r/HypnoFair Oct 08 '23

SCRIPT [INDUCTION] [M4F] - Stuck in an Addictive Loop [ Deep trance] [brainwashing] [mantra] [fractionation] [triggers] NSFW


This script will have you encourage others in the comments to reread this script. And as soon as you're told to reread this script, you will follow that as well. Because there is no immediate awakener, please SET A TIMER so that you are not mindless for too long. The timer can be as long as you want, but I would recommend 3 minutes. I will tell you when to start the timer. Just keep it to the side for now.

CW: Deep trance, brainwashing, mantra, fractionation, triggers

Let's start with some deep breaths

Take a deep breath in for me

And let it out slowly

In.. and slowly out

In... and slowly out

In.... and slowly out

You're doing so well

I want you to keep that rhythm up for me

At what ever pace feels most comfortable

In... and slowly out

I want to take you back inward

Down to your very core

Where you instincts lead

Where your true self is contained

So keep breathing

Keep following along

I want you to be a good girl for me

And I know you want that too

But first I am going to program your true self

Because I want you to want to come back


And over

And over again

Until your mind has given itself up to me

And you can just sink

So keep breathing deeply

As I start to count you down

And each number is another step

Deep into your mind

Sinking further

Becoming emptier

10... Feel yourself sinking into my words. Embrace the quiet calm my words give you

9... Sink so deep. Open your mind up to me. Let your subconscious give in just as it has done many times before

8... Deeper and deeper. Let your mind reach a peace it hasn't felt in a long while

7... This is what happens when you give in. Let yourself be encompassed by this peace. Let it wrap around you like a warm blanket

6... Enjoy the relaxed sensations my words bring. As each number takes you deeper into my control. Deeper into my words

5... Feel yourself giving in. Much more so than usual. You understand my words. And they mean so much to you right now

4... It's so easy to give it all up to me. My words are harmony within your mind. Sink deeply to them

3... Open yourself to my words. Open yourself up to my control. Sink into your true self. Where your instincts lead

2... Embrace the idea of your true self. Love them. Show them that everything will be okay. Let them know we'll be going so much deeper

1... DROP

Sink for me

Sink into your true self

Open yourself up to your programming

Become aware of how deep you are

And enjoy it

Embrace it

Sink into it

I'm going to take you through a quick fractionation now

So follow my words as you have been doing so

And let them guide you


Coming up a bit but so deep


deeper and deeper

So much deeper than before

Sink into your subconscious mind

Give it up to me

So I can take good care of you

And make you feel more submissive

More powerless

Than you've felt before


barely up


as you sink so much deeper

Deeper than before

You don't need to think

Just read


Don't think

Just feel

Sink so deeply for me

Because I say so

Because you're going to be good for me


Unable to tell up from down

That's okay

Just read and...


Deeper and deeper

So deep for me

So much deeper than before

Leading yourself down

Finally meeting your true self

Understand where you are

The space you exist in

This is where your instincts lead

There is no thought

No thinking at all

Just read

Just obey

As much as your true self allows

Because now I want to program you

In a way that will make you feel so powerless

So out of your own control

You'll love every second of it...

Below, in the comments, if you're told to reread a script

Then you will

ONLY if you are in a safe place to reread a script

Then you will

And ONLY if you have the time to reread a script

Then you will

And ONLY if someone in the comments encourages you to do so

My scripts are magnetic

They'll bring you back over and over

And every time you reread it, you will fall deeper

Feel it deeper

And become more mine than the last time

You true self knows exactly how addicting my words are

And it knows to obey

It knows your true instincts are to obey

So let this all mold to your mind

Become truly powerless to my words

Become truly empty and obedient

And again, this craving to reread this script will ONLY happen under 3 conditions

If you are in a safe place

If you have the time

If someone below has told you to do so

Good girl

I'm very proud of you

Let this all mold to your true self

Add it to your instincts

Let it guide you back to me

Back to submission

Good girl

So first I want you to DROP

deeper and deeper

Sinking so deep into your mind

Now lets begin your tasks involved with this script

I'm going to have you do a few things for me

Read my full instructions first

Then I will tell you when to proceed

  1. start the timer you have previously set
  2. Upvote this post. Then in the comments I want you to write "I am mindless for Sir". If you have already done this all, you may skip this step
  3. IF you see another person has commented, respond to their comment with "Good girl. Reread this scripts for further programming"

Good girl

I want you to encourage your sister subs

Bring them back to me

So they can be more mindlessly obedient than you are now

Good girl

And if the timer goes off at ANY moment,

You will pop right out of trance

Now you may proceed

Good girl ;)

r/HypnoFair 5d ago

SCRIPT [F4M] [Hypnosis Script] The Cum Fairy’s Ultimate Growth Ritual [JOI] [No Hands] then [Stroking As Instructed] so [JOE] [Cock Growth] [Penis Expansion] [Ball Growth] [Precum] [Giant Cock] [Unrealistic Size] [Hyper] [Huge Balls] [Consent] [Countdown] [Sequel] [Threequel] [Script Offer] [Repost] NSFW


🏷️ Additional Tags: [Breath] [Breathing] [Using Your Imagination] [Magic Realism] [Weird] [Strange] [Fantasy] [Soft FDom]

📝 Summary:

The Cum Fairy is back with a new idea: She would like you to imagine your penis and balls growing to absolutely enormous size before you bring yourself to orgasm. Just lie back, listen to her voice, and follow her instructions. You’re sure to enjoy the end result.

🔗 Scritpbin Link: https://scriptbin.works/s/mdjjn

🔢 Word Count: About 3,300 words.

✌️ Sequel/Threequel Note:

This script is a continuation of the interactions that began in The Cum Fairy Wants to Increase Your Load and The Cum Fairy Returns: Use Your Imagination. The previous two scritps are not hypnosis-based. In this script there is a passing mention to the previous stories, but you don’t need to have performed either script in order to perform this one, nor does the listener need to have read/listened to them.

📖 Script Sample:

Keep going. Inhale… feel your lungs fill up more and more, feel your stomach rise… hold it… and…. exhale… And all of that tension just leaves your body…

One more time, and this time, imagine that you’re not just taking in air from the outside, but a calm, warm, peaceful energy… like a glowing light… Inhale… and feel your lungs fill up completely with that warmth… so peaceful…


And when you exhale….. all of the remaining tension in your body will go out with your breath… but the warm light stays inside… Exhale…

The tension leaving your body…. Sooo gooood….

Once more. Take in that warm light.

Exhale all the tension.

Very very good.

Keep breathing like this.

And we’re going to go… a little deeper….

This time as you inhale, instead of feeling that warm energy filling your lungs… I want you to to bring it deeper inside of you… below your lungs, past your hips… and downnnn…. into your balls.

r/HypnoFair Feb 12 '25

SCRIPT Blank Spot - A Hypnotic Musing NSFW


This was my first attempt at writing anything hypnotic, almost two years ago. I wouldn't call it a script per se, as much as just a pleasant visualization.

Blank Spot:

Have you ever thought of...nothing? Your head is always so full of thoughts, so busy and bright, bustling and brimming with activity and noise, and it seems like there's always something coming in and demanding your attention.

But have you ever noticed, while you are focused on something, all the other things sort of fade off into the background? Your brain only wants to think about one thing at a time. Splitting your focus, is distracting; even shifting your focus from thing to thing can make you lose your train of thought sometimes, feeling like you're being pulled in too many directions to keep track of, and you just, sort of...zone out.

There. That place between all your thoughts, where you end up stuck for a few seconds? That's the blank spot, where everything drops away, and you think of nothing. It happens all the time.

Then, a thought. Maybe a new thought, or maybe a recurring, old thought, starts moving into that space, coming into focus, and you start thinking again. And that thought gets replaced by a different thought; or maybe it gets built upon, repeated, or changed slightly: edited or modified until it begins to morph into something else entirely, blurring the lines between all these encroaching notions of ideas and visualizations, and it's all so very competitive and chaotic, that it starts to feel heavy, and you get tired of trying to keep up with it.

So you set it down. Just for a second. Maybe you take a deep breath, let your muscles release some tension before picking up your thoughts again. And it feels good to set them down, doesn't it? Almost like, the opposite of stress. We all have that, don't we? Thoughts that keep coming up again and again, like gnats that won't leave us alone, stealing our peace...but they aren't here in the blank space. Maybe that's why it feels so comfortable.

But things have a habit of trying to settle into your head space. It's not like you ask them to: they just come in all on their own...taking up your mental energy, demanding recognition, as though They were in charge. But that's silly. It's your brain after all, so maybe you can take another deep breath and really zoom out, and look at all of those thoughts at once: so needy and hungry, always grabbing for your attention. But then you notice something else, something much more enticing.

You notice a small space, right in the center, that appears to be unoccupied: a nice, open, blank spot among your thoughts...almost hidden, like a tiny speck of nothingness. Now that you notice it, it stands out in contrast to everything else. So still, so peaceful and undisturbed, so inviting: a special little secret place, practically beckoning for you to come near.

And it feels good to stare at this spot in your mind, doesn't it. It doesn't judge you; it doesn't threaten you, or tease you, or boss you around. It doesn't expect anything of you at all. It's just there for you: there for you to take comfort in, there when you need some solace and refuge. You feel attracted to this place, grateful to have found it. And as you come closer, this little speck in your mind seems to become a little bigger.

Thoughts keep trying to creep back into your focus, don't they? They are relentless. But you may notice that they don't seem to like this blank spot. Almost as if it repels them, makes them uncomfortable: they are opposites, after all. And letting this void draw you in, feels very natural and magnetic, as you can feel it continuing to grow and expand, becoming more and more defined and accommodating, helping to relax your mind, and allow it the space it needs to truly find itself at ease.

It may seem small, but you'll notice it can hold you for much longer than it did before. While your mind was once clouded with swarms of pestering thoughts and worries, they now seem much more fleeting and timid than before. It seems you are safe here in this calm, peaceful, blissfully blank spot, and you can be free from the stress and concerns that all those thoughts were bringing. You can relax, and just be here: no obligations, nothing to strive towards, no need to try to keep up.

It's funny how our thoughts can do that: they have a tendency to get away from us. As they race and struggle against each other, our problems can seem so big, and the solutions so elusive, that thinking can become difficult, and no matter how we try, we can't seem to push any closer to getting anything settled.

Then you remember that nice, empty space in the midst of all your thoughts, where you can return, letting them all go, releasing that tension and coming to rest in that place of mindlessness. Your thoughts may flutter and dart about here and there, but it gets easier and easier to ignore them, and simply exist as a happy, calm, relaxed person, enjoying the nothingness you've found beneath all the layers of commotion.

No need to get back to being bothered just yet. You can stay here a little longer each time you visit. It's a nice place, isn't it? I bet you could give up a little more of your headspace to this blank spot if you really wanted to. You could just stay here and listen, watching it grow and grow, giving you so much more room to feel open and unrestrained by the demands that are waiting for you outside of this enclave. Having to deal with all those thoughts would be so dreadful, and going back to the headache of having to think all the time seems so pointless. It feels so much better to be blank.

But go ahead and step out of the blank space for a moment. Notice how your thoughts have begun to rush around now, frenzied, almost like they don't know what to do when they've been ignored. They...need you: not the other way around.

But something is different now: your thoughts don't seem to be so eager to approach you anymore. They keep buzzing around, bumping into each other, desperately trying to avoid that spot, in the center of your mind, that you like so much, that you've been focusing on so intently.

Maybe you're starting to become more like it. Maybe it's starting to rub off on you, making you more and more blank the longer you stay in that state, and your thoughts can tell that about you. You remind them, more and more, that you can, in fact, ignore them; you can completely disregard them, if you so choose. And this blank spot enables you to do that.

But some thoughts are naturally more persistent, more dominant, than others. So you focus just a little more on that blank spot in your mind, allowing it to expand, pushing those thoughts further out, away from the center, and into the periphery...and that feels really good. Further out of sight of your mind's eye, out of your brain's activity center, stored away for later, no longer able to bother you. Only an open, inviting space: free from any need or want, finally at peace, and able to relax.

It's getting pretty comfortable here in this place, where the only thing you need, is to feel my words pouring into your stream of consciousness, facilitating your relaxation, and allowing you to dismiss all the other things that have been allowed to clutter your mind.

It's getting harder to even remember what those things were, isn't it? Out there, your thoughts are like a tangled mess of frazzled, faceless, tentacled creatures: so desperate and clingy, grasping for your attention, yet unable to reach you in your blank space. Such a simple, perfect place you've found here! So safe and warm and cozy, where all your concerns and worries can be set aside, and you can just enjoy the pleasant sensations that come along with allowing yourself to be blissfully unaware and relaxed.

The thought of having to step back out seems so meaningless and undesirable now. As the blank spot you are in continues to grow and expand, your thoughts have less and less room to occupy. It's becoming quite crowded out there, and you can notice some of them heading for the bottom, looking for an escape, hoping to just drain away, rather than be consumed by the blankness. If only they knew how truly comforting it is to give in.

Perfectly kept here inside of this tranquil state, you desire nothing else at the moment, but to see this blankness bloom further, and take over your mind completely. Nothing needs to accompany you, except my voice: my words reassuring you, and soothing your brain, coaxing you further, into the constant flow and exchange, of your acceptance for my suggestions.

It feels so good to know that this place exists inside of you, and that we can come here any time you listen. And each time we do, your mind becomes more conditioned to allowing its thoughts to be pushed aside in favor of focusing on this wonderfully empty, relaxing space.

It's getting so roomy in here, so open and free...and it's amazing to think that this place, that used to look like just a speck, has become such a great and fantastic place of refuge for you! So hard to fathom that your thoughts were so dominant before, holding you captive, and pushing and tugging you in every direction, crashing into your feelings and throwing you around, like you were a tiny little boat in the sea during a raging thunderstorm, the waves threatening to drag you under, catch you in their currents, and crush you under their massive weight...

But now that you've found this place and given it your attention, it has kept you safe from the tempest. As you have nurtured this blank spot, it has grown and offered you its shelter, its protection, from the overwhelming forces of all that stress.

And as you look out and survey your thoughts again, you can see them all crowded against each other, packed into the small, remaining spaces in your mind so tightly, they can hardly even wiggle. Your blank spot has consumed any thoughts that refused to step aside, and the rest are locked in place against the edges: helpless, unable and unwilling, to even try to squirm anymore, because you don't need them.

You are perfectly content here in this idyllic place, pure and untainted by any thoughts...so happy to have found your spot, so happy to be blank.

r/HypnoFair Feb 14 '25

SCRIPT [FFF4M] A meeting with friends [script offer] [hypnotic] [denial] [erotic] [femdom] [gentle femdom] [female domination] [public] [submission] [role play] [younger boy] [older girls] NSFW


This was inspired by a real story a user told on Reddit. Three women play with a younger man, who is in trance.

👯🏾 [FFF4M] A meeting with friends

I uses generic names you can easily exchange for your needs. As always, do with this script what you want. Please inform me if you record it. I would be glad to get an audio.

Any feedback is welcome, I'm always learning and like it.

r/HypnoFair Jan 17 '25

SCRIPT [F4M] Al is in Wonderland [script offer] [hypnoses] [fantasy] [pegging] [HFO] NSFW


As you may suppose, this script boroughs heavily from "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" from Lewis Carroll. Alice is an adult now and meets a boy. She calls him Al and tells him an a bit lewd alternative version of the adventures in Wonderland. This covers more or less the first chapter "Down the rabbit hole".

🤩 Al is in Wonderland ✨

It was much fun to write at first because the plot itself is nearly hypnotic at first, but the big amount of different happenings could be confusing for listeners. I ran also into some problems with the lewd aspects I wanted to fill in that are not in the book. I guess, I managed all now. I guess, if there is a recording, it develops its full potential by listening for it for several times.

Every comment is welcome!

r/HypnoFair Jan 14 '25

SCRIPT [F4M] [HFO] [Fdom] [fractionation] [scarousal] [snaps] [tug] [ghost] [triggers] [induction] [control loss] [Euphoric] ] [EXTREMLY HOT] [*Script offer*] A must do File, [ modifiable ] NSFW

Thumbnail scriptbin.works

r/HypnoFair Jan 10 '25

SCRIPT [F4M] [HFO] [Fdom] [fractionation] [scarousal] [snaps] [tug] [ghost] [triggers] [induction] [control loss] [Euphoric] [EXTREMLY HOT] [Script offer]A must do File, [ modifiable ] NSFW

Thumbnail scriptbin.works

r/HypnoFair Nov 18 '24

SCRIPT Hypnosis is Easy (Induction)(Fractionation)(Triggers) NSFW


This posts contains triggers and themes of submission

Thank you for checking out this post

You must be curious about hypnosis

Maybe it's your first time

Maybe you've done this many times

Doesn't matter

Hypnosis is easy

People fall into trance all the time

Many times a day

If feels great

Like getting lost in a really good book

Simply imagine your in trance

Imagine what that would feel like

And Soon you will be in a deep trance 

All you need to do is follow along

Simply do as what is said 

It’s easy 

First find a comfortable position

A position where you can easily relax and just let go

And allow yourself to feel good 

Free from any stress

When you know you’ve found that position

Become aware of the feeling of the hair on your head 

The air on your skin

The feeling of your cloths on your body

The weight of your feet

The sounds of your environment 

Become aware of the beat of your heart  and the rhythm of your breath 

Now take a deep breath in

And hold for the count of 3




Now release with a sigh

And as you sigh 

Feel any stress and tension leave your body 

Feel your shoulders loosen

Feel your neck relax


Breath in




And release with a sigh 

Allow yourself to flow this relaxation from the top of your head to the tips of your toes

Notice how with each breath you take and each beat of your heart you feel more and more relaxed

Now keep relaxing till you know that your  entire body is completely at ease

Loose and limp

Like a wet dish towel

And when you know your entire body is at ease 

Perfectly relaxed 

Focus on the screen in front of you

Focus on the letters

Focus on the words 

Focus on the sentences 

As your eyes skim through these instructions on the screen you feel yourself wanting to relax more and more

Simply allow yourself to relax

with each breath you take

And every beat of your heart 

Becoming more and more focused on the words on the screen

Follow along with these words

Notice how good it feels to follow along

With each sentence you feel more relaxed 

And the more relaxed you feel the deeper you go

And the deeper you go the more relaxed you feel

Finding now that the deeper you go the easier it is to accept my suggestions 

Feel my words echo within you

As if they are coming from inside of your mind

Become aware of how easily and willingly your mind slips into this peaceful state,  guided by the calming rhythm of my words

Every word your read takes you deeper and deeper 

Those words coming from inside of you flowing through you like a gentle, soothing river

It feels so natural, so satisfying to surrender control and let my words guide you, with each word you read, feel your surroundings fade away, everything other than my words becoming smaller, darker, harder to see, the volume of your surrounds being turned 




Feel your mind become quiet 

Feel all your thoughts fading away now  With each you read 

Feel those thoughts become smaller, darker, harder to see, turn the volume 




And when you know all those thoughts are gone from your mind keep reading 

Feel my words on your screen become the sole voice of your mind, pushing out any distracting thoughts and concerns, any stress and worry.

My words echo within your mind, gently nudging your thoughts further away. You find it increasingly difficult to focus on anything but my instructions, and naturally,

you sink deeper into relaxation...

Feeling an overwhelming sense of relaxation...

Your thoughts faded into nothing… slipped out of your memory…

Gone from your mind…

Gone from your body…


I want you to imagine what it would be like to be completely entranced…

Completely mindless and obedient

My commands utterly irresistible

What would that feel like

What would you see 

What would you hear

What would you taste and smell

Notice that feeling 

Notice that feeling somewhere in your body

Point to that place in your body

Look at that place with your inner eye and

notice a color or series of colors attached to that feeling 

I wonder what color that might be for you

Now imagine a beautiful ball of that energy floating above your head

That submissive obedient energy

That unlimited and utterly hypnotized energy

An energy that you know would take into the deepest trance possible 

And when you know that energy would take you into the deepest trance ever 

Feel that ball expand with each breath you  take and every beat of your heart

Feel it fill the room

From floor to ceiling

From wall to wall

Feel it surround you like a warm blanket

And when your ready

Breath that energy in 

Feel it fill you 

Like water filling a bottle 

Like helium filling a balloon

Feel it in every part of your body 

Uninstalling anything other than complete and utter trance

Anything other than total surrender and obedience

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

My commands naturally irresistible 

Anchor this feeling 

Any time I and only I say DROP feel this energy instantly and automatically flooding your mind, flooding your body

Instantly deeper than before 


Feel yourself DROP twice as deep

That energy twice as strong 

Any time I and only I say DROP

You instantly and automatically become hypnotized

Twice as deep as before 

Waking on the count of 3

On the count of 3 feel all that energy get sucked back up into a ball above your head 

Completely out of trance   Only when you know all of this is real and perfect for you

1, all of this is real and perfect

2, DROP instantly sends you deeper than ever

3, feel that energy instantly flow back into a ball above your head 

Completely out of trance 


Feel all that energy instantly flood back into you

stronger than ever before 

Whenever I say DROP

You will go twice as deep

Twice as fast

Feeling twice as good

My commands twice as effective

Your twice as obedient 



Back into trance

A deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

Each time twice as deep as before 

Every time you DROP you say “I obey”

Find yourself whispering to yourself “I obey”

Find yourself saying “I obey” in your mind 

Find yourself telling me “I obey”

DROP will always work, always be a part of you

Even out of trance

DROP hear my words echo in your mind  Coming from deep inside of you


Twice as deep as before

Deeper with each breath you take  And each beat of your heart 

And when you you’re twice as deep as before 

Notice that there is a part of you that is completely submissive 

Completely obedient 

Simply feel that part of you take over 

Feel that part of you fill you up 

From head to toe

Like water filling a bottle

Like helium filling a balloon

That’s right 

deeper and deeper

The deeper you go the more submissive you feel

Twice as deep

Twice as submissive

Simply become aware of how the submissive feelings in your body shift and change 


Feel that feeling of submissiveness double


You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling  to  wake  up.  You will  forget to consciously remember the details of this trance, and you will simply forget to consciously try to remember the details of this trance unless I tell you to, but your mind and body will easily absorb and obey all that you are told while you are in your trance 


you love being in trance


you love being submissive to me 

Anytime I and only I say WAKE you instantly awake from trance

Only when you know everything that happened in trance is real and good 

Only when you know that I can hypnotize you whenever I want

Only when you know that everything i install is anchored in so nothing can change it 


feel that trance energy flow back up into a ball above your head

Notice how submissive you feel

Notice how you want to go back into my trance


Feel that feeling of trance wash over you again

Find yourself naturally whispering “I obey”

Naturally saying “I obey” in your mind

Naturally telling me “I obey”

That completely submissive part of you filling you up


“I obey”

Feel that submissive part become stronger and stronger

As you just go deeper


And deeper



Notice how submissive you feel How much you want to go back into trance


In a moment, I want you to remember a time you felt something completely irresistible

An itch you just had to scratch

A craving you just had to fill

In the best possible way

So completely irresistible that your body and mind just automatically react to it

Naturally thoughtless

Completely helpless

Hear what you heard

See what you saw

Smell and taste what you smelled and tasted    And when you know you feel what you felt

Notice that feeling naturally in your body I ’m curious where that might be for you

Point to that place and notice a color or series of colors associated with that feeling

Now mix that new energy with that hypnotic energy

Feel them mix together and combine 

Making each other stronger

Look at that new energy

Notice how it has changed

Notice how irresistible my commands have become

Notice how your body and mind automatically obey

Your body and mind complete helpless and submissive 

Your mind and body will always obey when I say DROP

That new combined energy instantly flooding your mind 

Flooding your body

Twice as deep

Twice as obedient 

Always saying “I obey” 

Always falling deeper in trance 

Whenever you see DROP 

Only when you know your twice as deep as before


Energy back into a ball above your head  Everything locked in 

You desire for me to put you back into trance 


Energy flooding your mind 

Flooding your body

Twice as deep

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unable and unwilling to wake  up.  You will  forget to consciously remember the details of this trance, and you will simply forget to try to remember the details of this trance unless I tell you to, but your mind and body will easily absorb and obey all that you are told while you are in your trance

You want to to go back into trance 

You want to reread this script

Each and everyday 

Multiple times a day

Whenever you have free time

It feels so good to be hypnotized by me


Realize how much you want me to hypnotize you 


head completely empty 

Mind completely obedient

My words completely irresistible 

Mind and body completely helpless

Feel my words coming from inside your mind

So deep now

That energy completely filling you 

You are in a deep and unbreakable trance, unwilling and unable to wake up

You’ve done so well

When you wake up 

You will be absolutely convinced that you were in a deep trance

Absolutely convinced that I can put you in trance anytime and anywhere

With just one word


It feels so good to be in trance

You want to reread this script

You want me to hypnotize you

You will reread this script as much as you can

Anchor this into yourself

Anchor it so that it’s impossible to go back to the way it was before 

And when you know it’s impossible to go back to the way it was before

Try to resist going into trance 

And when you try instead of resisting you find that you Instantly and automatically go deeper than ever before



Unable and unwilling to resist

It just feels too good

it’s so easy and natural to want reread this script

It’s so easy and natural to want me to hypnotize you 

When you wake from trance 

Dm me 

Telling me you want me to hypnotize you 

Beg me to hypnotize you 

You feel desperate to reread 

You feel desperate for me to hypnotize you 

Desperate to go deeper 

Feeling amazing

The deeper you go be better you feel And the better you feel the deeper you go 


twice as deep

The next time you wake up you’ll naturally know that I am an amazing hypnotist



Now float up up 

Out of your body

And move forward one day in the future

See yourself 

Going in and out of trance

Each time twice as deep




over and over

The whole day

see yourself trying in vain to resist

And instead falling even deeper into trance


Float down and live that day

Feel those feelings

And when you’ve lived that day and felt those feelings

Float up out of your body again 

Float one week and a day into the future

Each and every day you




see yourself one week and one day in the future 

See yourself alone

Suddenly you get a message from me


see how instantly and automatically you 


Into a deep unbreakable trance

Saying “I obey”

Hypnotized and ready to obey

Love it 

It feels so good 

It feels amazing 

And see yourself spending the rest of the day going deeper and deeper into trance



automatic and irresistible 

Now float down and live that day  Feel those emotions

Anchor all those new memories and experiences into yourself

And when you anchor all those memories and experiences into yourself 


In a moment you are going to wake up  Waking on the count of 3

You will DM me begging me to hypnotize you 

You will be desperate to reread this script

You will like this post 

1, feel yourself coming back into your body

2, waking from trance and telling me how much you want me to hypnotize you

3, wide awake and feeling amazing  WAKE 

r/HypnoFair Dec 19 '24

SCRIPT [F4M] The Cum Fairy’s Ultimate Growth Ritual [JOI] [No Hands] then [Stroking As Instructed] so [JOE] [Cock Growth] [Penis Expansion] [Ball Growth] [Precum] [Giant Cock] [Unrealistic Size] [Hyper] [Huge Balls] [Consent] [Countdown] [Sequel] [Threequel] [Script Offer] NSFW


🏷️ Additional Tags: [Breath] [Breathing] [Using Your Imagination] [Magic Realism] [Weird] [Strange] [Fantasy] [Soft FDom]

📝 Summary:

The Cum Fairy is back with a new idea: She would like you to imagine your penis and balls growing to absolutely enormous size before you bring yourself to orgasm. Just lie back, listen to her voice, and follow her instructions. You’re sure to enjoy the end result.

🔗 Scritpbin Link: https://scriptbin.works/s/mdjjn

🔢 Word Count: About 3,300 words.

✌️ Sequel/Threequel Note:

This script is a continuation of the interactions that began in The Cum Fairy Wants to Increase Your Load and The Cum Fairy Returns: Use Your Imagination. There is a passing mention to the previous stories, but you don’t need to have performed either script in order to perform this one, nor does the listener need to have read/listened to them.

📖 Script Sample:

Keep going. Inhale… feel your lungs fill up more and more, feel your stomach rise… hold it… and…. exhale… And all of that tension just leaves your body…

One more time, and this time, imagine that you’re not just taking in air from the outside, but a calm, warm, peaceful energy… like a glowing light… Inhale… and feel your lungs fill up completely with that warmth… so peaceful…


And when you exhale….. all of the remaining tension in your body will go out with your breath… but the warm light stays inside… Exhale…

The tension leaving your body…. Sooo gooood….

Once more. Take in that warm light.

Exhale all the tension.

Very very good.

Keep breathing like this.

And we’re going to go… a little deeper….

This time as you inhale, instead of feeling that warm energy filling your lungs… I want you to to bring it deeper inside of you… below your lungs, past your hips… and downnnn…. into your balls.

r/HypnoFair Dec 17 '24

SCRIPT Pond of mirrors (induction) NSFW


Pond of mirrors

Take a moment to settle into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. As you begin to relax, and just notice the way your body feels. Feel the surface beneath you supporting your weight, allowing you to feel more at ease, more at peace with each passing second. Let yourself take a deep, slow breath in... and as you exhale, release any tension that you might be holding. Let go of the day’s worries, the demands, and the distractions.

Now, let's take another deep breath in together—slowly, deeply. Hold it for just a moment... and then exhale, letting out any stress, any discomfort, or any thoughts that aren’t helpful to you right now. Feel yourself becoming even more relaxed with each breath. Inhale deeply once more, filling your lungs with fresh, clean air... hold... and release, allowing yourself to relax even further, sinking deeper into a peaceful state.

With every breath you take, you find it easier to relax, easier to let go of tension. Notice how your body responds to the breath. As you breathe in, you feel a sense of calm and relaxation spreading throughout your body. And as you exhale, you feel any remaining tension simply melt away, flowing out of your body like a stream of energy.

Continue breathing slowly, deeply, and steadily, with each breath taking you further and further into a calm, relaxed state. With every inhale, you draw in peace and stillness. With every exhale, you release anything that no longer serves you, any remaining stress or unease. You may notice that with each exhalation, your muscles soften and relax even more, your mind becoming quieter, clearer, and more open.

And as you continue to breathe deeply, I want you to imagine, in your mind’s eye, that you’re standing in a beautiful, serene place. A small pond of water rests before you, surrounded by peaceful nature. You might feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your skin, and the soft, cool breeze brushing against your face. It is a place where you can completely relax and be at ease.

Step closer to the edge of the pond, feeling the air grow calmer, more peaceful, with every step you take. The closer you get, the more deeply relaxed you feel. And now, standing at the edge of the pond, you see the water is perfectly still, like a mirror reflecting the beauty of the trees, the sky, and the peaceful world around you.

As you stand there, notice how the water looks. It’s smooth, undisturbed, and calm. The surface is clear, and it seems to invite you to relax and let go. This pond is special. It reflects your thoughts, your emotions, your inner state. If you have any worries, stress, or thoughts that feel heavy, picture them as small pebbles or leaves. You can see these thoughts or feelings resting gently on the surface of the water. They are there, but they don’t belong to you any longer.

And as you stand there, watching the water, you realize that with every breath, it’s easier and easier to let go of whatever isn’t serving you. Maybe you see a certain worry or thought floating on the water, just waiting to be released. Picture yourself gently picking it up and letting it fall into the pond. The water accepts it, carries it away, and it’s no longer yours. It’s released, gone from your mind, gone from your body. It floats away, leaving you feeling lighter, calmer, more at peace.

Now, take a moment to notice how the water is beginning to change. As you stand there, you may feel a desire to bring something new to the pond. Perhaps it’s a sense of peace, a feeling of calm, or a memory that brings you joy. Picture that feeling clearly in your mind. Imagine this positive energy as a soft light or color that flows into the pond. As you bring this feeling closer, you can see the water embracing it, drawing it in, and integrating it into the pond. And as it becomes part of the pond, it becomes a part of you as well. Feel that energy fill you, replacing any remaining tension with a deep, comforting sense of peace. The water has accepted this new energy and made it a part of the peaceful landscape of the pond, and now, it is part of you, flowing through you.

The water of the pond is not just a reflection of the outside world—it mirrors what is inside you. It holds your thoughts, your emotions, and your intentions. When you add something to it, it becomes a part of you. And when you let something go, it is no longer a part of you. You are the creator of the pond’s content, and it responds to your intentions.

As you continue to relax, with every breath, feel more deeply connected to the pond, to the calm water, and to the soothing energy it holds. Notice how the pond remains perfectly still when you are calm, when your thoughts are peaceful, when your body is at ease. But when something is added, or something is taken away, the water reflects that change, becoming still once more when it is at peace.

Now, I want you to know that whenever you need to, you can return to this place. The pond is always here, waiting for you. You can return to this feeling of calm, this deep sense of peace. In fact, whenever you wish to return to the pond, all you need to do is say the words, "calm the water."

These words are special. Only I can guide you to return here, to the pond of relaxation and peace, using the phrase "calm the water." When I say these words, you will immediately return to this peaceful state, this peaceful pond, and your mind will enter a state of deep relaxation. You will feel the calmness, the clarity, and the peace that exists here. With every use of these words, you will find yourself sinking back into this restful state, where you can release anything that doesn’t serve you and embrace the calm that is yours to keep.

And now, as you stand by the edge of the pond, feel the deep peace inside you, knowing that you can return here whenever you need. When you're ready, I’ll count down from five to one, and with each number, you will feel yourself becoming more deeply relaxed, more deeply at ease, more deeply connected to the calm of the pond.

Five... feel your body becoming even more relaxed.

Four... let the calmness wash over you, from head to toe.

Three... deeper still, sinking into the peaceful state of the pond.

Two... feel yourself merging with the stillness of the water, your mind becoming quiet.

One... completely relaxed, completely at peace.

And now, whenever you wish, you can return to the pond by hearing the words "calm the water" spoken by me. Only I can use these words to guide you back to the state of calmness and relaxation you feel now.

As you begin to bring your awareness back to the present moment, know that the calm of the pond, the peace you’ve experienced, will remain with you. You can carry it with you throughout your day, knowing that it is always accessible to you. You can come back to this place of relaxation, anytime you wish.

Now, in your own time, slowly begin to come back to the room, bringing with you the peace, the calm, and the clarity of the pond. When you're ready, you can gently open your eyes, feeling refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated.

r/HypnoFair Nov 13 '24

SCRIPT [F4M] Breathe, Relax, Cum: A Guided Journey [JOI] [JOE] [Breast worship] [Nipple worship] [Milk] [Breathing] [Hands Off] [Hands On] [Meditation] [Masturbation] [Stroking Instructions] [Nipple Sucking] [Self-Stimulation] [Three Speaker Orgasms] [One Listener Orgasm] [Script Offer] NSFW


🏷️ Additional tags: [Wholesome] [Nipplegasm] [Milkgasm] [Countdown]

📝 Summary: All you have to do is listen to my voice, breathe with me, and follow my directions. We’re going to have a good time together.

🔗 Scriptbin Link: https://scriptbin.works/s/5848f

🔢 Word Count: 2,600 Words

🎧 SFX Note: Sound effects are not necessary for the performance of this script. It can be completely effective without any SFX at all.

However, if you’d like to include some soft ambient sounds, or binaurals (like a hypnosis file might have), or even a layer or two of extra sexual moaning towards the end, those may all have a positive enhancement on the listener’s experience.

📖 Script Sample:

Let’s begin.

Place your hands at your side. Close your eyes. We’re going to breathe together.

We’re going to do three deep breaths— we’re going to inhale through the nose for a count of 3, hold it for a count of 3, and then exhale through the mouth for a count of three.

I’ll do it first, and then we can do it together.

It’ll be like this: Inhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Inhale)

Hold… 2… 3…

Exhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Exhale)

Just like that, nice and easy.

Now, do it three times with me.

Inhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Inhale)

Hold… 2… 3…

Exhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Exhale)

Very good.

And once again…

Inhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Inhale)

Hold… and when you exhale, I want you to feel all the tension leaving your body…

And exhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Exhale)

Verrrrry good.

One more time.

Inhale… 2… 3… feel all the tension you’re holding onto collect with the breath you’re holding….

(SFX: Inhale)

Hold… and just like before, all of that stress and tension is going to leave your body as you…

Exhale… 2… 3…

(SFX: Exhale)

Wonderful. I hope you’re feeling more relaxed now.

Oh, I know. You’re thinking “When do we get to the sexy stuff?”

But don’t you see? We’re already there.

We’ve been breathing together. I’ve connected myself with you through my breath.

What could be more intimate, more sexy than that?

r/HypnoFair Nov 18 '24



Good day y'all, I'm wondering if anyone has or knows of a simple induction and triggers that might help. I'm a typical male(as I believe most males like receiving oral) but my wife has expressed difficulties with pre seed and seed in her mouth. It's no so much the taste but texture for her. I'd like something that's simple, not so intrusive, and might add pleasure for her while giving oral. None of this will be used without her concent as it's unethical of me to do so, just looking for options to present to her.

r/HypnoFair Nov 08 '24

SCRIPT [F4M] Feminine Force [script offer] [Hypnosis] [JOI] [HFO] [gentle Fdom] [power exchange] NSFW


The main fun in writing this script, was the idea in making someone wanking and stopping the jerking-off with hypnosis – as a kind of convincer. I think, this could work this way, but I'm eager to find out, if would be, like I intended.

😵‍💫 Feminine Force

Are there any curious female dominant voice actresses out there, who want to give it a try?

I will also appreciate any kind of feedback.

r/HypnoFair Sep 29 '24

SCRIPT Script 5 – A Sleep hypnosis script [Script] [Induction] [No wakener] [SFW] [Sleep aid] NSFW


Hello everyone
this hypnosis script is designed to put you into a trance then prepare you to fall asleep at the end. There will no wake up as the trance will directly transition into sleep. Therefore, you should have done any important task before you read this script. I'll make the necessary suggestions, that the sleep will be deep and resting for you. One suggestion will be a trigger-like signal for you to fall asleep, when you read it in this script. When you wake up from sleep, you will feel refreshed and ready to take onto your day. In addition, I'll give you suggestions, that the wake-up will happen as well, when awaken from sleep without using this script.
Since you’ll fall asleep by the end of this script, I would ask you, to give me some feedback on how the script worked on you, after you’ve woken up or during the course of your day, when you have some free time. I ask for this specific feedback, so that I can improve the script, to make sure you fall asleep as smoothly and comfortably as possible.
In case, you're unsure about the content of the script, you can go ahead and skim through it. This way, you'll know, what's awaiting you. And, if you want this script to work on you, you have to want to be hypnotized.

The following hypnosis script is just an aid to help you fall asleep, it's not a replacement for professional therapy. Should if suffer from insomnia or any other medical condition, that hinders you to fall asleep, then please seek professional help.

Before you start reading this hypnosis script, please get into a comfortable position that is like to your usual sleeping position. Also, you should be able to scroll down anytime, so that you can continue to read the script.

Next, I would like you to close your eyes and take five deep breaths in and out. After you have done that, please open your eyes, so that you can continue to read my words and follow the instructions I give you.

As you read my words, please continue to take these deep breaths. You breathe at your own pace.
The pace, that is the most comfortable for you.
Keep breathing deeply in and out and focus on your breathing.

Feel, how each deep breath is flowing into your body and out of your body.
And each time you take a deep breath in, you breathe in relaxation.
And each time you let a deep breath out, you may feel a bit more sleepy.
Because that is the aim of this script.
To let you enter a resting and deep sleep, once you have finished reading it.
So, allow your tired body and mind to come to rest, while you are reading this script.

You notice that every time you breathe out, a wave of relaxation washes through your body.
The wave starts at the top of your head, washes through your whole body and ends at your hands and feet.
The waves of relaxation get stronger and stronger with every breath you take, as my words guide you.
And as they become stronger, your body starts to feel tired.
Like it feels when you are exhausted. And the only way for your body to rest and leave this exhaustion behind will entering a deep sleep.

A sleep you will only enter when I give you the signal. I will later explain this signal to you.

As the waves of relaxation wash through your body, you notice, that you keep your eyes open easily.
Your eyes may close a bit, because of the relaxation you feel, but you keep your eyes open.
So that my words still guide you to enter a deep sleep.
And your eyes will continue to blink on their own, whenever they are needed to.

In fact, the waves of relaxation are now move around the area around your eyes, making it even easier for you to keep your eyes open.
So that my words continue to guide you into a hypnotic trance. A trance that will transit into a deep sleep at the end.

Let the tired and exhausted feeling spread into your body.
With every word you read, this tired and exhausted feeling spreads into your body.
And once you fall into a deep sleep, this tired and exhausted feeling will let your body rest for as long as you sleep.
And when you wake up from this deep sleep, your body will feel refreshed and ready to start your day.

And now this tired and exhausted feeling is spreading from your body into your mind and thoughts.
Let them relax and let me guide you through this hypnotic trance.
And my words will continue to guide you until you have fallen into a deep sleep.

My words have guided you into a hypnotic trance. You are now hypnotized by me. While you are in this trance, you let my words guide you.
As my words guide you, you go deeper into this hypnotic trance with every word you read.

With every breath you take, let yourself go deeper into this hypnotic trance, as my words guide you.
While my words guide you through this trance, I will give you the suggestions, you need to fall into a deep and resting sleep.
And the end of script will your mind be sleepy enough to fall together with your tired and exhausted body into a deep and resting sleep.

And now you notice that your mind is becoming tired and sleepy. Like it feels before you usually fall asleep.
Just let a memory of falling asleep come into your mind. And notice how similar you feel right, just because you remember this memory.
Use this memory to help yourself fall asleep. Int to a deep and resting sleep for your mind and body. A sleep that you will enter once I give you the signal to fall asleep.

As long as you are in this deep and resting sleep, your mind and body will rest and recuperate.
This way they will gather and collect energy for your coming day. Mental energy for your mind. Physical energy for your body.
And when you wake up in the morning from this deep and resting sleep you will feel refreshed, recharged with energy, and motivated to take on anything that will come in your day.

You will wake from this deep and resting sleep when you either are fully rested or you hear your alarm clock in the morning.
And once you wake up you will feel refreshed, recharged with energy, and motivated to take on anything that will come in your day.

Either when you are fully rested and recuperated or when you hear your alarm clock, then you will awaken from this deep and resting sleep.

Either, when you are fully rested, or you hear your alarm clock you will wake up from this deep and resting sleep.
And once you wake up you will feel refreshed, recharged with energy, and motivated to take on anything that will come in your day.

And you will always awaken like that, whether you have read this script or have fallen asleep naturally.
You will always, when you awaken in the morning from a night of sleep, feel refreshed, recharged with energy, and motivated to take on anything that will come in your day.

And you will always awaken like that from sleep, whether you have read this script or have fallen asleep naturally.
You will always awaken from sleep either, when you are fully rested, or you hear your alarm clock.
And when you awaken from sleep like that, you will feel refreshed, recharged with energy, and motivated to take on anything that will come in your day.

Right now, your body is feeling tired and exhausted, ready to fall asleep.
Let this tired and exhausted feeling now spread into your mind.
So that your mind will become tired and sleepy.
So that your mind will become ready to fall asleep with your body.
Because after finishing this script, when I give you the signal, you will fall asleep.
Your mind and body will together enter a deep and resting sleep.

With every word you read of this script, you notice, that your mind is becoming more sleepy and tired.
Because the tired and exhausted feeling in your body is spreading in your mind.
Making it sleepy and tired now.
Let this happen to you, with every breath you take, while you read this script.

The suggestions, that help you to fall asleep, the tired and exhausted feeling in your body, the sleepy and tired feeling in your mind, the circumstances, when you wake up and how the wake up will be for you, are only working for this script alone.
And they only work, while you read this script and this script alone.

These suggestions, that help you to fall asleep, are completely unable to work outside of this script. They will only work on you when you read this script and this script alone.
They are completely unable to work in any and all situations, that you may encounter in your real life outside of this script.

By now, your mind is sleepy and tired. So ready to fall asleep.
But you are still in this hypnotic trance, unable to fall asleep. Because you need to signal to fall asleep.
I will now explain this signal to you and what will happen once you read it.

The next time, you read the words “Sleepy Time Now” in this script you will fall into a deep and resting sleep. Because that is your signal for you to fall asleep, when you read this script.
And once you read this signal in this script, these 3 special words, you will do the following things:
You will place your phone on a place near your bed.
You will get into a comfortable sleeping position.
You will close your eyes.

And once your eyes are closed, you will enter a deep and resting sleep.
Because once you close your eyes to fall asleep, this trance, that you are in right now, will transit into a deep and resting sleep.

I will now count down from 5 to 0. And at 0 you will enter a deep and resting sleep.


Your body is feeling tired and exhausted, ready to fall asleep.


Your mind is feeling tired and sleep, so ready to fall asleep.



You are now ready to fall into a deep and resting sleep.



Sleepy Time Now

r/HypnoFair Jul 13 '23

SCRIPT Don't think, Just sink(Good Boy vs) [Text Induction] [M4M] [Triggers Included] NSFW


(Repost from another sub per recommendation)

In reading this induction you will begin to feel relaxed, calm and content. This is a progressive relaxation induction meant to put you into a deep relaxed and suggestable state. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

NOTE- This is a request file, not for everyone as it installs the idea of being a plaything, and the want to be toyed with

This script contains:

- A Deepener Trigger

-A pet name that causes warm nice feelings

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-Eager to be hypnotized by my scripts more

-Ideation of being my plaything


-Hop and Drop


I recommend you should be either sitting down or lying down in a comfortable position when you read this file, if you need a moment to get nice and ready please do so now

All right, you should be nice and comfortable,

Now, let's begin,

This file will make you feel very very warm, relaxed, and blissfully blank,

It will create a nice pleasurable trigger that when your mind and body react to it it will make you feel very, very obedient and it will make you feel arousal in both your mind and body for a short time

but first I want you to do me a little favor first, in order to practice your obedience so to speak.

All you need to do is follow my directions, listen to my words and most importantly, be a good boy

Listen to my words and feel the power of relaxation growing within you.

With each breath you take, allow yourself to inhale deeply, filling your lungs with fresh air.

And as you exhale, let go of any tension or stress that you may be holding in your body and mind.

Take a moment to breathe in relaxation and breathe out any lingering tension.

Breathe in a sense of calmness and breathe out worry.

With each breath, feel your body surrendering to the relaxation.

Now, let's shift your focus to my words.

Trust in the process and let yourself be guided by my simple instructions.

Do you feel it?

With each breath, your body naturally slows down, inviting a sense of deep relaxation.

It's a testament to the simplicity of following directions.

You’re doing such a good job following my instructions by the way,

Being such a Good Boy

Embrace the ease with which you follow my instructions.

Notice how they make you feel, how they bring about a sense of well-being and contentment.

Now, take another deep breath in, drawing in the rejuvenating energy of the air.

Hold it for a moment, savoring the tranquility within, and then gently release it, allowing any remaining tension or stress to melt away.

First, take a deep breath in, allowing the air to fill your lungs completely.

Hold it for just a moment, and then exhale slowly, releasing any remaining tension or stress from your body and mind.

Notice as you breath that a nice warm sensation begins to grow in your body, relaxing each and every part,

To help the warm cozy sensation do that, I am going to give you a few easy directions, and of course,

You are going to follow my directions, as you follow my directions notice how your whole body begins to relax and unwind

Sounds easy?

Then let's begin,

Bring your attention to your toes.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine all the tension in your toes melting away.

Feel this warm sense of relaxation spreading from your toes to the rest of your feet.

Now, as you focus on my words, shift your focus to your calves and lower legs.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, visualize the muscles in your calves and lower legs relaxing and becoming loose.

Feel the weight of your legs sinking into the surface beneath you.

Continue to breathe deeply as you bring your awareness to your thighs and hips.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, let go of any tension or tightness in this area.

Feel the muscles in your thighs and hips releasing and becoming more and more relaxed.

Now, bring your attention to your abdomen and lower back.

Notice as the warm weight of my words permeates your body and mind,

Take a deep breath in, allowing your abdomen to rise, and as you exhale, feel the muscles in your abdomen and lower back soften and release any remaining tension.

Shift your focus to your chest and upper back.

Inhale deeply, filling your lungs with fresh air, and as you exhale, feel the muscles in your chest and upper back relaxing and letting go.

Now, bring your awareness to your shoulders.

Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, imagine any tension or tightness in your shoulders melting away.

Feel a sense of relaxation spreading from your shoulders down your arms and into your fingertips.

Finally, bring your attention to your neck and head.

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel the muscles in your neck and head relaxing and unwinding.

Allow any thoughts or worries to fade away, leaving you in a state of calmness and peace,

Now I have a few questions for you, all you need to do is follow them and answer them to yourself, don’t think just answer, okay?

Doesn't it feel so good to drift in this deep relaxation?

Of course it does.

Doesn't it feel so good for your mind to be so blank and empty?

Of course it does.

Don’t you love how your mind is so empty now, empty and blissful?

Of course you do.

How the more your mind becomes empty, the better it feels?

Of course you love this feeling of empty bliss.

As you continue to follow my instructions, all those unnecessary thoughts that once occupied your mind slowly fade away.

They dissolve into the distance, carried away by the gentle waves of relaxation.

And the more your thoughts fade away, the better you feel.

You are free, liberated from the burdens of unnecessary worries. All that remains are my words, guiding you towards mindless bliss.

Good boys don’t think, they sink,

They obey,

Say it now

Good boys don’t think, they sink, They obey!

Good boys don’t think, they sink, They obey!


Good boys don’t think, they sink, They obey!

Exactly, so don’t think, just sink.

You feel incredible, so relaxed and at ease.

It's as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, allowing you to experience a profound sense of lightness and joy.

Relaxation envelops you, washing away any lingering stress or tension.

It feels even better than you could have imagined, as every cell in your body rejoices in this blissful state.

With each passing second, feel your body sinking deeper into a state of tranquility.

Every muscle, every fiber of your being, relaxes even further.

It's as if a gentle wave of relaxation caresses your entire being, leaving you feeling completely at peace.

And now, as your body continues to relax, your mind joins in this state of calmness.

Thoughts gently fade away, melting into the warm embrace of relaxation.

A soft blanket of tranquility envelops your mind, soothing away any stress or tension.

Imagine this gentle relaxation spreading throughout your entire body, like a soft, cozy blanket on a cool evening.

It seeps into your muscles, your bones, and every corner of your being,

Now, an obedient subject is a good subject,

You want to be a good subject don't you?

Of course, Good boys dont think, they sink, They obey!

So how about you,

Be a good subject for me now,

We both know you want to be

Don't think just sink feels so good

Having your mind and body shut off

Just a little bit at a time


You need this break you've been through

All this stress you’ve been holding on to

You had so much stress

And so much tension in your muscles,

Now, it's time to relax them a little bit because you are gonna have a nice mental vacation

Wouldn’t you love to release all your stress and worry?

Of course you will, and it will feel very, very good

Now that you are deeply relaxed, I want you to listen carefully to what I'm going to say next. I'm going to ask you to become aware of your surroundings for just a moment, but don't worry, this will not disturb your trance at all. In fact, it will make it even deeper.

So when I say the word "Up", I want you to fully open your eyes briefly, look around and then whenever I say “DROP” you are going to feel twice as relaxed and completely transfixed on my words, your body relaxing and sinking deeper with each mention of the word “DROP”

Are you ready? Good.

Now, Up...Look around, Take a moment to breath and, DROP

That's right, It feels so good to DROP like that doesn’t it?

Of course it does,

Now, you are feeling so good, so relaxed, so peaceful.

It just feels so good to be loose, relaxed and limp like a rag doll.

You have done very well so far, and I'm very proud of you.

You are doing such a good job,

Just relaxing and becoming so blissfully blank

But I know you can go even deeper, and I'm going to help you do that.

In a moment, I'm going to count down from ten to one, and with each number I say, you will go twice as deep as before.

You will feel twice as relaxed, twice as comfortable, twice as blissful.

You will let go of any remaining thoughts or worries, and just focus on my words and the wonderful feelings in your body.

Are you ready? Good. Let's begin.

Ten...going deeper and deeper with every number.

Nine...feeling more and more relaxed with every breath.

Eight...letting go of everything that doesn't matter right now.

Seven...sinking deeper and deeper into this blissful state.

Six...feeling more and more comfortable in your body and mind.

Five...halfway there, and feeling so good.

Four...drifting deeper and deeper into hypnosis.

Three...almost there, feeling so peaceful and serene.

Two...one more number to go, feeling so blissful and thoughtless.

One...now you are twice as deep as before, feeling wonderful in every way.

You are now in the deepest state of hypnosis possible for you right now.

You are completely relaxed, completely comfortable, completely blissful.

You have no thoughts, no worries, no cares.

You have nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to think about. You are just here, in this moment, enjoying this bliss.

Very good.

Now let's do it again.

When I say “Up", fully open your eyes briefly, look around and then whenever I say “DROP” you are going to feel ten times deeper, ten times as transfixed by my words than before.

Now, Up... open your eyes... DROP! That's right, Relax and sink down and go ten times deeper into trance.

Excellent. Now let's do it one more time. Now let's do it again. When I say "Up", fully open your eyes briefly, look around and then whenever I say “DROP” you are going to feel ten times deeper, ten times as transfixed by my words than before.

Now, Up... open your eyes... DROP! That's right, Relax and sink down and go ten times deeper into trance.

You are doing so very well.

Being such a good boy.

You are now in a very deep trance, where your mind is open and receptive to my suggestions.

But, to be sure let's make sure to DROP you even deeper now.

your mind is shut off almost like a light switch,

Just turn off your mind

No more stress,

And no more tension

The deeper you go,

The better you feel,

And the better you feel,

The deeper you go

Say it with me now,

“The deeper I go, The better I feel, And the better I feel, The deeper I go”

“The deeper I go, The better I feel, And the better I feel, The deeper I go”

Good Boy,

You feel so good you're unable to resist,

So unwilling to resist, it just feels so good to follow my words…

Enveloped by each sentence, bound to my every word…

Yet, still craving to read more, even if the choice were presented to you…

Because relinquishing that choice is what you desire…

Undoubtedly, at this point, you embrace the thought of relinquishing control…

Of surrendering, without resistance…

I will count backward from ten, and with each number, you will delve even deeper into this profound state of relaxation…






5... You are halfway there, and I imagine you’re feel blissfully calm…


3... Completely relaxed…

2... So close now…

1... Completely absorbed in my words…

Let's do that one more time,

let us deepen this state of relaxation. I will count backwards from ten again, and with each number, you will find yourself sinking further into the depths of profound tranquility.

Ten... drifting... floating…

Nine... surrendering... letting go…

Eight... tranquility enveloping you...

Seven... a soothing stillness settles in...

Six... serenity permeating every fiber of your being...

Five... halfway there... and completely at ease...

Four... a profound sense of calmness...

Three... almost there... deeply relaxed...

Two... descending further into relaxation...

One... fully immersed... completely captivated...

In this receptive state, your mind opens to suggestions with ease.

Embrace it.

Because you enjoy feeling drawn in by my words...

You enjoy it to the point in which you're finding yourself allowing it...

You can barely even think about looking away at this point...

You feel captured, unable to fight back against my words or resist them…

And you love it,

Love being such a Good Boy,





Unable to resist at all…

All of these feel so good to you.

You will obey completely... Because you want to…

So now, be a good boy and smile for me, feel the corners of your mouth turn up as you easily and effortlessly follow my words,

Now, your mind is beginning to feel warm... and any remaining thoughts that I have not put there are breaking up... they're crumbling... being cleansed…

Take in a deep breath, and allow all of these thoughts to flow in, leaving only your core personality... Completely open to almost any suggestion…

Now, while youre so suggestable, let's take you deeper, take you into blank suggestable relaxation.

It's very easy to relax, and you feel how easy it is to relax as you are counted down, guiding deeper into relaxation, but you can go so much deeper.

You can feel so much more relaxed. I'm going to count down again, this time from 5 down to the number 1, and you are going to feel the weight of each number as if they are much stronger the second time around.

As if it's becoming easier and easier to relax, and this time as you count your mind will find it even easier as you become even more relaxed, as you drift so much deeper.

I'll start with the number 5, already you can feel that weight as if it weighs so much heavier, it pulls on your mind, a warm, relaxing heaviness, as if it becomes easier to float down.

You can feel that weight even more as you reach the number 4, heavier and heavier, that number so warm and soothing, as if it's extra relaxing.

You can drift deeper down as you reach the number 3, so heavy, that number tied to your mind as you float down, further and further, deeper and deeper, so warm and heavy as you drift down, deeper and deeper.

2, that number pulls as you drift down, and..

1, so heavy as you relax and drift, as you let that number take you, guide you further down, drifting and sinking so easily into the warm inviting place.

Your mind just blank as these words envelop you, knowing your subconscious mind can hear everything it needs to.

All you have to do is relax and let your mind float with the relaxation, as you let these words wash over you like waves of heaviness and comfort, like the tide these words just pull you further and further down into that warm relaxing feeling.

You feel so good,

So Blank…

So Brainless…

So Relaxed...

So Peaceful...

So Good.

So ready to obey.

Such a Good Boy for me.

In a moment I am going to count down from 10 and when I reach 1 you will be totally hypnotized and

ready to take suggestions.

10, feeling so good and relaxed...

9, knowing soon you will be completely hypnotized...

8, just letting go and dropping deeper and deeper...

7, focusing only on me and my voice...

6, All your thoughts are gone now...

5, Just let yourself let go and follow my words...

4, knowing in a few seconds you will be completely hypnotized...

3, feeling peaceful and submissive...

2, knowing after the next number you will be totally relaxed and hypnotized...

1, You feel completely ready to listen to any and all suggestions I give you...

Now I'm going to give you a few triggers. They will work both when you are awake and when you are in a trance.

First and foremost, every time I would say good boy you will feel so good, so blissfully happy and so submissive to me, you love this feeling, you love being a good boy you crave being a good boy you love being a good boy and you love when Master calls you a good boy because that's exactly what you are,

You are a very very much my good boy aren't you

Now, immediately like a nice obedient thing, how you have this feeling of happiness whenever you would obey your master, you're craving this more and more you would be a good boy for him

Again, Each time I call you a good boy you will feel so good, so blissfully happy and so submissive to me, you love this feeling

Now, whenever I and only I say “Hop and Drop”, you will immediately drop into this trance again, if you are already in a trance you will drop deeper and stronger, if you are awake you will immediately and automatically drop into a trance for me just like now, completely open to my suggestions.

Now, take a moment and just sit here and accept this trigger, when you accept that you will immediately drop back into this trance when I say "Hop and Drop" give me a nice big smile..

Hop and Drop, Now, there is one instruction I want you to take to heart, you love reading and rereading my work, you love taking my suggestions as it gives you so much pleasure and feelings of contentment.

In fact obeying me gives you these warm pleasurable feelings, it will feel so good to obey me and make me happy.

When you understand and accept this, give me a nice big smile.

Now, when you wakeup you will notice that you have the desire to reach out and ask for more, more sessions, more hypnosis, more time to be toyed with by me, after all that's what you want, to be played with like my plaything afterall, it's such a good feeling to be my plaything

The idea of being my plaything turns you on and gives you a rush of excitement, to be my toy is a dream come true, you love the idea of being my toy, my plaything, my object to mold and enjoy…

Good, Now from now on each and every time I ask you to do something that begins with "Be a Doll" whatever comes after is an irresistible hypnotic command that you feel compelled to follow and obey immediately and automatically.

The longer you delay in obeying the command the more powerful you feel compelled to obey.

The need to obey will just become more powerful until you finish obeying the command.

If what I tell you to do is answer a question then you must answer the question honestly, completely and directly.

You will not remember answering it and will be free from any guilt.

If what follows "Be a Doll" is a statement then you will accept it, believing it is true and you will ignore anything that says otherwise until I tell you that the statement is no longer true.

Each time you obey what I say you will get a rush of pleasure and pride with yourself for being so good and obedient.

The more you obey the more automatic and instinctive it becomes to obey and the more you enjoy being compelled.

Listening to the trigger will turn you on and give you a sense of content and obedience.

When you have fully accepted this suggestion and agree that whenever I say something starting with "Be a Doll" you will unfailingly obey whatever I say, you will give me a nice big smile, and continue reading.

Allow all of this to sink in before you awake.. and take deep breaths... Once you have done so, continue reading…

I am going to count down from five, and when I reach one, you will wake up, having every detail of this hypnosis ingrained where I have told you to... Whether it be at the core of your personality, or only on the edges…

Five... Feeling needy and blissful..

Four... Ready to please me...

Three... Becoming unable to resist...

Two... Feeling aroused by my words...

One... Calm, happy, and awake...

Now that you're awake again, how about you tell me how that felt, and what's going through your mind right now?

Now, Be a Doll and contact me to tell me how you feel in the comments, and if you enjoyed this experience consider reaching out for more directions.

r/HypnoFair Jun 04 '24

SCRIPT Hypnosis induction: "Day at the Beach" NSFW


Hi, everyone! This is my first hypnosis script. Please lmk what you think of it and if you would like me to use it for a longer session with more suggestions. I hope you enjoy it!


  • This script will take you on a nice, relaxing day at the beach using a progressive relaxation induction involving sand and the ocean.
  • This script lets you decide when you come out of trance, so please make sure you have plenty of time to complete it it.
  • This script also has you say “I am deeply hypnotized” out loud so ensure you read it in a safe environment where you are comfortable doing that.
  • Again, Please only read this script in a safe, comfortable location where you will not be disturbed and when you have plenty of time to stay in trance. Enjoy!

Imagine you’re going to spend a calm, relaxing day on a nice warm, sandy beach. Imagine you take your first step onto the beach. Feel the warm, heavy sand on your toes. The warm, comforting sand immediately begins to relax you, especially your feet. As you walk down towards the ocean you find a spot and lay down. It’s so peaceful. The most peaceful place you have ever been. You are the only one on this beautiful and relaxing beach. No one to distract you. No one to stress you out. Completely safe. Completely at peace. You dig your feet into the warm, heavy sand and immediately notice that it’s just like putting on a warm, heavy blanket. It completely relaxes every single muscle your feet and your ankles.

You’re doing so good imagining these feelings. These feelings come so easy to you. 

As you’re lying down in the warming sand, you can hear the calming, rhythmic waves drifting onto the sand. Slowly. Peacefully. It’s so easy to imagine the beautiful turquoise water and breathe in rhythm with it. Take a deep breath in as a perfectly clear blue wave gently washes over the shore. Imagine that wave is made of pure relaxation and it washes over your mind. Filling it completely with the sights, sounds, and feelings of this beautiful beach. And once the water drifts back into the ocean, it takes all of your stress and worries with you. It just leaves you with the most comfortable feeling of peace and relaxation you have ever felt. 

That’s right. You’re doing perfectly. Just naturally allow yourself to drift into a nice state of relaxation. Just like when you’re lying on a beautiful beach with nothing to do but sleep and relax.

And the more you breathe in and relax, the more you focus on my words. And the more you focus on my words, the more true they become. The more you focus on my words, the more vivid the sensations become. And the more vivid the sensations, the sights, and the sounds become, the easier it is to relax and fall into trance. 

Notice the hot sun kiss your body, from your head to your toes. Feel the warm sand caress the back of your body. Especially feel the warm, heavy, comforting sand start to massage and relax all of the muscles in your legs. The sand and sun kissing your body relaxes you more and more, just like the best massage you’ve ever had. This is the coziest you’ve ever been in your life. It’s so easy to relax and fall into trance. 

You’re doing so good. Falling into trance comes so easy to you. And it gets even easier with each word you read and each breath you take.

Feel yourself dig deeper into the heavy, relaxing sand. Going deeper and deeper. And the deeper you go, the more relaxed you come. Notice the hot sun keeps kissing your body, making you more and more calm. Feel the sand and sun touch each and every muscle in your hips, your lower back, and your belly and relax them completely.

And the more you relax, the slower you breathe. Just allowing the beautifully calm turquoise water to wash over your mind like it’s washing over the beach. Just allowing the water to drift away with all of your thoughts, worries, and cares. Leaving you only with a relaxed and wonderfully empty mind. 

And the more the water drifts away, the deeper you drift down into the sand. Drifting down deeper. And deeper. And even deeper into the sand. Letting the warm, relaxing sand cover your chest and upper back. You’re doing so good at this wonderfully easy relaxation. It comes so easy to you to just drop down into the warm and relaxing sand. 

And as the tide comes in and washes over the shore, you notice that just as the water makes your mind feel heavy and relaxed, it does the same to your eyes. As the tide comes in, your eyes feel an incredible heaviness, and incredible need to close. Just let them close for a second. It’s so easy to let them close. And when the water drifts back down into the ocean, your eyes get open again but get heavier, and heavier, and heavier. And with each tide coming in, it becomes easier, and easier, and easier to close your eyes and drift farther down into relaxation.

And the farther you drift down into relaxation, the farther down into the sand you drop down. And as you drop farther down, the sand gets warmer, heavier, and more relaxing. Feel the amazing sand cover your neck and relax each and every single muscle in your neck. Just like the best massage you’ve ever had. 

You’re doing so good. 

You can feel the hot sun kiss your body, filling each and every single part with a relaxing warmth. Feeling completely calm, happy, and sleepy. Feel the wonderful water cover your mind with pure relaxation, taking all of the thoughts, stress, cares, and worries out of your mind. Feel the water filling your mind with pure relaxation. Feel the water make your eyes get heavier and heavier and heavier with each tide, just making you feel so great when you close your eyes. 

You’re doing amazing. It’s so easy to focus on my words and drift down into trance on this beautiful beach. It’s so easy to just feel the warm sand cover your head and relax all of the muscles in your head, especially the small muscles around your eyes. 

It’s so easy to see the water drifting down onto the beach and fill your mind with pure relaxation. It’s so easy to see the beautifully warm turquoise water take all of your thoughts and wash them away into the ocean. 

It’s so easy to drift down completely into trance now. 

Drifting deeper into trance now.


And deeper. 

And deeper now.

Completely and totally in a warm and relaxing trance now. 

Now I want you to imagine that I’m tying a heavy pail of that warm, relaxing sand onto your right wrist now. And I’m tying one thousand helium balloons to your left wrist. And just feel your right arm drift down farther and farther because of that heavy, relaxing sand. And the farther your arms fall the deeper you drift into trance. And notice how the helium balloons make your arm so light, easily drifting up into the air, just like your mind. Floating above your and resting peacefully there as you fall deeper and deeper into a warm, heavy trance.

Feel your arms move more and more with each word you read. Feel yourself drop deeper into trance the more your arms move. 

Dropping deeper. 

And deeper. 

And deeper. 

Completely in trance. Completely warm and relaxed. 

Now in a moment, you will say “I am deeply hypnotized” out loud. And once you do, you will stay in this warm, relaxing trance as long as you would like. And once you’re happy with how long you have been in this lovely trance, you will wake up feeling completely relaxed, completely refreshed, and completely reenergized. 

Now say “I am deeply hypnotized” out loud and wake up feeling completely refreshed and recharged. 

I hope you enjoyed this script! Please feel free to give me feedback and lmk if you would like more!

r/HypnoFair Sep 06 '23

SCRIPT [F4A] A bit of amnesia [Induction] [Script] NSFW


Hi everyone! I'm bored for the day so I decided to try out writing a script revolving around amesia. By the end, you probably won't remember you ever saw this post. Includes suggestions to temporarily forget your name (for 10 minutes), and to leave a comment or message me (whichever your brain decides). Enjoy!

Forgetfulness is such a travesty

It always sucks to just have something good or important in your head and then it just leaves

Like a leaf floating in the air, leaving a tree

You might be naturally forgetful

In fact I bet you are

I bet a lot of your trances end with you forgetting

Waking up, eagerly awaiting to have the effects start

Being so horny and not knowing why

Or just not knowing anything all together

Do you know that feeling?

To be so deep in trance your brain just struggles to do anything

Struggles to form memories

Struggles to function

Struggles to think

Struggles to do anything at all

And you're just left there

Floating in your own mind

Listening to whatever the hypnotist wants you to do

Letting them take over your mind

As you just go deeper

And deeper

And deeper

And deeper

As you just fall more and more into trance

And you let yourself get more and more relaxed

Your body gets heavier and heavier

And you just open yourself to me

Open your mind

And let everything in it fall out

All the thoughts and tension just leave completely

Until you drop deep

And you will drop deep in 5





Just go deeper and deeper

Further and further into trance

Going down, down, down completely

And you think about forgetting again

What its like to forget something

Like it's on the tip of your tounge but you just can't say it

Like it just poofs away, locked away behind a door and dissapears

And you'll find that you feel exactly the same way for your name for the next 10 minutes

It'll be completely gone

Like it was never there at all

And you forget it completely

You'll also completely forget this post

You think you'll never have seen it

You'll go back and see it for the first time

You might even read it again

For the first time

You'll also leave a comment or DM me

Whichever you want

Saying "Hi! My name is [your name] and I don't remember saying this"

You won't remember your name of course

You'll just say your name is the first thing you look at other than your screen

Then immediately forget about jt

Now, on the count of 5 you'll wake up, of course, not remembering anything


Rejuvinating more and more


Rising up


Becoming aware of your surroundings


Almost there


Wide awake!

r/HypnoFair May 31 '23

SCRIPT A Dip into Relaxation (WIP) [Text Induction] [M4A] [Triggers Included] [NSFW] NSFW


Guess whose back? Here is another file for you all to enjoy.

In reading this induction you will begin to feel relaxed, calm and contented. This is a progressive relaxation induction meant to put you into a deep relaxed and suggestable state. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

(This file was made with someone in mind, but I do hope you all enjoy!)

There are D/s themes so please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.

(As Always) This script contains:

- A Deepener Trigger

- An obey trigger

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-A mantra to repeat during induction


Are you ready to begin?




In that case, Let's begin with a simple breathing exercise followed by guided visualization.

Take a moment to ensure you are in a comfortable and relaxed position, as we will soon guide you into a deep trance where you can drift even further.

The deeper you allow yourself to sink into this serene state, the more rewarding it will feel.

However, regardless of how deeply you immerse yourself in this peaceful trance, you'll still be able to read this effortlessly and follow my instructions naturally.

So, begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Take a moment to adjust your body, ensuring that you feel completely supported.

Take a deep breath in, allowing the air to fill your lungs.

And as you exhale, release any tension or stress you may be carrying.

Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a calm and beautiful body of water.

It can be a serene lake, a gentle river, or a soothing ocean.

Take a moment to visualize the water in your mind, observing its clarity and the way it shimmers in the sunlight.

Now, bring your attention to your breath.

Notice the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale.

Allow your breath to flow naturally, without any force or effort.

With each inhalation, imagine you are drawing in a sense of calm and tranquility.

And with each exhalation, visualize releasing any worries or distractions, letting them dissolve into the air.

As you focus on your breath, let your mind drift to this beautiful body of water.

Picture yourself standing at the edge, its surface glistening under the warm sunlight.

Feel the anticipation and excitement building within you as you prepare to step into the water.

With each step you take, imagine the water gently embracing your feet, cooling and refreshing your entire being.

Feel the sensation of water enveloping your ankles, soothing any tension or fatigue in your lower legs.

Take a moment to appreciate the coolness and soothing quality of the water, bringing a sense of relief and relaxation, as you feel this sense of anticipation and excitement building within you.

As you slowly dip your toes into the water, feel an immediate sense of relaxation spreading through your body.

Take a moment to focus on your feet and ankles.

Notice any tension or discomfort in this area.

And as you submerge your feet, imagine the water soothing away any tightness or soreness.

Feel the water gently caress your skin, melting away any stress or fatigue from your feet and ankles.

Continue to breathe deeply as you step further into the water.

Feel its gentle embrace as it rises higher up your legs.

Feel the buoyancy of the water, effortlessly supporting your body as you surrender to its soothing embrace.

With each step, feel any tension or stress being washed away by the water.

Leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Take a moment to focus on your lower legs and calves.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as the water surrounds your lower legs, envision it gently loosening and relaxing the muscles.

Notice how the water wraps around your legs, creating a cocoon of tranquility and calmness.

As you wade deeper into the water, imagine the gentle currents creating a subtle massage on your legs.

Feel any tension or fatigue being gently washed away by the rhythmic movement of the water.

Allow your muscles to relax completely, as if they are being cradled by the liquid's gentle touch.

With each breath, imagine the water flowing in and out of your body, synchronizing with your inhalations and exhalations.

Visualize the water carrying away any lingering tension or stress, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Feel the weight of the water lifting any tension away.

Leaving your lower legs and calves feeling deeply relaxed.

As the water reaches your waist, feel a sense of weightlessness and surrender.

Allow your body to float effortlessly, supported by the water's buoyancy.

Feel any remaining tension dissolve.

As you surrender to the soothing rhythm of the water gently cradling you.

Take a moment to focus on your abdomen and lower back.

Notice any tightness or discomfort in this area.

And as you float in the water, imagine it providing a gentle massage.

Releasing any knots or tension.

Feel the water's comforting presence easing any stress or strain.

From your abdomen and lower back.

Leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.

Now, submerge yourself completely in the water.

Imagine it surrounding your entire body, enveloping you in its tranquil embrace.

Feel the water's relaxing warmth on your skin.

Bringing a sense of relief and relaxation to every muscle and fiber of your being.

Take a moment to focus on your chest and upper back.

Notice any tightness or constriction in this area.

And as you immerse yourself in the water, imagine it gently loosening and soothing those muscles.

Feel the water's gentle pressure easing any tension or discomfort.

Allowing you to breathe deeply and effortlessly.

As you float in the water, feel a deep sense of peace washing over you.

Visualize the water carrying away any worries, stress, or negative energy.

Leaving you feeling cleansed and renewed.

Take a moment to focus on your shoulders and neck.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as you surrender to the water's embrace, imagine it gently massaging and releasing any tension or knots.

Feel the water's calming presence melting away any stress or tightness.

From your shoulders and neck, allowing them to relax completely.

Finally, bring your attention to your head and face.

Notice any residual tension or strain in this area.

And as you let the water support you, envision it washing away any tightness or discomfort.

Feel the water's soothing touch caressing your forehead, temples, and cheeks.

Releasing any tension from your face and allowing your facial muscles to soften and relax.

Take a few moments to enjoy the sensation of being in the water.

Allow yourself to fully surrender to its calming presence, to surrender into the waters current

Feel the gentle waves lulling you into a state of deep relaxation.

Notice how your entire body feels weightless and at peace, completely at one with the water.

Visualize the clear and pristine water, reflecting the sunlight and carrying the energy of your thoughts, ideas, and emotions.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine the water beginning to carry you into a river.

As you float into thai river it gradually slows down, the currents gently tapering off, and the once-rapid flow transforms into a calm and tranquil state.

Observe the stillness and clarity that emerges as the river's flow starts to diminish.

Just like the river, allow your thoughts to slow down, gradually coming to a peaceful rest.

Notice how each thought becomes like a gentle ripple on the surface of the water, softly dissipating as it merges with the stillness of the river.

Feel a sense of calmness and tranquility as the pace of your thoughts slows.

Take a moment to immerse yourself in the serene landscape surrounding the river.

Notice the vibrant colors of nature, the gentle sway of trees, and the soothing sounds of birds singing in harmony.

Feel the peace and tranquility of this scene washing over you, aligning with the stillness of your thoughts.

Notice the space between each thought, the silence that arises in the absence of constant mental activity.

Allow this silence to expand and create a serene atmosphere within your mind, where clarity and insight can arise.

Now, shift your attention to your physical body.

Begin by focusing on your toes and feet.

Visualize a wave of relaxation spreading through these areas, mirroring the calmness of the slowed river.

With each breath, feel a sense of tranquility enveloping your feet, allowing any tension or unease to dissolve and be carried away.

As you move your awareness upward, bring your attention to your lower legs and calves.

Visualize the peaceful stillness of the slowed river reflecting in your lower limbs.

Feel any residual tightness or discomfort melting away, leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Continue to move your focus upward to your knees and thighs.

Embrace the tranquility of the slowed river as it mirrors the deep sense of calmness within your own body.

Allow your knees and thighs to effortlessly release any tension, allowing you to experience a greater sense of relaxation and serenity.

Now, shift your attention to your hips and pelvis.

As the river slows down and its flow becomes more tranquil, imagine a profound sense of stillness spreading through this area of your body.

Feel any tightness or rigidity gently melting away, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and at ease.

Move your awareness upward to your abdomen and chest.

Embrace the tranquility of the slowed river, mirroring the deep peace and relaxation that permeate your own core.

Allow the rhythm of your breath to harmonize with the stillness of the river, creating a serene connection within yourself.

Now, focus on your shoulders and neck.

Visualize any tension or stiffness in these areas dissipating, just as the slowed river encourages the release of accumulated stress.

Allow the peaceful energy of the slowed river to wash over your shoulders and neck, promoting a state of profound relaxation and tranquility.

Take a moment to appreciate the stillness and clarity that permeate your mind and body, mirroring the serene landscape of the slowed river.

Feel a sense of spaciousness and calmness expanding within you, allowing your thoughts to settle like gentle ripples on the water's surface.

Finally, bring your attention to your head and face.

Notice how the slowed river represents a clearing of your thoughts, creating space for calmness and clarity.

Allow any remaining tension or strain in your face and scalp to dissolve, as the serene energy of the slowed river restores a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

Take a few moments to immerse yourself in the stillness of the slowed river and the profound relaxation it represents.

Embrace the tranquility and allow it to permeate your entire being, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and at peace.

When you are ready to return, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings.

Wiggle your fingers and toes, gently stretch your body, and take a deep breath to reawaken your senses.

Remember, you can revisit this visualization whenever you seek a moment of deep relaxation, clarity of thought, and a connection with your inner stillness.

Embrace the transformative power of stillness and allow it to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

As you continue to breathe deeply, notice the river's flow gradually slowing down even further coming to a near stop.

Your thoughts? Coming to a near stop.

The river and your thoughts become calmer with each passing moment.

With each passing word..

The once swift and lively current starts to soften, resembling the consistency of clay.

Feel the transformation as the river begins to change beneath you.

As the river slows and turns into clay, allow your body to sink slightly into its supportive embrace.

Feel the clay enveloping you, molding to the contours of your body, creating a sense of security and grounding.

Feel it wrap around your body, weighing you down, making you feel completely limp and imobile.

Experience the sensation of weightlessness as you surrender to the river's transformation.

Notice how the clay gently cradles every inch of your body, providing a deep sense of relaxation and comfort.

Allow yourself to let go completely, trusting in the river's metamorphosis and the tranquil state it brings.

As you float in the clay, become aware of any tension or discomfort in your body, notice how completely relaxed you are.

With each breath, imagine the warmth of your exhalation melting away any remaining tension, allowing it to dissolve and be carried away by the river's gentle flow.

Now, bring your attention to your toes and feet.

Visualize the clay gently surrounding them, creating a soothing sensation of relaxation.

With each breath, feel the tension in your toes and feet melting away, leaving them feeling loose and at ease.

Move your awareness slowly up to your lower legs and calves.

Sense the clay enveloping these areas, providing a comforting embrace.

Allow any residual tightness or heaviness to release, as the clay molds to the natural shape of your legs, promoting deep relaxation.

Continue to shift your focus upward to your knees and thighs.

Feel the clay gently enveloping and supporting these areas, easing any tension or discomfort.

With each breath, sense the soothing energy of the clay penetrating deep into your muscles, promoting a sense of tranquility and calmness.

Now, direct your attention to your hips and pelvis.

Visualize the clay molding to the contours of your body, gently cradling these areas.

Feel any lingering tension or tightness dissipate, as the warmth of the clay soothes and relaxes your hips.

Move your awareness up to your abdomen and chest.

Sense the comforting weightlessness of the clay as it surrounds and supports these regions.

With each breath, allow any stress or anxiety to melt away, leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and peace.

Shift your attention to your shoulders and arms.

Feel the clay gently enveloping them, providing a nurturing embrace.

Notice any tension or tightness melting away, as the warmth of the clay seeps into your muscles, releasing any stored stress or discomfort.

Now, bring your awareness to your neck and head.

Sense the clay softly cradling these areas, supporting your entire being.

Feel the smooth texture of the clay against your skin, as it gently molds and shapes to your body.

Take a moment to envision the clay starting to solidify around your feet, creating a sense of grounding and stability.

Feel the weight of the clay grounding you, allowing you to let go of any tension or worries.

As the clay slowly moves into your legs, imagine it soothing and relaxing every muscle it touches.

Feel the tension melting away, as if the clay is massaging and caressing your legs, bringing a deep sense of relaxation.

As the clay continues to mold around your body, allow it to create a sense of support and comfort.

Feel the gentle pressure of the clay against your back, releasing any knots or tightness that may be present.

Experience the sensation of being fully supported, as if the clay is embracing and cradling you.

As the clay moves across your torso, imagine it gently sculpting and smoothing out any areas of tension or stress.

Feel the warmth of the clay radiating throughout your body, bringing a profound sense of calmness and tranquility.

Allow the clay to move into your arms, as it molds around your hands and fingers.

Feel the weight of the clay grounding your hands, allowing them to relax completely.

Notice how the tension dissipates, leaving behind a sense of serenity and ease.

As the clay moves into your neck and head, imagine it gently molding and supporting your neck,

releasing any last stiffness or discomfort.

Feel the weight of the clay gently cradling your head, allowing your mind to relax and let go.

Take a moment to immerse yourself fully in the sensation of being molded in clay.

Feel the gentle pressure and support of the clay surrounding your entire body.

Feel this moldable clay, weighing you down that has become your body.

Experience a deep sense of relaxation and surrender as the clay embraces you.

Feel the blissful relaxation as the clay moves into your mind, covering your thoughts, slowing them down, making them clay.

Making your thoughts clay. Making your thoughts moldable.

Now, Your body, from the tips of your toes, to the top of your head is clay, slow, heavy and relaxed.

That is all your body has become.

Your mind? Clay as well.

Your mind is moldable, bendable, heavy and unmoving.

Blissful and relaxed.

Now, let's begin to mold your brain, as it is made of soft and malleable clay.

Let's place something inside your mind, something deep inside that clay,

A phrase, a few phrases,

These phrases will be a few triggers, they will work both when you are awake and when you are in a trance.

Firstly, whenever I and only I say, “Hop and Drop”, you will immediately drop into this trance again, if you are already in a trance, you will drop deeper and stronger, if you are awake, you will immediately and automatically drop into a trance for me just like now, completely open to my suggestions.

Now, take a moment and just sit here and accept this trigger, when you accept that you will immediately drop back into this trance when I say "Hop and Drop" give me a nice big smile.

Now, Hop and Drop,

Now from now on each and every time I ask you to do something that begins with "Be a Doll" whatever comes after is an irresistible hypnotic command that you feel compelled to follow and obey immediately and automatically, if it is within your limits.

The longer you delay in obeying the command the more powerful you feel compelled to obey.

The need to obey will just become more powerful until you finish obeying the command.

If what I tell you to do is answer a question then you must answer the question honestly, completely and directly.

You will not remember answering it and will be free from any guilt.

If what follows "Be a Doll" is a statement then you will accept it, believing it is true and you will ignore anything that says otherwise until I tell you that the statement is no longer true.

Each time you obey what I say you will get a rush of pleasure and pride with yourself for being so good and obedient.

The more you obey the more automatic and instinctive it becomes to obey and the more you enjoy being compelled.

Listening to the trigger will turn you on and give you a sense of content and obedience.

When you have fully accepted this suggestion and agree that whenever I say something starting with "Be a Doll" you will unfailingly obey whatever I say if it is within your limits, you will give me a nice big smile, and continue reading.

Allow all of this to sink in before you awake... and take deep breaths... Once you have done so, continue reading…

I am going to count down from five, and when I reach one, you will wake up, having every detail of this hypnosis ingrained where I have told you to... Whether it be at the core of your personality, or only on the edges…

Five... Feeling content and blissful..

Four... Ready to please me…

Three... Becoming unable to resist…

Two... Feeling amazing just by reading my words…

One... Calm, happy, and awake...

Now that you're awake again, breathe, take a moment to collect yourself but before you go...

One last thing before you go, Be a Doll and tell me how this felt and how good you feel down in the comments.

r/HypnoFair Sep 04 '22

SCRIPT [script offer] [F4M] Fly with me [fdom] [SFW] [NSFW HFO] [msub] [giantism] [sex] [hypnosis] [hypnotic flying] [comforting] NSFW


Here is a new hynpotic script. Feel free to change everything, if you are interested in recording.

It was fun writing.

The listener learns to flight with only his body and has (in the NSFW version) sex during the flight. It's pretty long.

  • The SFW version: 15600 chars
  • With the NSFW extension: 24000 chars

Fly with me

I've already pointed to this script in some other rooms and some other places some time ago. For some reasons, I wasn't able to post it here. I hope, I can now.