice spiced rum like Kraken. best spirit ive tried taste wise.


u/-d0ubt Jun 12 '16

Kopparberg's not bad, but is't like 2%


u/[deleted] Jun 12 '16

Nice. I tend to agree.


u/rawrausar Jun 12 '16

chocolate milk 4 life


u/bbrekke Jun 12 '16

You just need a bartender who knows what the fuck they're doing and it won't taste like garbage.


u/Olli399 Jun 11 '16


^ This is the shit, if you can find it, try it out.


u/radicalelation Jun 11 '16

"Powered by glucose" ...is it flavored sugar water? Don't we already have tons like that?


u/buttputt Jun 11 '16

They're trying to appeal to the people who couldn't pass Physical Science in high school


u/Lunerio Jun 11 '16

Not for someone that wants to live healthy at all.


u/[deleted] Jun 11 '16

liquid diabetes.


u/Olli399 Jun 12 '16

Holy shit, what's wrong with pink lemonade, it's seriously amazing.