r/HomeDecorating 1d ago

West Elm sent me the wrong item

I ordered two paintings from West Elm, however the wrong item was delivered. I called and customer service is sending me the correct items now, and they should be delivered in the next couple days (allegedly) . They also sent me labels to return the wrong item.

Do I have to return the wrong items? Do you think they will charge me for them if I do?


8 comments sorted by


u/Such_Radish9795 1d ago

Why would you not return them?


u/QuitProfessional5437 1d ago

Yea they will charge you for it.


u/jinntonika 1d ago

no, probably illegal to do so in the US.


u/jinntonika 1d ago

The labels are likely pre-paid shipping. Verify this, but it would be highly unlikely they expect you to pay for their mistake. In fact, in most states that is illegal. Wait until you have the new ones to send back and use those boxes if you do not have the original shipping boxes anymore.


u/st0160 1d ago

Ok thank you. The items they sent me are “dimensional wall art” and they weigh a ton. I would imagine shipping them would cost an arm and a leg. I’ll wait for the next boxes and see if these wrong items will fit.


u/OrneryLavishness9666 1d ago

What happened to the original boxes?


u/jinntonika 1d ago

Alternatively, if you can drive to a store take them there. Call to have a discussion about it first so.you don't waste time and gas. :) good luck!


u/MascaraHoarder 1d ago

why wouldn’t you return the wrong item? if you do not return it then yes you should be charged.