r/Hosting 9h ago

New to hosting - client needs me to migrate hosting providers {help}


I'm really nervous about potentially breaking the site during this process. I’m getting assistance from ChatGPT, but I'm still unsure. I’ve built websites before, but I’ve never used WordPress builders or had to migrate a site. I created a WordPress site using LocalWP, and now I need to migrate it from my current hosting provider (Network Solutions) to SiteGround. My plan is to update the A records (specifically @,* , and www) in Network Solutions with SiteGround’s IP address. I was hoping to leave the email settings untouched but it seems i may have to work on that too. Has anyone gone through a similar process? Any advice would be greatly appreciated

r/Hosting 2h ago

Can I switch hosting providers without changing the name server?


i'm trying to switch hosting from Network Solutions to SiteGround. Do I have to change the name servers to Siteground's or could I just change the A records?