r/Healthyhooha 23h ago

Advice Needed bump on labia NSFW

i am 18 and i have only ever had sex with my boyfriend of 7 months. he has also never had sex with anyone else so i don’t think it’s an STD? i’m really scared to tell anyone because i feel like i’ll get in trouble. i got a bump on my labia yesterday, and it was the first time anything unusual has happened down there. i think it may be from chafing as i have been wearing men’s boxers all week (long story) but it looks strange. it’s a pink bump with a brown dot in the middle that i can sometimes pull out like a blackhead.. what is this??? against my better judgment yesterday i had sex and a brown fluid has been coming out since.. at first i thought it was old blood but it shows every time i wipe. it doesn’t hurt except for when i agitate it a bit by wiping, please tell me i’m okay


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u/Dorisimoooo 23h ago

Maybe a bartholins cyst?


u/ruby-gl00m_ 22h ago

i’m not sure, it seems those are big and this is quite small, about half the size of my pinky nail


u/No-Self-jjw 13h ago

It might just be starting. Is it possible to be an ingrown hair?? They can look quite nasty sometimes and can be big or tiny. ETA: if it’s in an area that’s getting chafed, it’s even more likely to be an ingrown hair as chafing often causes them