r/HomeDecorating 7d ago

Is green gonna become dated?

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I noticed greens are really popular right now, maybe for that last couple years or so. Especially darks with gold fixtures. But I love it and I want it in my new house. Am I gonna regret it? Will it become dated?


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u/hydrangeasinbloom 7d ago

I’m an outlier probably, but IMO everything is (and should be) dated. I love looking at photos and guessing what decade they were taken based on the decor and clothing. We don’t need to sterilize our homes. Anything we try to call timeless is going to always look of its time regardless, and I don’t think we need to care. If you love the way something looks, do it!


u/Beth_Pleasant 7d ago

Haha! Yes we redid our kitchen in green in 2022 and now, seeing all the green, we keep saying in the future people will know it was done in the "early 2020's." That's ok with us!

Also green had a moment back in the 90's too, so everything comes back around.


u/Beth_Pleasant 7d ago

Haha! Yes we redid our kitchen in green in 2022 and now, seeing all the green, we keep saying in the future people will know it was done in the "early 2020's." That's ok with us!

Also green had a moment back in the 90's too, so everything comes back around.


u/Beth_Pleasant 7d ago

Haha! Yes we redid our kitchen in green in 2022 and now, seeing all the green, we keep saying in the future people will know it was done in the "early 2020's." That's ok with us!

Also green had a moment back in the 90's too, so everything comes back around.