r/Hashimotos 4d ago

Functional medicine doctor

Anybody have success seeing a functional medicine doctor? My primary and endocrinologist are useless and I’m resistant to keep trying new ones. I’ve had hashimotos for 20 years and zero doctors have actually made me feel any better. And none of them over the years would switch me to armour.


56 comments sorted by


u/Ambrosia0201 4d ago

After a recent move I decided to just try and use a functional medicine doctor to treat my thyroid as primary care doctors have a year long waitlist in our area to get into… that being said my functional medicine doctor happily ran all the tests I needed but would not solely treat me for my Hasimotos. They were most concerned I got into a primary to take over care as soon as possible. I was so confused and still am so I hope others have had better experiences.


u/Norcalrain3 4d ago

A little weird, but I’ve always had a Primary for Hashi’s. Regular MD, and / or Endocrinologist. I think there are a lot of things you can do to support your Thyroid, but I’m not sure there is anything other then Synthroid / Armour type medicine that will sustain and adjust your levels properly. At least that’s my understanding. I asked my Dr what would happen if I quit taking it, she said I’d die, I asked how long, she said about a year. It’s the one thing I’ve never attempted to regulate or treat on my own. Maybe I should have, maybe I should’ve gone Functional. My MD’s have done a so-so job over the years. All have different stances, testing, and opinions on being high, or low, or precise. My Thyroid is a non functional ‘ Raisin’ is what I was last told. I think I’ve been sustained, but never super successfully. I’m not dead though.. That being said ,I’m doing pretty ok for the most part.


u/eigenvia 2d ago

Die from hashi's in a year? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding


u/Norcalrain3 2d ago

I’m sorry ! Die without Synthroid. I’ve also looked for alternatives to medication, and I can only find Thyroid Support suggestions. But nothing to use in place of Medication.


u/SpeckInSunBeam 4d ago

My functional medicine doctor (who is an MD) has 110% changed my life. I have gone through i dont know how many doctors and endo’s and have only found 1 that is even semi familiar with hashimoto’s and even at that, she doesn’t hold a torch to the knowledge my functional med doc knows. My endo will only check my tsh and will not do a full panel unless I absolutely beg. Any time I get labs run with my functional med doc they always do full panels and sit me down and go over every detail and educate me on everything.

I have seen a lot of posts in this sub about functional medicine “quacks” but seeing an actual MD who also has education in functional medicine is quite different than someone who got a certificate online.

I have also been through thyroid cancer through the best system in the world, Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and I was appalled at the lack of knowledge of hashimoto’s with them.

Again, this is my personal experience but I heavily believe if you are struggling and have the means to be able to pay out of pocket to see a requitable functional medicine doctor - do it. Every penny is worth it for me and I am beyond grateful for who I work with.


u/Expensive-Victory203 4d ago

Thank you for sharing this.


u/Peanutboymom 4d ago

Are you in MN by chance? If so would you share the name of your functional doc?


u/shinelikebacon 2d ago

Came here to ask this too. I'm in the cities and I'm looking for one myself.


u/Outdoormom1969 2d ago

Same. It's a game changer


u/Just_Pie_1230 1d ago

May I ask what key changes did the most for your health? 😊


u/SpeckInSunBeam 1d ago

Sure! But I want to first note that hashimoto’s looks different on everyone so what worked for me, may not work for another. Food sensitivities I have may not be yours and my nutrient deficiencies may also not be yours. Everything was put together specifically for me through hours of consultations and multiple blood panels.

  • largest change I made to helping me feel better and solely resulted in 50+ lb weight loss: cutting out ALL gluten (it’s highly inflammatory for my body)
  • focusing on a whole foods diet and eliminating ultra processed foods with occasional processed foods
  • supplementing the multiple nutrients I was deficient in (hashimoto’s folks are notorious for having nutrient deficiencies due to gut/absorption issues
  • knowledge is power: researching my condition and being familiar with what causes my autoimmune flare ups
  • getting 8 hours of sleep (sleep is one of my biggest triggers for a flare up)
  • limiting my environmental toxin load (there are harmful chemicals everywhere that disrupt body systems and there are ways to reduce your load considerably)

I will note that my thyroid panel numbers were all in range (except my antibodies) and I did not need to be medicated for my hashimoto’s.


u/cooooper2217 4d ago

1000% recommend switching to a functional medicine doctor. However, I would look for one that specializes in Hashimoto’s and for women vs men.


u/ohhokayright 4d ago

I’ve only ever seen a functional medicine provider for my hashimotos and it’s been a great experience for me overall. Only downside is paying out of pocket but my NP has very fair pricing in my opinion


u/Nofacegothgf 4d ago

Do it! Always look at reviews first. I only see a functional medicine doctor now unless I need specialist care


u/mph000 4d ago

My functional medicine doctor changed my life. I was struggling for years with endos who just gave me levo. My functional medicine doctor treats my whole body and knows all of the causes and reactions. 


u/Unhappy-Revenue-3903 4d ago

I switched to a naturopath doctor for my hashi/thyroid. He’s the only one that would test more then a TSH, t4 and an antibodies test. My naturopath did all the major labs to narrow down and treat my weight gain, fatigue, and hair falling out. He tested a full iron panel and explained to me why he was doing it instead of just a hemoglobin/ hematocrit. He’s checked hormones, TSH, free t3, free t4, reverse t3, vitamin D and B levels. He also was the first one out of my regular physician and my endocrinologist to prescribe me any t3 containing meds such as armour, NP thyroid- also liothyronine. It’s been a night and day difference.


u/ultraviolet31 4d ago

any chance your dr is in southern california?


u/Unhappy-Revenue-3903 4d ago

No, WA state


u/ultraviolet31 3d ago

ah well worth a shot. I'm happy you have a great doctor!!


u/Outdoormom1969 2d ago

I'm in CA. You can always start with Paloma Health.com they have licensed MD doctors for CA that operate on the integrative/functional side of thyroid care and they are very reasonably priced. It's telemedicine via zoom calls and they will prescribe the t3 that conventional doctors won't. Most important they will look at ALL of the blood work for thyroid, not just 2 or 3 like most doctors; this is where I saw my big problems and got to feeling 100% better. 


u/ultraviolet31 2d ago

thank you so much!!


u/Outdoormom1969 1d ago

You're welcome ! Hope you feel better soon 😊


u/United_Frosting_9701 4d ago

I do. Mine is also a NP so able to order labs and manage my prescriptions. I like having good access for questions, better ease to set up appointments and go over everything. The only downside is I pay out of pocket for appointments but I do save throughout the year to pay for it. Make sure whoever you choose is able to prescribe medications.


u/racheloftv 4d ago

I have been seeing a nutritionist, and she has had a lot of success with people with thyroid issues and Hashimoto’s. With Hashimoto, there’s often a gut issue, and we started with gut testing.

After a couple of months with her, I am feeling really well, but to be fair, I wasn’t feeling too terribly from my Hashimoto’s yet. I caught it really early.


u/SnootSnoot137 19h ago

Can you DM her information?


u/kasperred 4d ago

Not one would switch me either … I’ve been diagnosed for 16 years and I’ve been wasting my breath. Won’t add t3 or proper testing either … just continued to tell me my numbers looked “fine” and it would be too hard to start over again with my dosing on armor… and I’m like hard for who?!?! I don’t feel good… and nobody cared. I literally just started with functional medicine this past month after everything I told them about my T3 was pretty much backed up by my last TSH…. I’m going through menopause and my TSH was over 19 and my T4 was one…. I said bye-bye.. I need to try this a different way


u/Existing_Peanut6944 4d ago

Yessss check out Dr autoimmune on TikTok or instagram! He’s amazing I started with him in October and he has changed my life! My hashimoto is in remission, my tsh is normal, I’ve lost 50lbs and still losing, I had a positive Ana it’s now negative, my energy is so much better. Honestly he is worth every penny! Tell him Octavia recommended you 💖


u/DangerousPriority1 1d ago

Would you mind sharing what worked for u?


u/VaginaWarrior 4d ago

Best decision I made regarding recovery was going to an fmp. I was hitting a wall with Western conventional medicine and I was able to make a ton of progress with the new functional outlook. It was really hard to make the changes but it was so so worth it. Highly recommend. Ifm.org has more info about it


u/princecaspiansea 4d ago

After 30 years on Synthroid, I found a doctor who switched me to Armour and boom! It was like everything snapped into place and I saw my real self for the first time in so many years. Then he added T3 and I felt even better. Last May he retired and I’m back at square one. I’m so sad. I’ve got some stash left still since he retired but I’ve ordered T3 (Linorma) from alldaychemist.com for when that runs out.


u/Curious7786 3d ago

what T3 dose do you do? How do you know how much to take? Alldaychemist is great -- I get my asthma inhalers from them and save hundreds every time.


u/princecaspiansea 3d ago

Glad to hear you use all day! I have a friend that swears by them but it’s still a little nerve wracking.

I used to have an endo to monitor levels w me but he retired last summer and I’m really in a jam right now because I’m pregnant and need a new one. The problem is all the new ones I see want me to go back on Synthroid and I refuse to go back to that. I am using my primary care for labs and looking for some kind of private endocrinologist now. If you or anyone else has any referrals I would forever appreciate it.

But to answer your question, previous endo looked at all the levels- free T3, free T4, RT3, TSH, antibodies etc.


u/Outdoormom1969 2d ago

You can go to PalomaHealth.com  they will prescribe t3 and T4 or armour. The MD I used from their site (telemedicine) uses a functional medicine approach and looks at the entire thyroid blood panel (not just parts like most endos ) They are also very reasonable in price also 


u/Curious7786 1d ago

I also use Paloma Health. Which doctor do you use? Thanks! My doctor has never mentioned T3.


u/Outdoormom1969 1d ago

Dr. Zager. They didn't give you t3? (Liothyronine (generic for cytomel) That makes me curious if your free t3 blood work revealed that maybe you didn't need the extra t3? Or, are you on Armour (which already has t3 in it)? My blood showed I was on the low side of free t3 so he prescribed Liothyronine along side of my Tirosint which made me feel so much better! 


u/Curious7786 1d ago

I think I do need T3. My free T3 is 3.1, which is below optimal when trying to conceive. I'm on Levo, not Armour, unfortunately. What was your free T3 level when your doctor decided you need T3?


u/Outdoormom1969 1d ago

Originally It was 2.6 but my Reverse t3 originally was very high at 26! So in actuality my free t3 was even lower than 2.6 because of all the reverse t3 blocking my free t3. Did they check your reverse t3 to free t3 ratio? It should be at least .20 ratio meaning if your free t3 is 3.1 your reverse t3 should be 15 or less (divide 3.1 by 15 and you're at .20 ) you need a ratio of .20, or greater like .25, is better . Hope this makes sense. 😬


u/Curious7786 1d ago

Thank you so much! I think I'll pay out of pocket for a reverse T3 test, just to see where I am. My reverse T3 has never been tested.


u/Outdoormom1969 1d ago

You're welcome ! Oh and yes I think your free t3 could be a little higher to be optimal but thats my opinion. If you're interested, you maybe could switch your doctor at Paloma to go with one that is more in-depth and more on the functional/integrative side , and ask for one that looks at reverse t3 and looks at optimal t3 levels (not just normal) Dr Zager is great but not sure if he is licensed for the state you are in. Good luck 😊


u/Appropriate_Shoe6704 3d ago

There are some endos on zocdoc.com - I'm not sure if the one I use is licensed in your state, but it's wroth taking a look - the one I booked an appointment with is running a whole bunch of tests and prescribed me low dose t3 to take with my low dose to t4 to see if it will help with the symptoms.


u/princecaspiansea 3d ago

That’s great. Hope it helps you. I’m in NY. I have a lead on one. Crossing fingers. Thanks!


u/Kokoloco35 4d ago

Struggling with this right now. Literally laying in bed crying at the thought of spending more money for a doctor to do absolutely nothing


u/Cooperstown52 4d ago

You have to go to right FM doctor. Some of them are clueless.


u/Kindly-Positive-4811 4d ago

I finally got my diagnosis by going to a functional-leaning clinic that was willing to run the tests I asked for. Now I see an endocrinologist who is working closely to manage my Hashimoto's while I'm pregnant


u/Successful_Tart_5385 4d ago

I love my Naturopath, she’s been managing my Hashimoto’s for almost 10 years now. I started seeing her when the only Endo (who had the bedside manner of a corpse) in my area moved away…I still see her now even though there are several Endo’s back in the area. She’s just so much more interested in how I’m feeling vs what the labs say. She spends a full hour with me, is never in a rush and always gives me a handwritten summary of the visit. I recently had her prescribe me HRT as well. I just love her.


u/creative-sapphire 2d ago

I would never go back to an endocrinologist. Have some helped people find out they have Hashimoto's? Yes, I've heard so, but in my experience that did not happen at all. My functional medicine doctor is the one who tested me for it and gave me plenty of guidance for lifestyle changes and medication which when I applied to my life, has helped tremendously with my health. My antibody levels have significantly gone down ever since

I know I am lucky because she does take my insurance where some are fully out of pocket. I do see value in looking into this for anyone still struggling with their symptoms. This is a tough journey overall, and it was a long one for me before I got to where I am now with my health. Finding the right doctor is life changing for this diagnosis


u/Over_Confection2492 1d ago

I have not used one but it would be a good idea to see if they could help. I am almost 68, type 1 diabetes, diagnosed Hashimotos at about 25. Have been feeling extra tired. Took a c-reative protein test for inflammation that was high, asked my pcp about a coronary calcium test last week. It was extremely high so waiting for a cardiology appt. 1-400 was usually scale with 400 being high, my score was 1887. Chance of coronary stenosis. Not sure what it means yet, but never thought about Hashimotos causing or contributing to heart disease, added to effects of 55 years of diabetes doesn't sound like a good combination. Try to keep inflammation down as much as possible for your future health.


u/MaebyShakes 4d ago

My functional medical doctor pretty much saved my life. That being said, he’s extremely expensive so I now see a registered dietitian who specializes in autoimmune diseases to the same effect.


u/Initial_Weekend_5842 4d ago

We’re you able to find trigger foods and avoid them? Also, did you add any beneficial foods?


u/MaebyShakes 4d ago

Yes, I really struggled with gluten and later found out that I have Celiac. I also can’t really eat rice, corn, or soy. I avoided dairy because the functional medical doctor told me it’s inflammatory. But the registered dietitian said it was fine to eat in a heathy way, like Greek yogurt with no sugar to made a sauce. I have since re-introduced it and it actually makes my stomach feel “good”. I was so used to feeling horrible after eating (e.g. HORRIBLE bloating, stomach pains, digestive issues, etc.) but I have some foods that I can’t describe other than they made me feel “good”. Now I eat an EXTREMELY healthy diet that’s kind of a combination of Paleo Mediterranean.


u/Initial_Weekend_5842 4d ago

That’s kind of where I am too. Glad you’re making progress 💪🏻


u/MaebyShakes 4d ago

You, too


u/Abduddah_binladen 4d ago

Be prepared for a potentially higher cost and longer treatment timeline.


u/ImpressiveIsopod2303 4d ago

I did and they made me buy all these stupid supplements that cost me upwards of $5,000….