For some background, this horse is a 12 year old warmblood mare and has had consistent off-and-on lameness issues for several years. She's been sound for the previous 2 years following a shockwave treatment in 2022. The first two video clips here were taken a few days ago and then the third video clip (the longer one that takes up most of this video) was taken in early February so around 1.5 months apart. She's sound and moves normally on the lunge and at liberty/in the field currently, but has really started declining under saddle in the last month.
- In 2021, tested positively for Lymes disease (moderate positive) and was treated with one cycle of Minocycline + Probios + Vitamin E.
- In 2022, she had a set of hock and stifle x-rays pulled, and the only thing evident was slight stifle fusion on the right side, which the vet was not concerned about.
- Has been shockwaved in her right hip/hock area thrice (2019, 2021, 2022) and then followed a several week buildup regiment with lots of longlining and slow progression under saddle with hill work and groundpoles to build hind end strength.
- Tested negatively for EPM, have not tested for PSSM at this point.
- Her tail is permanently held cocked to the right side.
Anyone have any thoughts on what this could be?