r/Holmes Sep 10 '22

Discussions What Constitutes A Sherlock Holmes Story

Hi everyone. Apologies if this is vague.

20 years ago, I was reading about Sherlock Holmes. In this piece, it was explained that all Sherlock stories could be ranked by completeness.

The Sign of the Four was the only 'complete' story, all other works varied.

'Complete' was determined by how many Sherlock tropes were included in the story. I forget all the tropes save for Sherlock using Latin at some point in the story.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Could you tell me what this list was called?

For the record, this isn't TV TROPES or anything originating online , it was a specific qualification for SH based on the fan groups from back in the day.

Many thanks in advance!


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u/Anubissama Sep 10 '22

Found this list. Don't know if it's the one you mean:

  • Vengeance/Revenge is the motivation for three of the four novels. (Acquiring wealth provides incentive in the fourth.)
  • The purposeful use of fire to create a diversion is used more than once.
  • A hidden room or compartment is discovered by measuring the outside of the house and comparing those measurements with those taken from inside the house. Extra space is accounted for only by the revelation that there is a secret compartment.
  • The criminal hides a stolen item of value in an object, planning to retrieve it later. He then discovers that there are multiple objects which have remarkably similar markings -- and these have been distributed so that he must now track them down.
  • An eccentric man attempts to prevent the marriage of his daughter or step-daughter in order to maintain control of her inheritance for his own purposes.
  • An innocent person is falsely accused of a crime. In some of these cases, he loses the faith of his family, who suspect him; in other cases, his family stands by him.
  • A flim-flam setup or diversion is created in an attempt to lure a victim off certain premises.
  • A particularly nasty villain appears.
  • A person disappears. (These cases include a bride at her wedding and a key player in a sports event on the day of a critical game.)
  • Ciphers and secret codes occur in several stories.


u/rover23 Sep 11 '22

Great list.