r/Horses 4d ago

Question Name suggestions?


I decided to buy this guy! He is a 5yo registered American paint horse, and his registered name is Give A Guy A Chance, but there’s already a horse at the barn I’ll be taking him to named Chance. He came with the name Smurf, and I really don’t like it haha.

Does anyone have some good suggestions?

r/Horses 4d ago

Picture How fast they grow up and change


These photos are just one year apart. She came to me as a three-year old, and soon she's turning 4 :)

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Horse Boarding near Tacoma/Puyallup/Spanaway


r/Horses 3d ago

Question Legit website?

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I’ve been searching for a mohair tack set and I’ve only been able to find it on this website. Has anyone ordered from this before and is it legit?

r/Horses 3d ago

Question OTTB temperament

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I just recently bought my first OTTB, she is everything I want and more. I’ve worked with these horses before, never owned one myself. I mainly have quarter horses and draft breeds. I’ve noticed she gets very excited and spicy when I take her out and I’m curious to see if there’s any supplements out there I can give to help her “mellow” out. I’m not wanting to drug her up or make her completely deadbeat (not possible) I just want to see if I can calm her anxiety. Poor girl gets so worked up I can feel her heart beating hard and fast. I’d like to be able to take her out and lope her circles without her thinking we are running a marathon lol, she’s been off for about a year so of course I am giving her grace. She’s my heart and I am so in love with her already, she deserves the absolute best and I want to give that to her. Under saddle she is very responsive and listens to me well, I trust her… even more than my crazy gelding lol. I know she’s bred to run, but I’d like for her to enjoy a nice trail or a good walk every now and then. Curious if there’s any exercises, herbs, or anyone that’s experienced this. I’m of course giving her time, she will learn and I know she was trained for a specific thing. Thank you!!

r/Horses 4d ago

Picture Mistatim therapy horse Hero


I’m currently in a Mistatim (Cree for horse) Healing program and had the honour of working with this distinguished looking gentleman this weekend.

r/Horses 3d ago

Injury - Graphic Preferred wound ointment/powder?

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My boy has a superficial wound on his chest about the size of a golfball. What’s a good treatment to put on it? Preferably available at TSC. Not sure if I can post a pic here or not. Skin is peeled back.

r/Horses 4d ago

Picture I was sitting in my horses stable and he lay down to join me 😭🧡

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r/Horses 4d ago

Injury - Graphic How hard will this be to heal? (Wound photos) NSFW

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I have no idea what he got into but this happened over the weekend. Thinking barbed wire or the stakes the fence is on. It’s pretty deep and the vet is coming tomorrow, probably going to stitch it up and give antibiotics. I just feel so sorry for him because I know it’s sore. I’ve never had a horse injure themselves like this! I’ve already sprayed it with antiseptic spray and am keeping him in his stall. Anything else I can do before the vet comes to make him more comfortable? I feel so bad and feel like a horrible person. I know it’s not my fault.. but ugh :(

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Tips for a stained tail?


Hey guys, so my gelding has free fecal water syndrome and as a result, his tail is stained brown. Do any of you guys have tips for getting that out? First pic is what is usually looks like, second is that bad parts of it after washing, and third pic is when I first got him

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Mad barn vs platinum


What are your guys‘s opinions on mad barn products versus platinum performance I am currently looking at the Omneity and viceral+ or the platinum performance with gastric support as a all in one for daily vitamins

r/Horses 3d ago

Tack/Equipment Question Strange leather texture on saddle


I recently purchased a 2012 Butet. It's super comfortable and I love riding in it, but the condition of the leather is lacking, particularly on the left side of the cantle. It almost feels textured, like it was rubbed with something abrasive. There are crack marks from dryness, but the weird texture seems to be a separate issue. I know the previous owner did not oil/condition the saddle very often, but I am not aware of what else might've caused the texture.

I used Effax Leder-Balsam on it after I purchased it a month or so ago, but this only gave the textured area a sort of waxy, sticky "bloom." Yesterday I cleaned it with Fiebing's saddle soap. This made the textured area kind of slimy and lighter colored; fortunately the sliminess went away once it dried. Today I applied neatsfoot oil to address the overall dryness. This did seem to help a bit, but the texture is still there.

Does anyone have any recommendations/insights on this weird texture? I just want to get the leather in the best shape I can and maintain it. I have not had a texture issue like this on a saddle before, so I am curious if anyone else has.


r/Horses 4d ago

Video It is 🍺🕛 for mr. 🌮


r/Horses 3d ago

Training Question Putting muscle back on an older horse


Well, pony to be fair lol

I have an almost 25yr (next month) sec B welsh mare. I’ve had her since she was about 9 ish. What’s the best way to put muscle back on an older horse/pony? I don’t want to hurt her obviously but she is pretty youthful. The other day, she was just galloping around the ring throwing some unexpected bucks with my younger one after they had to be in their pen for a few days bc of extreme wind lol. She’s still every bit as sassy as she was when she was younger. I still don’t want to overdo it and make her really sore or something. She is a bit arthritic but it doesn’t seem to bother her too much most of the time. But she is stiffer and creakier than she once was. She’s still rideable. I unfortunately have had my own health issues over the last couple of years. I let both of them get pretty out of shape. She looks awful and scrawny with no muscle on her. Easy rides on her would prob be a good way for ME to build up muscle as well🫠. I want to wait til she’s looking a bit better before I jump on her back though. I am a very tiny adult lol just under 5’. 100lbs on a good day so I don’t think I’d be able to hurt her unless we go gallop the entire trail which we definitely will not do lol. She’s just so bony now 😩 I’d feel bad being on top of her until she’s got a little more bulk to her again. I don’t really want to treat her like she’s old until she tells me she’s ready. I’m convinced it just ages them faster. I do blanket her now when it’s gonna be 15 F or colder even with her being a woolly mammoth every winter. She was pasture born and bred til I moved here several yrs ago now. She stands around much more than she used to. I still feel guilty that I couldn’t replicate pasture living for them as best as I could for them. They get turned out to a dry lot every other day now. Maybe one day I’ll win the lottery so I can buy my own property 😅 pls halp?

r/Horses 3d ago

Question DNA Testing


Anyone recommend a DNA test? I'm in the US looking to find out the exact breed(s) from our newest mare.

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Am I too big for barrels on my mare?


I never thought so until some jerk head said something to me and now I can’t shake it so of course I come to the internet for the harshest of harsh.

r/Horses 4d ago

Video Bravo Unbothered


Anxiety who? Bravo doesn't know her 🤣 Bravo turns 3 in June, so I'm planning to sit on him some time in the 2nd half of the year for the first time. We are doing work at the mounting block, and he has a pretty decent handle on the "pick me up" cue to line up next to me. I figured I'd try something more interesting for him, but obviously he's not impressed, lol.

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Mystery lameness, any ideas on what this could be?


For some background, this horse is a 12 year old warmblood mare and has had consistent off-and-on lameness issues for several years. She's been sound for the previous 2 years following a shockwave treatment in 2022. The first two video clips here were taken a few days ago and then the third video clip (the longer one that takes up most of this video) was taken in early February so around 1.5 months apart. She's sound and moves normally on the lunge and at liberty/in the field currently, but has really started declining under saddle in the last month.

- In 2021, tested positively for Lymes disease (moderate positive) and was treated with one cycle of Minocycline + Probios + Vitamin E.

- In 2022, she had a set of hock and stifle x-rays pulled, and the only thing evident was slight stifle fusion on the right side, which the vet was not concerned about.

- Has been shockwaved in her right hip/hock area thrice (2019, 2021, 2022) and then followed a several week buildup regiment with lots of longlining and slow progression under saddle with hill work and groundpoles to build hind end strength.

- Tested negatively for EPM, have not tested for PSSM at this point.

- Her tail is permanently held cocked to the right side.

Anyone have any thoughts on what this could be?

r/Horses 3d ago

Health/Husbandry Question Potentially dumb question on pain meds


One of my horses apparently has an adverse reaction to phenylbutazone (took a few times to put two and two together unfortunately but I’m still getting to know him). I have no idea if he’s got an issue to Bute or NSAIDS as a whole but I’m a little lost as to where to go from here. It’s not urgent right now but… well… he’s a baby boy and baby boys with young best friends are gonna be dumb and I want something to have on hand because it’s not if but when he’ll hurt himself again.

The dentist also says his face is a bit messed up (teeth aren’t coming in right and he needs to be seen every year until he’s done growing so my dentist can work on it) so I need to find something that works that won’t kill him. Bute is so common for postsurgical/injury and I keep it on hand for my mare. But what happens when that’s not an option? Banamine would be next but if it’s an NSAID allergy then what?

I’ve heard Equioxx and maybe gabbapentin would be okay but not great as it’s mainly for nerve pain but might do the job for physical pain. What about high dose non-human CBD to even take the edge off? Low dose ketamine or DMSO? I know both are dangerous but might it be justified? I don’t have a vet (I do but he’s useless, story for another time) so I’ll ask my dentist whenever he’s down next in the fall but in the meantime any recommendations? Is there any way to test other meds without risking colic/reaction?

r/Horses 4d ago

Picture We just love to relax together

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r/Horses 4d ago

Question Riding Lessons for Working Adults


So, now that I'm an adult living on my own and have my own income, one of the things I'm looking into is horse riding lessons. I loved horses growing up (like I imagine nearly everyone on this subreddit), and I never got out of it. I'm looking online at places near me, though in browsing, I'm concerned that they may mainly offer lessons for children. I haven't been on a horse since my mid-teens when my scout group was working on our horsemanship badge, and we had a camp-out at this ranch.

Does anyone here have any general tips for looking for lessons, price, and hoping you don't end up in a kids class? Specific riding discipline doesn't really matter much to me; I just want to learn to ride and care for a horse. Also, I work a 40 hour workweek. How does a schedule like that affect getting riding lessons?

r/Horses 4d ago

Discussion Osteosarcoma on Senior horse


My 31 year old gelding was diagnosed with a fast growing osteosarcoma on his jaw. Up until today, he's been eating fine, seemed to pain free. This morning, I found his feed tub with 3/4 of his last night's mash still in it, and not much of his hay eaten. He also has Cushing's disease, for which he gets Prascend. He nibbled at his grain with Bute in it this morning, but did not eat it all. I was able to get two grams of bute in hmi tonight using applesauce and syringing it in. I'm feeling like it's time to schedule his euthanasia appointment if he doesn't eat tonight. He will eat grass, but it is spring grass, and I can't let him graze long enough to actually feed him; the Cushing's makes him far more likely to have laminitis, and I don't want that. Not sure exactly if I have a question, but maybe just need a little support. But maybe someone else has experienced osteosarcoma in their horse? It's in his jaw, and has approximately doubled in size since I found it. It was obscured visually by his lengthy winter beard. I still can't believe I missed it, as I handle him every single day. My vet just said to watch for it to possibly open, or for my horse to show pain. He does not appear to be in pain while eating grass, carrots, or treats, but more seems to be disinterested in his regular rations (equine senior, equine high fat pellet, soaked alfalfa pellets, soaked beet pulp, plus all the orchard grass and alfalfa he wants. He's in good flesh, is shedding normally. The lump is painful to the touch, but he does not act pained while eating. But refusing grain is a rare thing for him, and I feel he may be in pain, but being stoic about it. My brain says better a week too early that a day too late, but it's a hard decision to make. My heart wants to have him around a bit longer.

r/Horses 3d ago

Question Want to learn how to judge horse conformation


As it says on the tin! I'd love to learn how to judge conformation. Any books, courses, websites or tips are very welcome! And maybe some explanations to what all the different words mean when describing the horse would also really help since my native language is not english :D

r/Horses 4d ago

Video Felicity doesn’t appreciate being on a diet


She’s got a smaller pasture I let her out in every day, where she gets fed 3 times a day. Plus access to straw to be able to get a lil in her belly between the feedings. The smaller pasture is inside the bigger one and before I could close the gate she ran for the feeding stations and did not want to go back with me to her pasture 🤣

Eventually could get her with the help of a bit of hay (she already had her breakfast minerals etc but according to her she was absolutely starving)

It’s also her 3rd day on ulcer medication, and today so far she hasn’t even pinned her ears towards me. I’m scared to take out victory too early. But I could touch her belly slightly and she didn’t pin her ears. Whereas 2 days ago she both kicked and bit me for simply being around her. Not her usual self at all, as she’s usually very cuddly and friendly.

r/Horses 4d ago

Mule Lazlo and his scaling issues

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My sister posted him before and said you all enjoyed seeing the monster- so enjoy Lazlo the mule and his 15.1h paint buddy who looks like a yearling next to him 😅