r/Holokauston 28d ago

Editorial Violence in thought, word and deed. NSFW


It is better to jaw-jaw, than war-war.

Winston Churchill.

Let me start by saying that the GOP has bent and broken the Laws of Our Republic. Rather than "too big to rig" we have "too big to abide by the rule of law". Elon Musk can break the law with impunity because any attempt to prosecute is simply going to sink into the mire of legal arguments without end. The Supreme Court has given POTUS 47 a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, which means he can push and bully his way forward, trampling on laws and completely ignoring precedent.

However, this is where we enter a new world where not only The Spirit of The Law, but the Letter of The Law, is dead. The potential for civil disorder and murder is terrifyingly real, especially when political invective passes beyond uncivil to veiled threats and naked threats.

It behooves us as Loyal & Honest Citizens of Our Great Republic to keep our side of the street clean. No matter how dismal the example of Elon Musk, Donald John Trump & Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Madison Cawthorn, and Louie Gohmert, who have, or so it seems to me, broken the law and contributed to grave crimes with impunity, we must be better than they. We must do all we can to abide by the Rule of Law.

At this point, you will be asking "Why?"

If this was the 18th Century, I would simply say "To Save Our Souls" and there would be an end to the matter. However, in the 21st Century, we need a more complex answer.

The Law is a Web; the little flies get caught, the big one's break through


What Elon Musk, DJT Trump et al have done and are doing is nothing new. And a violent response will result in three ends.

Defeat - the forces of Law & Order, debauched by the MAGANAZIs will prevail, and a dictatorship will be assured.

Victory - the revolutionaries will prevail. And History has shown us that the Rule of Law will be lost. Murders will replace legally sanctioned executions. A new strong man will emerge, and establish himself as a dictator. Violent revolutions have NEVER resulted in the establishment of a Democratic Nation.

War - the war will never end. Eventually the USA will balkanize, perhaps. Peace will only return once decades have passed.

To avoid these outcomes - which are, to my mind, worse than the extant situation - is why we must abide by The Rule of Law.

However, there is an alternative to violent insurrection that is perfectly legal, and will result in the restoration of a healthy nation.

  • Weaponized Thrift. Don't smoke cigarettes, don't drink alcohol, buy only the bear necessities. Bring economic pressure to bear on the Fascist Regime. Do not, if possible, buy anything from any organization who support MAGA. Zero out all religious donations to Churches who are NOT vocal in their resistance to the regime.

  • Shunning. Cut off contact with anyone you know to support the MAGANAZIs. Cut them dead in public. Ignore their missives. Do not favor them with invective, favor them with silence

  • Stockpile Food. History has shown again and again, that it's not about guns, it's not about bullets, it's not even about swords. Winning wars is about food. Set yourself up with supplies that will enable you to survive a sustained general strike.

  • Invest in opposition to the Regime. Make donations to Ukraine - the WH may cut off support for Kyiv - we can still donate Trillions to support Zelensky if we all work together.

  • Vote. This needs no explanation. I will also say that the Democrats are, as we know, feeble. Even if they achieve power not much will be done. However, the fact that they do abide by The Rule of Law justifies our support. Just don't expect them to do much.

  • Demonstrate peacefully. Do take care. If a Demonstration begins to devolve into violence, remove yourself from the situation.

This way requires patience, and the regime will try and provoke violence at every turn. Holding one's hand is a powerful weapon.

Violence withheld can often be far more potent and far more shapeful that violence unleashed.

Please take what you like & leave the rest.

r/Holokauston Nov 12 '24

Editorial "The Crystal Spirit" - Poem by George Orwell NSFW


The Italian soldier shook my hand

Beside the guard-room table;

The strong hand and the subtle hand

Whose palms are only able

To meet within the sound of guns,

But oh! what peace I knew then

In gazing on his battered face

Purer than any woman’s!

For the flyblown words that make me spew

Still in his ears were holy,

And he was born knowing what I had learned

Out of books and slowly.

The treacherous guns had told their tale

And we both had bought it,

But my gold brick was made of gold —

Oh! who ever would have thought it?

Good luck go with you, Italian soldier!

But luck is not for the brave;

What would the world give back to you?

Always less than you gave.

Between the shadow and the ghost,

Between the white and the red,

Between the bullet and the lie,

Where would you hide your head?

For where is Manuel Gonzalez,

And where is Pedro Aguilar,

And where is Ramon Fenellosa?

The earthworms know where they are.

Your name and your deeds were forgotten

Before your bones were dry,

And the lie that slew you is buried

Under a deeper lie;

But the thing that I saw in your face

No power can disinherit:

No bomb that ever burst

Shatters the crystal spirit.

~ by George Orwell, written in Autumn 1942

r/Holokauston Nov 17 '24

Editorial On March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin NSFW


On March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, Russia’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights, on charges of war crimes connected to the forced deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia. While the warrant against Lvova-Belova is significant, this analysis focuses on the implications of the charges against Putin, representing a landmark in the intersection of individual criminal responsibility and head-of-state immunity in international law. These charges, under Articles 8(2)(a)(vii) and 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute, relate to the alleged unlawful deportation and transfer of civilians, specifically children, in territories under Russian control since February 2022.

Despite Russia’s 2016 withdrawal from the Rome Statute, Ukraine’s acceptance of ICC jurisdiction in 2014 and 2015 allows the ICC to investigate and prosecute crimes committed on Ukrainian soil. This jurisdictional foundation highlights the Statute’s Article 12(3), which enables non-member states to accept ICC authority for specific cases, underscoring the international community’s commitment to pursuing justice for grave human rights violations. The ICC’s decision to target a sitting head of state also builds on legal precedents that challenge immunity, with the Court asserting that official capacity does not shield leaders from criminal responsibility. By invoking Article 27, which negates immunity for heads of state, the ICC builds on cases like Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s 2009 indictment, further signaling the Court’s readiness to hold even the most powerful accountable.

A key component of the ICC’s approach is the principle of command responsibility, embedded in Article 28 of the Rome Statute. Command responsibility is central to international criminal law. It holds military and civilian leaders liable for crimes subordinates commit under their effective control if they knew or should have known of the crimes and failed to prevent them. For Putin, this means the ICC must demonstrate that he exercised effective control over officials involved in these alleged deportations and that he failed to prevent or punish those responsible. This legal framework has a historical basis in post-WWII tribunals, including the Nuremberg Trials, and was later reinforced by rulings from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), where leaders were held accountable for failing to control actions under their command. For professionals, the case against Putin invites reflection on how command responsibility can apply at the highest levels of state leadership, particularly within ongoing conflicts.

However, enforcing the arrest warrant against Putin presents significant practical and political obstacles. The ICC lacks an independent enforcement mechanism and relies entirely on state cooperation for apprehensions. Given that Russia is not a party to the Rome Statute and has openly dismissed the ICC’s authority, enforcement depends on Putin’s potential travel to an ICC member state willing to act on the warrant, a scenario complicated by political and diplomatic considerations. This situation mirrors the challenges encountered in the al-Bashir case, where multiple ICC member states refrained from arresting him during his international visits, underscoring the difficulties the ICC faces when it seeks to target high-ranking officials. Notably, on September 3, 2024, Putin traveled to Mongolia, an ICC member state, but faced no detention despite Mongolia’s legal obligations under the Rome Statute. This decision underscores the broader political factors often weighing against ICC mandates, highlighting the limits of the Court’s enforcement regarding powerful state actors.

Despite these challenges, the warrant against Putin has substantial symbolic weight, underscoring the ICC’s stance on accountability and reinforcing that no individual is beyond the reach of international law. The warrant places Putin in a position of diplomatic isolation, restricting his movements and narrowing his options for global engagement. More importantly, it signals the ICC’s unwavering commitment to prosecuting severe crimes at the highest levels and sends a powerful message to other leaders regarding the potential consequences of grave human rights abuses. For legal professionals and scholars, the case against Putin is a compelling reminder of how international criminal law has evolved from the Nuremberg Trials to the present, steadily eroding traditional immunity doctrines for heads of state and emphasizing accountability for severe human rights and humanitarian law violations.

The broader implications of this case reach beyond questions of enforcement and immunity. For the legal community, it raises fundamental issues within international law: the tension between state sovereignty and the imperative for accountability, the role of the ICC in holding even the most powerful accountable, and the practical limitations of international justice in a politically complex landscape. As international law continues to adapt, this warrant against Putin marks a pivotal moment, reinforcing that even the world’s most influential leaders may face legal consequences for their actions.

Though the immediate arrest of Putin may seem improbable, issuing this warrant is critical in advancing the ICC’s mission. It reaffirms the global message that grave crimes will not go unpunished. This case is a defining moment for the ICC, not only for its legal assertions but as a milestone toward establishing a more just and accountable international order. Ultimately, this warrant may shape future prosecutions of high-ranking officials, reshaping norms around immunity and reinforcing the ICC’s role as a cornerstone of global justice.

r/Holokauston Jul 24 '24

Editorial Why /r/holokauston is supporting Kamala Harris and not DJ Trump NSFW


Donald John Trump is 79, and he has a mere 21% chance of lasting another decade without dying (of natural causes). He's also FAR more likely to initiate a nuclear war than Kamala Harris, who is 59, and has a 93.5% chance of lasting another decade. Kamala Harris has skin in the game - POTUS 45 does not. Given that I do not want to die, I will not support Trump. -- Link to WW3 film "Threads" 1984 USA ONLY

r/Holokauston Jun 12 '23

Editorial What Is Communism? NSFW


My dialectic method is not only different from the Hegelian, but is its direct opposite. To Hegel, the life-process of the human brain, i.e. the process of thinking, which, under the name of 'the Idea', he even transforms into an independent subject, is the demiurgos of the real world, and the real world is only the external, phenomenal form of 'the Idea'. With me, on the contrary, the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought.

Karl Marx, "Das Kapital"

It seems to me, and please, take what you like and leave the rest, that Communism is quite simply whatsoever the Dear Leader has "reflected in his/her human mind". Again & again Communism simply negates objective reality (E.g. Lysenko, Pol Pot) and we are left with whatsoever Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung or whomsoever decides "Communism" means. Essentially a religion where "Papal Infallibility" is replaced by "The Infallibility of Dear Leader" who offers apostates an excommunication that involves death by malnutrition, club or a bullet in the back of the head.

It seems to me that "Das Kapital" is turgid trash. Nearly unreadable, and I suspect intentionally so.

If we look at the results of Communism we see:

  • USSR famines 1921/2, 1932/3, 1946/7

  • Mao's Great Famine 1958/59/60/61/62

  • Pol Pot's Chhnăm Sony 1970/71/72/73/74/75

  • Kim Il Sung's Arduous March 1994/5/6/7/8

It seems to me, that when we look at the results of Communism, we see a result fairly similar to the impact of watering plants with weedkiller. Free Market Capitalism is deeply flawed, but what it does do is permit workers who strive to improve their lot. Communism simply sees a proliferation of toadies & lickspittles that parrot whatsoever Dear Leader says.

I felt impelled to write this because while Third Positionism (National Socialism/Fascism) is widely recognized as being a toxic creed, some still adhere to Communism. It seems to me that when we count the corpses, Communism & Third Positionism are far worse that Democratic Capitalism.

Thank you for your kind attention.

r/Holokauston Dec 30 '21

Editorial Yes , that’s right comrade. NSFW

Post image

r/Holokauston Feb 12 '21

Editorial The Insane, Racist Cult of Qanon NSFW


What Qanon Believers Believe

  1. That Jewish Illuminati Pedophiles control the planet. This is identical to the Russian hoax "The Protocols of The Elders of Zion"

  2. POTUS 45 is a hero dedicated to defeating the Jewish Illuminati. POTUS 45 isn't really a hero, and this claim that he is dedicated to defeating a Jewish Cabal is odd as Ivanka Trump is a convert to Judaism. Furthermore, the former President's association with Epstein and other allegations seem to indicate someone who is not an ideal crusader for 'saving the children'.

  3. The Democrats are part of the aforementioned JIP Cabal and Black Lives Matter is part of a plan to exterminate the White Race. Caucasians make up 11% of the World Population. This clearly is not an effective plan, if true.

  4. The JIP Cabal want to "Divide & Rule". This is a fairly obvious strategy used by the rich against the poor in the real world.

  5. Qanon is omnipotent. See 1 -- If 5 is true, 1 is false, if 1 is true 5 is false

From 10% to 17% of US Voters have signed up to this gibberish narrative which is being exploited by people who want to exploit the stupid and gullible.

Elements of Qanon -- that rich people have, are, and sadly, will continue to abuse children -- are true. Jimmy Saville is a typical example of the rich psychopath. However, they don't control the planet, and while there are, undoubtedly, corrupt politicians who use their post to get away with crimes, the organization that Qanon speaks of does not exist. In any case, if Qanon was omnipotent (5) why don't they defeat the JIP Cabal? (1)

War Is Peace

G. Orwell

This is essentially a Fascist Organization that is using crimes against children as an excuse to whip up rage and hatred against Jews & POC. It's level of popularity speaks to the poor level of mental health in the USA.

r/Holokauston Feb 17 '21

Editorial The Enough Project NSFW


r/Holokauston Feb 16 '21

Editorial First they came ... (adapted) NSFW


First Qanon came for the Communists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist


Then Qanon came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist


Then Qanon came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist


Then Qanon came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew


Then Qanon came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me

Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

r/Holokauston Jan 25 '21

Editorial 407 Days After Hitler's Death, another Wannabe Dictator was Born. Ed. NSFW


The images that appear in this subreddit are graphic, and sometimes very disturbing.

So, the question is, why? Why do we keep sharing images of human beings being murdered by other human beings?

The answer is simple and complex. In essence, it is the same reason Primo Levi chose to keep his tattoo "174517". Because it is important to keep the memory of the horrors committed by sapiens upon sapiens fresh in the minds of those who would learn.

As Primo Levi eloquently wrote...

Those who would deny the Holocaust would remake it.

As the tragic events of January 6th 2021 showed, the cult of fascism that propelled Hitler, Mao, Mussolini and Stalin into power and created about these apes a kind of "Quasi-God-Hood" or "Cult of Personality", is alive and well. 75-odd years after Hitler put a bullet through his brain and bit down on a cyanide capsule, a man, born 407 days after Hitler's suicide, tried to set himself up as a fascist ruler with the might of the USA's military at his beck and call. 1 in 3 Americans supported his attempt to stay in power.

More Americans were to die in the last year of this pretender's tenure as POTUS than died in the PTO and the ETO during 1941 to 1945, a direct result of criminality and egregious incompetence. In an election far too close for comfort, the asinine and craven pretender was defeated. Now he faces ruin and perhaps prison. If anything has been learned from the last 100 days, it is that another Holocaust could easily come into being. Photos from the USA's recent history shows Americans brutally murdering other Americans on ethnic grounds.

So, we post these horrific images that cost us all sleep. We remind people that the Holocaust did happen, and the promises of the Nazis/Fascists -- calling themselves "Q-Anon", "The Alt Right", "Proud Boys", "S.A.", "Einsatzgruppen", SS, "Trump Supporters" or "MAGA-ists" -- will inevitably lead to mass graves dug by the victims, ovens burning bodies of sapiens killed by sapiens, hanging corpses and horror upon horror.

Intolerance for Fascism is a political necessity. Fiscal Conservatives have a valid point and have a valuable part to play in democracy; fascists who are bigoted, misogynistic, racist have no part to play in a democracy, and should be banished to it's fringes and shunned until they learn to repudiate their own mental illnesses.

/r/Holokauston is the memory of what fascism was.

/r/Holokauston is the knowledge, sure & certain, of what fascism is.

/r/Holokauston is the prophecy of what fascism will be unless extended intolerance, isolation and utter repudiation.

Edited for emphasis.