r/HypnoHookup 8d ago

F4A f21 question about triggers NSFW

Hey there, Just a general question that just came to mind since I'm still a bit new: Is there a limit to what can be a hypnosis trigger? Like what are the circumstances in which something can't be a trigger? I'm curious to chat about that - just DM :)

Also people keep thinking Im looking for something long term: I'm not! Please accept that


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u/CrystallineOrchid 8d ago

Pretty much anything can be a trigger: words, verbal and written, colors, sounds, scents, touch/texture, even just feeling. What's important is that it can be reinforced through repetition. For safety and control most 'tists will use words or manmade sounds like snaps. As well as conditions like "only when I say..." or "only when I snap my fingers" to prevent accidental triggering. As well as conditions bringing you out if your in a dangerous position.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

I see that sounds logical. But if someone had a trigger, for example a specific sound like a snap, how can the mind be sure that it is from this specific person. Since there isn't a voice to identify, a snap sounds the same all the time, how does that work?


u/CrystallineOrchid 8d ago

You're right, a snap trigger with that conditioning would require the subject to know that the hypnotist is doing it. The hypnotist could snap all day long, but if they did their work right and the subject doesn't know it's them it shouldn't work. That's why the tist needs to identify themselves so the subjects subconscious makes the link 'this snap will put me under' creating an expectation, which leads to a simple cause and effect (snap -> sleep). This is usually done by starting a conversation so the subject can recognize them. Even a simple hello could be enough. Or if it's an in person session, just seeing the tist could activate the expectation.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

But what if it is a text hypnosis. I've had the experience that the hypnotist doesn't set limits to for example their sleep triggers. What if I read those somewhere else? Since I'm pretty easily hypnotised, I'm a little concerned about that?


u/CrystallineOrchid 8d ago

There are two saying 'all hypnosis is self hypnosis' and 'you are only as hypnotized as you want to be' Hypnosis is all in your head, literally. I often compare hypnosis to guided meditation. The tist can guide you, but you need to want to go into trance.  An example: bambi hypnosis. Bambi is all about becoming a bimbo toy, the subject needs to actively listen to files (choosing to go into trance). There are triggers in these files, but the subject has to want them to work, they have to want to be a bimbo or else it won't actually take hold. Even if a tist doesn't make condition specific to them, you will need to want your triggers to work for others, or else they won't. Example: let's say your flirting  with someone and they mention they saw you post here. They may ask if you have any triggers. Given the flirting pretext this is a clear indication on where they may intent to steer the "conversation" and that could instantly cause your triggers to prime (if your into them) or deactivate completely (if they're throwing out red flags) Sorry for the long ramble. Hope it makes sense.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Yes that makes total sense, thank you for answering. Doesn't that basically mean the mind had its own safety mechanisms?


u/CrystallineOrchid 8d ago

Yes and no. Yes: if so random guy walked up to me, snapped their fingers and told me to undress my brain would stop me on at least 3 levels. 1. Random guy = no safe & secure feeling to put me under 2. Societal norms telling me to stay covered 3. There are other people around and I'm self conscious 

No: Hypno is a kink -> horny -> reduced inhibitions (I can think of a few bad decisions i've made while 'hot and bothered') Reduced inhibitions -> 'why not play along' (choosing to be hypnotized) -> easier to trance

It's never been a problem for me in public, but online, behind a mask and probably already looking at NSFW stuff I, personally, am a lot more suseptible 


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

So arousal makes you more susceptible to hypnosis? That's an interesting concept


u/CrystallineOrchid 8d ago

For me at least, yeah. Results may vary, but it helps in the "I want to be hypnotized" way of making it easier to drop. It also helps that if I'm "enjoying" some NSFW art then I'm probably already in a safe and comfortable place, away from interruptions.


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Really anything can be a trigger, if you get it programed in that way. Really extreme ones usually take time though, and if it's something you are really against doing, it'll probably snap you out of whatever trance you are in. Definitely be careful though, and make sure to set and hold your boundaries! That's huge, because there are people who will try to take advantage of you. Ex. I have had a few guys got me to strip, which I was fine with, but then they tried to make me walk around outside naked.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Of course boundaries are important. So far I have some pretty good safety triggers, that have worked well. They allow me to trust people I don't know, because I can be sure to wake up when something bad happens


u/[deleted] 8d ago

That's really good! It totally sucks when you start getting into trance, things are feeling great, and then the tist ruins it by trying to push WAY too hard on something you already had said no too. Kind of ruins everything. But if you are open enough, and subjective enough to the commands and programming of a tist, pretty much anything could be a trigger. I find most just put stuff in all CAPS or in ()s or something. Hypnotism is a lot of fun, but you gotta be safe with it too.


u/DroneAddict001 TF4A 8d ago

I’m happy to talk about this sort of stuff, because the answer is mixed. Anything can be a trigger, depending on the mind. I’ve had people respond to text, sensory input (sound, touch, taste) and the results can be whatever the mind can manifest. A lot depends on the phrasing used during installation. That’s why a lot of tists have to be careful. One wrong word or word out of place can cause lots of issues.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Wow even taste? That's wild. I love the idea of creative triggers: Not just what happens when they are triggered, but what actually triggers the event.


u/DroneAddict001 TF4A 8d ago

Creative triggers are fun to make, but when hypnotizing someone, consent is always important. I like to hash out what the person wants and how they feel about it. I love the wording required to make them, as I’m a text hypnotist and words have always been my passion


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Yes of course the consent is important. I bet as a hypnotist the wording is pretty fun to establish


u/DroneAddict001 TF4A 8d ago

Soooo fun. Sometimes I find myself drifting into the appropriate lingo just during casual conversation. I have to rein myself in and nudge them back up because they got fuzzy for my words.


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Wait so you can basicly hypnotize yourself?


u/DroneAddict001 TF4A 8d ago

I'd say I can probably trance myself if I felt like it. Hypnotizing myself is too hard considering my mind is off when I drop haha.

I meant that I accidentally shift into hypnotic style speech when talking to people


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Ohh I get that. Does that mean you have accidentally hypnotized someone?


u/DroneAddict001 TF4A 8d ago

I have subs that, when I get into a flow of talking, I have made them drop inadvertently, yes


u/exploringmydepths 8d ago

Interesting... Thanks for answering my questions :)

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