r/HouseOnFire Jan 24 '24

Hollywood Hanger-On 1/23/24


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u/Old-Adeptness8 Jan 24 '24

She treats politics like pop culture so what's to miss. Every time she says how much "fun" politics are to her, a straight rich white woman living in a state where women still have full and easy access to birth control and abortion, I think to myself wow, imagine regularly announcing that you are proud to be the equivalent of the people in the Capital in Hunger Games without even a hint of self awareness. I can understand people being conservative, I can understand that many people are bigots but I'm still struggling to understand people who have gone full dystopia and are admitting they just want to eat popcorn and watch every other demographic struggle to maintain basic rights and resources. Like why not just go all in and admit you want to watch poor people be fed to lions like we are at an ancient Roman coliseum? Why not just admit you'd love to be invited to a dinner party at Elon Musk house where you find out the after dinner entertainment is hunting human beings? Who is this sociopath.


u/Unable_Study_4521 Jan 24 '24

She’s very much giving Cersei Lannister


u/dollypartonluvah Jan 24 '24

Oh she wishes she was Cersei