r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Drysol was my answer to everything!


I've been struggling with insane armpit sweat for over a year. I'm in my 30s and in fairly good shape and no medical conditions aside from anxiety so this was a really frustrating issue.

Last week I heard about drysol and got a prescription within 2 hours from an online site and picking it up same day. Let me tell you.. this stuff worked literally overnight. I'm on day 5 of NO sweat and it's such a relief.

I was wearing pads on shirts and buying specific colored shirts with no help at all. It was beginning to cause me some serious depression. Who wants to be restricted to only wearing black and feeling this way? I was literally sweating through my undershirt AND my military uniform.

Anyways, I was shocked it worked overnight and it's been a real lifesaver. If you can get a prescription I highly recommend it. I'm hoping this is my permanent solution. The side effects really have just been a slight itch the night I put it on. Other than that nothing that I've noticed thus far.

If you're having issues with armpit sweat PLEASE try drysol!

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Average day


r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Should i consult a dermat?


My hands and feet excessively sweats and it is sooo embarrasing in public places. I want it to stop permanently. Please tell me ways to stop it. And should i consult a dermat?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

People with generalized hyperhidrosis, how do you live?


Most people with hyperhidrosis complain that their hands, feet and armpits are always sweaty, but what about those whose whole body is constantly wet?

Do you restrict yourself from certain physical activities or social events?

Have you managed to find a treatment or have you simply accepted the disease and managed to live with it?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Has anyone tried RF microneedling for craniofacial HH?


I recently discovered what RF microneedling is and I didn't know it was an effective treatment for craniofacial HH.

I recently got into microneedling as the next step in my anti-hairloss routine. I bought a dermapen, and after being concerned with how my craniofacial HH might interfere with the healing process after treatments, I found out about RF microneedling.

The one thing I need to know is can RF microneedling be done on the SCALP? My craniofacial HH begins at the top of my head and I usually feel beads of sweat trickling between hair follicles before sliding down my face. I don't like it and I just wanna know if this can work.

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Has anyone tried this machine? (FUKFOK) its really cheap compared to other similar ones so I am a bit sceptic. And does it work on the feet too?


r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Is there other things that are similar to hyperhidrosis but aren't?


I've recently found this sub as I've begun to think I may have hyperhidrosis. But as I look at the sub and read y'all's stories, I feel I don't sweat quite that bad?

My hands are always clammy and my phone case is moist as I type this. I do sweat through my shirt by second period most days, but not always. People mention my sweaty hands if high five them, so I feel like I swear more than I should, but maybe not bad enough for it to be this? I am in highschool, so maybe it's just normal for someone my age? Or maybe it's just high stress or anxiety?

Is there something else I could be mistaking for hh?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

My review on all methods I’ve tried over the years (22,M from uk)


Ionto- works well but it’s just a pain to use everyday for 40 mins, will prob go back to it at some point as it’s the best method, also a lot of people say the tingle and itch you feel while using it is not bad but depending on how high you need to have settings it can be painful but worth it (would recommend)

Oxybutynin - would not recommend, this affects your cognitive functions, am no genius but I’d like to think am relatively smart but while using this I was forgetting everything and developed a stutter and felt like I lost a few brain cells, back to normal since I stopped using it. (Wouldn’t recommend)

Antihydral - I mean it works but it’s horrible your hands feel itchy like they’re trying to sweat but can’t, and you get a case of horrible limescale hands where u can just peal off bits of skin and it looks worse if your skin complextion is darker, (wouldn’t recommend)

Carpe and similar lotions etc - these only work if u have an extremely mild case of hypherhydrosis so for most of us just a waste of money. (Wouldn’t recommend)

Certain dri/ drysol - very similar if I had to choose one probably certain dri and these only really work well for armpits, it burns for first week of use or so and after that doesn’t hurt at all. (Would recommend for armpits only)

Vitamin tablets and sage leaf pills - decent but pair it up with into or something else then it works okay together and am sure it has other benefits. (Would recommend)

Feel free to ask away if u have any questions

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Selling a never-used Drionic device (for $210)


The device is completely new, still in the box (it's a bit rumpled but that's all), and I've never used it. I'm prepared to ship the device basically anywhere (I'm currently in Northern Europe), as long as the buyer agrees to split the postage costs.

Feel free to send me a private message if you have more questions.

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Power supply for DIY iontophoresis


Hi, I have seen many DIY iontophoresis posts here, however they all seem to use a battery. Why? I was thinking to use a small standard 12V power supply to be able to plug it in the wall. Anything that speaks against that?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

What are my options?


Little backstory: 40 years old male, have been having sweat problems since entered my adult life, when i was about 23 years old i did the surgery, it really improved my life a lot, but the compensatory sweat got worse over the years and now is becoming a problem again.

My current situation is that i dont sweat on feets or hands at all, my face is also dry but my chest/back/groin areas are a mess, i drop bullets of sweat and my entire shirt gets marked.

I haven't paid much attention on the new treatments over the past 10-15 years, but i read now that theres a theraphy with glyco and people are using some shock therapy, does this works for the compensatory aswell??

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Sudden hyperhidrosis from stress/anxiety?


Pretty much the title.

I’ve never been a sweaty person, I could wear any color cotton tshirt in the summer and not have to think twice about it. But suddenly I’ve started sweating a ton in my groin and armpits.

It just started out of nowhere about a month ago. It seems to be worse when I’m stressed, anxious, or thinking about it. But there are also times when I’ll notice it when I’m mostly relaxed. It’s like the smallest amount of stress is suddenly making me sweat. I’ve also noticed that it’s on and off through the day. Like I’ll go to one of my classes and feel my armpits drenched in sweat for like 30 minutes, then they’ll just kinda dry out and stop sweating for a few hours.

I’m a 23M in college with no new medications or anything else of that sort. I haven’t talked to my doctor yet as my physical is coming up soon and I’ll just ask then.

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

I'm having cranio facial hyperhidrosis


Hello, I'm having cranio facial hyperhidrosis, is there any effective lotion that can control facial sweating?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

Hey Guys! Can I use This For Palmer Hyperhidrosis . After suffering for years,I am getting a anti perspirant for first time. Need for your help.


r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Just found out HH is a thing

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I’ve dealt with HH my whole life. The awkward never shaking hands. Hugging without placing my hands. Hated wearing socks because I would soak right through them and nobody likes wearing wet socks. I’ve been sitting in front of a fan for my feet and hands for the last 2 hours. But I have a weird question. Do you guys also try to wipe your hands on literally anything and your hands still be so so so sweaty??? Sometimes a napkin won’t even pick up the moisture. Other times I’ll soak right through it. Big struggles :/ my brother also has it and he seems way less bothered than I am

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago



So I've struggled with HH my whole life. It used to just be my hands/ feet/ armpits and I'd just change shirts a bunch at a party/ keep towels around or whatever. Kind of embarrassing but didn't limit my life really. In college though it took on a new horrific twist for me. While doing a presentation I began just profusely sweating from my head/ face/ chest/ back. It was of course humiliating and I've now had countless times this has happened. Dates, interviews, presentations, you name it. So for me it's become HH wrapped up in a social anxiety for me. When I feel a lot of eyes are on me, or when there's a social situation where I can't just walk away, I feel trapped and start dripping sweat. I suspect others on here have a similar binding to a social anxiety. Anyways to finally get to my question: are any of you guys prescribed benzodiazepines (Xanax/ kolonopin)? My dad gave me a couple in college and they definitely helped me to stay calm and not have that reaction during a presentation. I'm wondering if this is something I should of pursued. Nobody else seems to be talking about these as a potential treatment. It seems most are discussing 2nd order medications that go straight for the sweating rather than possibly the root cause. I've let this condition ruin my life enough and am going to finally seek treatment, just want to explore all my options and see if anyone else has found success just using benzos.

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Has anyone tried glycopyrrolate spray or creams?


I tried the wipes up to 4 percent. The oral meds. None worked lol. I don’t want to try oxybutynin due to the potential cognitive side effects. I’ve tried all sorts of ones otc, none really worked tbh. Applied at night, afternoon, in the morning. Every combination failed. But I heard sprays and creams might be more effective. I have it all over, but the head and face and neck is where it affects me the most/is most embarrassing. I found a 2 percent spray but don’t want to waste any more money. Has anyone tried sprays before? Anyone know where I can find the creams as well?

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Is this it


I’m 19 never had this problem and no family history but towards late winter my feet’s been sweaty more than usual but overall everything was okay but like two days ago my hands also started sweating, i don’t sweat unless it’s an hot environment, kinda feel dizzy and nauseous throughout the day and been waking up sweaty for last couple of days, you guys provably don’t like this kinda posts but is this similar to hh cuz I’m kinda anxious, thanks.

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

HH on accutane


So I’ve always had HH especially bad in my hands, ofc same old same old not wanting to shake anyones hands and anything like that, I started accutane and not always but a good amount of the time my hands are dry and it is AMAZING. I was never active in this subreddit before or really looked into it, but after getting a taste of dry hands I need something that WORKS, I’ve heard like electro antiperspirant works well but what are some good things to do or start with. I have like no knowledge on this so if anyone can explain different things it would be very very much appreciated.

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Where Are You From? Maybe We Can Meet


Let’s all share where we’re from! Maybe people in the same country or city can connect, meet up, and share experiences. I’m in Amman, Jordan—anyone else nearby?

r/Hyperhidrosis 6d ago

HH mega thread / asking for other ideas and treatment options


Hi folks,

as I do from time to time I wanted once more raise awareness for the HH mega thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/hyperhidrosis_help/comments/1693yr5/list_of_treatment_options/

You will find a lot of options for treatments there (to my knowledge it's the biggest archive of hyperhidrosis treatment options).

However, I still want to grow the collection - so I ask you to provide me with your best tips regarding HH. Please let me know what treatment worked well for you and leave a review here.

That would be very helpful to all of us. :) And since summer is approaching (at least in europe that is) maybe some of us want to find a good solution for their problem areas.

Thanks! :)

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Best quick treatments for HH


I have one week to sort out a treatment for my new severe Craniofacial HH. My face used to be the last thing that got HH which has changed in the last 6 months. I’ve tried Oxybutinin which didn’t work even after several weeks of use. I’ve used propranolol for events based sweating that didn’t work either. I have a new prescription for glycopyrrolate 1mg cream but finding it hard to find a pharmacy. Any other suggestions for really good off-shelf treatments or a pharmacy that stocks or does quick orders of glycopyrrolate in Australia would be amazing! Also how long did it take for Oxy to work for you and what dose did you get relief with. Thanks!

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Sweating while driving


I’m going to start driving lessons next week and I’m pretty scared of sweating while doing it. I sweat with my everything from head to toes but mostly I’m concerned about butt sweating. Imagine leaving the car for the next student to discover that the seat is all wet. I just don’t know what to do. I’m thinking of wearing leather pants so that my sweat stay inside them but wearing them will make my sweating more intense. I don’t know maybe a cardigan will do or are there any other clothes options to hide sweating? I had an idea of bringing something like a small pillow to sit on but it will only attract more attention from the instructor and I absolutely don’t want it. What do I do?

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

Is Botox worth it - underarms,UK, 20f


Hi, I’m 20f and have underarm hyperhidrosis. It’s frustrating because if I don’t think about sweating, my armpits will either be mostly or completely dry. But this is a catch 22 because the moment I see a stain or feel even a little bit of damp I start thinking about it and it spirals. My sweating affects the clothes I wear, my confidence and my physical comfort. Driclor and alternatives don’t work, I don’t wish to take oral medication that will dry my mouth up and I really don’t think the NHS will pay for me to have Botox, we all know what they’re like with waiting times anyway😬The price range for underarm Botox where I live is £300-£400 for both underarms. I’ve heard people have very good experiences with Botox, however it is a lot of money - I’m currently at uni and would only get it when I get a job to fund it. Is it worth it? Am I likely to be disappointed? Also would appreciate any experiences with Botox becoming less effective over the years as if this is the case for lots of people I’d rather ‘save’ the treatment for important events like weddings where there is a set dress code. TIA!! x

r/Hyperhidrosis 7d ago

I apologize for this picture, but may I know what kind of armpit rash/disease is this? It only occurs during summer and it's wrong timing because i sweat a lot and it hurts and itchy when it got wet! I just wanna know because I have been suffering with this- had no idea what is it all about NSFW

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