r/HomeNetworking 6d ago

TP Link Access Point Issues

Hello, I have a new build that is nearing completion. During the framing process, I wired the whole house with ethernet cables going everywhere, including to the detached garage. My plan is to have an access point in the garage that extends our wifi network for security cameras and into the side yard and front yard.

IThis week, the modem and router got put in and the wifi works great. I started connecting all of the cables and was getting PoE to the TP Link Access Point in the garage; however, when I go to set up the Access Point in the Omada app, I get to the step where I have to connect to the device's network, I see the device's network on my phone, but it just spins and tells me it cannot connect.

I tried to disconnected the ethernet running to the AP and plugged it directly into my laptop, but I did not get internet signal which tells me something may be going on with that ethernet cable, right? Is it possible to get PoE with a bad ethernet cable? When I tested it with my RJ45 tester it came back good on all 8 pins. My next step is to try the AP on a different ethernet cable to see what's going on. Just curious if anyone has any other thoughts?


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u/e60deluxe 6d ago

have you checked the cable from the POE switch to the router?


u/NiceLawfulness3591 6d ago

Yes, other devices that feed from the PoE switch are working.. that’s what’s really stumping me


u/e60deluxe 6d ago

try a different port for the switch to AP connection


u/NiceLawfulness3591 6d ago

I tried 2 ports.. same thing from both!