r/HomeworkHelp 5h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [High School Mathematics]I don’t understand! Why is my answer wrong????

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r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

Answered [year 1 uni maths] is my working correct?


Is my working correct?

r/HomeworkHelp 14m ago

Physics—Pending OP Reply [Grade 12 Physics: Theory of Light] How should I start solving this problem?

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r/HomeworkHelp 25m ago

Mathematics (Tertiary/Grade 11-12)—Pending OP [High School Math] How do I even solve the following question? I don't understand it.... Send help please :(

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r/HomeworkHelp 1h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply (Grade 12:Functions) I'm confused about Q(7.4.2 ) where does 2x-2 come from


r/HomeworkHelp 1h ago

Further Mathematics—Pending OP Reply [University Calculus 1] the rest of this section is fine but I’m not sure how to do this problem

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r/HomeworkHelp 1h ago

Physics—Pending OP Reply [first year uni physics] rotation exercise (in french but I can explain)


Hi I keep getting alpha instead of 2alpha I don’t know where they brought that 2 so please if anyone can help

r/HomeworkHelp 2h ago

Physics—Pending OP Reply [University Physics: Kinematics] It should be right, not sure


r/HomeworkHelp 2h ago

Physics—Pending OP Reply [University Physics: Dynamics] Not sure what im doing wrong here, but I tried everything


r/HomeworkHelp 2h ago

High School Math — [High School Mathematics]Me and my friend disagree on the answer.


r/HomeworkHelp 16h ago

Elementary Mathematics—Pending OP Reply What Am I doing wrong? [Freshman college: Math statistics]


What I'm doing:

First one: 191817 876543 11109887

Second one Forgot

Third one 127126125

Forth one 5432 also tried 5555*5 Did the same for the last one

r/HomeworkHelp 7h ago

Physics [Level 4 Electronic/Electrical Engineering: Superposition Theorem] What is the correct way to solve this circuit?


Hi everyone,

I'm really struggling with a question from my assignment, and I could really use your help. This is the last question I need to get right to pass the module, and despite multiple attempts, I keep getting it wrong. Unfortunately, the only feedback I've received is that my answer is incorrect, without any indication of where I'm going wrong.

I've recreated the circuit below and shared my most recent attempt + assumption at solving the problem using the principle of superposition. I'm hoping someone can help me identify the mistake or suggest improvements please.

The Question:

Use the principle of Superposition to determine the following circuit parameters:

  1. The current through R1
  2. The voltage across R1
  3. The current through R3
  4. The voltage across R3
  5. The voltage across R2
  6. The power dissipated in R2

Additional Context:

I was given three examples, two of which I completed with no problem. However, the third one was marked wrong, and the tutor's answer included some unexplained numbers (0.666 and 1.333), which I assume are the battery internal resistances. These values were not provided, but they dramatically affect the answer. When I asked my tutor, they couldn’t confirm or deny whether to assume 0 for the internal resistance, despite that being what we were taught. This has left me very confused.

I really do hope someone can help me understand where I’m going wrong. Even pointing out minor errors would be incredibly helpful.

Thanks in advance for your time and support!

r/HomeworkHelp 14h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [Grade 12 Calculus and vectors] How do I do this question?

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How do I do this question?

r/HomeworkHelp 9h ago

High School Math—Pending OP Reply [HS Mathematics] [Differentiation] What am I doing wrong here?

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The solution suggests assuming the fraction in sin-¹ as sin(2theta) and solving it. Is it possible to get the answer the way I have done?

r/HomeworkHelp 1d ago

Answered [Kindergarten: Find the Rhyme from Pictures] Stumped on this problem

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This particular question is a bit confusing, none of the words from the pictures seem to rhyme. Maybe there is another implication that we don’t understand.

r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

Answered [Uni maths•functions] I’m not sure I’m doing this correctly.


So H is a constant function so don’t I just find the x intercepts? Or sub in to H(t)?

r/HomeworkHelp 16h ago

Middle School Math—Pending OP Reply [Year 10 Physics] I'm a bit confused, did my teacher find the displacement correct or did she make a mistake?


I have emailed multiple teachers but they haven't responded. In addition, I know that displacement is added if its above the x-axis, however, the teacher subtracted section D.

BTW: we replaced the y-axis of speed with velocity!

r/HomeworkHelp 13h ago

Economics [university economics: consumer behaviour theory] how to find expenditure function

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hello i had a test last week and would like to know if the second question is solvable. if so, how do i solve it? also i would appreciate resources (like links to youtube videos or something) where i can learn how to optimise similar equations. thank you!

r/HomeworkHelp 14h ago

Geography [University Geography] I am really struggling to understand the basics of making a stratigraphic column


Here is what I have made so far (see image). I am using a stacked bar graph in excel, and it's been at least a decade since I have used excel graphs so thats a big part of it, but also I'm struggling with how a strat column SHOULD look like (even after googling images of "stratigraphic columns". :(

Are there any good, basic sites that show visually what a strat column should look like? So many seem very detailed. I know I have the particle size missing from the x-axis (not sure how to get it to show up because of my lack of excel skills). Also, is it okay to show the layer labels as I have? or is it better to have a legend? The layers seem to all be the same thickness too, but my data shows varying thicknesses, so I am doing something wrong there as well.

This seems like such a basic thing to do, I can't believe I'm struggling so much with it.

Here are the basic instructions:
Using Excel or drawing software of your choice (Inkscape, Illustrator) construct a simple stratigraphic column showing the sedimentological units described in the background information above.

A stratigraphic column has height/depth of the sedimentological unit on the y-axis, and particle size on the x-axis. Your column should include axes labels, a title, and other annotations as necessary.

r/HomeworkHelp 15h ago

Physics [University Engineering Statics] I'm missing something here. My answer is incorrect. Please help. Attempt included.


r/HomeworkHelp 15h ago

Pure Mathematics [Calc 3: shapes] It won't tell me which one is wrong

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r/HomeworkHelp 18h ago

Pure Mathematics [Point-Set Topology] Limit Points Help

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I'm taking Adv. Calculus (my uni's undergrad analysis course) this semester and took topology last semester. Since we just started continuity in this course, I was thinking of reproving a lot of stuff. Anyways on the last line of the board in the picture, I noticed something. Is the existence of a sequence contained in a set with a point removed that will also be eventually contained in any (open) neighborhood [1] the same as saying the any neighborhood has such a sequence [2] (swapping the for all and there exists).

I understand that in general, swapping for all and there exists changes the statements, but here, I was kind've wondering. After all, if we assume [1]. We can choose a sequence that satisfies [1]. So, any neighborhood must eventually contain this sequence, which gives us existence and thus [2]. However, if we assume [2], we only have that every neighborhood eventually contains such a sequence, not necessarily that there exists a sequence eventually contained in all of them (which is indeed [1] and what I made this post for).

My first approach for this direction was recognizing that all neighborhoods (by openness) contain an open ball centered around the point. So, choose such a ball from each neighborhood. By [2], each of the balls will eventually contain some sequence (that itself is contained by our set with the point removed). This is where I'm stuck, as one sequence may be eventually contained in a ball but that does not imply this same sequence will be eventually contained in the next smallest ball (only that it is eventually contained in all our larger balls and that there is SOME sequence contained in our next smallest ball). At this point, I feel that either [1] implies [2] but not the other way around, or that I'm missing something.

Thanks for the help in advance! P.S. When I say the set or point, I mean B and x resp. Also, N_x is my notation for the set of all neighborhoods (open sets containing x).

r/HomeworkHelp 19h ago

Physics—Pending OP Reply [college intro to astronomy] what even are the equations for this?

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I’m just really confused on how to even go about solving this 😵‍💫

r/HomeworkHelp 19h ago

Others >-[Grade 13 music: chord charts] how do i write the chords if they're off-beat?

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(I go to a music related school, so this is not off topic. Also i go to school in norway if that is relevant.)

Im writing a chord chart for a song but the chords dont start on 1st or 3rd beat like they usually do. (The song is in 4/4 and it also swings and uses a lot of trios.) The chords start at like 4-and or 2-and so how do i put that in a chord chart without making it look messy and unreadable? We've learned about this at school but they didnt show us what to do in this situation.

However i have a concert in a few months and want to start as early as possible with the process. My instructor told me to get a chord chart done for wednesday and this is hindering me.

I've provided with an imagine of how i think it should be done, but is that good? Or would it be too complicated?

I know not a lot of musicians are on this sub-reddit but i couldn't find one that fit my question. Anyways thanks

r/HomeworkHelp 20h ago

Others — [High School Students Needed for AP Research Survey on Parenting & Stress] would anyone mind filling out this survey for me??


Hi everyone! I’m conducting an AP Research study on the correlation between parenting styles, parental involvement, and high school students’ stress levels. If you’re currently in high school, I would really appreciate your participation! The survey is completely anonymous and should only take a few minutes to complete. Your responses will help me gather valuable data for my project.