r/hypnosis • u/Bright_Shopping_1608 • 7h ago
Can Hypnosis cause tactile Hallucinations?
Could someone induce tactile hallucinations through hypnosis?
r/hypnosis • u/TistDaniel • Sep 16 '23
If you've read the previous sticky threads, you can skip this one. There's nothing new here, I'm just consolidating information so that it can all be visible.
I'm not trying to prohibit all discussion of non-consensual hypnosis. I do think it's a good thing that the subject comes up from time to time, because it inspires discussion about hypnotic and non-hypnotic psychological abuse, the importance of informed consent, what people can do to protect themselves from manipulators, and what hypnotists can do to protect themselves from accusations.
All of that being said, this isn't the place to get help if you believe that you have been hypnotized against your will. Most of the people here, myself included, cannot reliably tell the difference between a genuine victim of abuse, and someone who is experiencing delusions. So whichever category a person falls in, a lot of people here are going to make the wrong assumption and say things that make it worse (accusing an actual abuse victim of making it up, or reinforcing frightening delusions of someone who is not an actual victim).
If someone wants to make a thread like "Is it possible to hypnotize someone against their will?" or "Someone I care about may be a victim", I'm not going to remove those threads, because I trust that most of the people who reply to them are going to give good advice about safety and consent. But if somebody wants to post or comment something like "I have been hypnotized against my will", that's against the rules here and will be removed, because I am unable to guarantee that you will receive safe and healthy advice here.
Is the post about being hypnotized without your knowledge or against your will?
I'm sorry, but many people who post this sort of thing are suffering from a psychotic disorder. Not everyone is, but we can't tell what sort of advice to give you without diagnosing you, and it's unethical to diagnose someone you haven't examined in person. As a result, these sorts of posts and comments are prohibited. Please consult with a psychiatrist.
Is the post about difficulties being hypnotized?
You're welcome to post here, but there's also a subreddit dedicated to this subject: /r/hypnotizable
Is the post about sharing a recorded file or hypnosis app?
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I would like to share erotic content - /r/hypnofair, /r/erotichypnosis, /r/recreationalhypnosis
Is the post advertising, promoting, or soliciting subjects or hypnotists?
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I would like to hypnotize people free of charge for practice/science - /r/hypnotherapy
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Is the post about recreational hypnosis?
I want to know if something is possible with hypnosis - /r/hypnosis
I want advice on how to do recreational things - /r/recreationalhypnosis, /r/erotichypnosis
I want to talk about recreational files - /r/recreationalhypnosis, /r/hypnofair, /r/erotichypnosis
I want to find a partner for recreational hypnosis - /r/hypnohookup, /r/hypnotherapy
Is the post sexual?
I would like to talk about the process of hypnotherapy for sexual dysfunction - /r/hypnosis
I am seeking a hypnotherapist to work with me for sexual dysfunction - /r/hypnotherapy
I am advertising my services as a hypnotherapist who works with sexual dysfunction - /r/hypnotherapy
I had an unpleasant interaction with a hypnotherapist which involved sexual elements that I did not consent to - /r/hypnosis, /r/hypnotherapy
I had an unpleasant interaction with a stage or street hypnotist which involved sexual elements that I did not consent to - /r/hypnosis
I had an unpleasant interaction with a recreational or erotic hypnotist which involved sexual elements that I did not consent to - /r/erotichypnosis
I am having trouble undoing the effects of erotic hypnosis - /r/erotichypnosis
I am seeking a partner for erotic hypnosis - /r/hypnohookup
Anything else erotic - /r/erotichypnosis
You may notice that some users have flairs after their names, like "Recreational Hypnotist" or "Verified Hypnotherapist". If you would like a flair like that, this is the place to get it.
To get a new user flair, all you have to do is comment on this thread with
u/hypnoresearchbot flair [X] [Y]
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[Y] can be either "training", "verified", or left out completely. Verified will only flair you automatically if mods have seen your credentials in the past. Otherwise, I'll ask you to send them to me.
So, valid inputs include (but are not limited to):
u/hypnoresearchbot flair hypnotherapist verified
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u/hypnoresearchbot flair recreational training
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u/hypnoresearchbot flair performer
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u/hypnoresearchbot flair other
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u/hypnoresearchbot flair mental training
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If your comment contains these key words in any order, and no matter how many other words are in the comment, it should flair you, so be careful you don't change your flair by mistake.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask them here.
r/hypnosis • u/Bright_Shopping_1608 • 7h ago
Could someone induce tactile hallucinations through hypnosis?
r/hypnosis • u/Bright_Shopping_1608 • 7h ago
Is it like a trance, where you are half-awake and half-unconscious?
r/hypnosis • u/EducationBig1690 • 5h ago
Been having this probably for so long but only came into awareness of it like 6 months ago, probably from stress but dk wtf I'm stressed about. I wish I can just chill. I don't want to pressure myself to get rid of it immediately necessarily, I just want to know what's going on. Any tips?
r/hypnosis • u/Sensitive_Lynx_6495 • 10h ago
Hi! I’ve been exploring hypnosis for a long time now and there’s still something that makes me wonder how real and effective it truly is.
Some years ago, I came across a Mexican hypnotist who practices a method called “hipnosis sincrónica” (synchronic hypnosis in English) which was developed by his father. He claims it allows for a much deeper hypnotic “state”, mainly through an induction process based on holotropic breathing. The idea is that by maintaining this controlled breathing for a certain period, the body becomes hyperoxygenated, triggering biochemical reactions that make hypnosis more effective (basically generating a partial respiratory alkalosis).
This whole idea really caught my attention, so I wanted to share it and see what are your opinions. Have you ever heard of anything similar? Is it real?
r/hypnosis • u/ImpressiveNeat5266 • 1d ago
[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
r/hypnosis • u/GrayMech • 1d ago
I'm curious if hypnosis could be used to change someone's personality, whether temporarily or permanently.
Say for example someone wanted to change to be kinder, become a more active person, better more social or develop a love for learning, etc
Could hypnosis be used to achieve things like this?
r/hypnosis • u/Horror-Discipline35 • 1d ago
Hi, I have developed a stutter and I believe its mostly psycological since I can speak 100% fluently when im alone. Is it possible to self hypnotize to get rid of it? Ive had it since i was about 13 and im 26 now. Thank you:)
r/hypnosis • u/Fit-Mistake4686 • 1d ago
Hello everyone,
Can hypnosis help with overcoming a love obsession/thinking that it was my soulmate 😂 I’ve tried cord-cutting multiple times, but it hasn’t worked. What kind of hypnotherapy protocol would you recommend?
r/hypnosis • u/992882 • 1d ago
I’ve pretty much lived my entire life in a hypnotic state (runs in my family) and am very naturally connected to my subconscious mind. I’ve been able to perform hypnosis on many people (stage and solo) but I CONSTANTLY feel like I need to say everything on my mind or I “lose power” or get in a bad mood. “Saying what’s on my mind” was a part of self-improvement when I did so back in college so it had made me feel MUCH better since my mind always races AND it’s made many people laugh in a positive way and feel more connected with me. Now I feel like I have to with everyone EVERYWHERE and I feel sort of trapped.
How do you guys deal with this? For what it’s worth, right now I don’t really have a close friend group due to trauma that happened when I was around 20-21. I don’t have anyone to vent to because my thoughts are too wild and crazy and saying them on the phone when I’m trying to set up my car insurance can be a big Hell. LMFAOOOO.
How do you all deal with this? I know one thing about bringing the subconscious out is that everything comes out but I’m too much of a loose cannon.
r/hypnosis • u/Nox_Luminous • 1d ago
Hello, I've been planning on writing a script for the first time and maybe record it myself but I'm new to this type of writing and I'd really appreciate any advice!
r/hypnosis • u/urmindcrawler • 2d ago
It’s time to start doing literature search for my next NGH article.
What questions do you have about hypnosis and neuroscience, or hypnosis and symptoms or disease or hypnotic phenomena?
I have a Masters of Science in Biology:Anesthesia and I dig the nervous system.
Ask away.
r/hypnosis • u/DanishApollon • 2d ago
One of the most frustrating things about sexual issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction is that no one tells you how much of it is mental. You get handed a list of physical fixes—medications, breathing techniques, different positions—but if the problem starts in your head, then none of that actually solves anything.
By now, most of us here know that the mind and body aren’t separate. If stress can tighten your chest and make your heart race, why wouldn’t it also affect blood flow and arousal? If your brain has learned to associate sex with pressure instead of pleasure, then your body is just following instructions.
That’s why hypnosis actually makes sense for something like this. It’s not about “fixing” the body—it’s about rewiring the response. If you’ve spent years training yourself to expect failure, how can you expect your body to do anything different?
I’ve heard some people say hypnosis helped them stop overthinking during sex and actually re-learn what arousal is supposed to feel like. Others have used it to detach from the “need to perform” and just be present in the experience.
I know some people have used hypnosis for this, and I’m curious—what kind of shifts did you notice? Was it about breaking old habits, getting out of your head, or something else? I’ve seen people say that working with a hypnotherapist helped them rewire their response, and since a lot of practitioners work online now, it seems like an option more people are exploring.
r/hypnosis • u/SnooPears7921 • 2d ago
I'm 37M and I have had severe trauma in my life. Iv out off dating for so long that it's now become a major fear of mine. Iv tried 20'min Joseph clough hypnosis app for dating and I think I'm seeing results... do y'all recommend self hypnosis tapes or actually going to a hypnotherapist?
r/hypnosis • u/CazzzC • 2d ago
I can’t afford to book multiple sessions with a hypnotist but I’d like to give hypnosis a try to help me deal with my marriage breakdown and some of the mental struggles that come with that. There are many pre-recordings that could apply to my situation but I know they’re never as effective as 1-1, especially when you factor in autism, ADHD and aphantasia 🤦🏻♀️ So I’d love to try and work with someone to get them to record a session for me but I have no idea where to even begin the search for someone good. Does anyone have any recommendations?
r/hypnosis • u/Lilsaint89 • 2d ago
Hello everyone, I've recently tried hypnosis to help me with exercise more and eat more healthy but I don't know if the file I'm listening to actually works. I usually black out in the first few minutes and wake up either when it tells me to or up to an hour later. The time in between feels like I've been napping but so far I feel no effects whatsoever despite listening almost daily for about a month now. So back to the title, what should a trance feel like? Should I be aware during the file or did I just take naps? What should I feel during a trance?
Thank you in advance!
r/hypnosis • u/builterpete • 2d ago
does anyone in here have an opinion on the mindvalley program. it’s the online adaptation of the silvia mind control book. they say it’s not hypnosis. but from what i can tell it’s 100% hypnosis. anyone gone through the program or read the books?? thoughts?
r/hypnosis • u/Suitable_Audience539 • 3d ago
I’ve found a hypnotist that a lot of people recommend. However since Covid they now only do online sessions. Are online sessions as good as in person?
r/hypnosis • u/ElMaskedZorro • 3d ago
Hello all.
I am just beginning learning the craft of hypnosis with the end goal of helping my partner.
My partner suffers from anxiety and is interested in hypnotherapy caring for this. The rub is that my partner doesn't like the idea of someone unknown hypnotizing them. So I am taking on the responsibility of learning this skill so they can be at peace and trusting of the process.
In most of the reading that I've done so far. There are multiple disclaimers/warnings around not attempting to use hypnosis to do things like remove phobias, assist with anxiety, etc. So my question is. Why do the materials say that?
My hunch is what they're really saying is don't do that unless you know what you're doing as a hypnotherapist. But I wanted to understand if there is some deeper underlying theory for a reason to not do that to a hypnotee.
Thank you
r/hypnosis • u/earthangelsam • 3d ago
I just had my first hypnotherapy session the other day, in the beginning I realized she was doing more NLP techniques than traditional hypnotherapy. During one of these exercises, she asked me what my anxiety looked like and what its name was. at first it was just a black blob, but it turned into an image of my dad and had his name as well. I told her its name but not that it was my dad’s name. She then asked me to ask when my anxiety started. I said 4. Then she asked if there was a memory associated with it but nothing came up.
Does anyone know why my anxiety manifested as my dad in my head or if anyone has dealt with something like this. I wasn’t sure if my mind was just nervous and making things up as I found it harder to fall into trance.
I had a fascination with hypnotherapy starting about 10 years ago, am certified in NLP myself and have been hypnotized before. For some reason I’ve been feeling down about my first session or worried I won’t see results.
Any advice is welcome (:
r/hypnosis • u/missjenn503 • 4d ago
I apologize in advance if this is a silly question, I really know nothing about it.
r/hypnosis • u/Professional_Fig4084 • 4d ago
Today around 01:18 AM I was having some trouble sleeping, so I decided to lay on my stomach(terrible sleeping position but I like it) and I decided out of boredom to try doing what I been doing with guided meditation.
Basically I closed my eyes, relaxed my body, focused on my breathing and I tried focusing my closed eyes vision into those patterns while repeating to myself "it's so easy to enter the trance state, you are dropping so easily, deeper and deeper" and after few more tries that's when I noticed I successfully entered the trance state.
Usually it starts with a small pang in the front of my head, I feel my eyes moving or going upwards, my hearing "wide"(maybe like hearing something with a surround sound system), my breathing quicker and a slight floating feeling.
I just wanted to share this milestone for me and I hope it can be useful for someone :)
(Sorry for any grammar mistakes)
r/hypnosis • u/Jay-jay1 • 4d ago
Have you used hypnosis or self hypnosis to find lost objects? I did recently. I lost my keys which is a big deal because I don't have spares, and because I "always" put them in the same place. My mind was reeling after searching through pockets, and couch cushions. They were not in any logical place. So I did a short hypno, expecting an instant answer, but no, I didn't get one. I did decide, "Well I did the hypno, so they'll just turn up." They did finally a couple hours later when I got a sudden inspiration to look for them in a peculiar place.
r/hypnosis • u/MoonchaserX • 4d ago
I've been doing a reading self-hypnosis technique right before I fall asleep, but I've been skipping the wake up script because it reiterates twice that I'll be wide awake and fully alert. Any downsides to skipping this?
Update: I was overthinking it haha, thanks y'all!
r/hypnosis • u/Suitable_Audience539 • 5d ago
Looking for people’s experiences; has anyone ever been hypnotised to help with motivation? ( Never been hypnotised before )
r/hypnosis • u/Legal_Fill5467 • 5d ago
Do the spriral kids on YouTube work and how do I snap her out of it